[No Surrender] Winter v. Mickie James (C) [Knockouts Championship]

Who wins?

  • Winter

  • Mickie James

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
No Surrender 2011
Winter v. Mickie James (C)
Knockouts Championship






All discussion here.​
i wanna go with winter to win i really do but at the same time it seems tna loves mickie as the champ and she just won the title back but at the same time i see winter leaving with the title...gah what the hell im gonna go with winter to pick up the victory here as i can see a 4 way knockouts title match at BFG between winter,angelina,mickie and velvet....weird how thats almost the same match as last year just replace madison and tara with winter and mickie but either way im hoping velvet gets the title soon
Oddly enough, the girls don't win my pick for the match where I go grab a snack or check facebook this time. This will be an ok match, but it definitely won't steal the show. Mickie just recently got the belt, so why give it back to Winter now? This is Mickie's record breaking 8th Womens Championship run, and that's why she needs to be booked to dominate the entire division in a long title reign. She absolutely needs to retain here because it makes her title wins look less significant if they are too short. I'm not expecting much, although it will at least be worth watching.

Mickie James will retain the Knockouts Championship.
As much as I want Winter to win, I don't think she is going too. I give this match to Mickie James. As much as I am already tired of Hardcore Country holding the belt I know she will win. She is going to need this win and a dominating reign as someone above said she is now an 8 time title holder. Sure TNA will probably fuck this all up and what not but hopefully they don't. This match will be decent and hopefully about 8 minutes or so. For these two are good in the ring. But I see maybe Angelina Love somehow coasting Winter the win.
Winner Mickie James
my pick is mickie james and have mickie vs. velvet sky at bound for glory. i just have a feeling that at bfg 2k11 were going to see tna orginals shine

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