New WWE Tag Teams


Dark Match Winner
I couldn't find another topic for this, and I know I haven't heard about talking about it for a long time, so I thought I would bring this up. I'm a big tag team wrestling fan, and I'm really annoyed with WWE's mash-ups of random guys into teams. Not that mash-ups are bad, but if they don't have the intention of being a real team, than what's the point? You don't have to be siblings to be an effective team. RVD/Booker T was entertaining to watch. I think WWE needs some new teams, and they have a lot of upper-mid card wrestlers that aren't doing anything because you can only push so many people at once.

So, if you had to take current WWE Superstars and make them into tag teams, who would you team up?

I'm not really into R-Truth/Morrison. Mainly because if anybody should be getting the push right now, it's John.
1.)Evan Bourne and Yoshi Tatsu: These are two guys who do nothing but job, even though they're great athletes. Put them together for a few weeks, and then have Bourne be the mouthpiece and let him really work on his mic skills. The two would be a crazy offensive cruiserweight team the likes of which we haven't seen since Londrick.
2.)Jack Swagger and Chris Masters: Heel tag team, and a battle of the egos. Jack can claim that he's the best gifted athlete, and Masters can claim he's got the best body. So naturally, they make a perfect team. Neither of these guys are going places right now.
3.)Ezekiel Jackson and Kane: This might seem like an odd pairing, but a monster heel tag team wouldn't be that bad of an idea. It would give the smaller guys a legit team to beat.
I just don't think the way to make the tag belts legit again is to put a bunch of random wrestlers together. If you want to make them legit, build some good teams and let them stick around for a few years. Seriously, what are guys like Swagger and Masters going to do week in and week out otherwise? I would be entertained watching these two beat their opponents and talk about arguing about whether Swagger's skill or Master's body won them the match... I feel like they could have some good chemistry.
I think its more of a problem when you don't have TAG TEAM debuts. But the team of ShowMiz is one that I would have made. They are 2 great personalities and fit well together, oher than that, I don't think I would put together a Tag team. It defeats the purpose of an actual "team"
Back in the day, you had legit teams that were fresh out and billed as a TEAM. You can't just throw people together unless they have something that compliments each other. Much like the teams you mentioned above. IMO you have to be 1st seen and 1st fued as a tag team to have that "feel" if you will of a legitament tag team.
The hart foundation, the bushwackers, the rockers, the british bulldogs, new age outlaws, l.o.d., the APA, edge and christian, the dudleys, the hardys, the list can go on and on of GREAT tag teams that have went on one time or another to be WWE tag team champions. All were LEGIT teams, something that is rare in WWE and REALLY needs to be helped.
I have no doubt in WWE that soon we will get over ALL the problems that plague us and rise to the top as the super power of the wrestling world. (Like it already isn't?)
i also think tag teams are better coming up together but i think swagger and shelton benjamin could make a good tag team, they would need a good manager though because neither of thwm can cut a promo. they are both accomplished amatuer wrestlers and are great atheletes so their styles couild work well together. swagger has nothing going on lately and benjamins push will fizzle out soon as always and he is a great tag team wrestler. this could also give swagger some momentum and wins untill he develops better charisma and is ready for a big singles push to the main event or upper mid card.
sometimes, however, you'll have two guys put together that create a great tag team given enough time and exposure. Miz and Morrison are a fantastic recent example. JeriShow was a great team and it saddens me that they broke them apart (however, now Jericho is champ again, so I guess I'll live). Rated RKO was another great pairing.

I am getting really sick and tired, however, of a team being slapped together and winning the titles their first time out, and two main eventers automatically being a "great tag team" (I love HHH and HBK by themselves, but I hate the DX tag team).

On topic, however, I'd like to see MVP and R-Truth as a team, their respective pasts would compliment the teaming in a storyline. Get CM Punk with Jericho after he loses the title to Edge, they do the "I'm better than you" bit better than anyone. Put Edge and Christian back together again to face off against ShowMiz.

I love the idea of Masters and Swagger, and I think they could be a fantastic long term pairing. Hopefully a random WWE employee sees that post and makes it happen.
I think its more of a problem when you don't have TAG TEAM debuts. But the team of ShowMiz is one that I would have made. They are 2 great personalities and fit well together, oher than that, I don't think I would put together a Tag team. It defeats the purpose of an actual "team"
Back in the day, you had legit teams that were fresh out and billed as a TEAM. You can't just throw people together unless they have something that compliments each other. Much like the teams you mentioned above. IMO you have to be 1st seen and 1st fued as a tag team to have that "feel" if you will of a legitament tag team.
The hart foundation, the bushwackers, the rockers, the british bulldogs, new age outlaws, l.o.d., the APA, edge and christian, the dudleys, the hardys, the list can go on and on of GREAT tag teams that have went on one time or another to be WWE tag team champions. All were LEGIT teams, something that is rare in WWE and REALLY needs to be helped.
I have no doubt in WWE that soon we will get over ALL the problems that plague us and rise to the top as the super power of the wrestling world. (Like it already isn't?)

i understand what you are saying, but of the teams you named four of them( edge and christian, new age outlaws, hart foundation, apa) don't fit into your definition of a "legit" team. yet you still name them as great teams. i think this just proves the point that you don't have to debut as a team to be great
The way I look at it, the WWE is using a pretty common formula in creating tag teams these days. Instead of having legitimate tag teams from the start, they're just taking a bunch of mid-card wrestlers who are not getting enough exposure as singles competitors, and mashing them together and calling them a tag team. The tag teams of JeriShow and DX kinda broke the formula because each of these guys (Show, Jericho, HBK, HHH) are of main event status caliber which helped the tag team division get some notoriety once again, even if they are following the same formula of creation for a tag team in the present-WWE (more in JeriShow's case). I would love to see the WWE debuting legitimate tag teams once again, or push some of the legit ones they have now like Cryme Tyme or the Hart Dynasty because this would be far more beneficial in the long run for the WWE's tag team division instead of using this quick-fix formula for tag teams.
I agree with a lot of what you said, but not everything. The tag titles USED to be a push. They USED to mean something. A guy getting a push could just as easily be done in the context of a tag team with another guy. Good tag teams are equal to ONE great superstar, if done correctly. Look at L.O.D. Look at Demolition. Look at The Dudleys, The Fabulous Freebirds, The Wild Samoans, and The New Age Outlaws. All of these teams were superstars AS a tag team, not in singles competition.

Some guys just aren't meant for singles stardom. Sure, many guys have gone on from the tag division to do great things with singles titles. But not all guys are meant for that. So what do they do instead (today)? They flounder in the mid card, and get released.

Tag team wrestling works best when the teams come up together. From the minors, all the way into debuting together. But I don't mind a tag team being formed later on in careers (APA), or even being a part of a new stable (Evolution, Flair and Batista). But to just randomly throw two guys together for a few months, or even a year, just takes away so much credibility from teh tag division/tag titles.

Having two superstars like HHH and HBK, or Show and Miz, is detrimental to younger teams. When tag teams like DX go away, people are disappointed and believe there is now "star power" left in the tag team ranks. How about building TEAMS to be STARS, not having STARS build teams.
But, as for some new teams. How about putting Carlito and Primo back together. Neither one of them have a future in singles wrestling, sorry to say. I don't MVP and Mark Henry, as long as they STAY a tag team. I would like to see them put Zack Ryder and Hawkins back together, neither guy is ready for a big singles push (not enough room right now). Put another guy into Punks stable and have he and Gallows tag up (maybe Matt Hardy?).

That is four new tag teams right there. Combine that with Legacy (who ARE still together), Cryme Tyme, Croft/Baretta, and Hart Dynasty, you have EIGHT tag teams to build a division with.

I would get rid of Hardy/Khali, ShoMiz, and every other random b.s. pairing, like Yoshi and Goldust. I think getting rid of pointless tag teams is just as important as building new ones.
I think the reason there are no "real" tag teams anymore is because the wrestlers don't really want to be in a tag team to begin their career. If I was a wrestler in the WWE I know I wouldn't want to, it ties you to the other person for the rest of your career and one of the two will probably go on to bigger and better things leaving the other in the dust ex. Marty Jannetty, Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, Jim Niedhart, Ron "Farooq" Simmons, and even Christian. Plus I'm damn near positive you can make alot more money in a singles career as opposed to a tag team. Then there are guys that want to have a signles career but were in a tag team that was so popular they couldn't get away from the stigma of being a tag team wrestler like Billy Gunn.
I think the reason there are no "real" tag teams anymore is because the wrestlers don't really want to be in a tag team to begin their career. If I was a wrestler in the WWE I know I wouldn't want to, it ties you to the other person for the rest of your career and one of the two will probably go on to bigger and better things leaving the other in the dust ex. Marty Jannetty, Matt Hardy, Charlie Haas, Jim Niedhart, Ron "Farooq" Simmons, and even Christian. Plus I'm damn near positive you can make alot more money in a singles career as opposed to a tag team. Then there are guys that want to have a signles career but were in a tag team that was so popular they couldn't get away from the stigma of being a tag team wrestler like Billy Gunn.

Well, I am guessing that wrestlers like Primo would probably rather be in a tag team as opposed to doing nothing. Some guys might not want to be in a tag team, but it's their job, and they should do what they are told. Some guys need a reality check. Some guys would have better, longer-lasting careers if they were in a tag team as opposed to going the singles route.

And as for your guys who were "left in the dust." Ron Simmons was a World Heavyweight Champion, the FIRST black WHC. Christian was a huge star in TNA, has been ECW WC, and is probably going to win the MITB match this year. So just be careful who you say is being "left in the dust."
Well, I am guessing that wrestlers like Primo would probably rather be in a tag team as opposed to doing nothing. Some guys might not want to be in a tag team, but it's their job, and they should do what they are told. Some guys need a reality check. Some guys would have better, longer-lasting careers if they were in a tag team as opposed to going the singles route.

And as for your guys who were "left in the dust." Ron Simmons was a World Heavyweight Champion, the FIRST black WHC. Christian was a huge star in TNA, has been ECW WC, and is probably going to win the MITB match this year. So just be careful who you say is being "left in the dust."

Yes he was in WCW, but that was before he teamed with Bradshaw, JBL went on to hold the WWE title for almost a year and do commentary on Smackdown, Ron Simmons shows up every now and again to say DAMN! Yes Christian was big in TNA but this is a WWE tag team thread and since he came back he won the ECW title which is a step up from the IC belt and the US belt, compare that to Edge who is a 9 time world champ and won Money in the Bank and cashed Kennedy's briefcase in too and its not even close.
I got a few ideas for tag teams.

1. Chris Masters and Tyler Reks.
These two are both big impressive looking guys who really aren't going anywhere on their own. I feel they can make a good tag team because they have a similar look. Masters would do more of the power moves while Reks would be a mix of power moves and high flying moves. Plus they would have a hot manager with Eve. They would kind of remind me of T&A (Test and Albert) from back in the day. They can even call themselves Reks n' Peks. lol.

2. Mike Knox and Vance Archer.
These guys have a similar gimmick in that they are big intense guys who like to hurt people. Why not just team them up and have them be a heel team. They remind me sort of Kronik from back in the day. They can even have a gimmick of hired guns who will take people out for money.

3. Jack Swagger and Kozlov
Swagger has a strong amateur background while Kozlov has a background in Sambo and other forms of fighting. I think the team could be interesting as a heel team.

Idk. These teams would give these guys something to do because none are really doing much at the moment. What you think of these teams?
Aww... The great tag team debate. Its good to see that im not the only one who misses the days of great tag teams. For the record, I do prefer tag teams coming up through the ranks together. (Dudley style). However, I also realize there are times when a pairing up can create a great tag team (Most recently Beer Money Inc in TNA). R-truth and Morrison don't fall into either category. It drives me nuts that they are going to get a tag title match at WM yet the Hart Dynasty hasn't received a single push since Bret came back. I just don't see them as a tag team. Morrison has so much potential as a singles wrestler yet here he is getting shoved back into the tag divison. Granted, the fact that he will be going up againt Miz is somewhat interesting (I really thought they should have pushed this feud farther) but why not give JMo a big guy too, like Kane for instance. "Ha Ha, I got the better big man" would have been a better touch. I just seems like the WWE is going to the well way too many times in hopes of creating another Money Inc (MDM and IRS), a great combo by the way. And just keeps on failing bad. Here are my suggestions for tag teams.

Morrison and McIntrye I really enjoyed their matches against each other and I think their in ring abilities plus their characters would gel well together.

Kofi and Mystero I respect the hell out of Rey but the fact of the matter is he doesn't really translate well in the ME anymore. Hell he could use some help against SES and these two would be an exciting tag team.

The Colons Why they broke them up I would never know. They had a good program with Miz and Morrison, fighting over the Bella Twins, and now?

Swagger and Masters This was a good idea, whoever said it earlier. Throw in Eve Torres as the manager and they could really be impressive.

Koslov and Jackson Keep them together and they will be the big strong tag team like Morgan and Hernedez. Also, keep regal with them, it worked.

Add these teams to the ones that already exisits and then you have a tag divsion made up of basically everytype of team you could have, technical(morrison, Mcintrye), highflying (kofi and rey) small dude plus big dude (ShowMiz), pure power (Kozlov and Jackson) and so forth. Variety is always a good thing, including within tag team divisions. Here's hoping that the WWE capitalizes on this opportunity with NXT and builds a tag team from there as well.
I keep liking the idea of Swagger and Masters together more and more. I would be really excited to see that team actually. I've liked them both individually, but never to the point where I could really get behind them. But a Swagger/Masters tag team would be great! A great mix of skill and style, maneuvers and muscle. Apart they aren't really great on the mic, but I think together they would be pretty legitimate.
Quite a bit of ho and hum about the tag team division I see !? Why the concern? I would say they are doing fine. Do I fiend for some real tag teams like back in early 90's? Of course, but in this day and age I don't think the WWE wants to start experimenting with it. I think it's fair as well to say that the tag team division has been largely irrelevant since about 2002, or in other words "The Brand Split".

It's not like the WWE is going to go out of business because the tag team division isn't the top commodity. I personally think the tag team division has always been a sketchy place. There seem to always be times where it is either really good or really bad. There can be many factors in deciding why or what makes a specific time better than another, I believe it is mostly a matter of personal preference.

I was born in the mid eighties so I really got into teams like Demolition, Legion of Doom, The Rockers, The Hart Foundation, The Mega Powers, The Natural Disasters, etc... As a result I never cared for a lot of what followed including what many now reflect on as being so legendary, the Attitude Era tag team division. I thought it was horrible and what basically killed the tag team division, but I have a different preference. I don't think it has meant much to be a tag team champion for a long time. I referenced 2002 and the brand split as being a point in time when the division became pretty irrelevant, but that was more for you the reader than me personally. I personally think the tag team division was toast about 93-94.

I think it is fair to say that Jerishow is to thank for the attention the tag team division is getting now. They really accomplished what WWE tried to do with Edge and Orton a back in 06. Jerishow actually did elevate the tag titles quite a bit I would say, at least back into relevance. Obviously it's not a bad idea, it's just not a good idea for every damn team. I think history shows that two talented individuals don't necessarily make a talented tag team. Jerishow has been a successful tag team though, and it looks like ShoMiz is being received perfectly right now too.

Miz and Morrsion, Primo and Carlito, Rhodes and DiBiase, as well as C.M. Punk and Kofi Kingston did a fine job of replacing some importance into the tag team division before Jerishow too. There is no denying the work that all those guys did, or it's effectiveness. I thought 08 and on has been pretty good tag team wise. If all you watch is Raw you might not have noticed it as much, but if you've watched ECW or Smack Down regularly since about that time you probably know what I am talking about. Those are put together tag teams but they've been good, that just seems to be what has been working for the WWE. It's the new trend as it seems.

I must admit, I am not crazy about Morrison and Truth, Worlds Strongest Tag Team, Hardy and Khali, or the way Cryme Tyme or The Hart Dynasty are being used. Cryme Tyme is long overdue for a title run in my opinion, and The Hart Dynasty doesn't need to be jobbing all the time either. The other teams just suck. There is no reason for Khali and Hardy to be in a tag team, or Morrison and Truth. There was no real reason WSTT was put together either, so what gives? Why these seemingly impromptu tag teams? As mentioned just a minute earlier, it just seems to be the trend they are following right now. I am sure that won't last, nothing ever does. If one thing, you should know that wrestling is changing all the time. There are very few constants, and very many slights of hand.
IMO WWE need to get Beer Money and let them have a run. I mean BEER MONEY not watered down the beer and the money. They are a great team and IMO they are better them pretty much every Tag Team in the WWE the only team I think that will give them a run Vince dont know how to use. The Hart Dynasty honestly a team with that back round would be dominating the Tag Team Division.
Look at WWEs talent pool and then look at who's dominating the singles division (same guys) then look who's dominating the tag (more or less the same guy w/ different tag partners) WWE needs to get the Colons back together, they even Bourne and someone else together use the guy for God's sake he's one of the most expolosive guys on the card yet he's stuck in jobber mode? UNREAL.

WWE has a worrying trend hich has spanned out for at least 7 years.

Once a tag team wins the gold, they'll dominate the belts for a while, and once they drop them (for the first time) the team gets disbanded.

MnM (although they ended up back together) Hardy Boys, Shawn Michaels/John Cena, Batista/John Cena, Punk/Kofi, Colons, Jeri-show, DX, Miz & Morrison, all teams that have disbanded once they drop the belts, wouldn't it not be better for the company to have a red hot tag division, that gives people an option to watch rather then a lack luster tag division and the same guys dominating the main event scene?
Yes he was in WCW, but that was before he teamed with Bradshaw, JBL went on to hold the WWE title for almost a year and do commentary on Smackdown, Ron Simmons shows up every now and again to say DAMN! Yes Christian was big in TNA but this is a WWE tag team thread and since he came back he won the ECW title which is a step up from the IC belt and the US belt, compare that to Edge who is a 9 time world champ and won Money in the Bank and cashed Kennedy's briefcase in too and its not even close.

I understand your point. What I am saying is don't put Ron Simmons and Christian into the Marty Jennety Hall of Shame (even though the guy could wrestle). Both of those guys have had major accomplishments. While I agree that Edge has had a better career than Christian, and JBL had a more successful career than Ron, I don't think they have been "left in the dust."
Kofi And Morrison: 2 Mid-Carders who are on the cust of the main event. They are both very athletic and can add a lot of excitement in a match. And They Are Both Babyfaces Who i Feel Really Need to get over with the crowd.

Sheamus And Batista: The WWE's Biggest Heels. Batista i doubt will still b wwe champion after Wrestlemania So Mayb Sheamus Gets Drafted To Smackdown and They Could Be Monster Tag Team. Which Really could Countinue to push Sheamus to a main event Guy.

Mysterio And Shawn Michaels: Both Veterns, Both Got on the map in the '90's. And Both Plan On Retiring in Perhaps a year or two (depending On 'mania. And I think these guys would bring a lot of excitement into the. We've only Seen Them Tag Up once in the past against Miz and Morrison but They could easily win the unified tag team titles.

McIntyre And CM Punk: IDK i think they could have some good chemistry in the ring. McIntyre is a young, up and coming star. And Punk is A former world Champion whos kinda been pushed into a secondary, doing nothing role.

Rhodes And Bourne: Its either this or Bourne and Yoshi Tatsu. But Rhodes is a smaller guy in the ring. Bourne has had nothing to do since he left ECW. Rhodes Kinda Sucks but is being pushed some what. Some Hopefully Bourne Could Bring Some Excitement. While Rhodes Brings some Of That Rub he got in Legacy into this newly formed team.
I understand your point. What I am saying is don't put Ron Simmons and Christian into the Marty Jennety Hall of Shame (even though the guy could wrestle). Both of those guys have had major accomplishments. While I agree that Edge has had a better career than Christian, and JBL had a more successful career than Ron, I don't think they have been "left in the dust."

I wasn't trying to compare Ron and Christian to Marty, but comparing their careers compared to their tag partners careers. Oh and Primo hardly had a job when he was a tag champ with Carlito so being in the WWE at all is a pretty big deal for him. :lmao:
Nice thread. I really despise thrown together tag teams myself. I don't like seeing thrown together teams of singles stars getting title shots in their first few matches teaming together knowing its not going to last past one title reign. Like someone previously noted teams like, Cena & HBK, Cena & Batista, Kofi & Punk. I could see throwing guys together that aren't doing anything, Haven't done anything or they are fading away. Not two guys that are on the rise as singles stars like Morrison and R-Truth. They dont even mesh well together look wise. Now as much as im not a fan of thrown together teams, here is a small list of teams that could be quality.

The All American Americans - Jack Swagger and Shelton Benjamin- Kind of like the Worlds Greatest Tag Team. Two amateur wrestlers with a hell of alot of potential. Im a fan of Benjamin and I think he deserves any type of singles push he can get, but WWE drops the ball on that everytime he gets a chance. I also think Swagger could be big. But like Benjamin he is stuck going nowhere right now. Yes there both in the MITB match at Mania but we know they're not winning.

The Thrillers Dolph Ziggler and Zack Ryder
- Two very cocky heels with I guess Hollywood decent looks that are not doing alot right now. Throw them together.

The Colons Should of never been split up. They have nothing now and the split did nothing for either guy. It was too soon.

Bourne~Punk - CM Punk & Evan Bourne- Now I know CM Punk is already having huge success on smackdown with SES. But this team is if SES never came about. It would give Bourne something to do and it looks much better than teaming with Yoshi.

I also like the idea of Swagger and Masters like stated in earlier posts. They could be "Masters of Swagger" lol.
I definitely think they would be some interesting tag team possibilities out there. It's a shame WWE won't focus on the division.

The Hart Dynasty has real potential.

I would put

Ezekial Jackson and Shelton Benjamin together. Have Shelton drop the blonde hair. They would need a manager. I would love to see Teddy Long back managing like he did with Doom.

Cody Rhodes and Joe Hennig
. I don't know why exactly, but I think the two of them together could be really great. I could see them being Anderson and Blanchard. I think their personalities would mesh well. I could see them as the tag team for a Heel Faction.

Zack Ryder and Vance Archer.
One big guy to match with a cocky loud mouth. Works everytime.

Hardy and Bourne
. I think the pairing of the two could be the face tag team to compete with the heel groups. They both are great in the ring and would have good chemistry.
Good thoughts from everyone so far.

So first off, I see why people are suggesting Ezekiel, but I don't think he'll be in a tag team at all, nor should he be. Zeke is going to be a primetime player on Smackdown once Wrestlemania is over. And I think if his moveset is diversified just a *tad* more, I think he will be pretty entertaining as a monster heel. I personally like him on the mic, so I would keep him in singles competition to flourish.

Now to make my list,I am going to approach this by bringing up the example of the Big Show. The Big Show is booked to be a huge force, an unstoppable monster. However, his character is not strong enough business-wise to carry the strap. So you can't have him continually losing title matches month in and month out, b/c then his cred as a monster will die. So what do you do? Put him in a tag team. This was an amazingly awesome move by the WWE. Now, the Big Show can be a monster on a consistent basis, because even if he wins half the time and loses half the time, those losses can be at the hands of his tag partner. He is completely protected! Plus, he gets to hold the straps, and even though the tag division is weak now, it's better to hold something than nothing. So tag teams should be made at this point for guys who the WWE basically likes, books them as somewhat strong characters, but just can't pull the trigger for a title run.

Evan Bourne would gain the most from tagging right now. The WWE loves him. They do. I know he jobs on RAW, but he wins everything on Superstars, he has a great style, he has a great work ethic, the crowd eats him up, and he is actually on TV (unlike Primo, Jimmy Wang Yang, and others), even if he loses. The problem is that he is too small for the WWE to pull the trigger on him. So, why not put him in a tag with a larger guy and eventually give him the straps? It would give him cred and allow him to work on TV more often, which would be great for everyone working with him.

I would pair him with Matt Hardy. He's not a huge guy, but he's bigger, more experienced, and has nothing to do right now. Some people might look at it as a step back for Hardy to resume tagging, but I see it as better than what he does now. They could work well together. If not Hardy, pair him with one of the bigger NXT guys when the show is up. Or if you wanted to go in the opposite direction, pair him with Justin Gabriel as this quick acrobatic team. They would be like a newer version of London and Kendrick. I think the crowd would be hot for that.

Other than that team, they should really try to add more face tag teams, since only Cryme Tyme and Morrsion/R-Truth are face teams right now (MVP/Henry doesn't happen much anymore). Christian would be a great choice if WWE doesn't want him main eventing. It would work for him the same as Big Show. Pair him up with Yoshi if he truly likes him that much. Goldust should pair up with someone too, as his veteran experience would work well on a team with a younger guy, such as Yoshi. Actually, Goldust and Shelton would be nice (call them the Golden Boys? Too corny?)

One heel team I would love is Mike Knox + anybody. Knox and Haas would have been fun. Knox and Kane would work well, too. They had a tag match a year or two ago against Mysterio and.... I can't remember, but it was an AMAZING tag match. Look it up if you can.
I think Masters, Swagger and will Regal should make a new Regals Roundtable, I enjoyed the roundtable and I want to see how it goes on Raw, If regal doesnt have it he doesnt really have a place on Raw.
Other tag teams are the Colons, MVP and Henry should stay as a tag team. Knox and Kane, I remember that match, and have thought they would make a phenomenal MONSTER tag team.
I like how a lot of people consider Evan Bourne for a tag team. He's seemed that way to me since he debuted. I remember a while back on Raw he was in a tag match teamed up with Rey Mysterio so team 1:

1) Rey Mysterio and Evan Bourne: these guys would have some amazing matches with fast paced high risk moves that would bring entertainment to the tag division unlike any teams do now.

2)Matt Hardy and John Morrison: Hardy and Morrison are both a half of former great tag teams that are multiple tag team champions, the Hardys and MNM, they have a similar character build in terms of size and weight and are both known for taking risks if needed. They are both face characters who could come across great with the crowd and get a good following to go far.

3)RVD and Jeff Hardy: This one is for TNA and although they're both great singles when they were in the back talking to Hogan on Impact I thought "wow it would be great if these guys teamed up" It would be an amazing team that would easily be the tag champions in TNA and do great in match ups against say team 3D who they've both had history with at different times.

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