Night of Champions 2012: CM Punk (c) VS John Cena [WWE Championship]



Huh, I'm a little surprised that somebody hasn't created this thread already.

Anyhow, Raw GM AJ Lee announced last night a little while prior to Punk's match with Jerry Lawler that he would defend the WWE Championship at Night of Champions against John Cena. Of course, this hardly comes as a shock as you'd have to be a complete & utter moron not to know this match was coming about. But, now it's official.

With a few weeks to go until the ppv itself, I'm expecting WWE to kick things up for the build to this match. Raw takes place from Chicago, Punk's hometown, next week and I'm hoping that they'll make up for the lackluster general snoozefest of a show they put on last night. Chicago has always been a mega hot town for WWE, and wrestling altogether. so I think WWE will really crank up the intensity for Punk vs. Cena next week. The location coupled with Punk brutalizing Jerry Lawler should lead to some heated moments with Cena next week.

As for the match itself, I might be wrong, but I fully expect CM Punk to retain for a couple of reasons. As I've said in other posts recently, the WWE is scheduled to release CM Punk's first DVD compilation, which I think is entitled CM Punk: Best in the World, on October 9th. I don't look for WWE to take the title off Punk before then as they're realy putting a lot of energy into trying to get Punk over as a heel. A loss before the DVD comes out could possibly hurt sales momentum.

Another reason is that CM Punk laid out The Rock on Raw 1,000 to close the show. Earlier in the night, Rock revealed that he'll challenge the WWE Champion at the 2013 Royal Rumble ppv. The fact that Punk laid Rock out and that Punk has mentioned that fact several times while running The Rock down, thereby indicating that WWE isn't trying to pretend that it didn't happen, suggests that WWE might be going with Punk vs. Rock at the Rumble. I don't expect Punk to go past Rock here, unfortunately, as, allegedly, it's been reported that Vince wants Cena vs. Rock II at WM 29. If The Rock is unable to compete at WM due to the fact that his G.I. Joe movie comes out one week before, meaning he'll be out all over the world heavily promoting the film's release, I'm guessing it'll be Punk vs. Cena at WM in some sort of specialty match, maybe a HIAC or Iron Man match.

At any rate, I don't expect Punk to drop the title at NOC.
I don't look for WWE to take the title off Punk before then as they're realy putting a lot of energy into trying to get Punk over as a heel.

Yes, that's the big factor. WWE has just begun the Punk-to-heel transition and there are tons of people in the audience that haven't yet figured out he's gone bad. Even watching him brutalize Jerry Lawler doesn't give them the message.:shrug:

Okay, if that's the way things work......go with it. There's plenty of time to make Punk into a detestable, total bad guy. By the time a few pay-per-views have come and gone, the fans will be hating Punk so much that they'll be ready to see him lose his title to.......guess who?

The only factor that makes us wonder if Punk will retain is that the next PPV originates from Cena's Boston. You'd think it would be an appropriate spot for the hometown hero to get it all back, huh?

I say no. I doubt he'll lose cleanly....and in fact, I think Punk will do something so dastardly that the path to their ultimate confrontation will be set. Maybe Cena will win the title at Royal Rumble...... but the direction will be set at Night of Champions, with Punk keeping his belt while setting the table for his transformation to uber-heel.
While I don't like Cena's chances going into Night of Champions I can assure you if Punk does retain there is no way in hell Punk is getting a Clean Win on Cena especially now he is heel. Again Punk will probably get another meaningless win over Cena.

Even if WWE wants to go Punk vs Rock a Royal Rumble, It doesn't mean that Punk can't lose his tile at least once before then. In fact unless WWE is just as behind this whole Punk thing is the best as much as Punk is then I don't see the WWE allowing Punk to break Cena's 380 day record which is exactly what he would have to do if he keeps it until Royal Rumble.
I may be the only one thinking this, but I want Cena to win. If the rumors are true if Punk wins he faces The Rock at Royal Rumble, The Rock wins and faces Cena again at Wrestlemania, but if Cena wins he faces Rock at Royal Rumble and The Rock will face Punk at Wrestlemania.
I think Cena wins. Losing to Cena will make Punk more angry and add to his heel turn. They are supposedly going to feud with each other for the rest of the year. I see Punk losing the title at NOC or HIAC.

I do think they are setting up for Cena vs Rock 2 for the WWE title at WM. So I think Punk wins the title back at TLC and jobs to Rock at RR, Cena will win the rumble to set up the rematch.
CM Punk has officially turned heel in the past few weeks. At first it was iffy, but following Raw it is 100% certain that he is full fledged heel. I say his character is more entertaining now than it has been his entire title run. For 9 months we have had this babyface champion who took a backseat to many a men and who has finally deciding to force the respect that he deserves.

If Cena wins, then he could completely halt the character that Punk is becoming. Or, it can provide an opportunity for Punk to gain more heat.

You could argue that Cena needs to win the title and have a few more matches with Punk, only for Punk to regain it and face Rock at the Rumble. With some added details, that could provide for some interesting and unpredictable situations. But, all in all, I have to go with Punk retaining because I think it is better for the long run.

Prediction- CM Punk.
I see Cena winning in his hometown Boston (WWE needs to throw him this bone just like they did for Punk in Chicago and The Rock in Miami at the expense of Cena). Then I see Punk winning it back at Survivor Series taking it to Royal Rumble with the pay off match against The Rock and Rock winning. Cena wins the Rumble match setting up Twice In A Life Time Cena vs Rock II at WM 29.

I just have this feeling Cena vs Rock at WM is going to be the WWE version of Ali vs Frazier.
Raw takes place from Chicago, Punk's hometown, next week

Should this report be true, it should be worth watching Raw next week knowing Chicago has one of the hottest WWE crowds, if not the hottest, especially since it's CM Punk's hometown. However, if Raw WILL take place in Chicago next week, it doesn't make sense. Shouldn't Raw take place in Chicago six days before Night of Champions 2012 like when Raw took place in Boston six days before Money-in-the-Bank 2011? It would serve as the perfect final pitstop heading into the PPV like last year.

Anyway, back to the main topic. Again, I don't think that the WWE's gonna let Punk surpass the one-year mark because it's too unrealistic to hold the title for so long, especially the WWE Title (even if Triple H wants longer title reigns) - but I do think that he'll regain it by the end of 2012 and enter the Royal Rumble 2013 as the WWE Champion to defend his title against The Rock. I'll be exceptionally thrilled though if Punk remains champion after NOC.

Either way, I think that this will be the last time that Punk and Cena feud, at least for this year.
Anytime Cena is in a title match I go in thinking there is a very good chance Cena will win. This one being in his hometown makes me think he is going to win it even more. There are two ways to look at it though. Cena wins, and Punk becomes even more of a bitter heel, and he wins the title back later to face The Rock at the Rumble. The other way to look at it is Punk does something so dastardly to keep the title that it solidifies his heel status. If I had to make a choice I say WWE throws Cena the bone and gives him a hometown win.
As much as I want to see Punk hold onto the belt and extend his title reign even longer, I think Cena will end up taking the belt. Other than Cena, there is no one else left on Raw for Punk to feud with over the WWE Title for the rest of the year, so Cena vs. Punk will have to do for the rest of the year till The Rock returns for Royal Rumble, and this rivalry between Cena & Punk is so bitter, it's only logical these two face off inside Hell in a Cell in October, and the only way I see that happening is if Cena wins, so that Punk gets a rematch clause for the Hell In A Cell PPV. Or maybe Punk could get himself DQ'd at NOC, giving the win to Cena but he retains the title, screwing Cena & his hometown, which should get him more heat and which would also set up their Hell in a Cell match, but then again that goes against Punk needing to prove he's the Best In The World by beating Cena if he gets himself DQ'd. Actually the match going to a No Contest would be a better idea, it doesn't ruin Punk, it doesn't ruin Cena, it would make them both look equally tough heading into their Hell in a Cell match, if they both can't manage to beat each other in their first match. Whatever happens though, this is gonna be awesome.
Of course Cena will be facing off against Cm Punk and of course CM punk will once again retain.

Expect to see it more than the 10+ times you have already saw it. Leading up to NOC they will fight a few times, then after NOC they will fight, CM Punk will win by cheating leading to a Cena team and Punk team at survivor series. This will be the chance for pUnk to bring in ambrose, Lesnar and Heyman. ( not sying heyman will wrestle)

If your tired of seeing the same two guys wrestling turn off raw before the match starts. But since that won't happen suck it up until Wrestlemania. Because it will be Punk V Cena until then.
This one being in his hometown makes me think he is going to win it even more.

First off, I am from Boston and attend all WWE events that come this way. Cena is from West Newbury MA. This show is in Boston. West Newbury is practically in Maine, and Boston is not Cena's "hometown". In fact I guarentee there will be more CM Punk chants and plenty of Cena booing at Night of Champions.

He gets way more heat in Boston then people realize.
I may be the only one thinking this, but I want Cena to win. If the rumors are true if Punk wins he faces The Rock at Royal Rumble, The Rock wins and faces Cena again at Wrestlemania, but if Cena wins he faces Rock at Royal Rumble and The Rock will face Punk at Wrestlemania.

There is just one little problem Rock is not sure enough to participate in Wrestlemania till this day. If he doesn't participate than Cena might go over and Punk won't even face Rock.
Punk should cement himself as the best tin the world, that means he should beat Cena clean.

Only problem is I don't see the WWE making their golden boy lose clean.

as for the rock, I don't like Punk facing the Rock at the RR , because lets face....whoever face the rock at the RR is going to lose.
I don't really know how I feel heading into this one. I feel that Punk is slowly picking up some of the momentum that he had lost. I hope that he doesn't need to feud with Cena every time he starts losing some momentum. With Cena, he doesn't need the Title as much as Punk but that is no reason for him not to win. WWE has done a good job making the match hard to predict. Punk has had a good reign and I could definitely see him retaining but then again, I could definitely see him losing as well. I think no matter who wins/loses is going to win clean. My bet is on Cena winning as I think that it would be the most interesting way to see the feud go because Punk is in my opinion a lot better when he is chasing the Title.
Punk is still making the transition to being a fully blown heel, so he shouldn't lose the title at Night Of Champions. Punk is starting to gain a lot of momentum as a bad guy, so I fully expect him to hit the one year mark as WWE Champion.

Although, WWE might not be able to resist the temptation of a thunderous pop for a Cena WWE Championship win. Night Of The Champions is in Boston, and the atmosphere for a Cena title win would be incredible.

Punk and Cena delivered two five star wrestling clinics at Money In The Bank and Summerslam last year, so I do have high hopes for this match. Also, I wouldn't be surprised to see some kind of fishy ending here. A suspicious finish would set up a rematch, and Punk could gain more heat as heel.
I asked the same question on the other thread and I will ask it in here:

How many times has happened that home superstar doesnt get the win?

I predict that Cena wins this one while Punk will probably win some next one and get the title back...
iv'e got a problem with the hero of the iwc promo from a week ago.

In other words, CM Punk could choose any WWE Superstar or employee in the back to defend his championship against at Night of Champions, but if he did pick anyone else other than John Cena, that would mean that he has no respect for either the WWE Championship or for himself.

John Cena, when he said that, disrespected the WWE Championship. John Cena, when he said that, disrespected CM Punk's entire reign as champion. John Cena, when he said that, disrespected every single one of the boys in the back he once claimed to be defending when he fought against the Rock.


That segment was Punk's "descent into full-on heel" moment, yet I can't shake the feeling that it was Cena whose character became that much more disgusting to me.

go ahead bash the hell out of for trashing the guy yall hated just a few yrs ago
Of course Cena will be facing off against Cm Punk and of course CM punk will once again retain.

Expect to see it more than the 10+ times you have already saw it. Leading up to NOC they will fight a few times, then after NOC they will fight, CM Punk will win by cheating leading to a Cena team and Punk team at survivor series. This will be the chance for pUnk to bring in ambrose, Lesnar and Heyman. ( not sying heyman will wrestle)

If your tired of seeing the same two guys wrestling turn off raw before the match starts. But since that won't happen suck it up until Wrestlemania. Because it will be Punk V Cena until then.

No he won't, not in Cena's home State.

And especially not when WWE are planning Cena Vs The Rock part 2 at either the Royal Rumble or Wrestlemania next year.
Cena has been very silent and he hasn't built up for this match like he does to every other x, y, z. Hope its also storyline driven.
Welp, since it seems the WWE simply is incapable of booking a straight up clean finish to any matches these two have, im sure this will be another unsatisfactory finish....Especially stupid given Punk's crusade for respect. Of course that would be the typical way to book a heel in this storyline, but that is the point, Punk should be more than the typical top level heel. At least for a match or two, anyway.

Excellent build, excellent match, chickenshit finish. Heyman or Lesnar intereference, some such like that.
I really like what John Cena and CM Punk have been doing as far as building this rivalry. It's been interesting because it isn't the straight up 'Face' vs 'Heel'. Though I have to strongly agree with Norcal. these questionable finishes aren't helping the cause of getting CM Punk over as not only a credible champion but a strong main eventer.
I fully expect this to close the show. CM Punk keeps getting denied the opportunity to main event a show as WWE Champion and it is getting ridiculous. He may be facing Cena, but if he does not main event this show then something is wrong. Nothing else on the card could possibly go on after it, unless MAYBE if Ziggler has cashed in on Alberto/Sheamus then his match with Orton might go last if it becomes his first title defense. The odds of that are low though and I'm sure of it that CM Punk finally gets a main event match here at this show.

The feud itself has completely kept my attention. I'm a fan of both guys and I look forward to the match. Will it be better than their matches last year at Money In the Bank and Summerslam 2011? Doubtful. It should end up being rather good and Punk is all but guaranteed to retain. A win against Cena in the main event of a PPV is exactly what he needs to earn a lot of credibility. Punk should remain champion all the way until The Rock returns for his championship opportunity. If Cena does win, as a fan I'm never against a Cena title reign, but Punk REALLY needs the retention here and Cena winning would accomplish nothing.

CM Punk retains the WWE Championship.
CM Punk MUST retain here. With his change of character, having allied himself with Heyman etc, wouldn't make any sense for Punk to lose here. Even if he cheats to win, he MUST win.

However, it wouldn't surprise at all that the WWE would let Cena win and at the next PPV or next RAW, Punk regain the championship. Unfortunately that's how the WWE does things.

Punk simply must win this one, he can't lose against Cena.

My prediction: Punk wins with the help of Heyman winning this way even more heat.
I still think the best way to book this match would to be have Punk get the win clean. I think this would move this feud into a pretty interesting direction I know some of the Cena marks would think this would just ruin Cena as a character and end his career. But I think this could play into the The Rock feud for both of these guys really well.

But we know they can't give *gasp* a heel a clean victory especially over the Knight in Shining armor John Cena so my guess would be that the match ends in a DQ and in a post match beatdown thanks to one Brock Lesnar. Hopefully they push Lesnar vs Cena at Survivor Series and right the wrong by having Lesnar "take out Cena for a few months"

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