No MITB at WM26? What now for Christian, Kofi, and Morrison?

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The Icon
Everyone could assume that the following 3 stars were more then likely going to be in Money-In-The-Bank for sure at WM26: Christian, Kofi Kingston, and John Morrison. Since there will no longer be a MITB match, how do those 3 guys fit into WrestleMania 26 cards now? I can see Morrison being in a Intercontinental Title match and Kofi in a United States title match at WM26. But what about Christian? Does he find himself in one of those matches too if there's one on the card? Where does no MITB leave them?
People are going to be left out. Some people just won't be used. This is just another example of WWE having WAYYYY too many people on its roster(s). The MITB match ate up 8 roster spots. Turning this into a PPV of it's own is borderline insane. WWE is really going overboard on the gimmicks, and needs to give it a break.

I am guessing we are going to see a triple threat or 4 way match for the IC title, which I hate because it takes away from building actual storylines. The U.S. title may not be used at all because Miz also has the tag belts, and they are going to want Big Show at Mania in some capacity. This problem will not be solved by Mania, because WWE doesn't care.
I think Kofi will be left out of WM sadly.His push seam to be coming to halt with the recent loss to Ted.Morrison will be some matches that doesn't matter because WWE know hes their but is not ready to give him any thing high profile yet.Christan will mostly likely be left out of mania.He will probably be involved with the Edge V.S Jericho aftermath.

Only the most important people got on the mania card beside the mitb match.if you ain't a maga star or involved in a important story line on the road to mania u aren't in mania.
This is a shame. I feel WWE has too many gimmick PPVs as it is and getting rid of the MITB match strips the midcarders a spot on the Wrestlemania card. Perhaps, WWE will actually have matches involving the midcard belts (IC, US, unified tag team) to fill in the void MITB will be leaving behind... after all, MITB automatically took up eight rosters members so if WWE wants to maximize the number of midcarders on the card while taking out MITB this is the route I see them taking.
This sucks for people like Evan Bourne and Carlito who have no chance in hell of getting on the WM26 card. Alot of mid carder only chance to be able to be at wrestlemania was being in the money in the bank ladder match.
Im actually not surprised that MITB is getting its own PPV. WWE polled fans and obviously they are going to choose fav type of matches out of the options. Hate the fact that this is happening cause I loved watching this match at WM and was looking forward to it again this year.
As for the guys, well it sucks. Alot of them are going to be left out which is a shame
If they put both the IC & US titles on the line at WM and make them both Fatal 4 Ways, then those 8 superstars that would have been in the MITB match will likely be put in those two matches, as for Miz not defending the US title cause he is one half of the tag champs, and them wanting Show on the card, they could easily either have Show in Miz' corner or in the match itself, they could also throw a tag team turmoil match on the card as well as another way to get more people featured on the show
I think this is another stupid move on WWE's part. Someone needs to remind Vince McMahon why WWE was the best. Now it's nothing more than space filler. Seriously, Money in the Bank does not, DOES NOT need it's own PPV. There are two ways of this ending up, both are catastrophic. Either 8 mid-carders (or future main eventers) main event a PPV, or we get the same tired 8 faces in a ladder match.

MITB was about someone new climbing from the mid-card to the Main event, proving they could hang. And every year it has been fantastic. It took Edge from a so-so heel, and vaulted him to the Main event status. It finally gave RVD the reward he deserved. It made CM Punk a player, and made him the only reason to watch Smackdown.

And now i fear we are doomed to see The Miz vs. Cena vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H vs. Big Show vs. Jericho vs. Edge vs. CM Punk. Sounds good, right? What about the rest of the card? Suddenly, all of those mid-carders who could have taken the position in the MITB are forced to have heavily structured and poorly conceived (and poorly promoted) singles/tag matches on the PPV to fill.

Not to mention the effect it will have on Mania. I can now officially say I don't care if I see Mania. The MITB has been THE REASON to order the Grand Daddy of them all. Now, not so much.

To answer your question- all three will be put in Shitty matches with little to no build up. Maybe Kofi will end up facing Cody Rhodes. Maybe J Mo will compete against McIntyre in an IC title match. Maybe Christian will have NOTHING to do, given that his reason for being in the WWE, Ie: being ECW champion, has just dried up.

It's pathetic what Vince McMahon is doing to his company. No more Survivor Series...over saturation of gimmick matches (do we really need TWO elimination chambers in one night, or Three hell in the Cells?)...he is destroying his product single handedly. The only hope is that he dies or is committed, leaving someone sane...or at least more in control of his or her mental faculties in control of the WWE.
MITB was about someone new climbing from the mid-card to the Main event, proving they could hang. And every year it has been fantastic. It took Edge from a so-so heel, and vaulted him to the Main event status. It finally gave RVD the reward he deserved. It made CM Punk a player, and made him the only reason to watch Smackdown.

Wow, you know that sounds an awful lot like another PPV that WWE used to do, one that IWC fans have been wanting back for years, I think it was called King Of The Ring or something like that, yeah seriously people need to just wait and see how the MITB PPV is booked before the go off and bash the living shit out of it, & someone really needs to explain to me why having the IC, US, & Tag Titles defended on the biggest PPV of the year is such a bad thing, people are always bitching about how those titles are meaningless and no longer carry the prestige they once did, yet wouldn't putting these titles on the line at WM, the biggest PPV of the year, ADD more prestige and meaning to the belts?, seriously people need to get over this, MITB has been around for what 5 fucking years?, people are acting as if it's been a WM stable since the beginning, and that they are fucking with some grand tradition, most of the best WMs have been without a MITB match, that match does not make WM, and on top of that if the match is so big and means so much to everyone here, then why not build an entire PPV around it, if that one match is going to be what gets you to buy the most expensive PPV of the year, then why wouldn't it get you to buy a PPV that isn't as expensive as WM?

Bottom line people need to seriously chill the fuck out over the whole MITB thing, stop acting likes it's the end of the fucking world for fuck sake
i would like to start by saying that i love wwe but my love is slowly fading, why the fuck would they take MITB away from Mania just to make it into another shitty gimmick ppv? It makes no sense because now guys like hhh and cena are gonna win it everytime! This was the wrong move by vince! Now on to the question ummmmmmmm i have no fucking idea, Are they going to go with Morrison and Mcintyre? They have already done that 3 times! Are they going to go with Kofi vs Orton? they have already done that like 5 times! And what is Christian going to do? Serve more "prison" Time from vince because he went to TNA? i wouldn't be suprised if vince left him off the card, My patience is wearing very thin with this bullshit from wwe and they are about to lose a lifetime fan
While I'm against the Money In The Bank PPV, I can see some benefits and losses for Wrestlemania with removing the match from the card. Firstly, MITB has only been a part of the stable for 5 years at the PPV and prior to that, there were other means and alternatives, but prior to Wrestlemania 21, you had to earn your spot on the card. Here's a list of multi-man matches that have occured (outside of a tag team match) at previous Wrestlemanias:

Wrestlemania 2: 20 Man Battle Royle (won by André), nothing big or special, just a filler.
Wrestlemania 3: Two six person tag team match, again filler.
Wrestlemania 4: Tournament for the title.
Wrestlemania XII: Six person tag, again filler to open the show.
Wrestlemania 13: Four Corners Elimination Tag, Six person tag.
Wrestlemania XIV: 15 Team Battle Royale
Wrestlemania 2000: 23 Man Hardcore Battle Royale, Six person tag, Triangle Ladder Match, the latter being the match that started the fixation to bringing the Multi-man Ladder match into WM.
Wrestlemania X-Seven: Six Person Tag, TLC 2 (enough said), Gimmick Battle Royale, the other two were fillers again.
Wrestlemania X8: Four corner elimination match for the Tag Titles
Wresltmania XX: Fatal Four Tag Title Match (x2) and Cruiserweight Open

As you can see, that half of the Wrestlemanias prior to 21 had filler matches and the only two that stood out to most people are the Triangle Ladder Match and TLC2 which served it's purpose of being an entertaining match with gold at stake. Now what MITB is essentially is nothing more than a filler to get people on the card who have nothing going for them into Wrestlemania but the ability to be specialists with using Ladders and while it's good to speculate over who get a World Title shot, the majority of Wrestlemania was earning your right to be the champion through hard work. Take Savage for example, one of the greatest matches at Wrestlemania 3, the next one he wins the title, the point being is that Savage used Wrestlemania to earn his spot.

While MITB is a great concept, it has gotten stale because we currently assume it's the way to decide a new Main Event Player, while this year has seen the rise of Miz, Morrison, Kofi, Sheamus and Christian, to name a few. And neither had MITB to benefit them, again while I dislike MITB as a PPV, I know that guys like Christian, Kofi and Morrison will serve a better purpose in a singles match with a feud going in than having to use a gimmick match to get them over. Wrestlemania spent the majority of it's first decade without relying on gimmick matches to get itself over and I don't see no harm with going back to basics, it's time Creative stopped being lazy and book the credible guys that been mentioned into matches that we will remember for their ability to work it well, not because it guarantees a new World Champion because the stipulations says so. Also, dropping of the MITB may see the Intercontinental Title get some much deserved love!
Couldn't they have used another gimmick? MITB is a great idea for Wrestlemania because it allows eight midcarders to shine. A lot of them are gonna be lost in the shuffle this year with the amount of main eventers and upper midcarders that WWE have. If they're making it a PPV itself then we're either gonna get main eventers in the MITB match or we're gonna get WWE and World Title matches on the PPV.
ohh no no...
they may have lost MITB but they might introduce a new
type of match...who knows
well a new match means
like something related to getting a oppurtunity
for one for a life time
a match i want is like
a match having 10 participants
entering after 2 mins in a hell in a cell
and they have to eliminate them
same as scramble match but introduce something new
like enter after 2 mins in an INFERNO match or Punjabi Prison
i want to say that use these kind of matches...
Hold up people, didn't WWE advertise that MITB qualifiers are starting next week on RAW? They wouldn't qualify for a match this early. I could be totally wrong, but I'm sure I heard this.

If I am wrong and MITB isn't at Mania I wouldn't mind seeing a four way for the US title, could be an emilination match or a ladder match or whatever and a singles match for the IC.


Morrison v. McIntyre
If WWE decides that they have superstars that are worth putting on the card, they will find a way. It IS Mania, the grandest stage of them all, and they usually find a way to get as many superstars on the card as possible.

However, if they have the US and IC championships defended, THEN you have plenty of room to fit multiple men on the card. Hell, a pair of Fatal 4-Ways (like at Mania XX) would allow all 8 men that would have made it onto the card in the MITB appear anyways, except we get TWO matches out of it. Or if the talent is available, you can do a Scramble Match, or a 6-Pack Challenge, or a Gauntlet Match, there are so many options. It's the reason why it doesn't bother me that MITB is getting its own PPV. It frees up Mania to change the format year to year.

Based on the talent on both rosters, who don't appear to have a clear opponent, ANY or ALL of these guys could be used:

The Miz
Big Show
Kofi Kingston
Jack Swagger
Mark Henry
Evan Bourne

There, 7 capable talents. If you HAVE to use them all in one match, make it a gauntlet match. Or if you like a round number of 8, throw in Carlito or Santino and make it a Battle Royal.

Drew McIntire
John Morrison
Matt Hardy
Dolph Ziggler

That's a pretty nice looking Scramble Match If you ask me. And smackdown has a few other talents as well, should you feel the need to add someone like Kane, Finlay, Zeke Jackson or Khali.

I've always preferred that WWE try to get Championship matches on the card over fillers anyway. And the seeming lack of personal feuds this year leaves the door open for some entertaining championship ideas.
This is one of the worst ideas that Vince has ever had because now most of his young, talented superstars will get no push for being in this career changing match that have boosted careers like Punk, Edge, and even Mrrrrrrrrr. Andeeerrrrrrson! Anderrrrrson! You are talking about young guys like Kofi, JOMO, Rhodes, Swagger, Bourne, and Truth. Now that this match will take place at some random PPV, it will take so many viewers away from this match because what would watch if you could only get one PPV? WM or a random PPV in the summer before SS. Now this match will be nothing more but a missed opportunity to start a new tradition that could been the main attraction to look forward to or the show stealer.
to be fair JustinSayne, my real gripe with the movement of MITB from Mania is the fact that main eventers who don't belong there will be there. Triple H, Cena, Sheamus, Orton, Taker, Batista, etc. Hell, i'd even have a problem with Edge. They will be a part of it. There is no way that this can headline a PPV with names like: Kofi, DiBiase, Rhodes, JoMo, Miz, MVP, Swagger, Borne, or Shelton, which is who the MITB was made-as a spring board into Main event.

I dunno...i could be wrong about that...but i just get the feeling we'll be seeing Sheamus, Orton or Cena hoisting the Briefcase...and i'll be really pissed. MITB is the most fresh thing the E has done in years. And now it could be ruined.
Yeah, i know i said could-but why chance it? Why not just leave everything as it is.
With out MITB, I find it very hard to believe Christian,Morrison, Kofi, and others will even be involved in Wrestlemania 26. As usual, the Mania card will be pretty stacked, and without MITB, there probably won't be any room for the names mentioned. Morrison is really the only one who might have a shot at making it on to the card. His push is still going steady, so maybe there's a chance he could be part of a the big show. Now that Christian is no longer ECW champion, I find it hard to believe he will be on the show, and the chances of Kofi making it are slim to none.
Vince is a sad, pitiful fool at the end of his rope. He is truly off his rocker if he believes that stripping 'the Grand-Daddy Of'em All' of the Money In The Bank Ladder match is a good idea. It's even worse to give it its own PPV. As for the reasons, I'm going to agree whole-heartedly with one [beefthelegend]. There is a very special group of guys who deserve to have that match, as well as their respective chances to shine at WrestleMania. There is no better night than that for potentially/already great wrestlers like John Morrison, Kofi Kingston, Evan Bourne, Cody Rhodes, Ted DiBiase Jr. and others to elevate themselves and their careers.

Secondly, it would be horrific for this new-age Mania staple to get its own PPV later on in the year (or any time for that matter) for a huge reason that has already been detailed several times in this forum - the fact that Vince would simply fill it with his usual main event war-horses, leaving the young up-and-comers with nothing for themselves.

I mean, think about it. Sure it's a filler. Sure it's only been around for five years. But I guarantee that if a WWE Official hopped the guard rail one night and started asking random fans what they looked forward to the most about Mania - most of them would no doubt tell that guy 'Money In The Bank'. Let's face it, it is a Mania staple. It's young and it's fresh, but it is indeed very much a fluid part of what Good Ol' JR commonly refers to as "the pagentry that is WrestleMania".

As far as guys like Kofi, Morrison, and Christian, it disgusts me to think that they may not be on the Mania card. Those are three of the best talents in the WWE. Vince should be elated that these guys are gracing his ring and not someone else's. But, as usual, Vince will be Vince - and continue to dump on them so long as he has his old war-horses, on whose bruised backs he can still make a profit.
Where the fuck has anything been said that Vince is going to fill the MITB match with established ME wrestlers?, fucking where??!?!, I have yet to see anything remotely close to an official report saying that, all you people are going off of is what you fucking ASSUME is going to happen, you have absolutely zero mother fucking idea of what Vince is going to do, it is still very possible that the match is going to be used to push talent on the verge of the ME to the top, and the established ME talent, guys like Cena, Triple H, HBK, Batista, etc. will prolly be put in title matches and feuds on the card, they could have very little to do with the MITB match itself

Seriously people need to STFU, and pull their fucking heads out of their fucking asses and realize that they have zero idea of what Vince fucking going to do with the PPV, or how he's going to book it, look at it this way MITB basically replaced KOTR as the thing that was used to push mid-carders to the next level, outside of Booker T when was the last time you seen an established ME talent win KOTR?, yeah nobody, now tell me why all of sudden you all think Vince is gonna do the exact opposite with MITB, I mean seriously if he wanted ME talent in MITB why wouldn't he do that while it was "WM staple" I don't remember EVER seeing Taker, HBK, Cena, Triple H, Batista, or anyother Main eventers ever in a MITB match before, so I don't see why all of a sudden they'd do it now that it's got it's own PPV
And Justinsayne comes in to make the save, with an assist from Shango.

"Problems" this presents

1) What the fuck do we do with the 8 people that should have been in the match?

Well, we have a MITB match removed. That adds a good 20 minute window. That sounds like two matches right there.

The easiest way to go about this is to actually defend the IC and US titles in a Fatal Four Way. Take the four people from each brand (Raw, Smackdown) that would have been in the MITB anyway and shove them in the IC/US title match.

If you don't like that idea, then only give four of the eight guys matches in two One on One bouts for the titles. Sure, that leaves 4 people without the Mania payday. But if they wanted that payday they should have gotten enough crowd reaction to get in the IC/US title picture, I guess.

2) What does this mean for the MITB match if we make a PPV out of it?

Not a goddamned thing.

Okay, so the MITB match will be the main event of the night. I'm assuming that means there will be a WHC, WWE, and NXT championship match that night also. Add in a random Tag Titles match and a random Divas/Women's title match if you're feeling ballsy. That MORE than takes care of the main event players.

Oh...and wait. Now 8 lower to upper mid-carders are now in an intense ladder match that is the main event of the show? As opposed to, you know, half way down the card or even the opening match.

I think those 8 mid-carders are getting a better deal here, even if they lose the Mania payday. That must suck, but they signed their lives over to the WWE. You play where they tell you to play.
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