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Maybe my recent vacation to the South Padre Islands has caused the Sun to do some serious damage to my brain but there is one guy inpaticular that I honestly feel deserves a push.......does he have to be pushed to the Title Picture?? No...........could he pushed as a contender in the mid-cards, yes.

It's time for the One Man Southern Rock Band, Heath Slater, to leave the AWFUL comedy relieve acts of the WWE. The WWE OWES Heath........BIG TIME. How many times have we seen TALENT wasted on gimmick matchs? I'm sick of's not funny, it's sad. Why have a guy work his butt off his whole life to get bashed over the head by Cyndi Lauper?!?!?!

I'm sick of seeing talent being wasted on celebrity apperances, midget matchs, diva matchs and anything that requires an unnessary costume. Take Santino.......for ONE night he had the whole world thinking for just one moment that he may possibly walk away from the elimanation chamber as the does the WWE respond? Give him a meaningless title.......then have him fighting a RING ANNOUNCER!!!!!!!

What does that say about a guy like Heath?!!? He is getting out booked by a ring announcer!!!!! Give him a reason to live or send him on his way to TNA where they can properly book him. I've grown SICK of seeing the Gimmick matchs and I hate NOTHING more than see guys time wasted.

I'm not asking for a WHC title run..........I'm asking that the guy simply be pushed to the mid-cards.....cause right now, I would rather watch a member of the crowd win a raffle a get a match against Hornswaggle than see a guy get taken out by a 300 lb man who can barely make his way up a set of steps without falling down
There are others I think who need a serious midcard push more right now, like Tyson Kidd, Alex Riley, & Drew McIntyre. Slater is pretty good at what he does and he actually is getting regular TV time. He's fine as he is.
I agree 100% with Tyson and Drew.......those two deserve a push as well, but Alex.....who is he without Miz? BORING......dont care if I ever see him again. There is so much stuff that gets put on television that I DO NOT care about today.......however, there is so much more that I would love to see out of the guys who have been BURIED. The WWE needs to pull it's head out of it's away with the Raw SUB-PAR shows.......and give some of the young guys something to do.

Simply put, it's time to sink or swim........if you dont draw a reaction (positive or negative) from the crowd in a month........go make a living with TNA. Drew is an absolute shame, the kid's talents are wasted every moment he is not on TV. EVERYTHING about Drew screams mid-card champ and title picture potential. I think he could be pushed into a title picture at a moment's notice without ANY story. If they had him win MITB next month, I wouldnt think "WTF" for a single moment.

Tyson obviously needs to be repackaged.......does he have the ringwork? Yes. Does he leave something to be desired on the mic? Yes. Does his haircut scream main event? Hells No. Right now, I think a Lord Tysonsei gimmick is better than what's going on right now.
I agree with you that Heath Slater is indeed a great talent, no matter where you put him he's good he can wrestle and isn't bad on the mic.

However, I'm almost sure that he's fine where he is the WWE has always needed enhancement talent and Heath Slater is a very good enhancement talent that many icluding me enjoying watching(apart from that Cyndi Lauper thing that was terrible)

I feel there are a lot of other guys who deserve a mid card push like TempestH said guys like Tyson Kidd/Alex Riley and Drew McIntrye all have the tools to be the best the WWE just needs to take the chance.
Eh, he's definitely a step up compared to where he was only a few months ago. Let him play the comedy heel jobber for a while. At least he's been on TV more than other folks lately.

The WWE OWES Heath........BIG TIME.

Not trying to be negative, but I'm genuinely curious on what you mean by this. Why do they owe him? What favor did he do for the WWE that he should be given more than he has, as of this point?
I do agree to a degree. I want to see a Slater push. However, it seems he is good where he is at the moment.

I will say that he does need a little push. Test the waters with him and I think the WWE is doing that. They are trying to see how the live crowd reacts to him and I think he does get some heat. I just say let's see where the WWE is going with him.
I only say that the WWE OWES Heath for the simple reason that he has been nothing more than a gimmick for what seems like FOREVER now......I mean to get squashed by Ryder??? I would ask for something more than a paycheck to lose to that guy.

It kills me to see guys who not only get buried but to do so to people who do not deserve to be in the ring. Does my statement contradict previous ones? To an extent, yes. But Ryder is nothing more than a Homer magnet.....he is and has been BORING to watch since the day he got a push. The MOMENT I hear his music, I wanna change the channel.

Every time I see a guy like Heath, Drew or Tyson the ONLY thing I can think about is Chavo. I cant help but feel like the WWE is falling short at the goalline
I'd like to see a A-Ry push, I think he deserves it. He's like 30 or in his early 30's and he's pretty beast. The fans seem to love him, so why not? What could it hurt? I actually liked his feud with the Miz, I thought it would have put him over, but it didn't...#sayittomyface
Heath Slater is a nobody. He shouldn't even be employed, let alone have a push. The only guy mentioned in this thread who really deserves a push is Drew McIntyre. He has the tools to be a megastar, but WWE refuses to pull the trigger on him.
I read an interview with Heath on WZ not that long ago, & thought he might be right for a push. Then, I saw him w/Lauper & Piper on "Raw", & wondered what I had previously been drinking.

If you wanna know who's "right", it starts with "R"... Riley, Ryder, or both. Also, if WWE owes anyone, it's Zack, for sticking him in that Eve crap.
Maybe my recent vacation to the South Padre Islands has caused the Sun to do some serious damage to my brain but there is one guy inpaticular that I honestly feel deserves a push.......does he have to be pushed to the Title Picture?? No...........could he pushed as a contender in the mid-cards, yes.

It's time for the One Man Southern Rock Band, Heath Slater, to leave the AWFUL comedy relieve acts of the WWE. The WWE OWES Heath........BIG TIME. How many times have we seen TALENT wasted on gimmick matchs? I'm sick of's not funny, it's sad. Why have a guy work his butt off his whole life to get bashed over the head by Cyndi Lauper?!?!?!

I'm sick of seeing talent being wasted on celebrity apperances, midget matchs, diva matchs and anything that requires an unnessary costume. Take Santino.......for ONE night he had the whole world thinking for just one moment that he may possibly walk away from the elimanation chamber as the does the WWE respond? Give him a meaningless title.......then have him fighting a RING ANNOUNCER!!!!!!!

What does that say about a guy like Heath?!!? He is getting out booked by a ring announcer!!!!! Give him a reason to live or send him on his way to TNA where they can properly book him. I've grown SICK of seeing the Gimmick matchs and I hate NOTHING more than see guys time wasted.

I'm not asking for a WHC title run..........I'm asking that the guy simply be pushed to the mid-cards.....cause right now, I would rather watch a member of the crowd win a raffle a get a match against Hornswaggle than see a guy get taken out by a 300 lb man who can barely make his way up a set of steps without falling down

I'll go with the sun damaged brain theory. This has been the best exposure Heath has gotten in his entire career and just may get him over. The fact that they're using him in these type of angles just may have saved him from being released in the near future. So if you're really a fan of this guy you should rethink your position and enjoy the fact that he's actually being used in a fairly entertaining way.
No more pushes are needed at the moment. WWE should focus on further developing Sheamus, Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler and Alberto Del Rio.

Anyways Cody Rhodes and Ryback will get a push.
They have but they haven't reached to the level of Cena, Orton or Punk.

They are yet to get that big win. Like when Cena used to beat guys like HHH and HBK clean on Wrestlemania main event or Orton would beat Foley and HHH clean on PPV's.
They have but they haven't reached to the level of Cena, Orton or Punk.

They are yet to get that big win. Like when Cena used to beat guys like HHH and HBK clean on Wrestlemania main event or Orton would beat Foley and HHH clean on PPV's.

True.... Nor should they. Partly b/c I don't think any (maybe Bryan) have the talent on mic &/or mat for Punk-level stardom. As for Randy & Cena, I think those went beyond the boundaries of reality & believability for much of the audience.
I understand that you look at a guy like Heath, think to yourself "hey, why not him", and think that everyone deserves a chance.


Heath is being used the way he is at the moment because WWE is bored, and so they are giving him the Charlie Haas treatment. This is called using a talent's gimmick at his expense. Nothing about him is rock 'n' roll, he can work in the ring but in no way, shape or form would they give a guy with his look a push, and they probably think his southern accent is funny and exploitable.

So, not only is he just one step above the Ryback jobbers in WWE's eyes, but he is one losing Linda McMahon political campaign away from losing his job altogether.

Just enjoy being a fan of Slater's work while he still has a job.
Lots of superstars they don't use on tv often. Justin Gabriel, Tyson Kidd, Michael McGillicutty, Mason Ryan, Alex Riley, Drew McIntyre. Any of these superstars that you only find on WWE Superstars or NXT. Sometimes they get on Smackdown. They should get a push. Either IC or US title pushes.
I understand that you look at a guy like Heath, think to yourself "hey, why not him", and think that everyone deserves a chance.


Heath is being used the way he is at the moment because WWE is bored, and so they are giving him the Charlie Haas treatment. This is called using a talent's gimmick at his expense. Nothing about him is rock 'n' roll, he can work in the ring but in no way, shape or form would they give a guy with his look a push, and they probably think his southern accent is funny and exploitable.

So, not only is he just one step above the Ryback jobbers in WWE's eyes, but he is one losing Linda McMahon political campaign away from losing his job altogether.

Just enjoy being a fan of Slater's work while he still has a job.

I saw his season of NXT... Not then, nor now, do I think he is worthy of a push. Also, if you ask me (& we have this somewhat in common), he has too-skinny or in some other ways the wrong build for a push, especially when they are pushing guys like Tensai, Show, or especially Ryback, who are HUGE in one way or another.
Heath Slater IS getting pushed. He's on tv every week, in the ring with WWE legends no less. He has a storyline that's going to last all the way up to Raw 1000. Sure, that storyline has him jobbing to said legends week after week, but so what? Getting over is a lot more about exposure than it is wins and losses. Once people start getting used to seeing Heath and knowing his character, it's a quick fix to have him start stealing some wins.

Slater's not headed to the world title picture or anything, but I think he's going to be a midcard staple. Guys who can work and sell like that always have a role.
I definitely think it is time for Drew McIntyre to get another push. Simply have Santino (a joke of a champion ) issue an open challenge and have Drew come out and win easily. Then have him cut a promo about being able to beat any challengers put in his way. This could give Drew 6 to 8 months of T.V. time against Swagger, Miz , Mysterio , and possibly a feud with Christian to unify the two mid-card titles.
How about giving a push to someone like Drew Mccintyre. That guy has a great physique and if he is repackaged and pushed in a right way he can be a great heel. Come on WWE make it happen.
Wwe needs to push tag teams right now.....a few years ago wwe had dx & jerishow who were really good and now they have many talented tag teams who are only used on nxt
I think the Miz is out of the doghouse and when comes back from filming the Marine 3, he'll get another big push. Probably won't be for the WWE title but maybe the world title.
Tyson, Drew, and Slater do deserve a push, like many people before me have said. WWE has a depleting midcard, if any. Why can't you push these guys from NXT to the midcard to contend for the U.S. title or Intercontinental title. When you do that, bring some guys up to the main roster, guys like Seth Rollins, Richie Steamboat, Bray Wyatt, Dean Ambrose (Is already doing dark matches.), maybe Kassius Ohno, and have Antonio Cesaro on tv more. This way they'll have a solid midcard and undercard.

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