New Terminator Film Will Be A Stand-Alone In The Franchise-Set For Release In 2015

Mitch Henessey

Deploy the cow-catcher......
Staff member
HOLLYWOOD, CA (June 27, 2013) – Skydance Productions, Annapurna Pictures and Paramount Pictures have jointly announced they will partner on a rebooted “TERMINATOR” movie, to be released by Paramount Pictures on June 26, 2015.

The first in a stand-alone trilogy, “TERMINATOR” will be produced by Megan Ellison of Annapurna and David Ellison of Skydance. Dana Goldberg and Paul Schwake of Skydance will serve as executive producers. Laeta Kalorgridis (“Avatar,” “Shutter Island”) and Patrick Lussier (“Drive Angry”) are attached to write the screenplay.

Launched in 1984 with star Arnold Schwarzenegger as the title character, “TERMINATOR” spanned 3 subsequent films, which have earned over $1 billion at the worldwide box office.

David Ellison most recently executive produced, along with his partners at Paramount, “World War Z,” “Star Trek Into Darkness,” “G.I. Joe: Retaliation” and “Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol”. A 5th installment of in the “Mission: Impossible” franchise is in active development, along with a 3rd film in the “G.I. Joe” franchise, among other films.

Megan Ellison most recently produced the Academy Award®-nominated “Zero Dark Thirty,” “The Master” and executive produced “Spring Breakers” via her Annapurna Pictures banner and has David O. Russell’s “American Hustle,” Spike Jonze’s “Her,” and Bennett Miller’s “Foxcatcher” set for release later this year.

I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, I'm actually relieved they're going with a reboot. Let's face it, you can only run around in circles with the "save John Connor, try and foil Skynet, John Connor tries to live up to his reputation as the hero, rinse and repeat, Arnie returns as a protector for John" formula for so long. Of coruse, we FINALLY saw John Connor in action (well technically, for fans of TTSCC, we did see Thomas Dekker in action as JC, but still) with Salvation, but the movie itself was a massive shit-fest all around.

On the other hand, I don't like this idea of trying to rush as many Terminator films as possible before the rights go back to James Cameron mentality. According to the press release, the plan is to put out three Terminator films before Cameron takes control again. I have a bad feeling they'll end up rushing everything for the sake of big box office paydays, and we'll all end up with shitty final products.

It's believed Arnold is pretty much a shoo-in to come back in the starring role, but nothing is official right now. And as of right now, Rock joining the cast is still in the very early "maybe/rumor stages," because again, nothing is confirmed.
Skydance Productions, Annapurna Pictures and Paramount Pictures have jointly announced they will partner on a rebooted Terminator movie, to be released by Paramount Pictures on June 26, 2015.

The first in a stand-alone trilogy, Terminator will be produced by Megan Ellison of Annapurna and David Ellison of Skydance. Dana Goldberg and Paul Schwake of Skydance will serve as executive producers. Laeta Kalorgridis (Avatar, Shutter Island) and Patrick Lussier (Drive Angry) are attached to write the screenplay.
- Superherohype

So the franchise is being rebooted instead of a sequel to Salvation with reports of Schwarzenegger reprising the role as The Terminator.

I enjoyed Salvation and would have loved to see a sequel to the prequel but being a massive Arnie fan I'm also glad that I'll (hopefully) be seeing him in this new adaption.

I think sometimes its relevant for big movies to be rebooted so that it can be shown to a newer audience to help it live on, instead of being put in a video archive somewhere to collect dust.
Honestly, the sheen of Terminator is gone.

The 1st 2 films can easily be considered as 2 of the greatest sci-fi and/or action films of all time. The 1st had a grubby unpolished but determined feel to it that fused brilliant stop-motion animation and model work to present the idea of a horrible dystopian future.

The 2nd had a lot more money behind it and the effects were certainly breath-taking at times. Behind the "Dude, awesome!" effects there was a strong story about family and personal growth.

The films that have followed, have been terrible, with the 3rd being a poor imitation of how good the first 2 were.

Whatever they do; reboot, remake, re-whateverthefuck; whoever they bring in to direct, star, get cheap pops; however much money, viral marketing and buzz they throw at it, they simply aren't going to re-capture the creativity and impact of the first 2.
There's always potential with any new Terminator film purely because, as good as the first two were, they were written by James Cameron who ladles on some absolutelyy shocking dialogue.

The concept is so good it's worth attempting a reboot. I'd like a period set one. Period as in 80's.
I'm nervous as well that this project may get pushed too fast. I'm fine with the idea of rebooting the franchise and even more fine with it if the Rock's involved as he's been golden lately, however the idea that they'd do three rather quickly is a bit scary. I'd say create the one then go from there but that's my take on it right now. Until more details are released I won't judge the overall big picture yet.
I lost interest in the Terminator series with Rise of the Machines. I liked the downbeat ending, and Kristana Loken was smokin' hot as the Terminator, but the story didn't deliver and the whole film felt uninspired, so much so that I didn't even watch Salvation. T2 will never be topped in my opinion. I might check out this upcoming film on demand when it comes to cable, but I'm not gonna drop money at the theater. Only having Jim Cameron on board could send me to the theater to watch another Terminator movie.
Honestly, the sheen of Terminator is gone.

Sadly, I get this feeling every time after I watch Salvation. You would think of Bale's ominous closing speech about the war with Skynet not being over as a perfect cliffhanger for the next Terminator film (or films). Problem is, we heard Sarah and Kyle give similar speeches in T1 and T2.

They tried to salvage the little bit of nostalgia left with Rise Of The Machines, but everything died with Salvation. Bale gave it his all, but Sam Worthington is one of the main reasons why I can't stand Salvation. Of all the action guys in Hollywood, they had to go with an uncharismatic and dull drone like Worthington.
I didn't even get to the closing speech. To be honest, the last thing I remember was hearing Rooster by Alice in Chains in the film, and I think that was near the start.

The Terminator is a franchise that did have potential but unfortunately the imagination of the directors who weren't James Cameron were drastically lacking.

The mystery and parting shot at the end of T2 uses the audiences imagination as a way to fill in the gaps between where we leave the Connors and what the future holds. Nick Stahl then appearing as a pouting man-bitch and Arnie using an out-dated sass line (Talk to the hand) made my heart sink.

But whatever, my doubts don't make Hollywood any money.
Nick Stahl is one of my favorite actors (was fantastic in Bully), but he was just annoying as shit in T3. Probably the only time (my first time watching it in theaters), where I was actually hoping for John Connor's demise. I mean, for fuck's sake, they pretty much destroyed everything John Connor is supposed to be about: bravery, toughness, fearlessness, never giving up when the odds are stacked against him. Salvation tried to repair the damage with Bale, but it was too late.

And I hate to harp on about Salvation, but the twist for Sam Worthington's character was so deflating: "we (Skynet) were using you so you could....wait for it. Kill John Connor, because Skynet has never be successful in trying to kill Connor!" Ugh.

Something else I was thinking about, how in the hell are they going to reintroduce Arnie, and ignore the storyline ties to Sarah and John? I mean, yeah, they can always bring him back as another Terminator from Skynet. But in T2 and T3 they at least made the attempt to close gaps in logic, with the reprogramming in T2, and in T3 by using a new model to protect John, while sending him a familiar face to be comfortable with at the same time. Arnold is the face of the franchise, so it's going to be hard to just look at his face, and use suspension of disbelief to ignore the past. Too early, I know, but it's still something to think about.
I have no problem with it being a reboot. They've gone as far as they can go on the current series. I would rather Schwarzenegger not be involved at all though. Give it a completely fresh look. Maybe a small cameo and that's about it, for a cheap laugh.
It had to happen. The general plot of the original film has been repeated in 3 sequels and a television series; all in which the various course of history has been changed to one degree or another. There's not much else to be done with it that doesn't look like they're going around in circles. Besides that, Schwarzenegger turns 66 years old at the end of this month and will be almost 68 by the time the film hits theaters, and that's if shooting isn't delayed or the release date isn't pushed back. I suppose it's possible that they could monkey up some cutting edge CGI on Arnie and make him look like he's still an imposingly virile 40 year old man, but that'd probably be awfully damn expensive while Arnie's salary for doing it would, quite probably, be astronomically ridiculous. It's just cheaper all around to reboot it. If The Rock gets the role then, in spite of his recent successes, he still wouldn't be able to command the sort of massive salary Schwarzenegger would.

Reboots often have an uphill battle and it'll be all the worse for this movie because the Terminator character and the general plot of the franchise have become pop culture and sci-fi classics. Some will stubbornly hang onto the feelings of nostalgia generated by the original franchise even if this reboot, by some miracle, turns out to be superior to the original in every way. As I alluded to, when it comes to nostalgia, there are some people that will hate the idea of Arnie not being the Terminator. I'd say some film critics would probably think something along the same lines and will critique every single little detail of the film to a degree that they might not ordinarily do because it's a reboot.

It could be genuinely interesting if they try to take a fresh approach with the franchise instead of essentially rehashing the same movie as the original; just with much more advanced effects technology.
So they finally announced the release date for the new Terminator film:

Paramount looks to get a jump start on a crowded 2015 Fourth of July weekend, launching its “Terminator” reboot on Wednesday, July 1.

The studio also officially announced on Monday the rumored title for Michael Bay’s “Transformers: Age of Extinction,” which bows June 27, 2014.

The “Terminator” film will bow two days ahead of two other studio tentpoles — Sony’s “Independence Day 2″ and an untitled toon from Universal and Illumination Entertainment.

Summer 2015 has been shaping up to be one of the most competitive summers ever at the box office, with major franchise installments, including Disney-Marvel’s “Avengers: Age of Ultron,” Sony’s “Smurfs 3,” U’s “Jurassic World” and the Batman-Superman mash-up from Warner Bros.

This year, Par bumped up its limited release of Alexander Payne’s “Nebraska” from Nov. 22 to Nov. 15. The studio will platform the film during the fall, looking to hook awards nominations.

A lot of you know I'm a die hard fan of all things Terminator, but lumping the new Terminator film in with Avengers 2, Jurassic World (what a shit name), and Batman VS Superman? I can't buy into that hype.

As Dowds pointed out with his first post in this thread, the luster and the mystique of The Terminator franchise took a big hit with Rise Of The Machines and Salvation. Despite Nick Stahl's John Connor being a whining bitch, I thought 3 wasn't all that bad. Still, as far as quality goes, it was a BIG step down from Judgement Day. And I won't go on another rant about Salvation in here. It's the worst Terminator film ever, easily.

Batman is coming off of the universal success and praise from Nolan's trilogy, The Avengers was a massive financial success, and the movie itself was praised as one of the best superhero films of the past twenty years. Man Of Steel received mixed reviews, but from what I remember, the film had a positive run at the box office. And I wasn't the biggest fan of Jurassic Park III, but it's not as bad as Terminator: Salvation, not by a long shot.

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