New Thread Series : Name the Clean Losses - John Cena

Who will John Cena lose clean to NEXT?

  • Cm Punk

  • Randy Orton

  • Sheamus

  • Undertaker

  • Daniel Bryan

  • Triple H

  • The Rock

  • Brock Lesnar

  • Ryback

  • Dolph Ziggler

  • Alberto Del Rio

  • Mark Henry

  • The Miz

  • Sting

  • other (please state)

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Pre-Show Stalwart
i am now going to create a new thread series called name the clean losses. my 1st superstar for my thread series will be john cena.. john cena is the face of the company, he is as big of a draw as cm punk, and imo he doesnt deserve this position. i can rant on and on about how selfish he is, but i am not going to. the object of this thread series is to name all the clean losses for john cena. well , i created this thread because appearantly, some people on this forum don't know what CLEAN means. clean means no interference, no injuries prior to the match, no distractions, no help from friends, no matches prior to the current match, no weapons (unless its no DQ), no low blows, no eye pokes, no putting foot on ropes, no shoving the referee, etc.. please know what CLEAN means before posting stupid videos. cm punk vs john cena at mitb 2011 was NOT clean.. cm punk has nEVER beaten john cena clean, which is so pathetic. john cena vs randy orton at hell in a cell was NOT clean because randy orton tapped out to the STF when the referee was unconscious.. ironman matches, 1st stage of hell matches, and 2 out of 3 falls matches are not clean UNLESS the person wins overall. just giving u some examples. john cena only lost clean to people equal to his star power..

just post videos of him losing clean and post who it was from.

in addition to these videos, i want u guys to review these wins and answer questions.

1. Do you think john cena should lose clean more often?
2. will and should cm punk get a clean win against john cena?
3. who will john cena lose clean to NEXT?

John cena vs shawn michaels :

John cena vs triple H

cena vs batista
He lost to The Rock at Mania 28.

Also, wasn't the loss to Sheamus at the first TLC PPV a clean loss? I know they botched the ending a bit but I don't remember any shenanigans in that match.
He lost to The Rock at Mania 28.

Also, wasn't the loss to Sheamus at the first TLC PPV a clean loss? I know they botched the ending a bit but I don't remember any shenanigans in that match.

It was a tables match and therefore Sheamus won without breaking a rule, making it a clean win.
Yeah that's it. There were some shenanigans afoot between Orton and Triple H but Cena was the decisive loser in that match.
I'm fairly certain you could call his first match with Punk at Money in the Bank a clean loss as well since no rules were technically broken.

Thread series are usually shite; they're even more shite when made by shite posters
I'm fairly certain you could call his first match with Punk at Money in the Bank a clean loss as well since no rules were technically broken.

can you please read? just because no rules were broken doesnt mean its clean.. its like saying all money in the bank cash ins are clean, all interferences in no DQ matches are clean.. it doesnt make sense. there was a distraction
john cena is the face of the company, he is as big of a draw as cm punk

As big? You're funny.

well , i created this thread because appearantly, some people on this forum don't know what CLEAN means.

And some people worry too much about a "clean" win or loss in a contest that predetermined.

clean means no interference, no injuries prior to the match, no distractions, no help from friends, no matches prior to the current match, no weapons (unless its no DQ), no low blows, no eye pokes, no putting foot on ropes, no shoving the referee, etc.

Reall stretching with some of these

john cena only lost clean to people equal to his star power..

No shit! Why would he lose to people that are inferior?

1. Do you think john cena should lose clean more often?


2. will and should cm punk get a clean win against john cena?

Maybe some day. Doesn't really matter right now.

3. who will john cena lose clean to NEXT?

Possibly Taker at mania but I think I might like to see Cena end the streak.

Now I have some questions.

1. Who is going to be next in this series? This isn't simply another thread to bitch about Cena, right? Who's next?

2. How would you feel if the roles were reversed and Punk rarely lost clean?

3. Do you believe all wrestlers should just have an equal amount of wins and losses like sharing time in kindergarten so nobody stands out from the pack or do you think it's a good idea to have someone as the main superstar on the roster?

4. Do you feel too many Hollywood movies have happy endings? Would you prefer to see the bad guys win more often? Maybe the star in the lead role should get killed more often and the evil side should prevail?
As big? You're funny.

In terms of merchandise sales and PPV buyrates, yes.

And some people worry too much about a "clean" win or loss in a contest that predetermined.

I know wwe is fake, but clean wins demonstrate that wwe has faith in you and are willing to make u a top star.

Reall stretching with some of these
u dont know what clean means? do u consider MITB cash ins clean? do u consider attacking someone prior to the match and then winning the match clean?

No shit! Why would he lose to people that are inferior?

to put them over, no shit!

why not

Maybe some day. Doesn't really matter right now.
it does because cena needs to give punk his win back..

Possibly Taker at mania but I think I might like to see Cena end the streak.
why would u wanna see cena end the streak. from a business perspective ,it makes no sense. it would benefit more to have a young star end it. cena aint gonna be around forever.
Now I have some questions.

1. Who is going to be next in this series? This isn't simply another thread to bitch about Cena, right? Who's next?
of course not. next will be randy orton.
2. How would you feel if the roles were reversed and Punk rarely lost clean?
i would like it because punk is actually an interesting character. cena does the same promos every week and never changes his character. its stale as fuck and predictable.
3. Do you believe all wrestlers should just have an equal amount of wins and losses like sharing time in kindergarten so nobody stands out from the pack or do you think it's a good idea to have someone as the main superstar on the roster?
dont twist my words, never said that.
4. Do you feel too many Hollywood movies have happy endings? Would you prefer to see the bad guys win more often? Maybe the star in the lead role should get killed more often and the evil side should prevail?
movies and wrestling are different. in movies, the characters are interesting and have an edge to them. they are also booked fairly, like they are vulnerable. john cena is not.
ton of interference in that orton match..

mr oj : the miz beat cena clean? what have u been watching lol.. the rock interfered in that match, doesnt matter if it was no DQ.

Except it does.

No DQ means no disqualification. Meaning, no rules broken, Cena jobs clean.

If you're going to troll, you might as well be a smart troll
Except it does.

No DQ means no disqualification. Meaning, no rules broken, Cena jobs clean.

If you're going to troll, you might as well be a smart troll

based on that logic, all MITB cash ins are clean? ziggler beat del rio clean.

based on that logic, beating an injured person is clean?

its like saying kevin federline beat john cena clean.. which is definitely not true. even though it was a no DQ match, people still interfered, it was an unfair advantage.

clean means that both opponents have equal advantage. interference = disadvantage.

if you are going to troll, at least be a smart troll.
based on that logic, all MITB cash ins are clean? ziggler beat del rio clean.

based on that logic, beating an injured person is clean?

Did they beat them within the confines of the rules?

Yes? Then clean.
Cena took a clean pin fall loss from Roman Reigns in one of the many six man tag victories The Shield obtained this year didn't he?
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