Nigel McGuinness To WWE

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Nigel McGuinness has agreed in principle to a contract with World Wrestling Entertainment.

Nigel has been a tremendous leader in the Ring of Honor locker room and, without question, a wonderful performer. His merits, both in and out of the ring, are extraordinary and any locker room with Nigel McGuinness in it is better for it. We couldn’t be happier for Nigel as he takes the next step in his stellar wrestling career, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude to Nigel for all he’s worked for and through.

Nigel has pledged to fulfill his scheduled Ring of Honor commitments. Please join us in Philadelphia, Boston, and New York as we bid an extremely fond farewell to another member of our family.

Everyone at Ring of Honor is extremely proud to have called both Nigel McGuinness and Bryan Danielson their own; and we looking forward to seeing their stars shine brighter than ever. Like many of the wonderful sons of Ring of Honor that have written new chapters in their wrestling annals, we will look on with a bittersweet smile to the future where we have no doubt that Nigel and Bryan will amaze the masses – just like they’ve done so many times in Ring of Honor.

With the closing of this chapter a new one opens in Ring of Honor. We now look to an exciting time where new stars will blaze their own paths, while looking back in reverence to those who came before them. Who will seize the opportunity and carry the torch for ROH? We only hope that whoever it is will carry it with the same respect - the same honor - that Bryan and Nigel have.

Staying on the indy scene for too long is like living with your parents when you're 30. If it doesn't work then he can go back, although there might not be much left in ROH to go back to.
Wow. This is terrible for ROH but good for Nigel. Jake is correct, he can always go back to ROH whenever he needs to.
I will be interested to see what the WWE has in store for both the Dragon and Nigel. They both can succeed if used correctly and given the opportunity. Nigels a great heel. Maybe they'll get a program together on ECW.
As far as ROH, the young guys will need to step it up because the loss of the two of the headliners could cripple them.
Even with this signing I don't think Vince is trying to ruin ROH. I almost think he is using it a minor league, letting someone else take the time and money to develop the talent and then Vince takes them when he deems them usable.
Maybe I'm wrong and Vince is trying to run ROH out of business.
Just another step in the British takeover of the WWE.... My proposed Empire stable (see Drew McIntyre thread) just got another potential recruit! Muwhahahaha!

But in all seriousness, maybe Vince has finally decided that not all his stars need to be 6feet 5in and built like brick outhouses. While I wouldn't put too much money on it, the elevating CM Punk, the popularity of Evan Bourne and now the signings of Danielson and McGuinness are definitely positives. Even if these guys only get exposure on ECW or Smackdown, as long as they are allowed to showcase their undeniable talent the future could be very interesting
I have a feeling that Nigel may end up being "just another Brit" in WWE...unless someone finally tells Vince " got all these British guys like Regal and Burchill and McIntyre and now Nigel...let's put them in a stable". Then again, TNA did it a few months ago with the British Invasion...

I can fully see Nigel on RAW, however...that Jawbreaker Lariat is gonna get him over fast.

Question is...who's next? I'm looking at YOU, Chris Hero...possibly the Briscoes.
Another great signing by WWE.

While I don't think getting Nigel McGuinness is as big of deal as it was for WWE to get Bryan Danielson, this is still a great pick up and one that further improve WWE's crop of young guys. I mean, not only is Nigel talented in the ring, but on the mic and charisma wise, there weren't many, if any, that were better on the indy scene. It didn't matter if he was a heel or babyface, Nigel worked well in any situation and would always give the fans their money's worth. Also, unlike most indy wrestlers, Nigel actually has size as well. I'd guess he's about as big as HHH, in fact. So that's a huge plus as well.

But anyways, I'm very much looking forward to seeing what WWE has in stored for Nigel. I think he could work some great matches/storylines with plenty of wrestlers in the company, from the mid-card to main event. Also, to see Bryan Danielson vs. Nigel McGuinness in a WWE ring would be a huge treat as well. :D
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I predicted that this was going to happen as soon as they signed Danielson. Just one more step in WWE becoming the next Ring of Honor.

I think it's great that we have some new talent to put on excellent matches for the company, however they absolutely can not revolve their entire programming around just the matches. They have absolutely got to come up with some personalities to market for these two, because there is no way in Hell they are going to get over just solely based on their wrestling alone with the WWE audience.

The Ring of Honor promotion mine as well throw in the towel. What is happening to them right now, is what happened to ECW in its final days. Plus with Dragon Gate taking off and even Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler doing autograph signings for them (according to Ross in his blog), ROH is going to have to take their ball and go home.
Well, just as I was expecting, WWE is trying to kill ROH here and now. They realize ROH is in serious financial trouble right now, and taking away their top talent may just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Who's next? Tyler Black?

While I do feel the WWE will utilize Danielson correctly, I have serious doubts about McGuinness' future in the WWE. I imagine he'll get the Colt Cabana treatment; hired and fired within months. I know it seems a bit absurd, but I have serious doubts the WWE will give anyone with the name "McGuinness" a chance. Maybe they'll try to saddle him with a gimmick? Either way, I really don't see McGuinness going far. He's simply spectacular in the ring, but without a gimmick I don't see the crowds giving half a shit about him. Which is a damn shame.

I'll certainly pay close attention to how this story develops. I seriously hope ROH can make a turn around though, because as of right now their future looks very, very bleak.
I think McGuinness has the charisma and mic skills to back up his ring work but I agree that both him and Danielson may need some kind of name change. WWE has not problem marketing talent under their own names so long as it is... I don't know... catchy maybe is the word. Bryan Danielson and Nigel McGuinness don't quite have the same catchiness as Brock Lesnar or Randy Orton
McGuiness is freaking amazing! He has some of the most creative offense I've ever seen. A deal he needs for sure. Danielson, and McGuiness are ready. No name change required just let them do what they do.
Isn't McGuinness injury-prone? I would like to see him & Danielson as a tag team for starters. From a fan perspective, I would enjoy them laying it into their opponents rather than themselves for a change. Maybe they'll come to Punk's aid at the upcoming PPV against 'Taker, thereby forming a stable with Punk.

I'm thinking Austin Aries is the next to go.
I am really enjoying this the wwe surely has a two top talents with danielson and mcguinness but that's only if vince's pride don't get in the way and just bury them because they are not stars made by the E but rather got there following from the indie scene and ROH. But now if vince would actually let these guys go out and put on the matches everyone knows they can then the fans will be in for an amazing treat.
Wow, this is a huge blow to ROH as a whole. The rumors about ROH's money issues may be true after all, especially since AmDrag and now Nigel are both going to WWE. I just hope that WWE creative uses them the right way instead of burying them.

ECW and Smackdown are about to get alot better with these guys coming into the picture. Cannot wait until their perspective debuts. Also, a stable with Regal, The Birchills and Nigel would totally rule.
I'm sure it's only a matter of time before Sidious posts an "I told you so" in this thread, but (as much as it pains me to say it) he's completely justified in doing so. After Danielson was signed, Sidious predicted Nigel as being WWE's next big acquisition.

Once again, the WWE is signing a very skilled, seasoned star. This is going to help them bridge the gap between their "characters" and "wrestlers." I know they've been having trouble with finding true in-ring talents, and their raid of ROH should fix that problem in a jiffy. Nigel is the second of a multi-step process that will repair the WWE's recent lack of pure wrestling talent.

Vince was frustrated that his company has been unable to product REAL stars. He tried men with monster builds (Cena, Batista, Ezekiel Jackson, Vladmir Kozlov), he tried fitness models in the women's division, and he tried 2nd and third generation wrestlers, so now he's taking a crack at pure in-ring talent.

Let's see how far it goes.
This is the death blow for ROH. You take the brains of something, then the heart, and what do you have? Nothing. McGuiness has a fighting chance in the WWE. Surely he'll agree to keep his name or some form of it. And if they saddle him with Hornswoggle, I'll be sorely pissed and may not watch the WWE anymore.

However, I see a story with him playing out like this...

Finlay's at the point of not having much fight left anymore. He cuts a promo about how he's still got a lot of fight in his heart, but body wise, there's little left. He goes on about how he LOVES to fight, but you can only do something you love for so long, then announces that he's retiring...only to have someone like the MIZ or MORRISON come out. They cut a heel promo on him, about how he's old and how he's washed up and is only known for having a midget son. Emotional stuff. Then you see Finlay have a shit-eating grin on his face, 'That's all well and good, lad, but I have a surprise for you...' That's when you see Nigel run through the crowd, into the ring, and beat the living piss out of Miz or Morrison. Nigel then takes the mic from Finlay. "My name is NIGEL, and I REALLY love to fight!" They then walk out.
Brilliant signing for the WWE, McGuinness is fantastic in the ring and on the mic. McGuinness is a big guy who is very stiff in the ring which I hope they allow him to be. Hopefully they actually have plans for him, rather than just trying to kill off ROH.

I hope they let him keep his name and use him as a heel as he's so much better, McGuinness is good enough on the mic to thrive in the WWE if given promo time and hopefully he will do so.

I'm a big fan of McGuinness and hopefully he won't get the Colt Cabana treatment as he could be quite an asset, I pray that they don't change him too much, or give him an awful gimmick. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens though, but this could be a knockout blow for ROH.
I see this signing as a good thing, for several reasons. Many of you guys don't know this, but, Nigel was signed to the "E" a few years ago, before the ROH came into existance. He was working on a developmental contract here in Cincy, for HWA. Now, he has a chance to follow through on that deal. Apart from his in ring skills, he's also capable of making a crowd love, or hate, him with little to no effort.

This is, however, a death-knell for ROH. They've just lost their two biggest draws. If these rumors are true, I predict them going belly up by next year.

But, this is a good thing. I almost can't wait to hear Roll On by the Living End, on whichever brand he winds up on.
You know...maybe Danielson and Nigel will debut together...WITHOUT going to FCW. I seem to recall some guys coming over from another organization 10 years ago with no time in development...some guys who all had a ton of experience...some radicals...

If WWE signs the Briscoes or two other guys (Hero and Claudio?), I smell Radicalz 2K9.
Nigel McGuinness is my favorite RoH wrestler and he was good in OVW when WWE owned it (yes he was signed by WWE before, but let go for unknown reasons). This has just made my day. I can't wait to see Nigel. I really hope that he keeps his name like CM Punk kept his. Man. Now Joey Matthews needs to come back and I'll be set.
I was just reading about McGuinness today in PWI and how he was the highest rated ROH wrestler at number 6 and I thought, 'I wonder if he'll come to WWE?' Lo and behold, here he is. Just please don't change he and Danielson's names! There's history in their names. And those of us who actually pay attention to wrestling outside of WWE will know who they are and what they did and will cheer for them from the start. Great signing by WWE, too.
Nigel mcguiness, and bryan danielson are the two guys that are going to save the wwe in years to come and now all the wwe needs to do is sign tyler black and austin aries
nigel should go to ecw so that he can form an stable with regal and burchill with maybe the exceptions of ezekial jackson and vladimir koslov
Well, just as I was expecting, WWE is trying to kill ROH here and now. They realize ROH is in serious financial trouble right now, and taking away their top talent may just be the straw that breaks the camel's back. Who's next? Tyler Black?
You might have a point in here but I don't see any logical reason in this why they would want to destroy an indy promotion which is in serious trouble and can never ever hurt WWE. If WWE really wants to destroy ROH then I don't think WWE is as big as we think. WWE gains nothing from destroying ROH so it's a stupid business move even TNA is not a true competition for WWE.

I think they hire these talents to gain some indy viewers who were fans of them and WWE style wouldn't really McGuinness or Danielson. It worked with Punk why not work with Danielson and McGuinness. They'll probably give him a push like they gave Punk. First start off in ECW and have an undefeated streak for 2 or 3 months then being on the brand and possibly winning the ECW championship then going to RAW or SD as a midcarder to see if he is ready for ME or not. We'll see if he can make it big in WWE.

I've never been a huge fan of Danielson and never thought he could've gone to WWE but I actually watched lots of McGuinness' matches and I loved him. He is great in the ring and has charisma. Can he be one of the biggest stars of WWE. I probably doubt that. Can he be at least a solid midcarder ? Hell yeah. So it's a great signing for WWE and have a chance to see if he can keep his success that he had in indies.

For me Danielson nor McGuiness are my favorites from ROH. I'd rather hire two guys that I see fully potention in them. First one is Austin Aries who is great in the ring and has tons of charisma the other one is Jimmy Jacobs who has a great gimmick charisma and good in ring skills. If I were in charge I would hire these two Aries and Jacobs may not have the name value that Nigel and Danielson have but for me both could make it in WWE. I'm not a huge ROH mark but when I see these two guys I really want to watch the show. So even though Nigel is a good hiring I'd rather see these two in WWE.
Have there been changes in the WWE's talent relations department recently? I don't think this has anything to do with a WWE vendetta against ROH and 'am hoping this has more to do with the WWE realising the need to start to sign more serious in-ring talent than bodybuilders/athletes who "might" make good pro-wrestlers.
I like the signing of Nigel. he's got a ton of potential. he needs a name change however. keep the last name but change the first name to something a little more catchy for the kiddies...... anyway I can actually see him starting in dark matches for ECW for a couple of months then get assigned to FCW to train in the WWE style. then after that you bring him up to ECW, have him win the championship at Wrestlemania next year, then draft him to smackdown since he'll be over so much that it has to go that rout. he's gotta have a gimmick change though. maybe a blue blood gimmick.

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