No More X Division?

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JC CooL 420
PWTorch has learned that TNA is considering scrapping the X Division, which has been part of the company since its inception.

There is no official timetable for when the Division would be scrapped or if TNA will phase it out over time in 2011.

Caldwell's Analysis:
There are two ways of looking at this. The X Division and its wrestlers have progressively been reduced to opening-match acts and the belt has little value. So, it could potentially give wrestlers slotted in the Division a fresh start without being pigeonholed as "X Division high-spot artists with no character development."

The other way of looking at is being pigeonholed actually gave wrestlers "of a certain size" a measure of job security because they filled a specific role on the show, even if the role was an opening-match act. Without that specific role to fill, it removes job security for certain wrestlers.

It will be up to TNA's writing team to actually develop wrestlers "of a certain size" without depending on the soon-to-be-defunct "X Division" label to give the wrestlers the slightest bit of marketability.

That's from

What the hell? I hope this isn't true?

I would rather the TV Title be scrapped.

The X Division is what made TNA and is a better mid-card title. It produced stars out of Christopher Daniels, AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and others.

I agree with the analysis in the first post, though, as the X Division Title has clearly been undervalued and is used as primarily a curtain jerker. Hopefully, it will be around, but sadly it does look like it will either go away or continue to be used as a means of getting fans into the show early in the tv taping/pay-per-view.
If the X-Division has no potential of getting better anytime soon, I hope they scrap it, because the condition it's in right now is absolutely pathetic.

As far as I'm concerned, it's been dead for at least a year. The X-Division title is the only remnant of a once prominent division.

I'm sad to see it go from a nostalgic stand point. The X-Division made TNA what it is today. One could say that if it wasn't for the Division, there would be no TNA right now, or at least it wouldn't become what it became.

Unfortunately TNA is no longer focused on their wrestling, it's more storyline-driven, and they gotta make space for Bischoff to talk for 30 minutes, instead of giving the X-Division a few matches to warm the crowd up.

I know that there isn't enough time for it, and it's not a huge priority now (for some reason), but if TNA gave a shit about it, it would be going strong right now. The Division is dead. Pull the plug and get it over with.
What made the X Division the X Division was the likes of AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels, Samoa Joe, etc.

TNA, the former regime, that is, fucked themselves when they failed to capitalize on the immense pool of talent that performed behind those three, because what eventually happened (which is not Hogan or Bischoff's fault, but rather TNA management prior to them) is AJ, Joe and Daniels graduated to the main event while their would-be replacements were never found because they were never built.

TNA killed it's own X Division, not Hogan or Bischoff, though this report seems to indicate they're willing to put the final nail in its' coffin, which is a shame.

They've been juggling two mid-card titles for a while now, unsuccessfully, so I'd imagine one of the two would eventually be eradicated/fused/dissolved/whatever – just a shame that it's the X Division and not the TV Title.
I think that this report is complete BS. Over the last three Impact Tapings, two Indy Wrestlers El Generico and TJ Perkins who are X-Division type wrestlers recieved try-out matches and it was said they both put on really good matches, So if there are plans to scrap the Division all together why would they give these guys try out matches that doesn't make sense to me. I have also read reports on other sites that said they may move one member of Gen Me and one member of the MCMG to help the X-Division. Until I see it scrapped completely I'm going to believe that this report is False.
Yes!! I really hope they do this! Please, let them be that stupid! Every time Hogan, Bischoff, Russo, or anyone else they've got now makes a decision around there, the ratings drop. This would likely be the worst decision yet. ROH's HDNet deal is up in April. It would really be helpful if TNA went ahead and ran themselves out of business by March so Spike could go ahead and hand over their TV deal without too much muss, fuss, or absence from TV for Ring of Honor.

On second thought, they won't do this, though. They just scheduled Destination X to go head-to-head with Money in the Bank in July. Maybe they're going to attempt to dismantle the X-Division and then run a Destination X PPV? That'd be right up there with Bash at the Beach 2000.
I know people will disagree with me with me on this, but if this happens I am for real done with TNA, I mean C'mon The X Division is what made TNA. Sure It sucks without the like's of Daniels and Homicide, but if TNA really wanted to rebuild the X Division and make it good then they definitely could, There's plenty of Indie wrestlers, I'm sure TNA could bring in to build the X Division and If they actually gave it some longer air time on the show like in the good ol days, I mean remember when the X Division would main event??? What the hell happened, I pray to god TNA don't go through with this!!
Please let TNA be that idiotic. The first match that got me into that company was an X Division match. All they have left are good tag matches and a good women's wrestling(minus a few of them). If they get rid of it....

I have nothing else to say on this matter. It's a stupid move if this is true.
Not for nothing I'm okay with this. The X Division got Aj and Joe over long with a couple other guys. The division served a purpose then. Right now it has no value. Scrap the Tv title too. Bring in the rumored US title and make it mean something.
I have no interest in the X Division anymore. It's run its course and built some stars but now its a waste. Hopefully the book can make the new title prestigious otherwise they are screwed.
I just had a thought. What if TNA is scrapping the X-Division belt to allow the TV Title to be the secondary title instead of having 3 major singles belts? Think about it. TNA (up till about 2 years ago) ran things very much like ROH runs their promotion, and ROH scrapped the Pure title to allow for the TV title to become the secondary belt.

Don't get me wrong: I'd rather see the TV title get scrapped, but it seems that the TV title will incorporate the X-division and the other talent who're peeking at the ME scene but aren't quite ready yet. It would definitely force management to shore up the roster and get rid of the dead weight. As others have said, I gotta see it to believe it.
I think that this report is complete BS. Over the last three Impact Tapings, two Indy Wrestlers El Generico and TJ Perkins who are X-Division type wrestlers recieved try-out matches and it was said they both put on really good matches, So if there are plans to scrap the Division all together why would they give these guys try out matches that doesn't make sense to me. I have also read reports on other sites that said they may move one member of Gen Me and one member of the MCMG to help the X-Division. Until I see it scrapped completely I'm going to believe that this report is False.

But that don't mean that they are going to the X-Division. Everything is changing. TNA is making Jr. weights irrelevant to there show.
I don't think they are making Jr weights irrelevant. I think they are making the irrelevant history. If your not over and you have no value(get someone else over) peace out. Is that bad. Red is cool but come on that kid doesn't sell tickets. Nor does Lethal,Robbie or Kaz. Let them tug the curtain but don't waste too much time on them unless its interesting.
I don't know why people are saying things like I am done if they do this or TNA is stupid because this division is what got me interested in the company. Those X Division matches that got everyone hooked 6-8 years ago isn't the same wrestlers or matches that you get today. Not because TNA doesn't care about it, but because AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and Christopher Daniels moved up the ladder. No company has the talent to be able to make up for that loss in talent from a division. Then on top of that they never built anyone up to take their place.

IMO I would scrap the X Division title and get a Cruiserweight title. Then let everyone know that from a certain weight to a certain weight are the only wrestlers who can go after the title. That way you have a division that means something.
I just had a thought. What if TNA is scrapping the X-Division belt to allow the TV Title to be the secondary title instead of having 3 major singles belts? Think about it. TNA (up till about 2 years ago) ran things very much like ROH runs their promotion, and ROH scrapped the Pure title to allow for the TV title to become the secondary belt.

Don't get me wrong: I'd rather see the TV title get scrapped, but it seems that the TV title will incorporate the X-division and the other talent who're peeking at the ME scene but aren't quite ready yet. It would definitely force management to shore up the roster and get rid of the dead weight. As others have said, I gotta see it to believe it.

Well, not quite. The Pure Title was not really a secondary belt, but a speciality belt. A close cousin to the Pure Title would be the Hardcore Championship from back in the Attitude Era, because that belt could only be defended in matches that had special rules. Now, while there is similarity, there is also distinction, as the rules for "Hardcore" matches and "Pure" matches were naturally quite different, and the Pure Title carried much more prestige than the Hardcore Championship did in its day.

While the X Division Title is basically TNA's Junior Heavyweight Title, I would hesitate to call it a speciality title because it has been held both by a man outside the weight class (Samoa Joe) and men who have also captured or challenged for the heavyweight title (Joe, AJ, Daniels, Angle), meaning that these two TNA singles belts are not mutually exclusive. Also, the X Division Title has been held by men who do not actually wrestle an "X-Division Style" (Shiek Abdul Bashir, Doug Williams, etc.) meaning that the title is not contested under special circumstances like the Pure or Hardcore titles. I find these distinctions important.

Also, it's important to remember that the Pure Title wasn't actually scrapped. It was unified with the ROH World Heavyweight Title. Technically the belt still exists, but unlike in puroesu tradition, the champion does not carry both belts simply because they have been unified, instead carrying only the ROH World Heavyweight Title, the title whose holder was triumphant in the unification match. A technicality to be sure, but an important one in my opinion.

Also, nearly four years separated the unification of the Pure Title and the introduction of the TV Title. In that time, a third championship, the FIP Heavyweight Championship, was used as a surrogate secondary belt. The difference here was that FIP, Full-Impact Pro, was in itself a standalone promotion whose champion also defended the belt sometimes at Ring of Honor shows because the two promotions had a working agreement (and the same booker). In fact, the Ring of Honor World Heavyweight Championship was used in kind as FIP's surrogate secondary belt. Yet another important distinction I would like to make here is that the FIP Heavyweight Championship was not scrapped either. It stopped being defended on Ring of Honor shows when the working agreement between the two promotions stopped, but it still very much exists.

The real point I'm getting at here is that Ring of Honor's titles were and are steeped in rationality and governed by the rules of professional wrestling that were scribed sixty or so years ago. (I'm sure if Cornette were here he'd break into a testimonial about how Toots Mondt first organized the procedure to be followed during a title unification back in 1939. But I don't quite have his knowledge base.) They are always treated with respect and the men who wear them are elevated for doing so. When a title is defended in Ring of Honor, it means something.

The TNA Television Title is a worthless hunk of metal. It's had two name changes in as many years (from the Legends Title to the Global Title to the Television Title). It began when Booker T bought a belt and cut a promo declaring himself champion (without even defeating a single wrestler to earn the distinction of champion). Since then, it's had no particular focus or direction. The meaning of the title literally changes EVERY time the belt changes hands. Now that Abyss has it it's likely to become some sort of Hardcore title. Why? Because that's what in the script. If it's in the script to change what a belt does, change the belt. If it's in the script to have a sort of different belt, change the name of the belt. If the belt ain't in the script, just scrap the belt and pretend like it never happened. And that's TNA for ya. But that, I would argue, is much different than absolutely everything that ROH does.
From Eric Bischoff's FaceBook: By the way..don't know what hit starved loser started the "TNA Is Considering Eliminating the X Division" rumor, but its news to me! People need to realize that the Dirt Sites survive off web hits and they make sh*t up to get them.

It's clear that this was just a crappy fabrication, since I heard other rumors about TNA wanting to split The Guns and Gen-Me in order to make the X-Division a more solid part of TNA.
From Eric Bischoff's FaceBook: By the way..don't know what hit starved loser started the "TNA Is Considering Eliminating the X Division" rumor, but its news to me! People need to realize that the Dirt Sites survive off web hits and they make sh*t up to get them.

It's clear that this was just a crappy fabrication, since I heard other rumors about TNA wanting to split The Guns and Gen-Me in order to make the X-Division a more solid part of TNA.
And if Bischoff says it then it MUST be true right?

If this is true, eh who cares? The title hasn't meant a damn thing in years anyway and neither has the division. I can barely remember anything about the title at all. Actually this could help things. Instead of writing someone off by saying "Oh don't worry about him. He's just an X-Division guy", there might be something done with them that isn't forgotten ten minutes later. This isn't a bad thing really.
I read the same report a few hours ago. Initially, I was feeling a little bit pissed off because the X Division is what ultimately put TNA on the map. It's what made TNA stand out from the crowd and I couldn't help but feel that it's just another example of TNA scrapping something that made it unique.

However, the more I've thought about it the more sense it seems to make. The X Division is awful right now and, truth be told, it's been awful for about 2.5 years now. However for most of that time, it's managed to stay somewhat relevant but that's virtually gone now. The X Divisiion of old does indeed seem to be very dead and if TNA has no plans to reinvest talent into it, to make it a priority and at least attempt to make it a shadow of what it once was; then maybe the best thing for it is to just put it out of its misery.
I am not sure if this is the right decision or not. When TNA started out it was based a lot on athleticism and projected its wrestlers as athletes as compared to performers. They sold their product as a pro wrestling one rather than a sports entetainment one. In such a scenario the X-Division title was a perfect fit. But nowadays I do not think that TNA can claim to be a product based on athleticism. The X-Division belt has also been neglected as a result of this and TNA does not seem interested in building a storyline around it either.

That being said some of the greatest bouts in TNA have been over the X-Division belt. Its synonymous with TNA's identity and it can prove to be more of an asset than the TV title. At the end of the day the TV title is just a random midcard belt that every wrestling company has had. The X-Division title is more than that. It has its own identity and could be used to push the right guy at the right time.
dixie carter :
"Not sure where you've heard the X Division is going away but it's not true at all. I'm working to beef it up with both familiar & new faces."
Carter's official Twitter destroys the "credibility" of this "report".

TNADixie said:
Not sure where you've heard the X Division is going away but it's not true at all. I'm working to beef it up with both familiar & new faces.
23 minutes ago

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