News on the Aftermath of the First Show

Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
  • The WZCW television show has officially been renamed WZCW Meltdown. The original name, On Demand, was not suiting Chuck Myles.

  • The HP Pavilion in San Jose, the home of the first show, was said to be at a capacity 14000 crowd. This pleased the owner of WZCW, Chuck Myles.

    "Well, it's a great sign to see we are making waves. I've got to hand it to the San Jose crowd, they were on fire last night, and I couldn't see any empty seats!"

  • Chemical Blue, the man who was attacked backstage, has suffered a deep cut to the head as a result of the attack. It is not overly serious, and he has been cleared to compete at the next WZCW event.

  • Levy, who lost in the 6-Man battle royal, was injured at the show last night. During the match, Gus knocked Levy out cold with Levy's finisher, the Levinator. Doctors have said that Levy suffered severe concussion, and could be out indefinitely. More on this as it develops.

  • In major news, there has been some major developments within the WZCW backstage staff. Mike Weaver, the man in charge of the Creative Department, has walked out of the company, leaving a gaping hole behind. The reason was not clear, although it is believed that DC felt he wasn't right for the job. Chuck Myles had this to say:

    "Weaver was a tough guy and a great person to work with, but I just don't know why he would leave like that."

    Compounding this, Brian Acevedo, in charge of talent relations, also walked out of the company, completing a disastrous day at the office for WZCW. Acevedo was fed up with backstage management, in particular with Chuck Myles, and left to pursue other careers.

  • In a very positive and boosting move for WZCW, Chuck Myles has hired back George Prax, a man who previously walked out on the company. Backstage management are very happy with the decision, and Prax will take the form of the head booker. A backstage crew member had this to say:

    "George is a popular guy backstage who brings a lot to the company, and it's great to have him back. He's already making a huge impact."

  • WZCW has officially been privatised, as of yesterday. John Barnes, a former accountant and now millionaire businessman, purchased 60% of the company's stock in the share market yesterday. Along with this, Barnes has also 'bought' his way into creative control, enforcing a few changes along the way. It is being said that Barnes has taken control of a lot of the company as a result of this, and some aspects are being taken in 'his direction'.

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