NFL: What Wins Championships?

Big Sexy

Deadly Rap Cannibal
You always here the statement "Defense wins championships" when it comes to the NFL. However, the last few years we have seen some great offensive teams like the Saints and Colts win the Super Bowl. As well as teams like the Rams, Cowboys, and 49ers throughout history.

My line of thinking has always been that if a team gets shut out they obviously aren't going to win the game, so a great defense is more important. Defenses can put points on the board with interceptions and fumble returns a lot easier then offenses can keep points from being scored through ball control. Especially considering high powered offenses are trying to put up points and not control the tempo of the game. Throughout history there have been some match ups of great offenses vs great defenses and more often then not, the defense has come out on top. Recent examples being the Giants over the Patriots in 2008, the Buccaneers over the Raiders in 2003, and the Patriots over the Rams in 2002.

With that said what do you believe is more important to a team that's trying to win a Super Bowl? A great offense or a great defense?
Neither, and both.

It isn't one particular thing. There have been fantastic defenses that have won, fantastic offenses that have won, and we have seen really average defensive and offensive teams win.

You want to know what wins championships? Finding a way to win. Knowing how to win is not the same as having a stellar offense or defense. It's knowing how to find that extra little bit more often than the other team.

The 2000 Baltimore Ravens had a mediocre offense. Sure they had Jamal Lewis, who was still a stud back then, but overall, their offense was nothing special. Their defense on the other hand, was great. They managed to hold the Giants to 1 touchdown, and that lone touchdown came from a kickoff return.

Nobody thought the 2007 New York Giants had a chance to beat the soon to be 19-0 New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLII, but their defense managed to prevail. The 2007 Patriots had a VERY explosive offenses, but the Giants defense managed to hold them down just enough to get the win.

Both teams had pretty strong offenses, but I would have to say the Saints had the better defense, and they were able to get the best of the Colts in the most recent Super Bowl.

When crunch time rolls around, it's always up to the defense to shut the other team down. There have been many great defenses in NFL history, and they usually get the best of the other team when it comes to winning Super Bowls.
Yea it has to be defense. If you can't shut down your opponent or at least contain them, you can't expect to win. When it comes down to those final minutes in the 4th quarter, nobody says, "well whoever can score the most in the final minutes can win the game". Its always whichever defense can make the most stops and hold down the offense will win the game.

We saw it with Baltimore's defense. The Giants defense against the Patriots. The Steelers defense when they played Seattle. And I do believe the Saints had the much better defense over the Colts. So it really has to be defense that is the most important in trying to win a championship.

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