New Years Eve & Day Events - Why Not?


Getting Noticed By Management
Now I'm not exactly for sure if WWE runs house shows on these dates, and I know during the Attitude era WWE would have some taped show around midnight on New Years Eve. But WWE has never done any big event to get in on all the big events going on during New Years Eve and New Years Day.

The ring used for Wrestlemania 30 had heated ring post, and a heater below the ring, they said even if it was 20 degrees the ring would still be above 70 degrees. So wrestling outdoors in the cold weather isn't a big issue.

You see it on tv every year, but just look at the scene, the people, the celebration going on


And then we have the college bowl games, the parades, and the NHL Winter Classic


So why not join in and get some space in Time Square, put a wrestling ring out there for New Years Eve, like they have done in the past for Wrestlemania events, book a 2hr live show while 100s of 1000s of people are in the street waiting for the ball to drop, maybe strike a deal with NBC to air a match during its Carson Daily New Years Show, with the live show on USA, it would be brilliant and a kind of atmosphere unheard of for a wrestling show, plus the millions of new views that could see it.

And another thing could be an outdoor stadium show on New Years Day, maybe like "WWE New Years Mania" or "Winter Mania" "Winterfest" call it what you like. An outdoor WWE show somewhere, heck call it Starrcade if they like. But make it BIG! You have the most people world wide who are home watching tv on New Years day, its something they could really take advantage of.

And imagine this: who thought the NHL could compete with all the college bowl games on New Years? Well the NHL Winter Classic is a huge success. All those wrestling fans off work, home watching, why not do something big? Why does it only need to be Wrestlemania and Summerslam thats big?

Your opinion?
Let the talent have a few days off to heal and be with family. Life on the road is tough enough.

What are you talking about? The WWE had 9 live events between December 26th and December 30th. So its not like they are given time off after Christmas.
The only way WWE is holding an event on New Years Eve or January 1st is if it falls on a monday, we would then get another edition of Raw. I highly doubt they'd try to get involved with any of the events surrounding the New Year's countdown or anything like that. The "Winterfest/Wintermania" ideas from the opening post sound like something that could be worth a try, but it likely would never happen. Plus this event would already be in between two bigger shows. TLC and Royal Rumble. Even if this event was used to bring back the Starrcade brand, it would be overshadowed by the two events it is scheduled in between. The idea sounds a lot better on paper that it would end up being. Plus, WWE tends to put forth a lot of effort into the first edition of Raw of the new year. If that ever falls on 12/31 or 1/1 in the future, there's your answer to this thread's question. That's the New Year's Event that WWE would do. A New Year's Raw. Until then, unlikely.
I really think you answered your own question to tell you the truth. There would be too much competition going on New Year's Day. What with the parade in California, NHL Winter Classic and bowl games, the viewership just might not be there.

Plus have you seen Times Square on New Year's Eve, it's a madhouse all the noise, it would be pandemonium. Drunks and God knows what everywhere. Security would be a nightmare for the WWE to keep their guys safe. Besides that there is literally no room to set up a ring and have the TV camera's able to film it. Wouldn't the sponsors be a little pissed off as well, considering they would have to now advertise on Carson Dailey's show or New Year's Rocking Eve or something like that.

These wrestlers are on the road enough, let them have a day or two off here and there to spend the time with their families.
I can't picture anybody spending their time on New Years Eve, one of the biggest party days watching wrestling, and for that reason,, this event can't sell
I like your idea but I don't think it would work in this era of WWE, maybe Attitude Era when you had Rock/Austin/Foley as your top stars and RAW was getting 5.0+ ratings.

WWE these days can't get people to watch RAW over NCAA Football, Monday Night Football and reality TV. I couldn't see how WWE could pull it off on a day where people are out with their families and friends or watching countdowns of Times Square.

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