No Holds Barred?


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One of the things that has been annoying me (albiet in a minor way) lately is the use of old wrestling terms that are rendered meaningless. One of the biggest ones that has gotten to me is the way "No Holds Barred" and "No Disqualification" have become synonyms.

A "No Holds Barred" match made sense during the Kayfabe era when there were certain moves that were deemed "so dangerous" that you were barred from using them. A good example is the piledriver. In many organizations that move was barred. Meaning you would be disqualified if you performed it. Similarly, in the mid-90's WCW had an "over the top" rule, where it was illegal to throw a guy over the top rope to the floor. A "No Holds Barred" match simply meant that these "dangerous" moves were allowed and you wouldn't be disqualified. Things like foreign objects or hitting the referee would still get you disqualified.

A "No DQ" match needs no explanation. It's anything goes.

I personally think it would help if they brought back the idea of certain moves not being allowed. It helps create the realistic environment that this is sport. Then, the "No Holds Barred" match would make sense and it would be substantially different than a "NO DQ" Match. When building programs, it gives you more options where you are consistently elevating the risk between the competitors illustrating how deep the grudge is.

Normal Match --> No Holds Barred --> No DQ

It also helps make the larger moves more impactful. When you see fewer people doing the big moves it makes them more powerful when you do see them. It's the biggest thing I hate about some indy feds. Guys are just jumping around doing flips that it renders all those spots completely meaningless.

I see what you mean, I've noticed this too, thought I was the only one. No Holds Barred is simply a term used for PPVs. Its supposed to give the idea that its going to be way more dangerous than a No DQ match. I guess its just all about the way it sounds.
A "No DQ" match needs no explanation. It's anything goes.

I agree with all but one thing you posted.

A No DQ match is not one where anything goes. Pinfalls and submissions still have to be in the ring, and I believe count outs are still in effect. What the WWE now calls an Extreme Rules match is the match where anything goes.

Otherwise, I agree with you.
Well, the difference between various gimmick matches is quite less..
Also, isn't a Street Fight the same as the mentioned two?
No Holds Barred, No DQ and Street Fight are pretty much the same match these days. It's just a matter of which wording you prefer. Either way they normally end up being brawls.
I hate this too, this isnt the only match like that, but has the most different names for one style to it.

No Disqualification Match

No Holds Barred Match

Hardcore Match

Extreme Rules Match

Belfast Brawl

Street Fight

All of these are the exact same

BUT... (and it's still the same) but in a Street Fight you do wear street clothes where as usually you dont see it in others much save for a few times (Unsanctioned Match between HHH vs HBK SS2002)

and that's another, an Unsanctioned Match or Non Sanctioned Match is same in rules, but the only one thing (like Street Fight has one small difference) is that the company isnt responsible for whatever happens to you

also taking it back to Street Fight the other no DQ nothing special match besides that where wrestlers wear regular clothes is in an Alley Match

a Weapons Match isnt any different except each guy can only use one specific weapon the entire match

Fans Bring The Weapons Match (same thing except the small thing of fans bringing weapons in)

Desert Storm Match is NO DQ but you wear military attire
just like a:

Boot Camp Match

and also has anyone noticed that there are TWO different types of Lights Out Matches? one with the lights out and one where you knock your opponent's lights out, there is also a Lights Out Death Match

atleast an I Quit Match is no rules but is more uniquely based around a wrestler saying I Quit, albeit a basic Submission Match (which is also No DQ) just with a verbal submission than a tap out, lol and the exact same as an I Quit Match rules and all except for what's said is an I Respect You Match

Human Torch Match is very different atleast from an Inferno Match (Inferno Match is better but same ending)

Other matches do it too: Parking Lot Brawl also known as an Iron Circle Match

a Last Man Standing Match is the same as a Las Vegas Sudden Death Match and they are both nearly the same as a Texas Death Match but slightly difference is you have to pin the person then they have to be out for a 10 count and the Texas Death Match is the same as an Armageddon Match

Mud Wrestling isnt really the same but kinda is the same thing with different filling, Pudding Match, KY Jelly Match, Egg Nog Match, Jello Match, Gravy Bowl Match, Whipped Cream Match, Oil Wrestling Match, Swimming Pool Match, Trick or Treat Match there was one with pie filling and hell one was water with an Evening Gown Match

Bra and Panties Match vs ROTC Match, same thing only one has army cammo gear on girls or the guy's version, a Tuxedo Match

There's a Weasel Suit Match and then there's a Body Bag Match, so similar

as similar as an Ambulance Match and Last Ride Match

somewhat similar seeing as every Texas Bullrope Match doesnt end with the touch the 4 corners thing (look it up) it's similar to a Strap Match or Brahma Bull Rope Match which is all the same as an Indian Strap Match or Samoan Strap Match

hell, a Special Guest Referee Match and a Special Guest Ringside Enforcer Match are no different much, the guest person is still in charge etc

every type of Item on a Pole Match be it Paddle, Singapore Cane, Shillelagh, Biker Chain, even a Judy Bagwell on a Pole Match, Crowbar on a Pole, Contract on a Pole Match, Coal Miner's Glove Match, Brass Knuckles on a Pole Match

here's another annoying one:

A You're Fired Match is the same as a Loser Leaves Town Match, Loser Leaves The Company Match, Hang Up The Boots Match, Career Threatening Match, Retirement Match [pending] and here's that one that's the same except for one small thing (pole involved) a Pink Slip on a Pole Match

dont even get me started with Hair vs Hair, Hair vs Title, Mask vs Mask, Mask vs Title, Hair vs Mask, Luchas de Apuestas (mask vs wagers)

a Grudge Match is a standard match, just called that because of a long tenured rivalry same as a Last Chance Match or Do or Die Match is meaningless title for something we already get

ChokeSlam Challenge Match, Gorilla Slam Match, Body Slam Match or another "move match" is the same save for the move, and even a Finisher Matcher is somewhat similar

A Tag Team Turmoil Match is the two person Gauntlet Match

a Gauntlet for the Gold is like a Royal Rumble evolved from a Battle Royal and also similar to a Royal Rumble is a Dragon Scramble Match (look it up) which is also similar to a Championship Scramble in a way

a First Blood Match and a DNA Match, even a Last Blood Match and Sadistic Madness Match in ways and also an Extreme Blood Match

a Harbor Match is the same as a Pier Match

oh I dont forget my matches and what's so similar, over the years, there's a lot of reputated shit

hell a lot of deathmatches are alike (No Rope Matches [all types] and more) for as many as there are that are unique, it becomes the same song and dance of weapon usage that's why I like Circus Death Matches or something that adds something different than just lots of lighttubes and barbedwire, some extra element.

I like uniqueness in difference, look at a Fatal Four Way vs Fatal Four Way Elimination Match vs Four Way Dance vs Four Corners Match! all involve four wrestlers yet all are different

Interesting isnt it?

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