New WWE Logo/Championships?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So this isn't news, at least it shouldn't be news to people if it is, then get caught up. The WWE is phasing out it's traditional scratched logo and going with a more modern logo that is shown on the WWE Network and NXT and on the title of Wrestlemania 31. Here is an article that was published on the main page not too long ago

Here Stephanie confirms that the new logo will make it's official debut as THE new logo in August. That's coming pretty soon. So with the WWE making a change that seems subtle but it's really a major change for the company will they take it a step further and change the championships we have today?

Think about this when the WWE changes their logo the "era" of Wrestling changes with it. I'm not old enough to remember the 80s but in the 90s when it was the WWF logo we had the attitude era, then we go to the WWE logo (slight change of course in the logo) but a whole new era with the PG era coming in.

So here are the questions for this post

Do you want them to simply just change the WWE logo on the current belts (for the WWE Championship that would be a complete overhaul because the belt IS the logo.)


Do you want to see the new era (if there is one) come with new championship belts?

I personally would love to see new championship belts for the Diva's title (it's pathetic), the Tag Team titles (just looks awful) and maybe bring back some like the cruiser-weight championship. The main belts, the WWE title just recently changed so I don't see them changing that again and the World championship has been like that forever and it doesn't seem to grow old on me, I still love the look of that belt. Maybe they could bring in 1 Undisputed belt but not change the looks of the current ones.
I don't think it's going to be a new era really, all that change will be the logos and the belts and in the corner of the screen. The titles and show will still be booked in the same way that they are now. The thing is how do they introduce the new World title, just give it to the champ like they did with HHH in 2002 or make it part of a storyline. I had this idea that I posted in a thread about the rumoured Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar match at Summerslam:
I will probably be savaged for this but I think it's a good way to build heat on Lesnar. As he's broken The Streak he shouldn't lose until at least Wrestlemania 31. I know everyone has said he shouldn't win the title if he's not sticking around but he doesn't have to stick around and could end up putting over in greater way along the line, this my idea. WWE are looking to rebrand with a new logo in August. Lesnar beats Bryan for the WWE WHC at Summerslam. The next night on Raw Paul Heyman announces Lesnar is leaving the WWE with the titles. WWE hold a tournament that would climax at Night of Champions where a new champion would be crowned with a new championship belt with the new WWE logo. Lesnar would return around the Rumble claiming to be the legitimate champion and demands the main event spot at 'Mania as he considers himself the reigning champion, WWE management would refuse and Heyman would vow to make it happen. Whoever is top face at the time would be one of the last two in the Rumble match. Lesnar would run in at the end and destroy the last two leaving no winner. The Rumble would go off the air with Lesnar standing tall in the ring. Next night on Raw the last two from the Rumble would be added to Elimination Chamber match and whoever is top face wins the title in that match. Lensar still proclaims to be the champion and runs in on TV disrupting main events and beating down guys. The top face then confronts Lesnar and issues a challenge to Lesnar to decide who is the undisputed champion at Wrestlemania and the face goes over, giving whomever a massive boost. This way WWE would have a champion on TV and for house shows and Lesnar could have a title run without being the actual champion. He could make publicise the match in the mainstream media like they did with The Rock in 2013 but without the downside of having no champ at house shows and matches on TV.
I'd be fine with either option personally. Part of me would like to see new title designs while, at the same time, it'd be kind of a shame to see the classic IC title design and the iconic Big Gold Belt design disappear. Yet, I think the Divas Championship especially needs a different design. It wouldn't even have to be anything groundbreaking. Hell, they could copy the design for the NXT Women's Championship, which a little "modern" and "old school" at the same time, and I'd be perfectly happy with it.

From WWE's perspective, it'd probably be cheaper just to keep the current designs for most of the titles and simply replace the scratch logo with the updated ones. As has been pointed out, Stephanie McMahon says the new logo will be implemented company wide by August, sometime in August that is. By that time, I think WWE will go with a single belt to represent the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The simplest and cheapest way to go about that may be to keep the Big Gold Belt design, or maybe a slight modification of it, featuring the new logo. Since the title's official name is now the WWE World Heavyweight Championship, the current design of the WWE Championship just doesn't fit it. I know it's something of a trivial detail, but it'd still look half assed in my eyes.

As for the tag titles, I know some hate them but I've always honestly kinda liked 'em. I wouldn't be upset though if a new design was brought in.
Here's an image of what the WWE Championship belt will more than likely be changed to:

If you ask me, it's not a massive change but it will take some getting used to.

As far as changing the other titles go, I think this would be a great opportunity to change the tag titles. I'm okay with the Divas title how it is. I mean it's girly but it is for the Divas.. US & IC belts are fine as they are, just a small change of the logos which people probably won't even notice in the first place.

Looks better that way to me (well, except for those RKO plates), but I'm still just happy that the spinner design is gone. I'm mostly with JH on this one. I don't particularly care with they do with most of the titles. I differ on the tag belts, though. If I were Vince and someone had approached me with that design, I would've asked the person if they were serious, and then fired their ass when they said "yes." Back when they were brought in they were easy enough to ignore because tag team wrestling in WWE was easy to ignore. Now that there's been a bit more invested into WWE's tag scene and the belts are seen more often, a redesign would be more than welcome.
I wouldn't be so quick to connect new logos with new eras. The only time that happened was the scratch logo coming in with the Attitude Era. There was no logo change when they moved away from the Golden Era to the New Generation in the early/mid 90s, and the slight modification to the Attitude Era's scratch logo happened more than a year after the Attitude Era ended and the Ruthless Aggression Era began...and that change wasn't even by choice, it just reflected the name change from WWF to WWE. There was also no logo change when they moved to the PG Era. So in the last 20 years or so, there's been three Era changes but only one logo change to go with them.

Anyway, what happens with the World titles greatly depends on whether or not they're going to keep them unified. If they are, I would imagine that a completely new belt will be introduced with the new logo on it. If not, and I personally don't think they will stay unified, then I don't think there will be a major change for either one. As much as I'd like to see a new WWE title(hell, bringing back the spinner belt would be better than this atrocity), I'm sure they'll just introduce a similar one with the new logo. And the Big Gold World Heavyweight Championship will never change, not in a significant way. They'll just put their new logo on it.

And they'll probably do the same with the other titles, to be honest. Sure it's possible they'll bring in all new titles, but I would be surprised. Just slap the new logo on them and be done with it.
I'm not a fan of the new logo although it might grow on me with time. If it's the one they use on the WWE Network then it will take some getting used to. The current logo has been used for 12 years so to see that change is coming is a refreshing thing, it could be worse. I'd rather it be the logo from the WWE Network than some hideous or idiotic looking one. Implementing the change around August is a good choice, it can be a part of Summerslam to have the announcement/unveiling there. The federation is heading into a new direction with the Network having been launched and focusing on making new stars for the future. This is as good a year as any to change the logo.

Now, as for the Championships.... I do NOT think any new Championships should be added. One or two could use a new design going forward though.

This is fine. I can see them doing something like this to change up the WWE World Heavyweight Championship by retiring the big gold belt and editing the WWE title's logo to this and keeping it as the belt representing the top guy. They definitely won't have the World Champion carrying two belts forever. I would personally rather see a gold plate be added behind the WWE logo (which would be edited to reflect the new logo's appearance) so that the title has the big gold belt's history represented also. It would be cool looking. The midcard belts do not need any changes. The Tag Team Championship looks fine as well. While the Divas Championship is an unpopular design around these parts, it probably won't be changed. What they could do is use a design similar to the Womens Championship and perhaps use red or pink straps. That way it stands out as a "prettier" belt for the girls but it could be taken more seriously than the big butterfly.

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