No Surrender- Knockout Championship: ODB Vs. Cody Deaner


I can do whatever I want
So it was just announced on Impact that due to Deaner pinning Angelina at Hard Justice that Foley would hold onto the belt until No Surrender. There Deaner will go against ODB with the title on line.

My first thought was, fuck you TNA! Really? Did we not just see this 3 months ago in WWE? Is your knockout division not praised for being great and a highlight of the company? Why would you even bother letting Deaner compete?

And knowing how stupid TNA has been as of late I wouldn't be surprised to see Deaner win. Hopefully TNA is just using this little side-show feud to help highlight and not outshine the introduction of the tag titles.

I actually feel bad for ODB. Although she is a comedy character, and not the best wrestler, she's over on her own and doesn't need Deaner around(unlike Santino & Beth, because Santino was over and Beth wasn't). She deserves a decent reign. And hopefully she beats Deaner and get's that.
Well I had the same reaction to this match that you did M_F..."Why?"

How many times has it been shown that involving a man into the Women's Title picture is a stupid, stupid idea? Seriously, has this angle ever been successful? I don't remember Hervina going over very well.

This is going to be a piss break match at best. Deaner is a waste of air, and ODB has simply outgrown her welcome in TNA. I won't be paying much of any attention to this match. Here's to hoping they atleast keep the title on a woman though, the more TV time Deaner gets the more I die a little inside.
If this match gets more then a minute I will be surprised. I can piss in about that time, and I don't hope the match is still going when I come back.

It's just a shame the title is currently being used... as a prop, when there were decent feuds going on beforehand, and some great Knockouts in contention.
I don't watch a lot of TNA, but this is making me think that they are creating the Knockouts Tag Titles to make up for them burying this title. You take a guy who seems to be a TNA's version of Santino and put him against someone who doesn't seem like that good of a woman for the Knockouts Belt on a PPV? This is terrible, I just hope this belt is put on a legitimate competitor after this mess is over.
I'm in agreement with you all. This makes no sense. If TNA wants inter-gender action, they should have pitted Awesome Kong vs Somoa Joe for the X-division title. I think most fans would have been more intrigued by this than the BS of Deaner vs ODB. But it is TNA, so what can you expect?
So it was just announced on Impact that due to Deaner pinning Angelina at Hard Justice that Foley would hold onto the belt until No Surrender. There Deaner will go against ODB with the title on line.

I thought it was because he knocked out Mike Tyson and Chuck Norris?

Anyway, this is an awful idea on TNA's part. I get that the Knockout's tag team tourney is taking a lot of time away from the singles title, but that doesn't mean Deaner has to be in this match. There is no reason for him to be near any titles, much less the Knockout's Title.

He isn't talented in the ring, he isn't a women, and he isn't even funny. If TNA really wanted a throwaway feud here, it should've been at least against a women. Traci would be a good choice so that they could give the belt to the Mafia.

This match is just a horrible idea and is only going to make people say the TNA is "copying off of the WWE" or "typical TNA." I don't see any reason for this feud or match to be happening. It's likely only going to be 3 minutes, all of which will be a waste. ODB should definetly win here, mainly due to the fact that she is acutally a female, but who knows what will happen?
Man, what the hell?!?!?!?! I've seen this shit before, I didn't like it then and I don't like it now. Men involved in women's title pictures never comes out to be entertaining. It's just kind of sad really.

Cody Deaner is a complete waste of space, I can't believe TNA is actually gone through with this and has even put this guy on ppv matches. If they just simply had to do this dumbass thing, why not just do it on Impact? Hornswoggle is awful in the WWE, but at least they don't put him on a ppv. As for ODB, I'm mostly just tired of her. She's just gotten stale to me. The whole amalgam of every half drunken, white trash barfly thing was refreshing once upon a time, but now it's just...I dunno...

One good thing though, it would give me a little opportunity to take the clothes outta the washing matchine and put 'em in the dryer. In that case, thank you TNA for considering the pain in the ass that is my laundry night.
This is epically stupid. Deaner is pure shit, and only got a pop because he did what we all wanted to do, and smacked Velvet on the ass, and didn't get fired for it. If there's any justice in the world, ODB will hit him with a finisher and pin him, making this match last about 10 seconds. I still don't buy her with the title, but I guess it shows time served really does stand for something...
I believe that the WWE did this angle a couple of times where a male won a female title & was not taken seriously at all. Nobody wanted to see it & the comedy that went along with it was not memorable. I don't know why TNA is doing such a thing with the amount of KnockOut's they have on the roster who know how to wrestle. Cody Deaner is their for comedic purposes, & he is not even doing it well.

I really think TNA is stooping to a new low with this match. Having Deaner win would make them bet their all-time record. All I have to say is thank God for the tag team titles for the KnockOut's division if this is going to keep up.
I seen this coming from a mile and about 5 months away. Mainly from the instant Deaner was kept on-board after his whole "win a date" storyline. Hes constantly lost matches in record times, and only been used to be the TNA equivalent to Santino Marella. So, with that being said of course he has the ability to win the Knockout's Championship.. but with any luck, likely won't.

His claim to fame has already come, with pinning Velvet (I don't believe it was Angelina) and winning the match, as well as the Knockouts title. (even if it was originally for ODB) I doubt he gets a victory over ODB, short of ODB laying down herself.

Which, ironically is a theory I've had in my head. When you consider how often ODB has mocked the division, including the Championship, by calling it the "Knocked Up" title.. I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she laid down and allowed him to pin her, only to show this as being a fluke or a staged type of thing.

Now, what will that do overall? Nothing truly. The majority of Wrestling fans aren't Female wrestling fans, and TNA as well as the WWE knows this. Their 'bread & butter' isn't Female wrestling, but with TNA at least they have the talent and quality that they don't need to rely on stupidity like this. All in all though, I'm hoping ODB makes very short and quick work of Deaner, takes the title and has a short reign herself.

I can't stand either ODB, or Deaner, so this is the perfect match-up for the "I don't give a shit who wins" category.
I know TNA is trying to get some comedy put into they're shows. But the way they are going about it with Cody Deaner being the TNA Knockouts Champion doesn't work for me. The Knockouts division is great! I love watching these lady's compete. By giving Cody the strap they are just making a laughing stock out of it. I don't know if they are trying to get Cody Deaner to be the Santino of the WWE but they need to end this and end it soon! Especially with Bound For Glory just around the corner.
This is the problem with TNA’s pay per views, while they do have some matches that have a storyline, most of the time it ends up being a match people want to see. They need to focus on putting matches that people want to see on ppv’s and reserving the comedy matches that people are annoyed by on Impact.

There’s absolutely no reason for a match like this to be taking up time on a pay per view. The time that this match is going to be allotted should be given to a different match that people want to actually see and will be entertaining.

I really hope that they give the title to ODB even though I haven’t liked her in quite a while. It would make me really disappointed if they put the belt on Deaner because the knockouts division have been at times the best thing in TNA and having Deaner hold the belt would just be a stupid decision. Anyways, I expect this match to hopefully end quickly so that they can move on to something that will probably be better than the pile of crap this match will probably be.

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