No More 'TNA'? Only 'Impact Wrestling'?

Cena's #1 In My Heart

Getting Noticed By Management
Shows over... no spoiler alert..

So Mick Foley is revealed as the guy pulling the strings with The Network. He somehow got control of Imapct, basically renames the company "Impact Wrestling".

I love it. TNA's roster always puts on a good show, the wrestlers are hard workers. There have been a lot of phenomenal matches in TNA recently and if they focus now on Wrestling, this might go places...

I think Hogan is on his way out the door, don't think TN... IMPACT WRESTLING wants to pay him anymore.

I like this future of Impact Wrestling that I envision.. Lots of Good Matches, several balls to the wall promos (like we do get).

I wonder if Hogan's going to call the shots at the PPV because it's TNA Wrestling Presents Sacrifice still... and think about it... what would Foley be able to do on a Pay Per View? If he works for Spike TV...

Anyways, your thoughts?
Didnt he come in to TNA as a "Executive Shareholder" theory wasnt he always a rep of The Network? Or is that just mad thinking?

I believe, we have read rumors on dirtsheets about Hogan and Bish only having like a year or two contract with TNA and EB really has a contract with Spike TV to develop shows (The midgett wrestling/repo games/etc) soo...I think Ive always been under the assumption that Hogan was just leading us back to "Pro Wrestling" because as the sign says he...made it apparently I certainly disagree not being a fan and all.

But point is... ImpactWrestling is a website now redirects to the old logo...looks like Smackdown with its blue and white the IWC will love that...and overall I think Mick Foley is doing what he started doing when he 1st came to TNA we are just gonna try it again I guess.
Quick thought, does this mean that TNA/Impact Wrestling will change there belts again? The world titles look has changed like 4 times in a year and half or so. And every belt they have has TNA in red or extremely large print.
Quick thought, does this mean that TNA/Impact Wrestling will change there belts again? The world titles look has changed like 4 times in a year and half or so. And every belt they have has TNA in red or extremely large print.

damn didn't realize that till i read your post, that means they got to change the symbol and the name of the titles
I'm all for branding / rebranding if it will help the brand. However the marketing or intentions here seem jaded. The marketing is promoting "wrestling," obviously out of reaction to WWE's company direction. I don't condone a company directing their decisions out of spite of their competitor. Granted most Fast Food restaurants using marketing to bash their competition, but they usually don't revolve their whole brand around it. Now their flagship show (only real primetime show) has no real name besides that of the company. Their arena is "The Impact Zone." To me its a huge shot in the foot, now Impact is it, there is nothing more than the company name and arena. Not a very strategic way to branch out by embracing your competitions disinterest.
Quick thought, does this mean that TNA/Impact Wrestling will change there belts again? The world titles look has changed like 4 times in a year and half or so. And every belt they have has TNA in red or extremely large print.

I don't think they're dropping the TNA name, so the belts can stay.. the way it sounds, is that the show on Thursdays originally called TNA Impact is just changed to Impact Wrestling.. the TNA letters is still on their website..
It remains to be seen if they're going to make it impact wrestling, or if they're going to keep having 50/50 Promo/wrestling time.
My guess? nothings going to change, TNA is still going to be following the Sports entertainment model, Which is going to be a shame, because I think TNA can beat WWE in pure wrestling right now.
But hey, maybe we'll see a couple months of 80% wrestling, 20% promo time, and it will change TNA from being a competitor to WWE, into .... TNA.
Theyve gone about the idea of rebranding so vaguely, I'm not sure what I'm meant to call certain things anymore.

Is the whole company now called Impact Wrestling or still TNA? Is it just Impact that's done away with the TNA name? Despite the fact the entire studio was littered with it.

What about the PPVs? It's still TNA Sacrifice, right? It's not Impact Wrestling's Sacrifice?

Also, what the hell does this mean for Xplosion?!?! Is it TNA Xplosion or Xplosion Wrestling?

My head hurts...
Theyve gone about the idea of rebranding so vaguely, I'm not sure what I'm meant to call certain things anymore.

Is the whole company now called Impact Wrestling or still TNA? Is it just Impact that's done away with the TNA name? Despite the fact the entire studio was littered with it.

Also, what the hell does this mean for Xplosion?!?! Is it TNA Xplosion or Xplosion Wrestling?

My head hurts...
Well, if you go to their website they've replaced all the "iMPACT!" logos with "iMPACT Wrestling" logos, and the TNA logo is still intact, and they used it for some of the banners, so there you go. I think even the people backstage were confused at what was actually going on, but I believe it's just the show, not the entire company.
I can't stand Hogan and Bischoff so if this gets more time for matches and less time for them then I am happy. I haven't watched TNA in a while but I tuned in last night. I am going to try and follow it once again. I just think TNA 2011 is WCW all over again. Hopefully this rebranding will help them change.
WCW changed their logo right before going under completely. I'd be worried if I was a TNA wrestler.
You're right, changing your logo immediately puts your company out of business. You automatically lose all the money you have and your ratings plummet. That's why WWF went out of business when they changed theirs ri-.. oh wait.

.. ignorant idiot.
Well, if you go to their website they've replaced all the "iMPACT!" logos with "iMPACT Wrestling" logos, and the TNA logo is still intact, and they used it for some of the banners, so there you go. I think even the people backstage were confused at what was actually going on, but I believe it's just the show, not the entire company.

If you go on, they removed all TNA logos and have "Impact Wrestling" logos and banners. I think on, there is only one "TNA" logo now.

It seems like the company will be called "Impact Wrestling" eventually. They are gradually doing it before they lose their viewers by rebranding and people not exactly knowing what the hell is going on.

There is more than one way to rebrand a company. WWF was already a household name when it changed it's name to WWE. TNA is taking a more cautious approach.

Also, Foley said the fans will chant "Impact"....Which I cringed at when I heard it.
If you go on, they removed all TNA logos and have "Impact Wrestling" logos and banners. I think on, there is only one "TNA" logo now.

It seems like the company will be called "Impact Wrestling" eventually. They are gradually doing it before they lose their viewers by rebranding and people not exactly knowing what the hell is going on.

There is more than one way to rebrand a company. WWF was already a household name when it changed it's name to WWE. TNA is taking a more cautious approach.

Also, Foley said the fans will chant "Impact"....Which I cringed at when I heard it.
That thought crossed my mind. Maybe they're changing the name of the show for now, or making it seem like it's the name of the show, to see what the reaction would be like. If it's positive - change the company name, if not - change the show's name only and don't go through the trouble of re-branding everything.

Still, another hint that it's the company and not the show is that redirects you to the TNA website. I might be wrong but TNA iMPACT doesn't have its own domain.
That thought crossed my mind. Maybe they're changing the name of the show for now, or making it seem like it's the name of the show, to see what the reaction would be like. If it's positive - change the company name, if not - change the show's name only and don't go through the trouble of re-branding everything.

Still, another hint that it's the company and not the show is that redirects you to the TNA website. I might be wrong but TNA iMPACT doesn't have its own domain.

I'm sure it will be like ECW when they transitioned to NXT. I think by next week, if we see a new set, new ring ropes, graphics. I think then we will be clear if it's the company name or not.

They are already selling "Impact Wrestling" shirts. I don't think they ever sold "TNA IMPACT" shirts, which is another hint.
Kurt Angle just confirmed in an interview — it's not TNA anymore. It's Impact Wrestling.

On the name change to Impact Wrestling. Is TNA gone?

“Gone, yeah. Impact Wrestling is the new name of the company. I personally believe in it because when it comes down to it, you can’t take the word wrestling out of pro wrestling. Any storyline, or any feud...when you do that, it’s entertainment and you’re doing the storylines, but where does it ultimately end up? In the wrestling ring. At the PPV, the payoff. So how can you take wrestling out of pro wrestling….you can’t. That’s what they (the fans) buy tickets for. They buy tickets to watch guys wrestle. Not to be actors and entertain us. They pay to watch great wrestling."

Kurt Angle just confirmed in an interview — it's not TNA anymore. It's Impact Wrestling.
Ugh .. I have a bad feeling about this. I just do, I don't know why. Maybe it's just how rapid the change is. It could be good in terms of doing business. Recently Hogan said in an interview that whenever he's at a business meeting with sponsors for example, he says that he's from TNA and they give him a weird look, so he has to explain "No, not Tits And Ass". Which self respecting business would sponsor something called "TNA"? We're used to it, but the public that doesn't know what TNA stands for will think it's porn or something. The name of the company being "TNA" is Russo's idea anyhow. That odd meaning is gone so that's the upside. The downside is that it might not work or something. I don't know, I have a bad feeling and I hope I'm wrong. We'll see what happens.

By the way, thanks for the link and here's more from Angle from that interview, it's interesting.

On Hulk Hogan and the perception that TNA has become ‘WWE-lite’: “Yes, I believe when we brought in Hulk Hogan, and I will say this from the bottom of my heart, I love Hulk Hogan. He is a great addition to our company. But he too realizes that it can’t be 'total nonstop talk'. We have a lot of characters on the show that don’t wrestle. Some that wrestle every once in awhile, but really ultimately you’re talking about Dixie Carter being on the show sometimes. You got Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff, Ric Flair, Mick Foley. I mean I’m just naming a few that don’t wrestle and they’re on the show all the time. You start seeing a little too much talking and not enough wrestling. We are now in the process of going to more wrestling.

"Beer Money matches with Motor City Machine Guns. You couldn’t beat that. My matches with A.J. Styles... you can’t beat that. Those are the kinds of things I’ve talked to Dixie Carter personally about. I said I would rather give the fans great matches on TV, incredible five stars matches, right now, even if our pay-per-views suffer. I rather do that now and get our ratings up, and then work on our pay-per-views, then try to get pay-per-views now and have our ratings stay down. It’s better to have wrestling on the shows because it’s different. It’s not like the other company.”
Bah from what i've seen its only the show that changed names. Is the whole company changing its name? :shrug: Maybe not for now, things like this take time you don't change the name of a company over night.

WCW changed their logo right before going under completely. I'd be worried if I was a TNA wrestler.

akathelaw, yeah right and WWE doesn't exist anymore.:rolleyes: Changing the name of a company doesn't mean its closing fool, its a name change. If changing the name of a company meant it was closing, Undertaker would be wrestling Sting in TNA now.
Ugh .. I have a bad feeling about this. I just do, I don't know why. Maybe it's just how rapid the change is. It could be good in terms of doing business. Recently Hogan said in an interview that whenever he's at a business meeting with sponsors for example, he says that he's from TNA and they give him a weird look, so he has to explain "No, not Tits And Ass". Which self respecting business would sponsor something called "TNA"? We're used to it, but the public that doesn't know what TNA stands for will think it's porn or something. The name of the company being "TNA" is Russo's idea anyhow. That odd meaning is gone so that's the upside. The downside is that it might not work or something. I don't know, I have a bad feeling and I hope I'm wrong. We'll see what happens.

By the way, thanks for the link and here's more from Angle from that interview, it's interesting.

Nothing to feel bad about. I think the nervous part would be seeing how they continue with the product but other than that this name change will open up the flood gates for TNA...err Impact Wrestling to get sponsors, exposure, marketing deals and they can sign good talent who didn't want to sign because they felt they didn't focus on "wrestling"
I look at it like this.

If they are really going forward with this it will most definitely help bring in more sponsors since companies won't be affiliated with a company called TNA. Not to mention when your flipping through the channels and see Impact Wrestling instead of TNA Wrestling you will think wrestling and not something else.

This could be the first "real" step in taking Impact Wrestling on the road. With the name change you have a bigger potential for people to buy into it. Fans and Sponsors.

I am very excited for next week to see if they have a new set design. I am sure they will because everything has a new color scheme and name change. So most likely everything will be Blue, Silver, and Black.
Nothing to feel bad about. I think the nervous part would be seeing how they continue with the product but other than that this name change will open up the flood gates for TNA...err Impact Wrestling to get sponsors, exposure, marketing deals and they can sign good talent who didn't want to sign because they felt they didn't focus on "wrestling"

Well yeah, I guess I'm just worried that it might not work out in their favor, somehow. But hey, if them going to Monday Nights and getting slaughtered didn't kill the company, I doubt changing it up would unless they turn into ROH. A lot of good can come out of this, both on-screen and off-screen. We'll see what happens.
Two guys who work in TNA David Sahadi and Kevin Sully have said on their twitter accounts that there will be a new opening video, graphics and song. I've also read reports that Impact Zone set in Orlando has been designed worked since the show took place a week a two ago with a new set/stage. This is very interesting and I'm looking forward to seeing Sacrifice this Sunday to see if changes have been implemented.
I don't like it.

how many years has wrestling had multiple words in a name that were then shortened to letter abbreviations? you can go on and on.. TNA, WWE, RHO, WCW, ECW, WWF, NWA, AWA, WWWF, and probably more and more. now Impact Wrestling.
I don't mind a name change from Total Nonstop Action, but they could have went to a name where you could shorten it to letter abbreviations. I think this is too drastic of a name change. if they wanted to be wrestling they could have went to something around the current letters/name, maybe.. Total Nonstop Wrestling, Total Impact Wrestling, Total Wrestling Impact.

when WWE was WWF and had to change their name because WWF was the World Wildlife Foundation, all they did was change ONE letter. Federation to Entertainment. I wouldn't be surprised if had WWF changed to something totally different it would have hurt them, even as big as they were.

I think it's a good thing to go to more wrestling than they have been, but I really hope this isn't something drastic where it's almost all wrestling all the time. IMO that would kill TNA, er I mean Impact Wrestling. it's a television show and while people do want to see wrestling they more so want to be entertained.

I really think TNA, I mean "Impact Wrestling" is going to regret this name change. Impact Wrestling, smh.
my hope is that this name backfires and they bring back the name TNA and just change the name of the TV show to Impact Wrestling. IMO that makes more sense.
I think its a shame fans don't have three initials to chant for anymore. It might just be a little thing, but it was fun.

Nobody is going to be chanting "IMPACT! IMPACT! IMPACT!". Just doesn't sound right.
I think its a shame fans don't have three initials to chant for anymore. It might just be a little thing, but it was fun.

Nobody is going to be chanting "IMPACT! IMPACT! IMPACT!". Just doesn't sound right.
Chanting Tits and Ass didn't sound better at first I'm sure. :laugh: Must've been weird for the first TNA crowds to chant it. Probably felt like chanting "MILF! MILF! MILF!" or something. But I get what you mean. It's weird. New name, new everything. I guess we just need to get used to it. I look at it like Chris Jericho sporting trunks instead of his usual spandex. It was fucking awkward at first, so distracting (no homo), but I got used to it.


They could get creative with it though, try to find a way to chant it. Maybe "Impact Wrestling! *clap clap, clap clap clap clap*" or something, using the same rhytm like the infamous "SUPER DRAGON" chant.

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