Night of Champions - US Title - Dolph (c) vs Riley vs Swagger vs JoMo


Gone but never forgotten.

Dolph Ziggler’s jealousy may cost him a lot more than the managerial services of Vickie Guerrero – it may well cost him the U.S. Championship. The bombastic blond will be forced to defend his title in a Fatal 4-Way Match at Night of Champions against Jack Swagger, Alex Riley and John Morrison.

Despite Vickie’s best efforts to bring Ziggler and potential client Jack Swagger together under her wing, the two have been acting like spoiled children vying for their mother’s attention. As a result, their jealous bickering pitted the two against one another and paved the way for the Fatal 4-Way encounter.

With only a 25 percent chance of retaining the title, Ziggler should be kicking himself. The fact is, though, he’s probably too busy blaming The All-American American for his predicament. And now, the incessant squabbling between the pair may leave an opening for either the athletic Riley or the dynamic Morrison to swipe the championship.

This was just announced on Raw last night and seems more like a throw-together match than anything. With the storyline/management triangle building between Swagger, Ziggler and Vickie, it wouldn't surprise me to see Swagger walk out with the gold.

I hate how John Morrison and Alex Riley are in the middle of this storyline when they aren't needed. It would have been perfectly fine to have Jack Swagger face Dolph Ziggler for the United States Championship. Hell, you could have added a stipulation where the winner gets Vickie's services. Well, I guess it isn't too late to go that route. I think Dolph should remain Champion for a little while longer. He's obviously got tons of momentum going for him right now. However, Jack Swagger winning may progress this feud a little longer and that could be great for both of their careers. Dolph Ziggler can always win the title back from Jack down the road if he needs to. The only problem with this Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler storyline is I don't know who I'm suppose to be cheering - I think they need to deal with that before moving in deeper.

Hamler's Prediction - Jack Swagger will win the United States Championship.
Morrison and Riley are just add-ons. If you want to build a feud where it's 1 on 1 (and Vickie and what-not) well you know, have the PPV match be.. 1 on 1. Not a fatal four way with 1 guy, Morrison, who should turn heel and be past the mid-card, and another guy, Riley, who could have the U.S. title down the line but probably should be in another feud building him up for that.
I like 2 of the guys in this match and that is Ziggler and Morrison, as for Swagger and Riley are ehh to me. I don't see the "it" thing that everyone does with him and swagger is just used so terrible that it kills me now. Swagger is awesome in the ring and there is no reason why Jomo and Riley should be in this match. But hey, least these guys are getting time and it should be a very interesting and good match. Either Dolph retains or Swagger pulls and upset.
Okay it just makes me laugh how everytime there is a match put together people are complaining about something! No matter how much it doesn't matter. If JoMo weren't in this match everyone would be complaining about him not having a match, so seriously enjoy him in there to deliver something pretty cool in what could be an amazing match if given the right amount of time. Also I think it is perfectly fine to put JoMo and Riley in there, Dolph and Swagger is not a big enough storyline and to add some faces to the match you have someone to cheer for that maybe could walk out the champ but will just miss by having vickie distract riley so Swagger can get the role up win.
i like the idea cause it can still build up a match between ziggler and swagger. i hope swagger wins so ziggler can issue his rematch clause and have these 2 go at it 4 a few more weeks then have a 1 on 1 match where vicki will interfere and finally choose between the 2
i dont understand why nobodys giving Alex Riley a chance in his match. T o me it seems logical that Alex Riley could win the first championship here after Swagger and Ziggler cost each other the match, after fighting over Vicky .Giving the belt would do nothing to benefit Morrsion because he has been in the same place for years but it could do wonders for Riley
I'm kinda with SuperSteve, but in another way: I'm thinking Morrison will pull out the W.

I mean, he's done nothing on Raw since his return other than make sure R Truth is over. Why not put new paint on the ferarri & show it off to the crowd in a different light?

As for Swiggles, I expect them to come together when all is said & done. Be managed by Vickie & be the next contenders to the Tag belts after Air Boom goes over the Awesome Truth. That can help build tension between the two if they still want to go that route.

But truthfully, I would like to see A-Ri join those two under Vickie. I don't think he brings enough to the table(yet) to be out there on his own. But Swagger, Ziggler, & Riley are all the same character(except for the fact that A-Ri's a face for now), might as well bunch them together and call them the Arrogant Academic Americans(aren't they all college grads?)lol
Hmm...I wonder what's going to happen?(Do I have to add a spoiler alert or anything?)

(Possible) *SPOILER ALERT!*:

Ziggler and Swagger work together under the encouragement of Vickie.Beat down,beat down,beat down.Then oops,misunderstanding or one of them accidentally hits the other.Then both of them start fighting,then either A) Morrison or Riley capitalizes on it and wins the US Title or B) Morrison and Riley are just fodder for either Ziggler or Swagger to pin so they can extend the feud.

I'm sorry,but it feels too...for lack of a better word,predictable.I mean,when did the WWE decide that 2 superstars feuding with each other can't pin one another?I can understand the logic behind adding Morrison and Riley into the match (they did beat Ziggler and Swagger on Raw),but it's almost unnecessary.Why can't we just have a one-on-one match between them?Is it because they're both heels?

At least with 4 good wrestlers in the ring we should have a good match.Watching for the in-ring action,no interest in the storyline,although it is a good storyline,I have to say.
I like 2 of the guys in this match and that is Ziggler and Morrison, as for Swagger and Riley are ehh to me. I don't see the "it" thing that everyone does with him and swagger is just used so terrible that it kills me now. Swagger is awesome in the ring and there is no reason why Jomo and Riley should be in this match. But hey, least these guys are getting time and it should be a very interesting and good match. Either Dolph retains or Swagger pulls and upset.

i agree with most of what you said here as i dont see the it factor in swagger or a-ry either honestly i think john morrison should take the belt here,a-ry isnt ready for a title yet imo and then ziggler and swagger could fued over vickie without the title being involved plus morrison is doing nothing else and a us title run could give him something to do until he can go into the main event scene and into the wwe title picture again....BUT thats what will happen whats gonna happen is either ziggler retains or swagger pulls off an "upset" and wins the title and then there gonna keep having their heel vs heel fued over vickie (who i dont get why either one would want her tbh) and morrison and a-ry go back to do nothing :disappointed: :banghead:
Swagger or Dolph are going to cost each other a half dozen pinfalls, Vickie's gonna come down and join them, somehow she's getting knocked out, and A-ri or JoMo will score a roll up win.

Swagger/Dolph will go til TLC with their feud.
I can see a swerve happening in this match. With the focus on Ziggler and Swagger wanting Vickies services what if she helped Morrison win the match and title and joined him...could be what he needs before taking the next step and approaching main event status full time, one more midcard title run and a manager plus obviously be heel with Vickie...just an idea i can see WWE pulling off...thoughts?
Sounds like a terrible match. A guy who wrestlers at 100 mph vs a guy who does flips for the hell of it vs a guy who overbumps vs a guy who tries to work like the other three but forgets he is a lot bigger than them. :theyareontome:

Honestly, I think either Riley or Swaggie gets it. Sure, Riley isn't ready and it is almost hard to watch him be all spastic, but that hasn't stopped the WWE before. And Swaggie has more than less been the latest guy to get involved with Vickie in hopes it rubs off on Dolph; but again, that hasn't worked so far. idk
My guess is that this is a set up match for a Ziggler andSwagger fued for the belt involving 1 on 1 matches later on but ideally I want Riley to win I'm just bored of Ziggler he's like watching a sloth in a marathon (not when wrestling of course).

If they want the match to set up a fued then Swagger should roll up Ziggler or something I just want Ziggler off the belt.

My bad for short post and spelling/grammar im on my phone.
I believe that this match will mostly involve Ziggler vs Swagger with JoMo and Riley thrown in between. The result is a bit unpredictable but it is certain that Vickie will play a significant part in it.

As a fallout of this match, I expect either one of the four turning from heel to face (or probably the other way, though this has a lesser chance).
I hate how John Morrison and Alex Riley are in the middle of this storyline when they aren't needed. It would have been perfectly fine to have Jack Swagger face Dolph Ziggler for the United States Championship. Hell, you could have added a stipulation where the winner gets Vickie's services. Well, I guess it isn't too late to go that route. I think Dolph should remain Champion for a little while longer. He's obviously got tons of momentum going for him right now. However, Jack Swagger winning may progress this feud a little longer and that could be great for both of their careers. Dolph Ziggler can always win the title back from Jack down the road if he needs to. The only problem with this Jack Swagger/Dolph Ziggler storyline is I don't know who I'm suppose to be cheering - I think they need to deal with that before moving in deeper.

Hamler's Prediction - Jack Swagger will win the United States Championship.

I think you're wrong (for once) Hamler. The obvious feud between Swagger and Ziggler hasn't come yet to an implosion where either man is about to turn face. WWE has invest some time in turning finally Swagger to a legit thread/contender as a heel. To some degree you can say the same thing about Ziggler, I finally see Dolph having some heat without the help of Vickie. He isn't ready to turn face, the audience hasn't picked at all one side to cheer. Both of them are being boo'ed.

Onto the match itself, I can see the title both being retain and changing hands. But I seriously doubt Swagger will win it, at least not yet. I can see at some point in the match an alliance between Swagger and Dolph where they both dominate the other two. Then one will go for the pin and the implosion begins. Finally Riley or JoMo will take advantage of this and will win the match, or Ziggler will retain with some cheap tactic gaining even more heat.
Of course we need to take in count the fact that Vickie may appear and screw (not on purpose obviously) Swagger and/or Ziggler.

I think there are more chances of Riley or Morrison becoming the new US champ. It's a 60-40 chances for Ziggler. I really doubt that Swgagger will win.
I really hope Swagger walks away champ after pinning Dolph thanks to an "accidental" involvement by Vickie. I think this one has the potential to be a great mid-carder feud.
I think Riley will win, but the Ziggler/Swagger feud will continue without the title being involved. And personally? I'd rather see Swagger turn face when it's all said and done. I just feel like his character would be much easier to tweak from heel to face. Whereas Ziggler would need a complete overhaul, which I don't want because I like his character. Swagger just gets fed up with trying to get some help from Vicki and he decides he's going to push himself to succeed on his own, etc.
How the mighty have fallen. Didn't JoMo start off the year in a classic WWE Title match, mind you with a realistic chance of carrying the strap? If he wins this match, then I think I've officially given up on him, because it will be clear that it's as high as the WWE thinks he can climb.

I think it's pretty obvious that the WWE gave up on Swagger as a main event star, as well. From a World Title run to a US Championship match where he's fighting over Vickie Guerrero? Yeah...

I hope Dolph loses this match, because it frees him up to move onto greener pastures. He needs something to get him over, because he's too talented not to make it to the top. Right now, Vickie won't make him a legend. I think he's just waiting to explode, but I don't know what's going to detonate him. I hope he does, because I really do think he could carry a filler feud with Cena after the ADR feud is over.

Finally, we have Alex Riley. Is he going to win this match? I think it's 50/50, for him. If he does, then he might get a push out of it. Riley is another guy who needs a detonator, but I don't think he's ready to explode. He could win the match, but I think they're going to just let him hang around and see how he does. I hate this strategy, but it's the WWE's and that's probably what will happen.

I think JoMo might win this match. In the eyes of the E, this keeps JoMo relevant. However, this title is irrelevant and it's only going to just bring him down. I think Dolph and Swagger will get in their own way, and I think Riley is the fall guy to JoMo's finisher. To be fair, Morrison needs to just get back on TV. That injury killed all of his steam, not to mention never getting back at R-Truth for hurting him in the first place. Does Morrison need any kind of attention? Of course. Will this title run hurt him in the long run? Probably. But, I do think he will win it, either way.
ok so i personally think that JoMo should get the win. he is incredible in the ring and ive loved his ability since the old days in ECW. he definatly deserves a us title run, hell a year or two ago he was pretty much in the wwe title run. he beat people like chris jericho and other big names. i definatly think he deserves another title run for a bit. as for Dolph and Swagger they should have a 1 on 1 feud for vikie not the belt. and A-Ri i just think hes not ready yet and needs some more time as a single competetor
Ah, splendid. The match I so ingenuiously requested, but with JoMo added in.

How long are Ziggler and Swagger going to be in these matches? Was this not damn near the exact same scene this time last year, except for the IC title?

Eh, regardless, four guys who styles should mesh fantastically, and could make for a very damn entertaining match. This is what the mid card titles should be all about.
This one is high on my list of matches I'm looking forward to. Ziggler is one of those guys who can have a good match with pretty much anyone. I love everything about Swagger. Riley has the "it" factor, and although he isn't great in the ring, I really like his energy. And when it comes to PPV, Morrison always brings it. This should be fun.

As for the winner, it's probably the most wide open match. There's no reason for Ziggler not to retain. But Swagger could win with help from Vickie Guerrero. Morrison is popular and rather high in the WWE pecking order (perhaps too high?). Or WWE may want to give the very over Riley a run with the title. It's as wide open as you like. But my money would be on Swagger with Vickie Guerrero or Riley who would then go on to face whoever Vickie sides with.
My prediction- Swagger wins. Vickie costs Dolph the match. Dolph turns babyface and they feud for a couple of months.
i like the idea cause it can still build up a match between ziggler and swagger. i hope swagger wins so ziggler can issue his rematch clause and have these 2 go at it 4 a few more weeks then have a 1 on 1 match where vicki will interfere and finally choose between the 2

Agreed. It's all about build up, which we haven't seen much of in the past months. I simply love Ziggler. He can actually wrestle well and he's above average on the mic, including some of his commentaries.

Swagger and Morrison can definitely wrestle as well, and I'm liking this match, other than...

Alex Riley. What is his angle now? He has none. He comes out and wrestles sometimes. I'm not bashing him, just, he's got nothing going for him. Also, his little skit with Vicky and her "breath" was kinda boring. Didn't phase me or make me want to watch him ever again.

My prediction. Morrison will win. Swagger will interfere with Ziggler inside the match, thus heating up the rivalry, and next PPV, they will wrestle. After, Ziggler can have his rematch in the NEXT PPV. There ya go. Spread it out.
My prediction, Riley to win the match! Ziggler and Swagger feud of Vickis services for while with Swagger turning face and neither of them having Vickie! Back to the match, i can see it being a decent 10-15 min match with some decent spots from JM

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