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No Surrender: Taylor Wilde vs. Angelina Love


SmackDown! is MY Show
TNA Women's Knockout Championship
Taylor Wilde (c) vs. Angelina Love

Well looks like the leader of the "beautiful people" will get her shot at gold as her partner in crime was defetaed multiple times in record time by Taylor on iMPACT! a few weeks ago. I dont know what to think of this match as Taylor really seems lost with the championship and I think this be a perfect time to get the belt off her as I see more interesting storylines coming out with Love as champion rather than Taylor. This match has been getting some buildup, but even the buildup that it has been getting I still am not interested in any idea seeing Taylor walk out as champion. It will be an ok match as I expect Sky to intervene and prolly someone like Roxxi or something get invloved for Taylor. But I just hope after this that Love is the new champion as I feel she bring more personality to the title than what Taylor does now.
I am actually looking forward to this match. Taylor Wilde can wrestle pretty good but really hasn't been able to show it, either because she was being squashed by Kong or squashing Velvet Sky. I think these two could match up well together. Neither are as good as say Gail Kim, but I think it will still be a decent match. Angelina Love has alot of charisma and I feel like she is the "stronger" of the Beautiful People. Love plays her heel character well, and her mic skills are not the "best" but she really makes you hate her when she talks so "slow". I always feel like she over prounacitates everything which may show she's not the best "talker" but it makes you hate her which is good for her character. I hope both ladies go all out and I see Wilde retaining, but would be happy if Love could get the pin.
Angleina Love is certainly the more talented of the two ''Beautiful People'', but she's still not great. It's a shame that Gail Kim appears to be leaving. I suspected that it would be her vs. Wilde at BFG, but with her possibly going that probably won't be the case. TNA should at least try to get Kim to lose to wilde on the way out.
I love how this is now a Pay per view match, when Love v. Wilde happened on iMPACT! roughly 2-3 times in the span of 5 minutes. I think this is T.N.A.'s way to both, drag out a feud in a new low time span.. AND run it into the ground, all in one.

I don't see how Angelina Love gained this Championship match to begin with. Why isn't O.D.B. or even Roxxi getting the opportunity? I think the only reason Kong isn't in yet another Championship match is by the looks of it, it's gonna happen at Bound For Glory.

I think Raisha Saeed (sp?) needs to get a shot. Furthermore, I would've felt that Raisha gaining that shot at this p.p.v., could've set-up even better for a Kong/Wilde B.F.G. match.
The only reason this match is on PPV is because it's live from oshawa ,ontario, canada and they want to put as many Canadian wrestlers on the card as they possibly can. That'S pretty much it. Plus it's a match that hasn'T been done before. These 2 never met in a one on one match before in TNA. Has for who should win, with Gail Kim probably gone from TNA i'm thinking that Taylor Wilde will probably be the new face of the knockout division so she shouldn'T lose the belt for a couple of months, so she should retain.
The only reason this match is on PPV is because it's live from oshawa ,ontario, canada and they want to put as many Canadian wrestlers on the card as they possibly can. That'S pretty much it. Plus it's a match that hasn'T been done before. These 2 never met in a one on one match before in TNA. Has for who should win, with Gail Kim probably gone from TNA i'm thinking that Taylor Wilde will probably be the new face of the knockout division so she shouldn'T lose the belt for a couple of months, so she should retain.

Wait? Hasn't it though? Maybe I'm confused now, but wasn't it Angelina Love who lost to Taylor Wilde like two straight times on iMPACT! in the span of like 3 minutes? Or was it Velvet Sky?

I could've swore it was Love, but now you have me thinking I could be wrong. I'm not sure. Either way, I agree with your bit about the fact that it's a Canadian p.p.v. which means Love will actually go in as the face and I wouldn't doubt her picking up the victory, only to drop the title back on the following iMPACT!
I agree with your bit about the fact that it's a Canadian p.p.v. which means Love will actually go in as the face and I wouldn't doubt her picking up the victory, only to drop the title back on the following iMPACT!

I can't see that happening Will. You mean Wilde dropps the title...on PPV? No chance. Yeah I can see a change on iMPACT. I'm assuming that if they film some shows on the Monday they'll still be in Canada. But now way will they change the belt at No Surrender. TNA just doesn't do that. You know why?

tv ratings

Thank you Glenn.
Will, it was Sky who lost the two times in a row to Wilde in a span of 5 minutes, not love.

Anyways Angelina Love doesn't need the belt, since she is already over and gets alot of heat, but the belt could help elevate the beautiful people even more and make them more hated. Also if Loves wins then she can feud with the two biggest faces in TNA(since Kim left) Roxxi & ODB. It's pretty obvious that Love was the one chose based on it being in Canada and she should get a very warm welcome. Like I said this match might be good since they both can "wrestle" somewhat and we haven't really seen Wilde be able to get the opportunity to show her skills because she is usually either being squashed by Kong, or squashing Velvet. I hope that Wilde retains, Kong beats her later on, and then feuds with Cheerleader Melissa(who is Saaid) which could make everything interesting,
This just sounds like a match that's occuring so the Knockouts get air time. I see little to no chance that Wilde loses the belt here. She may lose the match, but no way on the belt. The ladies are apparently the biggest draw the company has, and the Beautiful People are probably the biggest part of that. Putting the belt on one of them sounds liek the road to a split, and I can't picture TNA doing that to them yet. EIther way it should be passable I guess. Nothing great, nothign awful.

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