[No Surrender] Matt Morgan v. Samoa Joe

Who wins?

  • Matt Morgan

  • Samoa Joe

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
No Surrender 2011
Matt Morgan v. Samoa Joe




All discussion here.​
im gonna go with morgan to pick up the victory here over joe as i feel that hogan wants to push matt morgan to the moon and having him job to joe wouldnt make sense at all but i could see a possible DQ ending here
I like both guys, but ladies and gentlemen, I give you my pick for the match where I am most likely to check facebook or go grab a snack from the fridge. Hmmm.... I still have one Hot Pocket left, so I will probably save it for just that. Oh, right, the match. Well, this is a match between two of the guys who have the worst booking in the federation. Both of them should be main eventing and multi-time world champions by this point. It's obvious that TNA doesn't care about them that much, so why should I care about this match? Samoa Joe wins because he has been showing his dominant side more lately, but that doesn't mean I care or that the booking team does. I really REALLY hope things turn around for both guys, they need to be in the world title scene where they belong. Not stuck in pointless feuds that go nowhere.

Samoa Joe will defeat Matt Morgan.
I'd like to see Matt Morgan win and finally take steps into the main event scene. I mean, I've been waiting for him to become a world champ since 2008 and I'm surprised he hasn't won the title once since then. That said, I would LIKE to see Morgan be the one to pick up the win here. However, because TNA seems intent on pushing Joe as an unstoppable monster who wants to destroy everyone in his way don't be surprised to see Joe to come out with the win. Of course, TNA could go down the route of having Morgan pick up the win and Joe viciously beating him down post-match to keep him looking strong.

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