[No Surrender] Kurt Angle (C) v. Sting v. Mr. Anderson [W. Heavyweight Championship]

Who wins?

  • Kurt Angle

  • Sting

  • Mr. Anderson

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It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &
No Surrender 2011
Kurt Angle (C) v. Sting v. Mr. Anderson
TNA World Heavyweight Championship






All discussion here.​
I think it's pretty obvious that Angle is winning this one. Anderson loses and goes on to face Bully Ray at Bfg. While Sting loses and goes on to face Hogan at Bfg. Angle retains here and goes on to headline in the main event of Bfg.
pretty easy to see that Angle wins. Sting is moving on to Hogan and i will guess that Anderson takes on Bully Ray and beats him while Angle moves on to likely Bobby Rhoode. As for the match, hopefully it's a good match with a clean victory, but it seems that in every TNA Match, there's a ref bump, so i wont be surprised if the ref gets bumped, but hopefully it's a match without the ref getting bumped because that's getting old for me.
Wow. Why do you overpost these forums? Enough is enough already. I participated in your silly poll, but just to clue you in. Wrestling is fake....It's scripted. Santa Clause is not real, The easter bunny can not lay eggs.
Going to have to go Angle here. Anderson and Sting both have feuds brewing for BFG.

I think its going to be Angle and Gunner for some reason.
as much as id love to see anderson win the title here smart money goes with kurt angle to retain and move on to face roode (most likley) at BFG while sting moves on to hogan and anderson fueds with bully ray again...honestly the only way i see anderson walking out of this match with the title is if Bully Ray ends up being the winner of the BFG series which hopefully doesnt happen
It has to be Angle it would make more sense not to have him drop the Title until Bound for Glory and if the winner wins the Title it will add so much prestigue to the Series and who better to win the title from than Kurt Angle that will elevate anyone in that series.
Whilst i mention the Series i am sure its going to be Roode vs Storm in the final and Roode will win.
Angle will likely win this. It would make the most sense for the winner of the Bound For Glory series to have to face the best guy on the roster. His recent issues with the law might come into play, but I hope that it does not ruin his title run. Nothing against Anderson or Sting but it would not seem as significant if the winner of the series faces either of them. MAYBE Sting, but certainly not Anderson. The match will probably close the show and also be one of the better matches of the night. I've got Angle winning because he would make a perfect opponent for either Roode or Storm after they win the Bound For Glory series. Even if Bully Ray wins, or if pigs start flying and Gunner won, Angle is still the right guy for the job.

Kurt Angle will retain the TNA World Championship.
Personally I'd like to see Mr Anderson win, as he's one of my favourite wrestlers, but I'm not really expecting the Asshole to win here. As most have mentioned, Kurt Angle is the best guy to walk into Bound For Glory as the TNA World Heavyweight Champion. As whoever wins the BFG Series, Angle could have a great match with them.

Kurt Angle is probably TNA's biggest star so it makes sense for him to be the World Champion at their biggest PPV. I think it's a bit of a shame that this match hasn't really had much of build but I'm still expecting it to be a pretty good contest. This is a match between 3 of TNA's biggest stars, so the intrigue is there for me, and I'm looking forward to seeing it.

I'll be hoping Mr Anderson wins but I won't be holding my breathe. Kurt Angle to retain here and go on to defend the World Title at Bound For Glory.
Im a Pittsburgh guy, and Kurt Angle is something of a folk hero around here. Between winning the gold medal in 1996 to all of his accomplishments in professional wrestling to his modest film career to his food line, any Angle appearance is generally a big deal. Friends call friends who call 2nd relatives who tell their wives(also their second cousins) when Kurt Angle is signing at a mall or a Giant Eagle grocery store. These appearances by Angle rival any other wrestler when he's in town, including a Randy Orton or a John Cena.

So it surprised me pleasantly this week when I heard so many people talking about Kurt's championship match this Sunday, with the belief that he should lose the title? Why? Because people are frustrated and tired of hearing about their hometown hero getting popped for drunk driving, or carrying contraband. Most of the people Ive talked to have mentioned that their biggest concern is for Angle's wellbeing, as it is mine. Im surprised the backlash surrounding him within the IWC isn't more then it is.

I want to buy the notion that TNA will handle discipline from top to bottom on a level playing field. With the recent release of Matt Hardy for his first DWI within the the past month, the logical step of "level playing field" in terms of discipline would be to have Angle drop the title here. But it won't happen.

However, I will say this about TNA. They take Bound For Glory seriously as their big PPV of the year, so they will want the best match possible for the main event. Mr. Anderson and Sting simply aren't capable of delivering a main event match at their biggest PPV of the year. Kurt ANgle is fully capable of delivering said match, so I expect him to win here. With the BFG series likely to be won by a newcomer to the main event scene(likely Storm or Roode), it will tie in nicely with Angle's threat to tear the young talent apart one by one. It wouldn't be a TNA PPV without Immortal interferring, so Angle will retain with help.

Prediction: Kurt Angle will retain the World Heavyweight Championship
First of all, this is the world title match and is going to be one of the feature matches. Angle, Anderson and Sting are all draws still. And yet this match was announced three days ago in a backstage segment halfway through the show. This is what we're talking about when we say there's no effort put into the PPV build. If I was a casual fan and I didn't catch the second half of Impact, I'd have no idea what the title match was and I'd have little reason to buy the show and give TNA my money.

As for the match, it'll be the same stuff these three always give us. It's nothing great and would be destroyed by most WWE PPV main events but in TNA marks eyes it'll be a "very good match" and "well worth the money", which means it'll be ok or maybe even decent but nothing we hvaen't see a dozen times or so before because these three have had so many matches between them that it's just dull. TNA has taken over WWE's spot as king of the three ways and the novelty and interest has worn off on me. I'll go with Angle like everyone else though.
Im Likely Also going with Angle with immortal they have to keep the big championship and i would say that either hogan or bischoff will be getting involved in this match because they dont want sting or anderson as champ. in bfg i see anderson going against gunner and sting indeed facing hogan if immortal doesn't get involved with thursday match against flair.

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