New Tax


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On the radio this morning, there was a talk about a new tax that is likely going to be implimented in Kentucky on alcohol. It's not some little one either: upwards of $3 for a 12 pack. This applies to stores, bars, everything. My question is, is this a fair tax?

I say absolutely it is. Alcohol is, depending on your views, either a luxury or awful. Based on that and that alone, I'm happy that consumption will go down. People want to say that it helps them cope with what's going on or they do it to have fun. I say to them to deal with it. It's possible. I do it every single day. With the condition the economy is in, spending money on alcohol or cigarettes is a waste to me anyway, so why not make it harder to acquire them? Great move.
Haha, I love this. It's like they know it'd be impossible to implement a law banning alcohol, so they just do what they can to stop people buying it; and with the state of the economy being what it is, adding a significant amount onto it's price is the best way to do it. It's quite funny. I completely agree with your view of alcohol - people shouldn't need alcohol to help them deal with anything. While I don't think it should be banned as such, because most people have enjoyed it sparingly, it annoys me when people sat smoking cigarettes on a night out drinking alcohol complain about the state of the economy and what it's doing to them. Alcohol and cigarettes are not a necessity and people need to stop thinking otherwise.
People, in times of hardship, will drink and smoke. When the economy started falling, I shifted a large bit of my portfolio to cigarette and alcohol producers. It is just the way of the world. We turn to our vices when they are least beneficial to us.

There was an article on the 30th of January in USA today about electricans in Tampa who were pissed that the Super Bowl was coming to town, yet they didn't have work. It came off pretty pissy to me. If you need a job, go get one. If it's not the one you want, don't let pride get in the way of feeding the family. Yet, all of these guys, who were bitching about medical bills, etc. all mentioned drinking. One of them said he holds his couch down with a bottle of run waiting for a call to work. These guys can't afford essentials, yet buy alcohol.

People will continue to drink, and they will let that extra tax get in the way of other essentials. This tax is bad. It's easy to demonize alcohol companies, but it is the drinkers who are damaging themselves, and calling out the enablers is just another example of the leftward shifting American electorate refusing to take responsibility for their own failures.
Its actually pretty smart on the state's part because if you're going to tax something it might as well be alchohol because no matter how bad times get or how expensive it gets people are still going to buy alchohol. Around my neighborhood you see alot of local family owned businesses going under but you never see any bars or party/liquor stores. Those places are still thriving despite the economy. And hell Im not gonna lie Im one of those people, I still drink once or twice a week and visit a bar on a weekly basis. And if a 12 pack of beer cost me $12 or $15 it wouldnt matter to me Im still gonna buy it and I think many people have that same mentality. For some reason no matter how tough times get people will always find money to drink.

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