New Super Mario Bros Wii's 4th playable character

Dagger Dias

One Winged Admin
Staff member

New Super Mario Bros Wii.... That Mario game with the shiny red case and classic side scrolling platformer action. It's a great game that adds something that had been missing in the legendary side scrolling Mario games of the SNES and NES. The option for two or more players to be playing the same level at the same time. One little detail about this game bugged me a bit though, and this thread will address that same issue in its discussion.

Mario, Luigi, Toad, and.... Other Toad? As much as I like this game, having it be two toads instead of a fourth character always seemed odd to me. Were the developers being lazy? It could not have been Peach, due to her being in distress the whole game. Daisy could have filled in though, or Rosalina, heck even Waluigi could have been used. Mario's cast of characters is huge. Anyone could have been the fourth playable character instead of "Other Toad" as I call him, and made the development seem less random or lazy.

If you could replace Other Toad as a playable character in New Super Mario Bros Wii with any character from the Mario cast, who would it be and why? It cannot be Peach or Bowser for storyline reasons. The only stipulation is that it must be a character from the Mario series. You may also keep Other Toad if you wish, but you must state why.

I personally would replace Other Toad with Daisy because she is already similar to Peach and would thus be the best candidate to make the cast resemble that of Super Mario Bros 2 on the NES. She could use Peach's glide ability from that game at the cost of lower jumps and lower speed.... Or she could simply just be a graphic for the fourth player that isn't Other Toad.

Well? Your turn!
I think Wario or maybe even Waluigi could be a good choice. In fact, I'd take either of them over a toad any day. The fact that they're anti-heroes could be addressed by saying that they're in it to collect coins or stars or something. Daisy could work too, though she should play somewhat like Peach did in Super Mario Bros. 2 (the Doki Doki Panic one). Can't think of any other characters from the Mario universe that would work in this game, so I guess I'll stop there and hope someone else has some more suggestions.

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