next Playboy Diva


Who do you believe will be the next Playboy cover girl for the issue around the hype of WM25? I had heard possibly Kelly Kelly (who would be an amazing choice) but she said she's concentrating on getting better in the ring for now and won't be doing it. Ashley is no longer with the company so even though she had said she was going to be doing something for the 2nd time that begins with the letter "P", I doubt WWE would bring her back and throw her on the cover for the what's kinda become the annual WM issue since a Diva has been the covergirl for quite a few years now. Who does that leave that's a big enough name to promote Playboy AND WWE?

I know I would personally like to see a co-cover. Maria (again) and Mickie James. Mickie looks waaaaay better now than she did in her other nudie days that we've all seen by now. Showcase them both like they did with Torrie and Sable. If that wouldn't go down, I would also enjoy photos of any Diva that would want to do it. Showcase more than 1 or 2 Divas in the annual Wrestlemania issue. I believe that would be a great idea. My dream came true with Maria last year and although she's denied it many times, Melina would be another one I'd LOVE.

What does everyone else think? Who would you like to see? What other rumors have you heard?
First off i'd like to start by saying i think that these women who work for the WWE are stupid, have'nt they got anything else better to do then showing off their bodies for teenagers enjoyments?

Second of all sorry to gatecrash the thread and all but Kelly Kelly has confirmed she is not doing Playboy, she said that on her Myspace account, i hope that no other diva chooses to do it either.

People can call me a party pooper or whatever they want, i just beleive WWE diva's posing for Playboy is wrong. admitedly they are very nice photo's but surely these women are'nt that hard up?

The diva's who i have heard to be doing this Playboy **** this year are people like Melina and Mickie James. Mickie James has already done a porn movie so she might as well collect the whole set:

1. Porn shoot
2 Playboy cover
3 WWE Diva

What else could a women want?

I've also heard that Candice Michelle could be trying her hand at Playboy and modelling in general outside the WWE
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There are so many things wrong with everything you just said.

1.) This thread was open for discussion of the topic, not to sh*t all over it and insult every Diva in the WWE who love what they do. Insult stems from a total lack of educated arguement.

2.) Did you even bother to read anything I wrote when I started this thread? "hate to gatecrash the thread..." I already stated that Kelly Kelly confirmed she would not being doing the Playboy thing at this time. So your attempt to crash and be the bearer of bad news....FAIL!!!

3.) Mickie James has never done a porn movie. So where you get that from, I have no clue.

4.) Candice Michelle has done Playboy and modeling and such for many websites, "softcore films", pictorals, etc... outside and without endorsing the WWE long before she was even in the WWE. So the "trying her hand..." statement is about 6-7 years too late.

And do the Divas really need the extra money? No. But Playboy is something they want to do. Pose in a magazine in a classy manner while making some extra money on the side is hardly a crime. Any human alive will do some extra work for exposure and promotion if it means they're going to make a good dime doing it.
Don't know about Mickie doing a porn movie, but there's nude pictures about.

Kelly says she won't be doing Playboy, but there's always the possibility she's just been told not to make it look like she is. So when you get closer to WM (as they seem to time the shoots around there), there's more of a surprise over the announcement then "Oh, yeah, I already knew."

Mickie James is clearly a candidate. She's obviously a very popular lady, winning the costume contest two years in a row and always getting a good crowd reaction. She's among the better women wrestlers in the business today as well, and she's very good looking. I would assume she's a major candidate to be considered, especially if Kelly is telling the truth and has no intention of posing.

Melina would be the third major candidate, I assume, but being off TV for so long this year is going to hurt her chances. I think the WWE would rather put on a girl who has been in the spotlight for a while, has held the belt recently, been on PPV, etc., etc. No telling when Melina is even going to come back, and since the build up usually starts in January, Melina just doesn't seem to have enough time. Maybe next year.

As for whether or not the Divas should pose...well, why not? It's not like they don't dress as to excite every man in the world. Taking off their clothes is barely more risque than what half of them wear in the first place. It cross promotes the WWE and Playboy, which is a good business deal for both companies, and gets one Diva a lot of exposure. It could probably get Mickie or Kelly a title reign, maybe a big win at WM. It wouldn't be anything new to Mickie, anyway.

It's not like Playboy is some dirty underground smut publication either. It's a classy and (within it's field) respected magazine. If you're going to do it, you really can't do it in a better place than Playboy.
There are so many things wrong with everything you just said.
Apart from one thing theres absolutely nothing wrong with what i just said, its all based on my opinion and facts that have been posted on other wrestling forums. Please don't be so naive

1.) This thread was open for discussion of the topic, not to sh*t all over it and insult every Diva in the WWE who love what they do. Insult stems from a total lack of educated arguement..
Did i shit all over it? I was simply stating opinions and facts. The Diva's should'ntbe doing this as an everyday "job" they have wrestling to concentrate on, not photoshoots for you perverts

2.) Did you even bother to read anything I wrote when I started this thread? "hate to gatecrash the thread..." I already stated that Kelly Kelly confirmed she would not being doing the Playboy thing at this time. So your attempt to crash and be the bearer of bad news....FAIL!!!.
I admit, i did'nt read the whole statement, mainly because it was full of shit. So i'm sorry for the Kelly Kelly error

3.) Mickie James has never done a porn movie. So where you get that from, I have no clue
Once again this was on another website i visited, a forum spammer posted it. Try checking on the porn channels if you don't already

4.) Candice Michelle has done Playboy and modeling and such for many websites, "softcore films", pictorals, etc... outside and without endorsing the WWE long before she was even in the WWE. So the "trying her hand..." statement is about 6-7 years too late.
Ah well, i blame the wrestling website where that information came from, sorry for the upset i caused you. I just don't like the Diva's prostotuting their bodies for idiot eyes like yours
And once again, Mickie has never done a porn movie. Just because somebody said it, doesn't make it true. I know what they are referring to. Some scene with some black guy and a girl that looks like Mickie in a locker room. The girl has a lower back tattoo, Mickie does not. Case closed on that topic. And nothing I stated in the beginning of the thread is "full of sh*t" because it is full of facts, and my personal opinons.

As for not reading the whole statement or thread because it was "full of sh*t" in regards to the Kelly Kelly statement, it was in the 2nd sentence of my entire thread so if you didn't read past it because it was "full of sh*t" already, that doesn't say much for you bucko since the senetence before it, was a question and not "full of sh*t." Open your mouth, insert your foot.
It really dosen't matter who the next Playboy Diva is, because it's pointless. What does it have to do with wrestling? It does fuck all for the Divas except a little push that eventually fades out. The Divas shouldn't need a nude magazine shoot to get them further in wrestling, they should improve their gimmick and their in-ring work.

The whole Playboy angle that they do with the Divas is pointless. No-one cares about it, and crowd reactions back me up. They're not into it at all, unless they're horny little boys or single, lonley men.

As for who the next Diva will be, probably Candice again. Why? Because no-one else on the roster wants to do it in the immediate future. She has openly said she would do it again, so why not?
It really dosen't matter who the next Playboy Diva is, because it's pointless. What does it have to do with wrestling?
Did you really just ask that question?

What does Playboy do for wrestling? Oh, I don't know, maybe crossover appeal? Drawing new fans to the product? Making the WWE more money, the number 1 goal of wrestling?

THAT'S what it has to do with wrestling. Wrestling isn't just about between the ropes, it's about selling tickets and merchandise.
I still want Kelly Kelly to do it, or Layla. Both would be great choices. In fact, I think that Layla and Kelly Kelly should both do it on the same issue, just like Sable and Torrie did.

But while were on this issue, it kind of makes me mad how Vince cares more their looks than their actual wrestling ability. I know it makes more money to choose the talentless hot ones, but it sometimes screws over the women who actually have talent.

Look at Vicoria and Katie Lee, they can put on a better match than half of the other Divas, but Vince puts them on jobber duty because he doesn't think they are "pretty enough."
I still want Kelly Kelly to do it, or Layla. Both would be great choices. In fact, I think that Layla and Kelly Kelly should both do it on the same issue, just like Sable and Torrie did.

But while were on this issue, it kind of makes me mad how Vince cares more their looks than their actual wrestling ability. I know it makes more money to choose the talentless hot ones, but it sometimes screws over the women who actually have talent.

Look at Vicoria and Katie Lee, they can put on a better match than half of the other Divas, but Vince puts them on jobber duty because he doesn't think they are "pretty enough."
How can you be talented if you don't make money? What kind of sense does that make? The whole purpose in wrestling is to make people buy tickets to the show. If you can't do that, then you are not talented.

But, if you can play a character that people want to see, then THAT is talent.
I hope none of them do it, Playboy for the Divas seems like the Kiss Of Death to their Careers for some reason:icon_neutral:

plus people don't buy Playboy like they use to, WWE might as well have them pose naked in their own magazine LOL
If Melina were to do playboy I would be fine with it but it may seem somewhat "hypocritical" since she always blasted the other divas regardless if it was character wise or not. But I think if a girl like Melina or Mickie James did pose for PlayBoy it may prove that just because you pose in PlayBoy doesn't make you a sellout, poor wrestler, or trying to get exposure to do other things. The PlayBoy angle is usually panned but that is because of crappy storylines and crappy wrestlers invlolved in the storyline. If a girl like Melina who is sexy and can wrestler were to do the storyline than people probably wouldn't bash it. Anyways the Play Boy angle gives extra exposure to the WWE which in all is a good thing.

As for the one who I think will do Playboy this year is Kelly. There have been alot of rumors going on about her doing it so I predict her. I sort of hope that Kelly doesn''t do it, because I fear it may overshadow all of the in ring improvements she has made over the year. As soon as she does Playboy that stigma will go with her, and people may not take her seriously because they will claim she only got the push because of Playboy regardless of her overall improvement(like Candice Michelle)
Who would I want to see do it the most? Kelly Kelly, Michelle, or both of the Bellas in the same spread

Who is the most likely? Kelly Kelly.

She may deny it now and say she's concentrating on getting better in the ring but I can't see anybody else doing it next year besides her, unless they convince Tiffany to do it to help start her push as she'll probably be wrestling by then.
Who would I want to see do it the most? Kelly Kelly, Michelle, or both of the Bellas in the same spread

Who is the most likely? Kelly Kelly.

She may deny it now and say she's concentrating on getting better in the ring but I can't see anybody else doing it next year besides her, unless they convince Tiffany to do it to help start her push as she'll probably be wrestling by then.

Tiffany has actually been in play boy already.I really don't see some another play boy diva for the WWE at the moment. But if I had to hand pick a diva to be in playboy right now then it would be Layla or Mickie. I'm quite surprised that Mickie hasn't done it yet.
Ugh, why do people feel the need to spew the same BS about divas and PB? "They should focus on wrestling." "Who cares about them posing nude?" "What does this have to do with wrestling?" Over the course of about 11 different wrestling forums that I have lurked/posted around, these things have been said OVER and OVER and OVER again. Get your own opinion why don't you, and think about why these girls pose for PB and why it's promoted, even if you don't like it or agree with it.

Now onto who's the next diva to pose for the magazine, I'd definitely say the spot is wide open for Layla. Kelly might seem like the most obvious option, but I just don't see it happening. She is majorly over right now and is really focusing proving herself without PB. Mickie- no, it's not going to happen, same thing with Melina. Usually divas that have established themselves as "wrestlers" don't pose in the magazine (even with Candice it was WAY before she won the title). Layla really has nothing better to do LOL, and there's no one else I can think of. Tiffany/Taryn *gag* is not doing it, she's already posed, Maryse too (multiple, multiple times). So Layla will be given the honors (probably), and hopefully it'll get her somewhat of a push.

Flames Out
I've already heard that it'll be Maryse who'll get the oppertunity. The Maria issue didn't sell well, so I guess they'd prefer somebody who fits the norm when it comes to Playboy.

Kelly Kelly is pretty, but she's look awful in Playboy. I hate the expression Girl Next Door, but she does look a lot more normal/real/regular to a lot of WWE girls. What are they going to do, airbrush her teeth? Yeah, probably. So she won't look like the Kelly you know off TV. She's attractive in motion but she doesn't have the right face for Playboy.

And she's shit in every way. Unlike Maryse who's awesomeness, so long as she's a heel.
Eh, I've already seen Marysee in Playboy and her shoot couldn't be topped. I'm talking about the one where she was lifting weights and shit. She was fucking stunning in those and like I said, I highly doubt another shoot would be as good as that one. Besides, as someone already said, Playboy probably wouldn't want to have a cover girl who’s already been in the magazine, especially since, like you said Jake, apparently last year's sales weren't that good.

So, with that said, I personally think, and hope for that matter, that Kelly Kelly will be the next one to be in the magazine. She's by far, in my opinion anyway, the most gorgeous Diva WWE has ever had for one, and for two, she fits the look that Playboy prefers.

As far as Kelly saying she won't do it, I think that's a load of bull. I mean, seriously... she probably does a photo shoot at least three times a month, so how would a photo shoot with Playboy be any different? It'd take two days max to shoot the photos. It wouldn't get in the way of her wrestling. If anything, it would just help in the end and I’m positive if WWE and Playboy wantw her for the shoot, they’ll be able to convince her that. She and Beth have had a feud going on now a while and Playboy is the perfect way for her to get some recognition and finally be able defeat Beth Phoenix for the Women's Championship, perhaps at Wrestlemania.
Did you really just ask that question?

What does Playboy do for wrestling? Oh, I don't know, maybe crossover appeal? Drawing new fans to the product? Making the WWE more money, the number 1 goal of wrestling?

THAT'S what it has to do with wrestling. Wrestling isn't just about between the ropes, it's about selling tickets and merchandise.

But look at the sales of the recent issues, they haven't generated that much money for the WWE. The sales of the issues are poor, and they're not doing much for the WWE in terms of selling tickets and merchandise. It does barely anything for the WWE. Sure at the beginning it broadened the WWF as it was then, but now anyone who reads Playboy knows who the WWE are, because they're in there every year. It dosen't mean they're gonna watch the WWE though.
I'm really really hoping for Layla FTW.

WWE & Playboy has a trend of going for the diva's who aren't too hot in the ring, and IMHO, the one's who aren't massively popular. so hopefully, come 'Mania, she'll do a spread. Or maybe I'm just clutching at straws because I really wanna see her baps.
But look at the sales of the recent issues, they haven't generated that much money for the WWE. The sales of the issues are poor, and they're not doing much for the WWE in terms of selling tickets and merchandise. It does barely anything for the WWE. Sure at the beginning it broadened the WWF as it was then, but now anyone who reads Playboy knows who the WWE are, because they're in there every year. It dosen't mean they're gonna watch the WWE though.
So what do they lose? They have nothing to lose and everything to gain. People with no personality aren't going to get over with the crowd, so why not take a shot with the ones who do have a personality AND a hot body?

What is your point, exactly? I would like to know.

Because NOTHING you have said has refuted my comment.
I want Kelly Kelly. She he smoking hot, and i'm sure her issue would sell good. I'd also would like for Mickey to be in. I've seen her old nude photos and i must say she looks so much better now. So if I had to choose i'd want Kelly Kelly or Mickey.
I wouldn't mind seeing Layla do it. She's smokin hot and has a fantastic body. Plus, her WWE shoots are always really good
how about instead they have somebody pose in PLAYGIRL!!!! haha j/k
but seriously i think Kelly Kelly is going to be the next one to do it. I think the interview with her saying she's not going to was to make it more of a surprise unlike how its been the past few years where everybody knew way beforehand.
call me crazy...but i'd love to see Lilian do it...and since she'd be announcing half the matches at Wrestlemania, she'll probably get more screen time than any of the divas anyway

as far as 'Divas', i'd love to see Michelle McCool or Melina, but i'm pretty sure neither would happen...

especially with Michelle dating 'Taker, and Melina being out for so long...
Ashley is no longer with the company so even though she had said she was going to be doing something for the 2nd time that begins with the letter "P

Well that 'P' probably stands for prostitution again seeing as she is now unemployed.

Personally, I've been diggin Layla. Ever since she's straightened her her she's been looking mighty fine.
The French chick on smackdown would get it too:la:

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