Night Of Champions - *GENERAL DISCUSSION*

Which will be the main event?

  • WWE Championship - Cena vs. ADR

  • Triple H vs. CM Punk

  • World Heavyweight Championship - Orton vs. Henry

  • Other..

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Championship Contender
This is how I'd book it and the matches would take place in this order.

1. Divas Title Fatal 4-Way Match: Kelly Kelly (c) vs. Beth Phoenix vs. Eve Torres vs. Natalya

Should've happened at Summerslam. Baffles me that it didn't. She's the best female wrestler they got. Give her the strap.

Winner - Beth Phoenix

2. John Morrison vs. Wade Barrett

Barrett complained about not having any competition the last episode of Smackdown. Morrison comes out tomorrow night and begins a feud with him. That's the beauty of not splittling the talent anymore. Opens up lots of opportunities for guys like Christian who had nowhere else to go. I think that's the main reason they made this move actually. Anyway, Morrison wins but Barrett still comes out looking strong so he can eventually contend for the WHC.

Winner - John Morrison

3. United States Title Triple Threat Match: Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Daniel Bryan vs. Jack Swagger

I don't really quite understand what they're trying to do with Dolph and Vickie. Maybe he gives her the ultimatum of picking him if he wins or Swagger if he loses. If they try to turn him face, I think that's a horrible idea. Vickie will get involved and possibly cost him the match. I hope I'm wrong, but I could see Swagger winning and having a short title reign. Being a Ziggler fan though, I'm going to hope they would realize he's the best man to hold that title at the moment.

Winner - Dolph Ziggler

4. Sheamus vs. Christian

Each guy needs a feud, so I guess we build on the main event from Raw and get something started between these 2. Each time Sheamus faced Mark Henry, they didn't want to have a clear cut winner so nobody would lose momentum. However, they've put Christian over everyone on Smackdown's roster and can't see anything changing here.

Winner - Christian

5. Intercontinental Title Match: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Sin Cara

I do think Sin Cara is going to be the next IC Champ, just not this soon. Ted DiBiase makes a face turn as a result of Rhodes' attack on him last week and gets involved, giving Rhodes the win but by DQ so Sin Cara doesn't look weak.

Winner (by DQ) - Cody Rhodes

6. Tag Team Title Match: Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne (c) vs. The Miz & R-Truth

Air Boom (I personally like Bourne Kings better) against The Awesome Truth. The Miz and R-Truth actually make an odd yet decent tag team. I like Kingston and Bourne together also, but I think I'd make a title change here just because The Miz has no one to feud with in singles competition at the moment. I think these 2 teams could make for a good 5 or 6 matches with a couple title changes in there.

Winners - The Miz & R-Truth

7. World Heavyweight Championship Match: Randy Orton (c) vs. Mark Henry

I know they want to really put over Henry as the most dangerous man in WWE, but I can't see them putting the strap on him. At least not right now, when there's been a couple recent title changes for the WHC. I think Sheamus comes down and distracts Henry, giving Orton to hit the RKO out of nowhere and get the 3 count. This gives Henry a legitimate complaint about deserving a rematch.

Winner - Randy Orton

8. WWE Championship Match: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. John Cena

I'm surprised this match is happening already. Really thought we wouldn't see it until Survivor Series. No way does Del Rio drop it already. The last thing we need to see is Cena win the belt again right now. I don't have an explanation except that Del Rio gets a dirty win somehow, not a clean armbar submission obviously because Cena doesn't tap out.

Winner - Alberto Del Rio

9. CM Punk vs. Triple H

Another match I'm very surprised to see happen already. Again, I thought they'd put this off til Survivor Series. Kevin Nash will obviously get involved in this match, that's a sure thing. The question is who will he screw over? I also think Sean Waltman makes his return here. My guess is they help Triple H and he acts as if he doesn't want the help, but he also doesn't turn down an easy pin fall when Punk is laying on his back out cold. Nash and Waltman come into the ring to congratulate him and raise his hands and Triple H just has a very confused look on his face as the show ends.

Winner - Triple H
Nice thread. Here's my card in order:

1. Intercontinental Championship: Cody Rhodes (c) vs Ezekial Jackson

Winner: Cody Rhodes. He's just won the title and has begun this apparent role of reviving the belt. Has a great gimmick and is working with it extremely well. Great look aswell as a good voice that really shockingly blends well. No doubt he walks away as Champion. Zeke is challenger simply because he's the former champion and the rematch stipulation comes into play. Or I suspect Rhodes/DiBiase (Face).

2. Divas Championship: Kelly Kelly (c) vs Beth Pheonix

Winner: Beth Pheonix. Pheonix has to have another shot at Kelly's title. She didn't walk away with victory at Mitb but then I find that Night of Champions is in her hometown. No wonder WWE are waiting. Expecting a massive pop when she wins and maybe another dominant diva to join the Destructing Duo. What I really want is a divas feud without the title, I want Eve to turn on Kelly Kelly.

3. US Championship and Vickie Guerrero: Dolph Ziggler (c) vs Jack Swagger vs Alex Riley

Winner: Jack Swagger. This match really pushes Ziggler to main event. Its basically saying Ziggler has finally made it and now we see how he does without Vickie. The way you do that without turning him face? You have him lose due to Vickie and then Riley walks away with the belt. Leaving Swagger to challenge and Vickie to be by his side.

4. World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs Mark Henry

Winner: Randy Orton. Orton wins BUT Kane returns. Kane who is kayfabe injured due to Henry returns and literally destroys Henry. Beats down Henry with the ref knocked down. Next PPV? Hell in a Cell. WWE need another big face/heel on SmackDown, Kane might be the missing link. Anyhow I then want to go into why this would make sense. How about Kane vs Henry at Hiac and Kane goes over. Why not have Big Show return to help Kane? Then we go onto Vengeance which could be Henry/Show/Kane. Kane turns on Show. As for the World Title? I'd say you have Orton/Rhodes at Hiac.

5. Triple H vs CM Punk

Winner: CM Punk. No clue who is actually walking away victorious so I go for the guy who every one loves. Two ways you do this outcome and the other one. Punk has actually had Nash under his wing all this time and is really planning to take WWE by power. Using HHH's friend, wife and father in law all against him. This could work if WWE want Punk heel but liked. Or Punk wins clean and then is attacked by Nash. The other scenario is HHH winning. Now this could work with the members of Kliq helping out which of course means HHH is now heel or HHH wins clean. Either way Nash gets involved. What I personally want to see? Kliq come out and then Kings of Wrestling and Cabana come out to stop them from getting involved.

6. WWE Tag Team Championships: AirBoom (Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne) (c) vs The Uso's/Otunga and Hennig

Winners: AirBoom. I want a clean win and then the debut of The Kings of Wrestling from ROH. Or they debut in the match above. Anyhow you guys will love The Kings of Wrestling. I am so excited for the Tag Team Division.

7. WWE Championship: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs John Cena

Winner: Alberto Del Rio. Del Rio isn't losing the title after one PPV that's for sure. And hey, why does he have to win dirty? Why can't someone attack Cena without Del Rio knowing so that for about 1 or 2 PPV's Cena is involved in another rivalry. Now with the whole Brand Extension over, why not Christian? I hope Del Rio wins if dirty it means we see Cena/Del Rio at Hiac and then Cena/Del Rio and Punk at Vengeance. Punk gets screwed by HHH and Cena wins. Rock comes back at Survivor Series to help Del Rio beat a heel Cena.
Not bad except I can't see guys like Sheamus, Christian, The Miz, and R-Truth not being on the card. Also, Ezekiel Jackson already got his rematch on Smackdown and lost clean again. I could see Alex Riley being in the US Title match instead of Daniel Bryan. It looked like they were building toward a Ziggler/Riley match at Summerslam and it never happened for some reason. I could see Riley having a short run with the US Title and then losing it back to Ziggler.
WAAAYYYY too much stuff on that card. all the titles have to be defended which means some guys have to dissapear from the PPv, its no big and if guys like christian, sheamus, miz, etc need all the ppvs to stay relevant then they aren`t ME material.

that being said I agree with your title matches more or less. I was looking forward to this PPV but to be honest I think it will fail based on overbooking when the champs are suppose to be the focus. I mean Rhodes who is second champ on SD wasn`t even featured this week and none of the storylines minus PUnk vs HHH and the WCs grew.

P:S you don`t need ted to come in. How on earth can losing to the IC champ make Sin look weak. botching makes him look weak, the drugs, the inability to speak english, and finally getting replaced that makes him look weak.
divas title: natalya vs. kelly kelly. natalya wins and becomes divas champ as she makes kelly tap 2 the sharpshooter.

tag belts: the awesome truth vs. air boom. awesome truth becomes new tag champs when r-truth hits kingson with water bottle and miz hits the SCF on kofi 4 da win.

us title: triple threat- alex riley vs. jack swagger vs. dolph ziggler. a-ry wins the title and it would validate him and it would turn ziggy face because he loses the belt and is not involved in the desicion vickie guerrero turns on ziggler and manages swagger.

intercontinental title: ted dibiase jr. vs. cody rhodes. dibiase begins his long overdue babyface run but he's not ready to win the IC belt just yet. cody nails the cross rhodes to retain end of story.

CM punk vs. HHH- has match of the year potential. after a long back & 4th battle punk hits the GTS on the game for the 1 2 3.

world heavyweight title: mark henry vs. randy orton. i hate to say this but mark henry wins and becomes new WHC. with the role hes been on lately hes virtually unstoppable.

wwe title: john cena vs. alberto del rio. ADR isnt ready to drop the title yet and wwe has a tour of mexico coming up they want him to return as the conqering hero. and the last thing i want 2c is john cena winning the wwe title for a 12 TIME!!!!!! so ADR gets a bargain basement victory because ricky ******o aka ricardo rodriguez interferes on del rios behalf.

thats how i see night of champions playing out.
Good thread,but the card is to much.This would be my Card for the PPV which i will have to include the already booked matches.

WWE Championship-Alberto Del Rio (C) VS John Cena
Already booked on the card and should be a good match considering Cena's recent matches and Del Rio is good in the ring,im intrested to see the outcome of this match and looking foward to the build up on RAW.I want Del Rio to win but how can he win when Cena never taps out?
Winner-Alberto Del Rio

WHC-Randy Orton (C) VS Mark Henry
After what happen on SD last night I expect Mark Henry to dominate this fued heading into NOC.Somehow they have got to keep both looking strong heading into the match without one having a Edge.Randy just one the Title and I don't expect him to have a Short Title Reign but then Henry is on a rampage which makes you think he can't be pinned but then Orton is the top face so he can 'Over Come The Odds'
Winner-Randy Orton
Somehow Orton is able to win.

US Title-Dolgh Ziggler (C) VS John Morrison VS Jack Swagger VS Alex Riley
If this on the card this wll be one hell of a match,John Morrison has nothing to do at the moment so I would just stick him in this Match and do some crazy spots.Swagger&Dolgh can develop there fued without a title and I See Iether Riley Or JO-MO winning the title but then JO-MO can't lose to Mid-carders lower than him?Anyway I See Dolgh Losing the title here and going up the card.
Winner-John Morrison

IC Title-Cody Rhodes VS Eziekal Jackson VS Ted Dibiase
Quite a obviously match-up which might happen due to Cody bagging Ted Dibiase and just need Jackson in here to add more steam to the match.Cody should retain here looking strong and him & ted should have a long fued which Ted comes out on top and Cody goes up the card.
Winner-Cody Rhodes

Tag Team Championships-Air BOOM (C) VS The Usos/Henning&Otunga
I expect Henning&Otunga to face them at this PPV have Air BOOM retain and look strong and move on to another Tag Team.Would make no sense if they were to lose the titles,should be a decent match.
Winners-Air BOOM

Divas Championship-Kelly Kelly (C) VS Eve VS Beth VS Natalya
I actually could See Eve winning her to add some tention between her & kelly kelly,DOD can't win the titles yet because they need to still establish themselves and I don't want them 2 having a fued over the title coz of jealousy

I see Big Sexy intefering and costing HHH the match
Winner-CM Punk
Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. John Cena

Having finally become champion I dont see ADR losing the title NOC not with all the recent title changes and the expectation that Cena will be holding the title come Wrestlemania. Having said that Cena has lost at the last two PPV will three in a row be to much for Super Cena, I think not and expect ADR to retain but it certainly will not be clean and I think there may be a bit of storyline cross over involving Punk/HHH/Nash.

Randy Orton (c) vs. Mark Henry

Well Randy has already lost his one match for the year so I cant see him wanting to put over Henry having just regained the belt. Henry really needs the belt to give this push some real credibility and keep up the momentum but I see orton retaining and expect to see a Show or Kane return. Orton is on record as stating he doesnt enjoy working with Henry so whatever goes down I dont think we will see a rematch.

Triple H vs. CM Punk

Well Punk is on a roll well and truly but I dont see him winning here. HHH without doubt for me it wont be clean and It will be a major screwy finish! HHH heel turn anyone? Undertaker return? Whatever it should be great TV and I cant wait!
So far, this card is really uninteresting. I really want to see HHH return and the conspiracy continue with Punk/HHH/Nash and maybe Steph. But ADR/Cena isn't exciting me because I am sadly expecting Cena to win. I hope it's Orton/Henry, and this be the feud of the fall on Smackdown's Main Event scene. Mark and Orton could make me quake in my seat if they meet at Hell In A Cell, in a HIAC match. I want to see Mark become champion. With this heel turn, he's really on FIRE as a monster heel. I hope to see ARy, Ziggler and Swagger meet in a triple threat match, and I would mark out if ARy won due to Vickie interering against Ziggler. I want to see Cody vs. face Ted if he turns, or Cody vs. Justin Gabriel for the IC title. Cody retaining of course."Air Boom":wtf::shrug::banghead::disappointed: will probably face MxGuillitunga, but I'd love to see Tag Turmoil return, and see the Usos in there.
They should really make an A-Ry - ZIggler - Jack Swangle triple threat US title match. A good use of three guys who would work well together, would stand out on a card chock full of straight on one one one matches, and would make the IC title feel heavily coveted.
I would definitely change my US Title match to Ziggler vs. Riley vs. Swagger. Or even a Fatal 4-Way with Morrison. Maybe let Riley or Morrison even win and keep it for a few weeks, then lose it back to Ziggler if they're not gonna push him to main event status yet where he belongs.

We all saw Nash get in the limo with Laurinaitis on Raw after Triple H "fired" him. I guarantee he shows up with Waltman during the Triple H/Punk match and win the match for Hunter. Either it'll be a conspiracy from the get-go or Triple H will look confused like he didn't want their help, but he's obviously not losing the COO job already. Once he put that on the line, that pretty much gave away the outcome of the match.
This is what i hope/want/think will happen....

WWE Championship-Alberto Del Rio (C) VS John Cena
I think Del Rio will win this one because theres no way they can take it off him this early and i think he is in for a lenghty run! But how he wins is tricky, theres no chance Cena tapping, and probably not a clean pinfall so i can see an interferance for distraction from Rodriguez to help him win it! Cena has been performing well recently and ADR has alot of ability so with the decent time, these two could pull of an excellent match!
Winner-Del Rio

WHC-Randy Orton (C) VS Mark Henry
This is a tough one, i think Orton should retain but wouldnt surprise me if Henry won it because of this monster push! Henry has become alot more interesting of late so they could maybe want to see how he does with the strap! I hope he doesnt win because watching his matches every week would be awful! I can see maybe a Sheamus interference allowing Orton to pick up the win here. The title has changed hands enough lately, Orton should keep it for a few months!

US Title-Dolgh Ziggler (C) VS Jack Swagger VS Alex Riley
This should be on the card due to all the Vickie dram blah blah. I see a face turn for Ziggler or Swagger soon but not quite yet, hopefully not Ziggler because i do like him as heel! Ziggler to drop this one to Riley and start to move up the ranks towards the Title scene maybe?? Hes definately good enough!

IC Title-Cody Rhodes VS Eziekal Jackson
I couldnt think of another oponent for cody so Jackson seems about the only one, bit too early for Gabriel, Sin cara is doing his own thing and Bryan is too high up for this i feel! Short match with Rhodes dominating i think and maybe an altercation with Dibiase after the match to start the face turn of Ted and their feud!
Winner-Cody Rhodes

Tag Team Championships-Air BOOM (C) VS Awesome Truth
Awesome truth with the win here and a hold for a while until a feud with KOW i hope!! But i do love Miz as a singles competitor so im torn here.
Winners-Awesome Truth

I was hoping for a punk win here but now with the stipulation on HHH losing COO i cant see it happening. Its probably going to be a heel turn for Trips and definately interference from Nash. I would love Nash to lay out both guys and cover Trips over Punk for win, Leading to a big storyling with HHH and Punk together against Nash, Steph and Laranitus! But thats just me wishful thinking.

I think the Del Rio-Cena match and Punk-HHH match will save this PPV, but the only problem is.. if it goes the way most people think then there will be alot of interferances and not much clean wins which would piss alot of people off i think!
What match do you think will be the main event of the night? and also which match do you think it should be??
WWE Championship Match
John Cena vs. Alberto Del Rio (c)

No Disqualification match; If CM Punk wins, Triple H resigns as COO of WWE
CM Punk vs. Triple H

World Heavyweight Championship Match
Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton (c)
I don't think it will be the WHC match,

I have a feeling it will be the WWE title match, but ONLY IF Cena wins the match other than that I think it HAS TO BE CM Punk vs. Triple H.. It's the main storyline going on in the WWE at the moment and is a must see match purely because of the rivalry being personal and also no dq. I can't really pick a winner, I think Trips is being the good guy because he has been nothing but nice to Punk, but also Punk is on a roll and could pick up the win, also meaning Trips has to resign as COO.. It's going to be the match of the night for sure and the one match EVERYONE will be waiting to see..

What do you guys think??
It's Triple H vs. Punk which is a little ridiculous for this PPV, IMO, since the name of the PPV is NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS and neither one of them are currently champions.

It won't be Cena vs. ADR unless Cena is going to win the belt.

There's a slim chance that it would be Orton vs. Mark Henry. Only way they'd make that the main event is if the plan is to have the lights go out and the gong after the match.
I think it should b hhh and cm punk and hhh should make one of thoes epic entrances and then cm punk should come out to metallicas song king nothing
Call me a traditionalist, but I picked the WWE Championship Match. I just always feel like it belongs at the end. However, will it be? No way.

It's probably going to be HHH v CM Punk. It has the most drama, it has received the most attention, and HHH will probably have himself booked in the main event. I can almost guarantee too that he'll go over Punk. He's famous for it, and I'm sure this thing with Kevin Nash probably isn't over. I hope that if Punk loses, it will be because HHH has formed his own corporation and they take Punk out. If he goes over clean, I might realistically stop watching the WWE. I haven't been watching a lot recently, anyway, and that would simply just piss me off enough to do it.

By the way, I'd love to meet the troll who picks, "other." What, you think Miz & Truth v Airboom should go on last? That would be hilarious.
I know it's called Night of Champions, but the Triple H/CM Punk match is what everyone will be dishing out money for to see this PPV, so it needs to go on last. It's head and shoulders above any other angle/feud going on in WWE right now. Besides, not every match can be for a title or we'd only see 6 matches. I could see them throwing a Sheamus vs. Christian match in there too.

There's absolutely no heat behind the Del Rio/Cena feud and it shouldn't even go on before Orton/Henry in my opinion. I don't see either Orton or Del Rio dropping their respective title, but especially Del Rio right now. They didn't let him win Money in the Bank and cash it in to have him drop the title just a month later. This feud was just kind of thrown together pretty half-assed because there's no one else for Cena to match up against right now since CM Punk has his own thing going on now. So of course they put him against the WWE Champion, and when was the last time we saw a PPV without Cena in the WWE Title match? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I'm almost positive it was the Rumble. Seriously, it's getting very repetitive. We need to see new guys pushed into title picture already.

And God knows there will be a rematch between ADR and Cena at Hell in a Cell.
Call me a traditionalist, but I picked the WWE Championship Match. I just always feel like it belongs at the end. However, will it be? No way.

It's probably going to be HHH v CM Punk. It has the most drama, it has received the most attention, and HHH will probably have himself booked in the main event. I can almost guarantee too that he'll go over Punk. He's famous for it, and I'm sure this thing with Kevin Nash probably isn't over. I hope that if Punk loses, it will be because HHH has formed his own corporation and they take Punk out. If he goes over clean, I might realistically stop watching the WWE. I haven't been watching a lot recently, anyway, and that would simply just piss me off enough to do it.

By the way, I'd love to meet the troll who picks, "other." What, you think Miz & Truth v Airboom should go on last? That would be hilarious.

I really think Punk is going to win the match. The Nash angle definitely isn't over or they wouldn't have shown him getting in the limo with Laurinaitis. I think he'll come down (maybe on his own, maybe even with Waltman) and take Triple H out since it's no DQ. Does this mean he'll be aligned with Punk the whole time just to throw Triple H off? I hope not, I like Punk much better on his own. But I could see it happening and Punk saying, "I had your "friends" in my back pocket all along". Anyhow, once Triple H isn't C.O.O. anymore, Laurinaitis re-hires Nash. From everything I've read, he does need time off to shoot a movie, but will make appearances here and there.
I think it should be Triple H vs. CM Punk based on the build up and storyline alone. The promo from last night's RAW was off the charts and hyped up the match perfectly.

As for the other Championship bouts its hard to say

Alberto Del Rio vs. John Cena is just started to get heated up but not at the tipping point yet. It's not a hot feud right now since its thunder is being stolen from Punk/HHH but it could be down the line. Not just yet.

Mark Henry vs. Randy Orton ... something tells me that Mark Henry will be walking away as Champion here. If so this probably wont main event NOC since the heel will go over.
I think it is going to be Trips vs Cm Punk as the main event of NoC. I say this because last night we had our WWE Champion on in his tag team match before 10. Then we had a 3 minute divas match after that. :confused: I just find that strange that Kelly Kelly fought after the WWE Champion.

I also think Trips is going to win at NoC because he switched the match o no Dq so it seems clear that someone is going to interfere. I believe that Trips is going to be double crossed by Stephanie and John L. I think this match is going to end up a double count out as Nash, John, Stephanie and maybe Vince tower in the ring. This making the stable even more powerful then Trips COO powers and in a way causing CM PUNK to align to take on this Corporation type group.

I think before this match will be the WWE title match, then before that match the WHC.
A no dq match can't end in a double count ount. Even if it could, they wouldn't end the main event in that fashion.
I have ran the idea through my mind a few times and came to two single conclusion. Night of Champions with me a huge talked about event or another WWE bore.

In the Epic version of NOC, Ted beats Rhodes for the IC title, suggesting Cody is ready to chase the world title. Miz and Truth win giving meaning to the Tag titles once again. Divas has a short match, anything else would be a shame. A-Ri finally gets some gold to see if he can be a worthwhile champion. Setting up Zig and Swag to become a tag team and give more meaning to the tag division. Mark Henry beats Orton with outside assistance from Rhodes leaving Randy open for the 5v5 match at Survivor Series. Punk beats HHH afterwards the NwO is re-built setting up NWO vs Rock,Cena,Punk,Orton and Sheamus @ Survivor. Alberto Del Rio retains clean vs Cena leaving Cena confused and upset preparing for the heel turn at Survivor series.

Then their is the bad, Orton wins, Rhodes wins, Divas have a match, John Morrison wins, HHH wins, Cena wins. Sneaky Fart wins, No outside interference almost all champion retain the title and we have all but 1 heel champion.
Here's what I hope happens

Alex Riley wins the United States Championship

Ted DiBiase wins the Intercontinental Championship, and Cody Rhodes moves on to a feud with Orton.

Beth Phoenix wins the Divas Championship

Dolph Ziggler & Jack Swagger are added into the tag title match last minute and walk away with the tag titles. The past two Night of Champions PPVs have had last minute surprise teams winning the titles so this is a possibility

Mark Henry wins the World Heavyweight Championship

Alberto Del Rio retains the WWE Title

Triple H beats CM Punk
I think Triple H vs Punk will be the main event. It's a little weird that the one non title match is the ME for NOC. But it got the most time on Raw. If it was Punk vs Nash (the original idea), I dont think that would of been the main event. But since its HHH returning to the ring it will be the main event.
Predictions now that we know the official card...

Divas Championship: Kelly Kelly (c) vs. Beth Phoenix

Beth is walking out with the title in her hometown of Buffalo. Maybe with the help of Natalya, maybe clean. Kelly will get a rematch. Eventually there'll be a Fatal 4-Way involving Eve too. Down the road I see Natalya winning the title. They need another face to spark the divas division. Maybe Maryse, Michelle McCool, or Layla. Where the hell has Layla been anyway?

Intercontinental Title: Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Ted DiBiase

WWE baffles me sometimes. Why did they wait til the Smackdown 2 days before the PPV to build the feud when they could've done it weeks ago? I think this has the potentialto be the match that steals the show, honestly. Rhodes has to retain of course (he makes a great IC Champ in my opinion), but I can see this feud being a good one that lasts for a couple months.

United States Title Fatal 4-Way: Dolph Ziggler (c) vs. Alex Riley vs. Jack Swagger vs. John Morrison

This one is a complete toss-up. I've said for a long time that Ziggler is a future main-eventer, so if he loses tonight that says to me he's the next in line to feud with Cena or Punk. The one I definitely don't see winning is Alex Riley. If I have to pick, I'll go with Ziggler to retain because Punk and Cena's respective feuds are going to last a few months. They'll drag out the Ziggler/Swagger fighting over Vickie's services angle and probably put them one on one at the next PPV. And I hope to God the rumors of Ziggler making a face turn have no truth to them.

Tag Team Championships: Air Boom (c) vs. Awesome Truth

I have to say this is a pretty decent start at reviving the tag team division. I know both of these teams are made up of singles competitors thrown together, but both teams are entertaining as hell. I don't see The Miz getting back into the main event picture until later in the year (I think he'll win the WWE Title from Cena at the Rumble), so why not let him and Truth walk out with the straps and hang onto them for a month or 2? Maybe a triple threat with The Usos? I like Awesome Truth to win and hold onto the giant Michigan State penny belts until Air Boom regains them at a future PPV or Raw. Then again if they lose, it keeps the conspiracy theory angle going...

World Heavyweight Championship: Randy Orton (c) vs. Mark Henry

I think this will be an above average match, as it's had a pretty decent buildup with Henry attacking Orton after matches. Henry is at the best point in his career. They're doing their best to get everything they can out of him this time and his character is believable. I don't see this match with a pin for either guy. Don't forget Christian and Sheamus are not on the card. Christian comes down to sneak attack Orton. Sheamus comes down to chase Christian away. Henry throws a punch at Sheamus. Sheamus goes to retaliate, but Henry ducks and Sheamus hits Orton. Something along those lines to give Orton the DQ win. I do see Henry becoming champion eventually, just not quite yet. Maybe at Hell in a Cell? Fatal 4-Way between Orton, Henry, Sheamus and Christian.

WWE Championship: Alberto Del Rio (c) vs. John Cena

The Orton/Henry matchup really deserves to go on after this match, but it's Cena so we all know how that goes. This feud was just a clusterfuck from the beginning and then Del Rio's visa issues caused him to miss valuable time on the Raw and Smackdown live shows that aired back to back a few weeks ago. Can we just once see someone else in the WWE Title picture? The Royal Rumble was the last time Cena wasn't in a match for the WWE Title. But anyways, I'll stop ranting. On with the prediction...Del Rio is going to win. They didn't let him cash in his MITB briefcase at SummerSlam only to lose the Championship just 1 month later. Maybe Rodriguez gets involved, but I don't see Del Rio winning clean. That way Cena has a gripe and they can have a rematch at Hell in a Cell and maybe even another at Vengeance.

No DQ Match, Triple H's COO job on the line: Triple H vs. CM Punk

There's plenty of different ways this match could turn out, but there's one thing we know for certain: Kevin Nash is getting involved. They didn't show him get in the limo after he was "fired" for nothing. It's no dq, so Nash comes down and definitely powerbombs Triple H. Maybe Punk too, but I have a terrible feeling they could try to reform an NWO corporate style stable with Punk being the leader. I could see Vince and Laurinaitis coming down to add insult to injury on Triple H. I hope I'm wrong about that because Punk is so much greater as a loner. Anyways, Punk wins and Nash is re-hired now that Triple H isn't in charge anymore. The feud is the best one going in the company at the moment and should go on for the next couple PPV's at least.
Night of Chairmen (and Punks)

Wait just a second, that's not the name of the pay per view! It's Night of Champions! Oh please, you and I both know that the selling point of this PPV is the Punk/HHH match. That's the match that's gotten the most attention over the past month and that's the match that has sold the most tickets and will sell the most PPV buys. The sad part is that, even if I wanted to name the highest drawing match next to the Punk/HHH match...I don't think I'd be able to do it. It's a pretty clear cut two way tie, but Orton/Henry has been built up far better than Cena/Del Rio, and people actually see Mark Henry as a legitimate obstacle for Orton, where Del Rio is just another notch in John Cena's ring post...but at the same time, Cena sells tickets by being on the card more than Orton, and it isn't even close. So which one is a better match? I'll let you judge that, but it's my job to predict how the storylines are going to play out tonight.

The Card Structure
Match 1.
Dolph Ziggler (c) v John Morrison v Alex Riley v Jack Swagger for the US Championship
Match 2. Cody Rhodes (c) v Ted DiBiase for the Intercontinental Championship
Match 3. Air Boom (c) v Awesome Truth for the Tag Team Championships
Match 4. Kelly Kelly (c) v Beth Phoenix for the Diva's Championship
Match 5. Randy Orton (c) v Mark Henry for the World Heavyweight Championship
Match 6. Alberto Del Rio (c) v John Cena for the WWE Championship
Match 7. Triple H v CM Punk in a No DQ match where if CM Punk wins Triple H must resign as COO

Pretty simple, basic card structure - you've got to have a curtain jerker to get the crowd involved, and that's what the US Title match is. Then the Rhodes/DiBiase match should be great, but not exactly a match full of highspots, so the crowd has a chance to come down from the high that the US Title match brought them up to. Air Boom is another high spot match so again we need the Divas match to even out the tone, and then the (if you can really call it that) triple main event with the World + WWE titles being defended and the ACTUAL Main Event, the Punk/HHH match.

Dolph Ziggler (c) v John Morrison v Alex Riley v Jack Swagger for the US Championship
This should come to no surprise, but I'm predicting John Morrison to come out of this match with the United States Championship. The key in this match is that Dolph Ziggler does not have to be pinned in order to lose the championship. I think that John Morrison will pin Jack Swagger for the three count causing Ziggler to absolutely lose his lid and beat the living tar out of Swagger. Vickie goes to defend Swagger, Ziggler throws her off him to continue the beatdown. This leads to Vickie slapping Dolph and "breaking up" with him. Dolph Ziggler, a newly freed man, can chase after his US Title claiming that he was never pinned and is the rightful US champ; basically, keep up his heel persona but have HIM talking on the mic instead of Vickie. Let Vickie be Jack Thwagger's mouthpiece so we never have to hear that lithp ever again. That leaves out Alex Riley, who is a babyface, so naturally, he'll continue poking fun at Vickie Guerrero and feud with Jack Swagger because of it. This match establishes a new champion and the result establishes two new fresh feuds that at least one of could culminate in a great match at Hell in a Cell and/or Vengeance.
Winner, and NEW United States Champion: John Morrison

Cody Rhodes (c) v Ted DiBiase Jr for the Intercontinental Championship

I wish I could say that DiBiase could win the title tonight, but the fact of the matter is that as soon as DiBiase wins the title it ends any semblance of a feud that he and Rhodes had - same as what happened when Alex Riley beat The Miz in their first PPV match against each other. Rhodes retains, but DiBiase finds a way to get another title shot and wins it within a month. I absolutely love that this match was made and frankly I think it deserves way more buildup than it got, just because of the history between these two. Rhodes retains, ideally via disqualification to make DiBiase look strong in defeat, and this feuds continues on to Hell in a Cell, hopefully with DiBiase winning the title there.
Winner, and STILL Intercontinental Champion: Cody Rhodes

Air Boom (c) v Awesome Truth for the Tag Team Championships

This match is interesting because nobody really seems to know who is going to win. You can't help but ignore how massively over Air Boom is with the live crowd, but Miz and Truth are getting booed more than the heel WWE Champion. So who walks out with the titles? The best part about this match is the fact that there are four talented guys getting time. How do you prolong a feud? By giving the heels a win over the babyface champions. I think Awesome Truth wins the titles and this feud continues with Air Boom dropping the belts and needing to regain them back at the next PPV. Awesome Truth wins by sneaky, heel tag team tactics that are so desperately missed in the WWE today. It'd be great to see a Kings of Wrestling debut here, but I highly, HIGHLY doubt that'll happen - if KoW does debut, though, expect Air Boom to retain to drop the belts to the heel KoW.
Winner, and NEW Tag Team Champions: Awesome Truth

Kelly Kelly (c) v Beth Phoenix for the Diva's Championship

Let's be honest with ourselves here: there is no way Beth Phoenix is losing this match. Kelly Kelly has held the Divas title longer than anybody since Maryse held it for 6 months in the beginning of 2009. Kelly Kelly already beat Beth Phoenix in a title match at the last PPV. This could be Beth Phoenix's last shot at Kelly's title, and her being one half of the Divas of Doom, the WWE would have made the DoD look completely weak and pointless if Kelly goes over here. Beth Phoenix in dominating fashion to continue the feud between the DoD and basically the rest of the Divas roster, hopefully this DoD faction can last until Kharma comes back to make a three woman wrecking crew unrivaled by any Divas faction in the history of professional wrestling.
Winner, and NEW Diva's Champion: Beth Phoenix

Randy Orton (c) v Mark Henry for the World Heavyweight Championship

Randy Orton can't lose the belt in this match. At the same time, Mark Henry can't look weak in this match or lose his #1 contender spot. How do we achieve the desired results without overbooking too much? Have Orton win by disqualification. Mark Henry is an absolute monster who obliterates opponents and can't be stopped. Randy Orton stopping him in one try makes Henry look like a joke and makes Sheamus look even worse since he was the guy who Henry beat so bad that he couldn't even answer a 10 count at the last PPV. If Orton beats Mark Henry clean, how does that make Sheamus look? Not very good. So, simply put, Orton needs to retain the title, but not cleanly. I think the final result will be a double disqualification, with Orton and Henry battling each other outside of the ring and Henry running towards the ring but not entering the ring in time to answer the 10 count, then possibly attacking the referee.
Winner, and STILL World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton

Alberto Del Rio (c) v John Cena for the WWE Championship

Alberto Del Rio is having trouble garnering the heat that he had pre-Wrestlemania. I think he's having that trouble because he looks weak and didn't have enough build up as champion. How can you give Del Rio the push of a lifetime? He needs to make John Cena tap out. John Cena has tapped out before, to Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit, so even though the commentators build it up like he never has, it wouldn't be the first time. Del Rio makes Cena tap in the upset of the night to retain the WWE championship and give Del Rio the rub of a lifetime. The following night on Raw Cena gives the "I'm sorry, I underestimated Del Rio" speech to the WWE universe. This way we don't end both main event championship matches in DQ and the right guy goes over. The best part about this is that if Del Rio can't capitalize on the rub, there are two PPVs over the next 5 weeks that the WWE can have him drop the title at out of desperation.
Winner, and STILL WWE Champion: Alberto Del Rio

Triple H v CM Punk in a No DQ match where if Punk wins Triple H must resign as COO

This is the big match of the night. This match could go one of two ways. If these guys legitimately dislike each other, this could be the biggest disappointment of a match since that Bret Hart/Shawn Michaels match in Montreal in 1997, or the Lesnar/Goldberg match from Wrestlemania XX. If it's just a work, and I'm fairly sure it is, this could take Match of the Year from Punk/Cena at MitB. You've got two of the best storytellers in the business right now in a match whose only form of buildup was spoken word. THAT is exciting on its own, then you add the fact that it's a No Holds Barred match, a match that somehow has become Triple H's forte, and you've got a recipe for sheer brilliance. Don't expect wristlocks and suplexes in this match, though: that would be a delusional mistake. This is a fight. Don't mistake it for a technical exhibition.

As far as the result of the match, goes, I think Kevin Nash is going to help Triple H to beat Punk. This makes Punk look strong because it took two guys to beat him, and keeps Triple H on TV at the same time as revealing the truth behind the text sent from Trips' cell phone. It's a massive payoff that still leaves room for the story to continue and opens up an entire new chapter in said story. I do believe that our Survivor Series match this year will revolve around this feud culminating in a Triple H led faction vs a CM Punk led faction. This could pick up Match of the Year, Feud of the Year, and has the potential to earn Survivor Series that PPV of the Year spot that Money in the Bank currently holds. Either way, I do think that Nash costing Punk the match is the way to go in this one.
Winner, and STILL WWE COO: Triple H

There you have it. To sum things up, 6 of our 7 matches involved titles, and 3 of them had title changes. The overall dynamic of the WWE landscape hasn't been changed much, but Triple H and Kevin Nash have revealed their shenanigans to the world and CM Punk, which should help Raw ratings. Alberto Del Rio now looks like a legitimate, credible champion and John Cena may or may not still be the #1 contender, not that it matters - as long as he's on the card, it draws money. Cena is above championships. Randy Orton is still World Champion but Mark Henry is also still #1 contender and looks as angry and dangerous as ever, with their next match MOST LIKELY being No DQ match. The Divas and Tag Team Titles changed hands and are now held by heels, so the matches you saw involving those titles will likely be the same matches at the next PPV with the title on the other side. Cody Rhodes is still Intercontinental Champion but Ted DiBiase is most likely next in line. And, of course, the United States Championship is now firmly in the waste of John Morrison with Dolph Ziggler owed a rematch, most likely at the Hell in a Cell PPV.

Final Card + Predicted Results
United States Champion: John Morrison
Intercontinental Champion: Cody Rhodes
Tag Team Champions: Awesome Truth
Diva's Champion: Beth Phoenix
World Heavyweight Champion: Randy Orton
WWE Champion: Alberto Del Rio
HHH v CM Punk: Triple H


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