No Mercy: Kane vs. Rey Mysterio

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Should be intresting. Kane had a great match with Chavo at Mania. Short and sweet. Exactly as Kane matches should be. It should be ok to watch if not for all the high flying moves Rey & Bourn will do in order to keep Kane down. But if Rey can't have a good match with Big Show 5 years ago, I doubt he can with Kane.
This much won't be anything amazing, but will probably be alright. Rey is injury proned and not as good as he once was, and Kane is slow so they will need to work well with each other. I can see Kane dominating throughout than Mysterio will probably work his way back and get a fluke victory. I hope bourne is somehow involved because then this feud could actually be meaningful(helping Evan become a solid mid carder).
Haven't we already seen this match last week on Raw? That match was long and only had a fluke finish. Why do we need to see this again on PPV? Its an interesting feud I guess, but there's not a lot that Mysterio can do with Kane just because of Kane's size. It doesn't make Kane look even decent at all to have a guy that small make him look so weak. We've seen it before. It wasn't good. It won't be good in 13 days.
This match should be alright. But IMO, Kane's storyline was going really well until they introduced Rey into it, then it went downhill. Anyway, this match could go either way as well, but I think it'll end in a DQ with Kane destroying Rey. And then while he's doing that, Bourne comes in and makes the save and starts to get pushed more. I also think that this will be where Kane puts his mask back on, but there will be something to do with the mask in this match.
So this is another David VS Goliath match for Rey Mysterio. This time against Kane.

Regardless of the finish, I see Kane doing the most damage, which is what should matter here. Rey is out to beat up on Kane, not get a victory, so I agree with a DQ finish. However, Mysterio was getting pushed as a bigger face years back and a heel Kane chokeslam and pinned him clean.

I see Mysterio pulling a Jericho at No Mercy. He will get beat down by Kane for several minutes, followed by either a DQ finish or a fluke win. Rey will come out looking like a winner, despite not gaining any real ground. I think Jericho fared better, as he walked out with a belt and catapulted to main event status again.

I wouldn't mind Evan Bourne running in to help Rey. Hopefully they keep these two together. The lack of tag teams is killing those titles, and a high flying team in the division would help counterbalance the Wrestlers of Priceless and the Brawlers of Cryme Tyme.

Creative might also put Mysterio over Kane as a chance for Rey to push at main event status again. However I feel that this would be a huge mistake, as there are too many main event players on Raw for Mysterio to hold the spotlight for too long. It would just be a waste. Sticking with Bourne as a mentor figure would be his best bet.
I don't see why Kane would put his mask back on seen as how he is saying that wrestlers who hide behind masks are cowards.

I think that Rey Mysterio will go over Rey here, Kane is often used as a jobber to make people like Mysterio look credible. A loss here for Kane though would set him back a long way and by rights it would take alot for a man Mysterio's size to beat Kane, even with the help of Bourne who has no real buisness interferring with the match. He has already served his purpose within the feud by getting destroyed and making Kane look a monster.

As for the match itself it looks to be the most intresting match on the mid card, (and by mid-card I mean all the matches that aren't Triple Vs. Jeff, or Jericho and HBK) more entertaining than the number one contenders match because I don't know fully who will win this whereas I'm sure Batista will go over JBL.
Yawn. We've seen exactly how the match will go twice already, when we had Mysterio/Kane and Bourne/Kane....except Bourne is much more entertaining than Mysterio is.

Pairing someone like Kane up against someone as small as Mysterio, especially when both don't really add to their movesets, means we'll have a carbon copy of the previous match. Lots of kicks, Kane overselling things that shouldn't hurt him all too much, followed up by a big move by Kane that Cole says "OOH! A SHOT to the FACE by Kane!", followed up by some more kicks, and then either a chokeslam or some sort of screwed up DQ finish that allows them to drag it out for Cyber Sunday with a gimmick.

Let's hope if the two ARE in a CS match with a gimmick, its an Inferno Match, and we have the delight of seeing Mysterio not be able to do his 619 garbage move without getting a face full of flame haha.
this match is going to suck flat out. you all know dam well rey will get the dam win. this would destroy what is left of what is kane. kane needs this match bad wether he wins by beating rey by rey not being able to fight on or a pin. rey wins this means nothing. you know bourns going to help. i say kane kills them both. or if rey MUST win then make a CS match in a inferno. this way kane can burn both rey and bourne. maybe evenbring back his mask. but like peopl have said when he said on raw mask are for cowards. that ruined that plan. there goes wwe creative screwing things up again for the thousanth time this year.:bringit:
So it's been announced on Raw that if Rey Mysterio loses the match he has to unmask in the ring. Is this a sign that Mysterio will win, only for Kane to attack him and end up unmasking him anyways.. or just a sign that Mysterio will win in general and be done with it?

I can almost assure the W.W.E. doesn't want to have Mysterio lose his mask.. as that'd mean they might have to consider stop selling his masks, which are huge for them to market.

I think it's safe to say Mysterio wins either way, and if he does lose the mask, it's likely going to be ripped off his head.. that way only people who buy the Pay per view will "see" his face (like noone's ever seen it before) and he can still go back to wearing the mask after that.
Oh Brother. Talk about messing up an angle. We go from Kane getting his mask back, which everyone wants to see, to Rey being in jeopardy of losing his mask. I really couldn't care less. Rey's work has been lackluster since 2005...Kane is the one who should have benefitted from this angle, not Mysterio as I do not see Mysterio losing to Kane - the mask is a good merchandise item for WWE.

But then again, it seems like there's no way in hell (no pun intended) that Kane can ever be booed properly again. The gimmick's been ruined. Seriously, as things are now, even with the small nice changes, Kane's gimmick is so old and stale...I seriously think it would work with a gimmick change...but then again, that is unlikely as Kane has had that gimmick for so long now and he's been in the business long enough for a retirement to be not too unlikely sometime in the future. But the gimmick can't draw heel heat anymore...sad thing really.
This whole thing has been fucked up a million ways to Sunday. Even after a multimonth feud, does anyone even know what Kane's problem is with Rey? It all started with us thinking Kane was a murderer and crazy, and it turns out to be about Rey Mysterio? I suppose that's ok is that's where you want to go, but we never really were told why. Rey and Kane already had a bad main event on Raw. Why would we want to watch these two again, but have to pay for it? Either way, i don't like the feud going either way here. Rey unmasks- happened before, no big deal. Rey wins- Yet again, Kane is built up to be awesome with a character twist but loses to a much smaller guy in a David/Goliath match. Kane loses and takes Rey's mask anyway- honestly, so?

^^^That right there^^^

That's me not giving a shit about this match. Rey Mysterio is so god awful that I actually turn off the TV. Kane was starting to get interesting up until Rey was thrown into the mix. Now Rey's mask is on the line. I think health insurance should be on the line. If Rey wins, he gets free health insurance for his injury prone ass. If he loses he just quits so he doesnt have to pay his future medical bills. I am not excited about this at all.
I don't get why people hate Rey Mysterio so much. The guy is entertaining every single week, mainly in the ring. With that being said, I am indeed aware that he can only put on a quality match against a quality opponent. Unfortunately, Kane isn't a quality opponent. The match they had on Raw a few weeks ago was awful. Kane hardly puts on a good match with anyone. But since I won't be viewing No Mercy since I will be on holiday, I'm glad I'm not paying to see this awful match. As Klunder pointed out, the feud itself has been terrible especially since it makes zero sense.

Usually WWE feuds are so well booked that they show you the same video package about 10 times so it sticks in your head. But I, like many others, are confused as to what this feud is actually about. A bad feud can make people very uninterested in the match it's hyping, this is a prime example here. This wont be the end of the feud since I'm sure we will see some type of gimmick match at Cyber Sunday in a few weeks time. But even the 'new' stipulation isn't enough to get me excited about this match. If Rey gets demasked, big deal. I doubt he will anyway.

I'm not expecting a long match so I'm expecting Kane to win in a 8 minute match that means nothing. On Raw, either CM Punk or Evan Bourne will stop Kane or Adamle from demasking Mysterio which will most likely make the stipulation pointless anyway. So the only word I have to say about this match and feud is that it is completely "Pointless".
Not understanding why everyone wants to dump phincal matter onto this match. Its basically a perfect set up for both guys. True, the storyline barely makes any sense whatsoever, but fuck it LOL.

Its perfect for both guys, becuase Rey is great at bumping like crazy, and Kane is a big guy power brawler. Rey will make Kane look like the evil monster they are building him to be, and vice versa, and Rey gets sympathy heat, and Returns to his high flying ways. The more rest holds that are booked in this, the more stupid the booking team will look, as rest holds will entirely take away from the phsycology, and point of the match, that I pointed out above. I cant say im particularly excited for this for anything other than the good pairing of skill sets, certainley not for the build around it.
What started as an exciting angle with Kane going insane has been reduced to a crappy angle in which Kane loses to Rey. Possibly with Bourne's help.
Match will not be exciting as the 2 of them don't mesh well in the ring from what I have seen recently.
Hopefully it will be better than the one they had on RAW. I'm not a fan of little guy vs. big guy matches because they're just slow. I find this one to be predictable, Rey Mysterio wins by roll-up or something. WWE won't have rey loose his mask. Plus I really don't want Rey to wrestle unmasked.
Im sorry WWE, but you once had something going here with this feud. Now it bores me like a Kane matc...err. Kane needs great storylines to be successful. This had been a great looknig storyline. Then they totally ruined it. They blew the load too quickly, and let the Rey Mysterio out of the bag too early. Obviously nothing bad happened to him, hes right there! Who cares whos mask you have or dont, or the one you wear or dont. The feud had died off, now they are just having the funeral. The match itself will be bad. Kane cant move successfully in the ring. Mysterio has been slowed down like a Bruce Lee movie. Nothing bad will happen to Rey that would hurt his character, becuase they market off of him.
Talk about an angle that started off white hot, and quickly, quickly faded away to nothing when people actually remembered how bad both wrestlers are currently. This match takes place 5-10 years ago, I'm all in, but now, both are a shadow of their former selves.

We had this scenario earlier in the year with the Undertaker and me buying that he wouldn't lose because he would be forced to retire. There is no way in hell Mysterio loses the mask. The WWE is way to kid friendly and for him to lose his mask means the WWE will lose money, and that's how McMahon thinks. This match is going to be incredibly awful.
I honestly see this exceeding expectations. I belive, and am seemingly one of the few, that Mystrerio can still go. As ive said before, this is the perfect combination of skill sets, as was evidenced by the huge boot Rey took on RAW a couple weeks ago. Same thing, for a whole PPV match, with Rey's mask on the line. COuld be the sleeper match of the night. Vince wont have Rey loose the mask. He goes over, somehow. Expected Rating : 8

NorCal's Pick : Rey Mastrio
nothing but a filler match. Rey is way past his prime, I'll admit hes entertaining once in a while but hes too small to be a credible main eventing guy. I hate it when he pretends to fly when he comes out and his stupid Spanish promo's make me dislike him that much more.

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