New Weekly Cruiserweight Show on the WWE Network?


Staff member
As part of the internet survey that the WWE conducted over the weekend, there is now thoughts that the WWE are willing to pull the trigger on giving the Cruiserweight Division a new weekly show on the WWE Network. It is thought that the show would be somewhat akin to the way that NXT is executed but with only Cruiserweight talents from around the world, and those under contract with the WWE.

For me, this is a clear statement of intent from the WWE that they are serious about the Cruiserweight Division, and not before time. I honestly don't believe that people under 200 pounds get a fair crack of the whip in the WWE. There is no doubting the fact that Vince McMahon likes his WWE Champions to be of a certain ilk that cruiserweights, generally, do not fit. So giving them their own show to try and impress everyone without being in the shadow of Raw seems like a good idea to me personally. It might also means that even more cruiserweight talents get a shot to show everyone what they are worth. Obviously, Raw is not the ideal place for this division to be located. We haven't seen anything of Noam Dar or Jack Gallagher yet on Raw. The truth is, the cruiserweight division, right now, is simply there to put some more air time on the Raw broadcast. And that is a tremendous waste of time for everyone involved.

It is also makes sense to pull the trigger on this if the report is to be believed and that the WWE are, indeed, going to be introducing a new tier based payment system for the Network. This show would more than likely find itself on the highest tier, given that it has proved itself to be wildly successful.

I think it will be interesting to see if the cruiserweights still show up on Raw, should this get the go-ahead. I'd imagine that they would, simply because Raw doesn't seem to have the talent to fill 3 hours of programming and don't show any signs of giving that third hour away, even though they definitely should.

The real benefit of this move would be giving the cruiserweights a stage and an opportunity to be something different on their own. Right now, there isn't one real angle going on inside the cruiserweight division and that is totally sad and underwhelming. It's time for these guys to be given a chance and to be taken seriously.
Don't know about you guys but I don't care about the Raw cruiserweights already. I don't want a weekly show but an annual tournament would be cool. The winner could just go to Raw and do cruiserweight shit against the rest of the roster. Then they would stand out, y'know.
I like the idea. They have no story on Raw for them. If they run a weekly show for Cruiserweights with a Champ, and tag champs, there will be stories behind their matches on Raw and the competitors will have characters and stories. It will also give people watching Raw one more reason to buy the network to see the fallout from the Raw matches

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