

I dunno Jake, I was lookin at his page. He seems pretty cool to me, and I can see that he likes Kevin as well. Yes he fits right in here don't he?
Looks like a twelve year old wigger to me.

Second picture is too disturbing to comment on.

And with a post like that in the KK section, it looks like he wanted to be banned.
If he didn't have those pretty stars on his hoody I'd agree on the wigger part. Judging by the glasses he does a lot of skiing. Cool.
I don't know what's worse, Nikker's posting or the fact that Y 2 Jake's untouchable status allows him to make fun of people and their real lives.
I don't know what's worse, Nikker's posting or the fact that Y 2 Jake's untouchable status allows him to make fun of people and their real lives.

Nah, that's open for everyone to do. Jake just does it best, so we leave it to him. Usually.
I don't know what's worse, Nikker's posting or the fact that Y 2 Jake's untouchable status allows him to make fun of people and their real lives.

Hey if you post shit and pics of youself online or opening yourself up for the shitfest you get from people like Jake and others
Hey if you post shit and pics of youself online or opening yourself up for the shitfest you get from people like Jake and others

I don't know, I've been one who's always thought it's shady to insult someone's real life over the internet, I'm all for doing it in real life when they're there in person but never one for doing it over the internet. Now if they act like an idiot over the internet then of course I'll find ways to knock them from what they've said, but in all honesty real life comments take it a bit to far.
I don't know, I've been one who's always thought it's shady to insult someone's real life over the internet, I'm all for doing it in real life when they're there in person but never one for doing it over the internet. Now if they act like an idiot over the internet then of course I'll find ways to knock them from what they've said, but in all honesty real life comments take it a bit to far.

well apparently you dont know y2 jake on here. if he posted the link on his profile its there for everyone to see. But this guy though seems so cool, to cool for this part of the internet. :blink: i guess he took party like a rock star to serious.
I don't know, I've been one who's always thought it's shady to insult someone's real life over the internet, I'm all for doing it in real life when they're there in person but never one for doing it over the internet. Now if they act like an idiot over the internet then of course I'll find ways to knock them from what they've said, but in all honesty real life comments take it a bit to far.

If your going to flame and act like a dick then dont post your My Space page. Simple.
This is what rep I got for this thread:

Is it me, or are you hiding behind a computer to insult people?

Well duh. Until you come and knock round my house how else am I supposed to insult you.
ha im struggling to find words to describe that picture... tosser is the one that immediately springs to mind. Kevin Kelly is a legend so he deserves this, but is it me or does he have a strange resemblence to kevin kelly?!

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