Next "I Quit" Match?


HBK for life
So thinking about triple h and undertaker got me thinking about gimmick matches, and we havent seen an i quit match in awhile. Got me to start this thread.What i want to know is...

When do you think the next I Quit match will happen?

Who will be in the match?
I would love to see Taker Cena at wrestlemania 29 or 30 in an I Quit match. I'm not a Cena fan by any stretch of the imagination but it'd be fascinating as on the one side you have Taker's streak and on the other Super-Cena's never say die attitude it'd be a classic case of the unstoppable force meets the immovable object. It would really create a sense of intrigue in that fans would legimately think Cena had a major shot and either ending would be pretty groundbreaking. The atmosphere would be incredible too as the heat on cena at even the suggestion of him being the one to end the streak would be pretty huge.

Another good shout would be Orton/Kane at this years mania. Both are sadistic, exceedingly tough and excel in a hardcore environment. WM doesn't really have a hardcore type match this year so this would be a good bet, again you can't really see either Orton or Kane quitting so it'd be pretty fascinating to watch.
IMO not anytime soon forgive me if im wrong but the last I quit match was randy orton v John cena at breaking point 2009? Thats a themed ppv im surprised was dropped by WWE. But at the moment apart from Cena,Orton,Punk,Jericho who would actually look good in an I quit match? who could really sell one?....Sheamus....nah....D-Bryan...not really a submission match yes ziggler still needs time to carry a match like that. Unless they did a I quit match for Jericho v CM Punk after mania to end the rivalry Jericho could lose when he leaves again that could be a good set up, maybe Rock v Cena at summerslam i quit but im not sure an i quit match is something Vince wants right now or in the near future.

But on another note ide like to see something new and fresh....(A fatal four way/Triple threat... iron man match the guy with the most falls/submits at the end wins)
John cena vs randy orton was not the last i quit match, john cena vs batista in over the limit 2010 and john cena vs the miz over the limit 2011

I would like to see Dolph Ziggler vs CM Punk re-start their feud and have an I quit match it could be interesting, with Dolph quitting after the anaconda vice
for some reason i can see teddy long vs johnny ace in the future be an i quit match and the winner gets complete control over both raw and smackdown, hopefully mr. excitement can pull off a win!
The I Quit match, when done properly, has to be one of the best matches ever created.

I think it would be perfect to get the belt off of Daniel Bryan in a way that could send his character over the edge into full blown heel mode, instead of the heel because he'll do anything to keep his belt he is right now.

The storytelling with this match can be incredible. Two guys with a ton of pride who don't want to admit the other guy got the best of them... but one of them has to no matter what. It can create a lot of intrigue leading up to the match, and provide storyline fodder for after the encounter, and this is where it becomes a great match for Bryan's current character.

The guy who will do absolutely anything to keep the belt, is put into a position where he has to verbally relinquish that belt by saying he quits. What does that do to his character? What is the aftermath for Daniel Bryan? I think it pushes him over the edge and turns him into a deranged heel that starts taking out his anger on whomever crosses his path, while trying to plot to regain his championship.

I'd love to see that. It would have to main event a PPV, and it would have to mean that Sheamus doesn't win at WM... but it can be set up by having Bryan get himself intentionally DQ'd at WM, and Sheamus getting a rematch at the next PPV in an I Quit, where he goes over.

Some might not feel that's fair to Sheamus because he doesn't win at WM, but I think they could do tremendous business that way.
I wouldn't mind if the Iron Man match completed disappeared from wrestling altogether. It's just like watching an NBA game. Everyone and their mother knows that those matches always come down to the final minute. Why both watching for the first 59 minutes if I can just tune in to the end and catch the result?

A) I Quit matches and Iron Man matches are two completely different things, so I don't know why this is in this thread.

B) That's true of any match the WWE holds. Especially main know roughly what time they're going to end, so by your logic, why watch? Hell, why watch any match at all if you can just go online and find out the result? People watch wrestling matches because they enjoy watching wrestling, not to see the end result. What a weird post. :confused:

Anyway...the I Quite match seems to be a John Cena specialty, so I'm guessing we'll see one with whoever he feuds with next. Alberto Del Rio would be my guess.
Without a doubt the next I quit match will feature John Cena. I can't remember the last one he wasn't that's how long ago it's been since he wasn't featured in one.
I believe the next I Quit match will be in the last PPV before Jericho leaves again. I see Punk vs. Jericho, in an I Quit Match for the WWEC. at Over the Limit. If Punk quits he looses the title, and if Jericho quits he is out of the WWE, again.
I wouldn't even mind seeing another Cena I Quit match, but its got to play out better then the one with the Miz. I mean Riley and Miz beat Cena down for almost a half hour and then he just pops up hits Riley with an A.A through the announce table and slaps the s.t.f on Miz and that's it it's over. Pretty much the same as all Cena matches, so why am I even trying to make this point the next I Quit match will be the same... And I'll still watch and still be disappointed with the ending.
I could actually see one happening as soon as Extreme Rules, between Punk and Jericho, although they may just make that a submission match.

Another option I could see is Barrett vs Orton if they restart the feud when he returns.
I think it could be Punk vs Bryan. The score hasn't been settled after the few matches they've just had and it makes sense the two are submission specialists and I wouldn't be surprised it happens after the draft Bryan will be put on Raw after dropping the belt to sheamus at mania. I would love to see this Match. It would definitely be a great match on Summerslams card for this year
As much as a Hell In A Cell match between HHH and Undertaker is a great idea. I think it would have been great for them to be in an I Quit Match. Imagine the streak ending with those two magic words
As much as a Hell In A Cell match between HHH and Undertaker is a great idea. I think it would have been great for them to be in an I Quit Match. Imagine the streak ending with those two magic words

Disagree completely. The I Quit Match concept is really tame to lame, imo. I mean, you know HHH/Taker is legit going at least 20 minutes. Do you want 20+ minutes of them yelling "No!" after every big spot?

No! You do not.

I'm sure the next I Quit Match will feature John Cena, perhaps against someone like Punk. Cena will rightfully be built up as the unstoppable force, and put his opponent into the underdog position (wow, imagine that). Oh, and he'll finally lose (ala HHH finally dropping HIAC to Batista).

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