Night of Champions - Intercontinental Championship: Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler


A Post Is Worth A Thousand Words
Might as well create a thread for it and start speculation/discussion as we know it'll be defended.

Obviously, Dolph Ziggler will be challenging Rey Mysterio. Its not official, but it might as well be, with Ziggler being out of a feud and attacking Rey and whatnot.

Personally, I'm a bit torn on what to pick here. Do we go with Mysterio pinning Ziggler, with Ziggler getting a rematch at Summerslam and winning the title from him...or do we go with Ziggler getting a surprise clean pinfall over Rey at Night of Champions? More than anything else, I think it depends on when the other titles will be switching places. We already know we'll be getting a new set of tag champs - unless they figure out some sort of swerve that we're not aware of to counteract Edge's injury. There's a chance Dreamer can drop it to Christian (though I think its more likely that Kozlov will win it from him....I just really, really, really hope not. I'd rather have Regal win it and then drop it to Christian so he can feud with Ryder and then Shelton around Mania, and I don't even like Regal lol). But if the tag team title switches hands and any other titles change, I think they should delay the IC title. Too many new champions on one show and then none on Summerslam will make Summerslam seem a bit cheap.

Still, if they do in fact do Mysterio/Ziggler, I'll be looking forward to it. I'm not a Mysterio fan at all, but he's the right size that he could work a very good match with Ziggler most likely, and Rey's not the type that would hold someone down. He'll do his best to make Ziggler look like gold.

If by some reason it isn't Ziggler challenging Mysterio, then I have absolutely no idea who they'd pick instead, and I wouldn't even begin to know where to start the speculation.
I made reference to the US title match but the answer also works for the IC... Ricky Steamboat!

Face v Face that Ziggler can ruin, claiming he deserves the shot, Rey and Ziggler getting the chance to work with Steamboat... and Steamboat getting one more shot at the IC title he won so amazingly before...
I think they made it pretty clear that it'll be Ziggler.

With that said, and going back to the original post, I think the best thing they can do for him is get the win over Rey, clean or dirty. With Edge out, and Jeff Hardy's possible departure, they need people in the Main Event scene, and Rey is really the only one that could fill that role on Smackdown (Jericho as well, but with Punk heel, there's no better faces than Jeff and Rey for him to feud with). I think Ziggler will get the win only because Rey isn't necessary there.

The other possibility is a triple threat, although the main event will be one, or a fatal 4 way (since Edge is out, and it's unclear what is going to happen in the tag title match).
Rey vs Ziggler vs Morrison vs Jericho. I'd still say put the title on Ziggler and help elevate his career, and winning against Rey and Jericho in the same match would look good for him, and then he and Morrison can feud from there.

However, if Jericho picks Ziggler to defend his tag title with him, then it could very well be Rey Mysterio vs Morrison
It's got to be Rey vs Ziggler, It's the only match up that would make any kind of sense(I haven't watched SD! yet), With them being on the opposite sides of the crowd, And with Ziggler being midcard, And Rey holding a midcard title.

One other match that could happen would be Rey vs Morrison, But that could potentionally harm John's push, With Rey being such a fan favourite.
Has to be Ziggler, as there is no one else. Also after what transpired on SD... I don't see anyone else getting the shot... I do see him winning as WWE do want to make him a star as his matches have been impressing lately
I'd have to agree that it's gotta be Ziggler. Hopefully they delay giving him the belt just yet, as a nice feud with Rey would be nothing but a great thing for dolph. Rey would do wonders getting him over as a heel, as Rey is so popular. The feud would set Ziggler up for a possible run as a top heel further on down the road.
The answer to this revolves around how they fix the tag team championship match. Ziggler is obviously the best person to compete against Mysterio. The problem is that if they want to team Jericho up with an established smackdown star Ziggler is also the obvious choice. Right now they have 5 matches scheduled for the NOC. I expect the US title match to be added. We might see the IC Championship not defended at the NOC. I think we may see Kane teaming with Jericho (though I would prefer Drew McItyre) so I think they will have Ziggler in the IC title match and that he will loose this time but will win it down the road.
Side Question: What the HELL kind of name is Dolph Ziggler??? He might have main event potential, but I find it hard to take him seriously. He needs to make like the once-labeled Johnny Nitro and explain to us how his real name is something else.

Also, I'm guessing Dolph Ziggler is WWE's answer to Dirk Diggler in Boogie Nights - maybe this is just me, but if I was playing word association, thats what I'd come up with.
Side Question: What the HELL kind of name is Dolph Ziggler??? He might have main event potential, but I find it hard to take him seriously. He needs to make like the once-labeled Johnny Nitro and explain to us how his real name is something else.

Also, I'm guessing Dolph Ziggler is WWE's answer to Dirk Diggler in Boogie Nights - maybe this is just me, but if I was playing word association, thats what I'd come up with.

His name is a combination of the Boogie Nights character and I believe some porn star from 70s with Dolph in it. When he first started introducing himself, there was a post about where the name came from, so that's just from memory.

I personally liked the Johnny Nitro name much more than the Morrison one. He could've kept the name and got this Morrison-esque gimmick put on, it's not very different from what he was doing. I don't mind the name Dolph Ziggler too much, nor do I think it'll have any negative effect on his career down the line
We all know by now that the only logical decision would be for Dolph Ziggler to challenge Rey Mysterio for the Intercontinental Championship. Do I think he should should win it? Hell no! All these short, non-memorable title reigns need to stop. Rey Mysterio said, during his first IC Title reign, that he wants to be one the best Intercontinental Champions of all-time. How can that happen if WWE does not let him hold on to the title for more than just a ppv or two?

Dolph Ziggler has been getting the push of a lifetime, since the day he got drafted to Smackdown. He has no more than maybe three losses, and he continues to rack up the wins. Rey Mysterio is exactly what the mid-card needs right now. Smackdown has enough people who can move up to the main-event before Undertaker and Edge returns. I wouldn't be surprised if Dolph Ziggler won the title, but I would only approve of that if he quickly loses it back to give Rey his 3rd Intercontinental Championship reign, but who wants to see that?

Bottom line, is that Rey should not lose his title during his first fued in this title reign. Have Rey have several fueds over the title and hold on to it only to have Dolph Ziggler or someone else win it farther down the road.
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I back both Ziggler and Morrison big time... John has already challenged winner of Hardy/Punk... I'm just not into Rey its time for new blood... If there is a God Morrison beats Punk
Well I only see one IC title match taking place at NoC:
Rey Mysterio vs. Dolph Ziggler cmon ppl this title match up is a no brainer XD
yeah Ziggler is going to get a real feud now and with a top guy it should be really fun to watch Ziggler transition into a main event player. GO Ziggy GO
I'm not sure who to go with here. It all depends on whether or not the WWE thinks Morrison is main event ready. If so, he'll be facing Punk at Summerslam. If not, it'll surely be Mysterio who would most likely have to drop his IC Title first and I think Ziggler is the perfect man to give it to.

He's gotten a huge push over the last few months, including a win over the Great Khali on PPV and a win against Morrison just last week. I think it's about time that he be given a title for a few months to see how he does. He's sort of over with the crowd even though his gimmick is just to shake hands and flick his sweat.

This should be a great match considering Mysterio is excellent against wrestlers close to his size and Ziggler has proven to be solid thus far.
championship scramble? plenty of talent could be shown in this match.. imagine:
mysterio vs r-truth vs ziggler vs charlie haas vs khali?
could be good
I would like for Ziggler to challenge Mysterio, and after SmackDown last week it is pretty clear he will. What ends up happening between the two all depends on what they want to do with Rey. I expect him to retain regardless at NoC, hopefully in a good match. Afterwards, if he is going to stay in the midcard, he will begin a good feud leading into a match at SummerSlam. If they want to move him up to the main event, then a feud will be built leading into SummerSlam and Dolph will win it then.
Dolph diggity damn Ziggler. HELL YES, my boy. Fairly obvious after the interference the other night. You know something dammit? He might fucking win the fucker too. Probably not, I lie. I doubt he wins on the first try, since Rey just won it at the last show. He will probably have a good try, and then somehow get a rematch at SummerSlam. Innit. Im gonna pop like a motherfucker for Ziggler when his music hits. Ill probably be the only one, and look stupid.
This really depends on if they want Punk heel or face, and if Hardy is leaving.

I mean, if they want Punk face, they can just have Punk feud with Jericho. Simple. That is of course assuming Jericho drops the tag titles to Legacy. Punk/Jericho should give some memorable events, and Mysterio keeps the title.

Now, if they want Punk heel, they need a face to have him feud against. Hardy is the one he could really turn against, but Hardy might be leaving soon. Something like his contract is legitimately up right now, or soon. If Hardy leaves, name another face in the main-event scene that Punk could feud against. None? Then let's have Mysterio drop his title and fuck Punk's day up.

The only question, after we establish Mysterio moving up as the main-event face, is when. I say Summerslam. Mysterio keeps his title at NoC, loses it at Summerslam, and moves on to feud with Punk.
I'm not against Ziggler being in the match, but he is a bit fresh to just throw a title on, especially when you're trying to build it back up. For this match at least, Rey should win, but probably not cleanly. Let him dominate the match, while not making it a squash, and then have Dolph lose via DQ. Without a proper feud (I've heard a bit about it, but it doesn't scream MOTY at me), they can't change the titles this soon.

Besides, it'll be bigger for the belt, if Rey drops it at a pay-per-view like SummerSlam or Survivor Series.
Well the peeps who who gave my last post on this a bad rep, this match IS going to happen I just read the SmackDown spoiler and the match will be announced this Friday cmon ppl giving me a bad rep for pointing out the obvious.
I cannot wait for Ziggler vs Mysterio. I see Ziggler winning the championship here seeing as how Mysterio thinks Ziggler isn't on his level and Dolph is on a roll. Plus they will need a reliable replacement to challenge Punk if Hardy leaves and if Mysterio is IC champ he won't be contending for any world titles. I expect Dolph to win and continue his impressiv streak over world champions.
I think Dolph Ziggler would win this one.It could be a heel turn for Rey Mysterio and a feud with Dolph Ziggler.And this would be the perfect match to show Dolph Ziggler's abillity to wrestle,he could also continue the streak with Khali(3-0).
I think Dolph Ziggler would win this one.It could be a heel turn for Rey Mysterio

How would this make sense? Dolph is a heel, Rey is an uberface and a major source of revenue. How would losing to Ziggler make Rey turn heel? And what is the point?
I can sum up this match with one letter.... "Z".... because this match will make me fall asleep due to boredom.... Zzzzzzzz.... oh, sorry.... almost fell asleep there. Just thinking about Mysterio (who I hate) defending against Ziggler (who I couldn't care less about) made me really bored and tired.

I must make a prediction though since I predict on every match. Let's see.... if Mysterio wins then he retains the IC title. If Ziggler wins then something really idiotic might happen, Mysterio might start going for the heavyweight title (he's cruiserweight. if you can't see what's so DUMB about that, then well.... think about it.) So I'll go with Mysterio retaining. He belongs in the midcard.

Dagger Dias prediction.... __ MYSTERIO
I'm leaning, very heavily, towards Rey Mysterio retaining. Dolph will get in some offense, make it look close, but in the end I see Rey winning. Zigggler is getting pretty impressive heel heat, but I just don't think his time is now, seeing as Rey hasn't held the title very long and is still very over with the general fan base.

This should be an ok match, nothing spectaculare.

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