News on John Morrison's Push

The Whole F'N Show

Professional Smark
- Former WWE creative team member John Piermarini has started a blog in which he has released a ton of scoops regarding things that occured in the company during the two years he was employed. The blog has since been pulled (the Website does say it will be back soon) but we have managed to retain some of the things Piermarini said. Below is an excerpt regarding the mindset of Vince McMahon on Daniel Bryan and John Morrison:

"Vince’s philosophy on Daniel Bryan is he isn’t an ass kicker but he can beat you because he can capitalize on your mistakes. In this instance, it works. On the other hand Vince thinks John Morrison can’t kick anyone’s ass in a real fight therefore he can’t be a top babyface. Morrison has the chance to take the ball and run with it, but he is running uphill."

Uphill is okay for Morrison, he's in great shape. This also shows that if Morrison is pushed he will probably play the underdog role. He also might develop some more intensity and aggression to play down his "non ass-kickery" factor. This is also going to increase his credibility. So these are all good things, if he manages to overcome these purported odds and change Vince's mind, if he hasn't already.
Vince is out of touch on some things apparently. I'd choose Morrison over Bryan any given Monday. Or Thursday. Or at a taping on any given Tuesday. Or house show on any given Saturday. GOOOO JO!!! :bringit::bringit:

Morrison just went over Bryan, cleanly too. And uh, he's beaten Sheamus cleanly like um 3 or 4 times now?

This is fishy to say the least.

Morrison just went over Bryan, cleanly too. And uh, he's beaten Sheamus cleanly like um 3 or 4 times now?

This is fishy to say the least.

True, but remember, Morrison has been with the company for a while. Bryan hasn't. It's taken Morrison a LOT longer in WWE than it has for Bryan. Morrison has had to earn it tenfold compared to some, and its only now he's potentially getting a shot at the big time (I say potentially, remember Kofi vs Orton?)

Hopefully, Morrison has proved himself at last. He's gone through it all, from regular guy who dreams of being a wrestler to Tough Enough winner, to Tag champ, to IC champ, to ECW champ, back to tag champ, back to IC champ, and hopefully now, he's going to get his shot at the big time.

All I'm gonna say is, don't count your chickents before they hatch. Not everyone who gets 'the' push ends up with a belt and a place in history. Sad, but true.
I'd say this was said months ago about Morrison because look how intense he's become now?

For example the falls count anywhere and ladder matches he's had over the last few months. And the use of the knee as a finsher, which he detroyed Alex Riley with
Wrestling is all about flavour of the month.. wait DAY!!

JoMo has been talked about in the sense he's the second coming of the soon to be Hall of Fame Inductee Shawn Michaels.
I personally think that is a bit ambitous talk however JoMo is a pretty good wrestler and his spots are pretty much spot on.

I think he's getting the Jeff Hardy treatment a year of build up and he'll then win the title, JoMo will never be a John Cena but he will be a go to guy to look good and make others look good, since Survivor Series 2010 he's been on a roll and if this amounts to nothing then WWE giving Sheamus KOTR and jobbing to JoMo at every opportunity would be mind booglingly stupid for WWE's standards.
Look, he said John Morrison can't be a TOP babyface, not pushed, and the definition of "top babyface" could mean many things: it could mean he's not World Champion material, it could mean he's not long term main event material, it could mean he's not Wrestlemania headliner material, or it could simply mean he's not face of the WWE material, and I'd say that some of that stuff is fairly accurate. I don't think John Morrison will ever be a Wrestlemania headliner or the face of the WWE. I think JoMo could see long term success in the main event and I think he will be a World Champion one day, but he will never see Cena-level success.
So if you look at Morrison and you think he's not tough enough to beat someone up (funny wording there, considering his stint on Tough Enough) how are you supposed to expect Rey Mysterio to beat you in a fight?

Never heard of anyone winning a fight due to "knockout via merchandise sales".

Hopefully, if Vince does think that way, he changes his mind. Morrison needs work on the mic but his in-ring skills are top notch and I think he deserves a ticket to the Smackdown world title scene within the next few months.
So does that mean Morrison's best chances to be the top guy is to be a Heel? For me this wouldn't be a bad idea since his persona seems to fit more as a heel rather than a face. He's still great to watch but there are time his character falls flat because of that.
What? That's stupid. John Morrison is one of the most talented wrestler's in the WWE. Yeah, his mic skills aren't great, but they're not bad. Okay, they're bad, but not TERRIBLE! Morrison, to me, is a future World Champion, without a doubt. I always thought he'd win it before Miz, but I guess not everyone's right. By 2012, Morrison will win a world championship. Bank on it.
Hmmmm interesting perspective.

On one hand, the analogy of Daniel Bryan is dead on. Bryan doesn't look it but, in a real fight, he could probably beat just about anybody on the WWE roster. Trying to portray Bryan as a badass works on the indy crowd but probably not with your average wrestling fan because he just doesn't have that look. But everyone knows the man's got talent.

As for John Morrison, Morrison's character does have something of a pretty boy aura about him but Morrison has been booked to look very tough in his matches against Sheamus. He comes across as a never say die scrapper that just happens to look like a homosexual's wet dream. Nothin' wrong with that in my view because it's been working quite well these past months. As for JoMo not being top babyface, I think that JGlass14 raised some good points. That doesn't mean that JoMo won't be or couldn't be a World Champion in the WWE but he's not going to be the next John Cena. JoMo could still have long term success in the main event/upper mid-card scene like Edge, Chris Jericho, CM Punk and others because none of those guys have ever been "top babyface" of the WWE in the same way as Cena.
Morrisons time will come. He's always getting huge pops from the crowd. Creative has to give the fans a chance to actually get know him before he can become a top anything. They have failed to do that. Put him on the mic more so the fans can relate.
I really thought Morrison would have the title by now. Back in the last Elimination Chamber, he looked great. Even with Jeff Hardy leaving and creating a void, he just never held the belt. He still has that potential, and he's getting pushed very hard, with the whole parkour background too. He's gotten a few title shots, and I think he'll finally get the title this year, sometime before 2012.
Truthfully, say what you will about Vince, but this makes sense to me.

Morrison is in great shape, but I don't fear him. I feel I could probably kick his ass. Granted, it's irrelevant if I could, but the point is that's how I do perceive him in that sense. Bryan, on the other hand, would probably tie my ass up into a pretzel and laugh about it while he's doing it.

Morrison however, is good looking, talented and young enough to make it up that proverbial hill. If he can get a bit better at those promos, he should be fine.

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