New Tag Champs Next Week

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
It was announced on Smackdown next week that Matt Hardy and MVP would team up to take on Deuce & Domino. There is no way were not having new tag champs. MVP and Hardy are both near main eventers. And tis is a good way to keep them feuding until MVP can wrestle properly again. It will hopefully elevate the tag titles as well. At least the belts will be defended on PPV and the champs wont be squashed by Batista.
I think MVP will walk out on Hardy in the match, and then one of two things can happens. Either Hardy puts up a great effort and nearly wins or he beats them both on his own, giving him and MVP titles and putting Hardy over loads with the fans. I will agree with Jake about the tag title losing credibility since Duece and Domino started getting squashed by Batista. Hopefully Batista and Flair will leave the tag champs alone when he wins the world title tomorrow at SummerSlam.
Not cool as Matt and MVP have been rivals for a while making them or forcing them to team is stupid. MVP would be US and Tag Champ which is kinda crap as better wrestlers deserve a belt. If someone wins the belt i hope it would be a real tag team not just to singles stuck as a team.
I think MVP will walk out on Hardy in the match, and then one of two things can happens. Either Hardy puts up a great effort and nearly wins or he beats them both on his own, giving him and MVP titles and putting Hardy over loads with the fans. I will agree with Jake about the tag title losing credibility since Duece and Domino started getting squashed by Batista. Hopefully Batista and Flair will leave the tag champs alone when he wins the world title tomorrow at SummerSlam.

I agree about MVP walking out on Matt Hardy, obviously, since he can't much for that moron in the MVP thread talking about how his breathing was a bit odd and he'd be able to wrestle immediately, even at house shows. But I digress.

And yeah, I could definitely see Hardy winning the titles. DnD have held the titles long enough, and there's really no good tag teams for them to lose to...the Major Brothers are embarassingly not over. Unless they're gonna give the titles to Jesse & Festus right away, if they ever start wrestling, but I doubt that.

And it looks like Batista and Flair are done with DnD, they're on to Khali now. God, we can only hope Batista doesn't win the title at SummerSlam...what a joke that would be. He shouldn't even have the title shot, he's had fucking eight chances in the last 4 months and couldn't win once. Not that I want Khali to keep the title, but at least he hasn't had 8 title matches in the last 4 months and lost every single one of them and then get another fucking match. I'd rather see Hornswaggle win the title than Batista.
Have you guys noticed that every single champion on SmackDown! at the moment has never held a title in the past? SmackDown! needs decent champions, and this is the perfect way to start. DnD shouldn't be tag champs anymore, they definitely haven't defended the belt in the last 30 days, which means they should be stripped of the belts. But on the other hand, Trish was out for about 4 months and still kept the womens title, mainly because Lita was injured and there were no other decent divas on RAW at the time.
Uh, I can see it helping out MVP, but honestly, what does strapping yet another tag team title do to help Matt Hardy??? Hardy is trying hard as hell to get over as a singles wrestler, now they are potentially sticking him inside of another tag team? It makes no sense and can't do anything to help out the career of Matt Hardy.
I can only see this as way to further their feud while they are being careful with MVP and his heart condition is how I see it. Until they feel comfortable enough then the will finish the MVP and Hardy feud. This is to just add something to their feud like HBK and Cena though not many will care about this one.

Anyways its the only to fine D&D some competition for the tag gold. So ya a title change can happen and like Shock said Matt get stuck right back in tag matches when he looks like his singles carrier is going to take off.
MVP and Hardy are both near main eventers. And tis is a good way to keep them feuding until MVP can wrestle properly again. It will hopefully elevate the tag titles as well. At least the belts will be defended on PPV and the champs wont be squashed by Batista.

i agree i see this as furthering their rival while mvp can not do singles action because of his heart condition. they are trying there hardest to look out for MVP while furthering his and Hardys feud. I do see MVP walking out on Hardy but i see hardy defeating DnD by himself. i hope the new champs could help elevate the tag team titles because it could be a good way to have another good match on a PPV even though Matt and MVP are near main eventers and having Matt in another tag team doesnt seem right because he is trying to get over as a singles wrestler. I see MAtt and MVP winning even though MVP walks out and i see them being forced to work together for the time being and help trying to elevate the titles in that period of time. I also agree with A.J it is to find DnD some competition because it has been a little bit of time since they defended those titles
I think that they will say the MVP can't wrestle due to his heart condition and then they will be forced to find Matt a tag team partner who ends up being a returning Jeff Hardy and they win the titles
I think that they will say the MVP can't wrestle due to his heart condition and then they will be forced to find Matt a tag team partner who ends up being a returning Jeff Hardy and they win the titles

That would be absolutely awful and probably the end of Matt Hardy's singles career.. And besides, we just had a mini-Hardyz re-union. And its over..there is no need to do it again. I think that Hardy and MVP will win the belts, but I disagree about the part about MVP walking out on Hardy. I think its much more likely that MVP won't accept a tag, but after Matt comes back and takes D&D out, MVP will blind-tag himself in to pick up the pinfall. That way, even though Matt did all the work, MVP can claim to be the one who won them the Tag Titles. I think this fits in more with his "I'm better than you" character than simply walking out of the match does. I can't see them hanging onto the belts for too long tho. This isn't like the Cena/HBK team where at least both were faces so they could feud with a heel team. The other problem is, dropping the belts back to D&D doesn't make any sense, but the only other tag teams on Smackdown are the Major Bros, the Daltons (if they ever actually wrestle) and (rumored) the Highlanders. These are all face teams, so who are they going to feud with once they have the belts? The only option I can think of other than D&D would be a Dave Taylor/Paul Birchill team, but I haven't heard anything about them getting called up for anything other than dark matches lately..
With MVP's health issues out of whack right now, I seriously doubt he will be booked to gain another title that he may potentially have to give up (like EDGE) over something crazy with his heart coming up. IMO, MVP needs to take it easy until he can defend his title against Hardy, and let Hardy run with the title awhile until MVP gets back in safe shape.
damn man if it wasnt for MVPs heart i could see matt winning at SS... wich i wanted so bad since he deserves it

this heart thing couldnt have come at a worse time, the only thing that kept me watching SD! was the matt/MVP feud since i thought it was 5 star

i hope to god they dont become a tag team and this is just to build up their feud, i dont see any of them getting the pin and being champs, WWE doesnt suprise us anymore, i just see MVP walking out on matt and matt getting pinned 1-2-3 and getting more pissed at MVP... thats bout it though...
I Think maybe Matt Hardy will put on an outstanding performance. Then whenever he trys to tag in MVP, he will jump of the ropes and not get tagged in. But then when Matts just about to win it, MVP tags in and wins the match.

Also dosent this remind anyone of the Benoit/Angle Feud a couple of years ago?

EDIT: Soz i just saw Watching and Waiting put same as me really.
it was obvious when mvp said the next person to walk through the door i will team with to take on the tag team champs was going to be matt hardy i think they might win them so that smackdown starts getting better.
Everyone is assuming M.V.P. will walk out, & I'm not going to say that won't happen.. but overall, Smackdown is building this as a bigtime Main Event.. (otherwise they wouldn't of hyped it a week in advance.)

I see M.V.P. & Matt Hardy winning the Tag Team Championships, & becoming a team similar to R.V.D./Sabu in the aspect of both would keep trying to one up the other one. Like, Matt would hit a Twist of Fate, then M.V.P. would tag in & steal the win..

Or (sticking with E.C.W.) it could be similar to Raven & Tommy Dreamer.. I loved those matches. It looked like they'd work together, then they'd always set the other up. I can completely see M.V.P. telling Matt to deliver a top rope move, then just as he jumps off.. M.V.P. would move the opponent & hit his own finisher, as Matt is laying there in pain.
It would be quality if MVP and Hardy won the titles, as it would give MVP time to recover. He dosent need to wrestle an awful lot in this match, and it would just make a very intresting angle.
it was obvious when mvp said the next person to walk through the door i will team with to take on the tag team champs was going to be matt hardy i think they might win them so that smackdown starts getting better.

The last time 2 people had a feud and were paired together for the tag titles it was Cena and HBK and we were all pretty pissed at that. I really don't want to see MVP and Hardy winning, Hardy doesn't need another tag title (he was the last one on Raw remember) or going with an idea that we've already seen this year (as in teh cena/HBK fued/tag champs)
I don't think Cena and HBK was done properly. The emotion was not right. I think Cena was to goody. This MVP/hardy has that HBK/Stonecold type feel to it and that maybe what makes this impressive.
Does anyone else think MVPs gonna turn face at the end of the feud?

He seemes to be pretty over with the crowd and everytime he does his ballin elbow you here a large number of the crowd shout ballin....a face turn would be neat for MVP.
Yeah it seems MVP is going face. It also seems that him and Matt are buddies overnight almost. They still bicker like old ladies which is funny but they are like friends fighting now.

Their in ring performance and their title reign is almost the exact same thing as "Team Pacman" over in TNA. One guy does all the work, which kind of kills the credibility of any of the other teams they face.
Yeah it seems MVP is going face. It also seems that him and Matt are buddies overnight almost. They still bicker like old ladies which is funny but they are like friends fighting now.

Their in ring performance and their title reign is almost the exact same thing as "Team Pacman" over in TNA. One guy does all the work, which kind of kills the credibility of any of the other teams they face.

The difference, however, is that Pacman jones isn't able to wrestle, contractually, and most likely physically as well. MVP is recovering his health and hyping a fued with Matt Hardy. MVP's inactivity is for a good reason, Pacman's just worthless.
The difference, however, is that Pacman jones isn't able to wrestle, contractually, and most likely physically as well. MVP is recovering his health and hyping a fued with Matt Hardy. MVP's inactivity is for a good reason, Pacman's just worthless.

True. I didn't say they were exactly the same, but the matches are similar. One works, one interferes. One does the beat down, the other covers. I don't mean to compare MVP and Pacman because they are complete opposites in my opinion, but they are in similar situations for different reasons.
I hate Deuce N' Domino. JBL says that they are not pretty, but effective. The Smackdown fans want pretty AND effect such as Rey Mysterio.

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