New World of Wrestling


Dark Match Winner
I must first say that I am not the kind of guy that is into doing graphics etc.

I am doing this as an activity to do, nothing more nothing less.

If you would like to offer advice, comment or just slam this writing I don't mind.

NWW is a fictional promotion where Vincent K. McMahon has purchased the rights to TNA and has decided to merge it with the WWE.

First few weeks will be sorting out the new champions and there will also be a Saturday night cross-branded show.

Monday Night Overdrive Roster

Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
Samoa Joe
Eric Young
Robbie T
Austin Aries
Bobby Roode
Matt Morgan
Christopher Daniels
John Cena
CM PunkAlberto Del Rio
Randy Orton
Mark Henry
Damien Sandow
Cody Rhodes
Wade Barrett
Jack Swagger
Antonio Cesaro
The MizJey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Brodus Clay
TensaiHeath Slater
Drew McIntyre
Jinder Mahal

Friday Night Stampede Roster

Joseph Park
AJ Styles
Chavo Guerrero
Hulk Hogan
Rampage Jackson
James Storm
Garett Bischoff
Jessie Godderz
Jay Bradley
Mr. Anderson
Robbie E
Sam Shaw
Wes Brisco
Zema Ion
Big E Langston
Curtis Axel
Roman Reigns
Dean Ambrose
Seth Rollins
Zack Ryder
Justin Gabriel
Titus O'Neil
Darren Young
Three Surprise Superstars

The show will begin in the next 24-48 hours.....
Monday Night Overdrive 5/8/2013

An Introduction to the newest craze in Pro Wrestling

NWW Unified Tag Team Championship - Overdrive Semi Finals
Bad Influence vs 3MB vs Tons of Funk
8 Man 15 minute Scramble for the Overdrive Championship
Mark Henry vs The Miz vs Fandango vs Sting vs Eric Young vs Jack Swagger vs Wade Barrett vs Damien Sandow

NWW Unified Tag Team Championship - Overdrive Semi Finals
The Uso's vs European XChange (Cesario and Magnus) vs Big Meat (Matt Morgan and Robbie T)

First Qualifying Match for the Undisputed NWW Championship
CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy

The winner of This Match will Become The #1 Contender of Any Title He Choses after SummerFest
Kurt Angle vs John Cena vs Stampede's Curtis Axel w/ Paul Heyman

*Main Event*
Second Qualifying Match for the Undisputed NWW Championship
Samoa Joe vs The Undertaker

Feel free to make your predictions for the show.
Monday Night Overdrive 5/8/2013

*Vincent K. McMahon comes out to welcome the NWW fans.*

"I would like to personally introduce to you, the new home of Pro Wrestling. Yes you heard me right, Pro Wrestling. Gone are the days of the PG era, gone are the days of Cookie *****ng through matches and gone are the days of morning kids TV shows. This is the start of a new era, and to show this I would like to introduce to you, the new General Manager of Overdrive..... Chris Jericho!"

*Crowd pops for Y2J*

*Y2J takes the mic from Vince as he leaves the ring*

"Welcome to Monday Night Jericho"

*Crowd goes nuts*

"Just as you thought you saw the last of me, The ayatollah of rock and rolla is here to make sure that the world of Professional Wrestling will never.... eeeeever be the same again. I am here to shake things up and to save us all from the same old same old".

*More Y2J chants*

"Tonight we will se the crowning of a new champion and the progression of tournaments leading to the finals at SummerFest, so lets get the show on the road!"

***NWW Unified Tag Team Championship - Overdrive Triangle Triple Threat Semi Finals***
Bad Influence vs 3MB (Slater and Drew)vs Tons of Funk

Daniels, Tensai and Slater start off in the ring with Daniels and Slater immediately attacking the bigger Tensai. Just as Tensai starts to get some momentum by slamming Daniels to the ground, Slater does a leg chop which sends the big man on to the canvas. Daniels quickly tags Kazarian into the match as he performs a moonsault on Tensai. With both men in pain, Slater tries to quickly cover Tensai, 1...2... and Slater goes flying out of the ring with Tensai pushing him off. Tensai gets up and flattens Kazarian as he was trying to kickstart his offence, Tensai tags Brodus in and as Slater tries to springboard off the ropes, Brodus notices and throws him onto the ground, Kazarian notices the opportunity and rolls Brodus up 1.....2.....3.

Winner via pinfall BAD INFLUENCE

*King: "They may have moved companies but Bad Influence are as sneaky as ever"*

*Brodus and Tensai are in the ring looking in disbelief*

*The Miz talks backstage with Josh Matthews*

Josh: "Who do you think is the biggest threat to you in the championship scramble up next?"

Miz: "Really? Really?? I am thinking more along the lines of at what point should I decide I want to win this match.... Should it be in the tenth minute? Maybe in the last seconds? or how about I just save everyones time and just do it straight away haha BECAUSE I'M THE MIZ AND I'M AWESOME!!!!"

King: "This is a big moment Cole, this is the first match Sting has ever had for a Vince McMahon promotion!"

Cole" I cant wait for some Vintage sting moves tonight King"

8 Man 15 minute Scramble for the Overdrive Championship
Mark Henry vs The Miz vs Fandango vs Sting vs Eric Young vs Jack Swagger vs Wade Barrett vs Damien Sandow
Key Moments

2.30: Miz hits Damien Sandow with his own Money In The Bank briefcase then uses it to perform the Skull Crushing Finale, Then Barrett throws Miz out of the ring and pins Damien 1...2....3

The Current Champion is Damien Sandow

4.23: Sting delivers the Stinger Death Drop to Sandow it looks as if the Stinger could win this 1.....2.... KICKOUT! King is absolutely shocked that Sandow had enough power to kick out.

8.00:King "Mark Henry hits the Worlds Strongest Slam to Fandango right on to the Spanish Announce table and the EMTs have taken him away, it looks like that was his last dance in this match".

10.31: Cole: "What is Young doing? He has a ladder set next to the table he has Swagger on. OH MY GOD Swagger moved out of the way as Young crashes to the ground

14.00-15.00: King" Stinger hits the Death Drop on Sandow again and this time 1...2...3 yes he does it, Sting looks like he is going to run away with the title".

Sting is the Current Champion
Cole: "Hang on King thats, thats Fandango and he semms to have something with him? It's a disco ball?"
King: "He just hit Sting square on the head with it 1....2...3 Just as time expires Fandango has shocked the world beating seven other men for the Hardcore Championship"

Winner and NEW NWW Overdrive Hardcore Champion: Fandango

*We Return to Overdrive with news that The Uso's have been attacked by Big Meat before their upcoming match and as a result Y2J has eliminated both teams from the competition*

*As CM Punk comes out for his match the crowd gives him a massive pop, the same cannot be said for Jeff Hardy*

First Qualifying Match for the Undisputed NWW Championship
CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy

Jeff Hardy starts by playing along with the hostile crowd by taunting them and kicking Punk in the groin when they do a test of strength. he then irish whips Punk and clotheslines him onto the mat, much to the dismay off the fans. Hardy give Punk a quick leg drop and taunts the audience again, the taunt went on too long and as he tried to get Punk up, Punk countered and gave Hardy a GTS and 1...2...3!

Winner Via Pinfall CM PUNK

King: " That is the last time that Hardy will underestimate the Best in the World"

The winner of This Match will Become The #1 Contender of Any Title He Choses after SummerFest
Kurt Angle vs John Cena vs Stampede's Curtis Axel w/ Paul Heyman

Angle and Cena have seemed to make an unlikely alliance here with Axel being cornered by the two men... wait it's a trap as Angle loads a few punches at Cena. This clearly wasn't planned as you can see the surprise on Axel's face. Axel then begins to work on Cena with some quick grapple moves, Cena attempts to reverse but as soon as he tries Angle attacks him wit a vicious knee to the stomach. Angle then picks Cena up and hits him with a trio of German suplexs'. Curtis Axel continues with the attack on Cena, but Cena is somehow fighting back and drops Axel to the ground and then Fisherman Suplexs' Angle and he is pumped up, he sets Axel up for a FU and hits it.

King: "Wait What has happened here? The lights are out?"
Cole: "Oh no you don't think its them do you?"

*The lights turn on and a downed Axel is laying over Cena*


Winner By Pinfall? Curtis Axel

*Cameras pan out to The Shield next to an exit of the arena as the show ends*

Interview with The Shield will be added shortly

Hope you enjoyed the show, due to time constraints the Main Event will have to be pushed to the next show, sorry for the inconvenience.
  • Hello Samhunt391, I'll be giving some feedback on your Monday Night Overdrive show. Ok firstly, welcome to the section here in Wrestlezone. Were getting more and more active so thats a good thing. Glad to see you here.
  • Now I see that with the stage directions you have put a little *. That's all well and good however some people prefer to use the Italic BB code to make the post look neater. You might want to consider this. Anyway, onto the show.
  • Ok nice promo from Vince. What I will say is it was quite short. This is because since this is the first ever show of something you could have Vince talking about a lot of things. What makes his show better than other rival shows like TNA Impact Wrestling? What are Vince's visions heading into the future? Nice announcement with Chris Jericho to be the General Manager. He can talk well and he isn't going to take crap from anyone. Liked the never... eeeever part too.
  • An alright match to start the show with the "Triange Triple Threat" match. Just one thing, since this is your first show, some viewers might be thinking... Tons of Funk? Who are the members of that? Same with Bad Influence. That is why some people think Entrances and a Ring announcer is a good idea. You could have say, Justin Roberts say something like... "And now, the Bad Infulence, Kazarian and Daniels" so we know the members. And with the 3MB you said (Drew and Heath) If it is just them two shouldn't it be 2MB and if Jinder is in the group it should be 3MB (Slater and Drew w/ Jinder Mahal)
  • Bit of a weird way to start the interview here between Miz and Josh. Usually they say something like please welcome my guest at this time, The Miz.
  • Now with the Gauntlet Match, it's a simple case of us needing a backstory. Who are these guys? Look's like a random bunch of people. Now you have said that this is a big moment with Sting. Surely if you want to hype Sting that much he will have a singles main event? Not thrown into a jobbers gauntlet. This seems like it is the first show, how did Damien Sandow get the money in the bank briefcase. Also people who didn't use to watch WWE probably don't know what Money in the bank is. Bottom line is if your going to bring something from another company to yours, explain the concept of it. Hmm, did I jsust read Fandango has just defeated Sting?
  • Once again, you havn't explained anything here. This leaves us with many questions. Who is Big Meat? What competiton are both teams DQ'ed from?
  • Right, so another match that's weird. It seems the NWW Championship is a real big deal and you have Punk facing Hardy. Two men who havn't even been promoted in the show before. This is why WWE does things like previews during the show. You could have easily had Josh interview both Punk and Hardy before their match.
  • On to your main event, I'll say this before GCB gets here. A main event needs a bit more detail then the rest of the card. That's right, I do read your stuff GCB... Also why were Kurt, John and Curtis in a Number 1 contenders match? What did they do to deserve it over the other wrestlers? Once again with the Shield, what about the fans watching this promotion who have never watched an episode of WWE? They don't know who or even what the Shield is. Names are important, or pictures. Some threads on here will have pictures on so yo u can see better who is wrestling who.
  • Overall it was a nice attempt. Considering it was your first show it was ok. Some more detail would be nice especially in the main events. Also don't be afraid to experiment with things like the BB Code's like don't worry about having Bold, Italic, Underline and different colours. This show shows a lot of promise to me and if your serious about this thread, good luck with it.
Thanks for the tips, this is the first one I have done where I have tried to describe the matches which is why I ran out of time to have lengthy segments.

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