New Stables in the WWE


Dark Match Jobber
We all know that eventually The Legacy is going to fall. However, does the WWE dare replace Legacy with a new stable. I'm kind of interested to see who people would like see work together. Here's what I think...

The Fortune 5: Ted Dibiase Jr.(Leader), The Miz, Croft & Beretta, and Brett Dibiase.

The plan with these guys would be for Randy to win the WWE championship at Royal Rumble, and have Ted get attacked by Rhodes and Orton the next night, have Miz make the save. Have Ted/Miz vs. Rhodes/Orton for a while. Than have Ted expand the group to Croft/Beretta who are chasing tag team gold. Than have him bring in Brett, and give Brett the "Million Dollar Championship" Belt.

This next ones never gonna happen but just cuz it sounds fun...

Three Kings: Randy Orton, Batista, and John Cena

The basic idea with these guys is they can claim they are the kings of the WWE and they have learned to respect each other. Picking fights with "less accomplished superstars.

In addition they could also try to get HBK and HHH in the group but not as DX. Have them talking to them, and trying to convince them, and in the middle of a match with some of the "lower guys" have HBK and HHH attack 3 Kings instead of the other guys.

The Future: John Morrison, Matt Hardy, Gregory/Hurricane Helms

I kind of threw these guys in here to follow with my last thought. These guys could fued with 3 Kings and it could make for good TV.

Heres my list. Who would you guys like to see together? how would they fit on tv? how would they come together? what purpose would they serve?
I mentioned this idea on another thread and after last night I feel it certain now that CM Punk should have his own stable. He's proving week after week that he is the top heel on Smackdown (or at least a close second to Jericho) and with this new "Jesus" like gimmick he's got going, it'd be only right for him to have has disciples. A straight edged group consisting of Gallows, Serena, Danielson, and Kaval. And they should be called either "The Honor Society." Not only because they honor the straight edge lives they lead, but also because they come from Ring of Honor, and will most definitely have an impact on the WWE. Punk is the future. Danielson is the future. Kaval is the future. Get them together and let them evolve like Evolution. Punk can be to Danielson and Kaval what HHH was for Batista and Orton. This cult like existance Punk is leading must lead to a new stable. A straight edged stable.
One of my dream ideas was for the Hart Dynasty and Legacy to merge into one mega 2nd/3rd generation stable. Maybe they could call it the Hart Legacy, for lack of a better name. They'd basically try to take over the WWE, claiming it to be theirs by birthright and taking out anyone who wasn't 2nd/3rd generation or something like that.

Another would be for Chris Jericho to team up with Punk's Straight Edge society. Punk and Jericho have similar characters: they both claim to be honest, perfect men who reguarly attack the fans for their flaws. They could make a vow to clean up the WWE and make it clean and honest, kinda like Right to Censor back in the day. I'd like a 4th man to join Jericho, Punk and Gallows but I'm undecided as to who.
I've thought about this too, but I really disagree with your "dream teams"...I'll tell you why. The "three kings"....Didn't we call them the Main Event Mafia a few months ago? The Fortune 5....Seems WAY thrown together...Nothing in common....Nobody (imo) would want to see that stable. The Future.....The front Line? I think it would lack originality. I'm not trying to blast you...I just think they're horrible ideas.

Now....This is what I think...because I think WWE really DOES need stables. Not the 3 people "stables" but...realy stables like the NOD, original DX, Hart Foundation, get the idea.

We have the Hart Dynasty started. Now you have Bret Hart back in WWE (for a while, anyway). There's been talk of Teddy Hart coming to WWE. Jericho graduated from the dungeon. So...

Hart Dynasty: Tyson Kidd, D.H. Smith, Teddy Hart, Chris Jericho, Natalia Neidhart-Managed by Bret Hart. . . .I would LOVE to see this.

Now, currently, IMO...Legacy isn't a stable. It's a tag team that helps out a singles wrestler every now and then. I was hoping when it was starting up that it would be a true stable. Orton would be the leader...for a while, with DiBiase Jr., Goldusts brother (lol) Snuka's kid and the Wild samoan relative. That would be a true stable, and I was disappointed that it never happened.

If you REAAALLLLY want to reach, here's another stable. With a...."gangsta rap" gimmick.

Leader: John Cena
Members: Crime Tyme, Slam Master J, MVP, and possibly Jimmy Wang Yang (is he still teaming with SMJ?) That's really reaching, but it COULD work.

Side Note: Am I the only one that thinks it would be cool to have a sort of...Stable war between Raw and Smackdown!? A show rivalry, I think that could boost both shows....
dont forget R Truth in the rap stable, he would be perfect too

if I was going to make a stable, I agree with a straight edge society stable. It should be punk and gallows with either the roh guys mentioned above (a good way to bring them in) or a group with known guys that need to change a little something to become more relevant (aka festus). Maybe add knox and haas to give them a little more character. Could even turn R truth to join the group, saying he denounces all the things he used to love, etc. (btw just cause i mentioned r truth twice doesnt mean i like him, he just happened to be on smackdown and fit the descriptions)

also raw could use a good stable (dx and legacy dont count). Christian could come to raw and lead a heel or face stable, but i think a heel stable would be better. It could be christian who feels neglected after the ecw title being left off ppvs and things like that lead a group of the workers who have been overlooked/disrespected on raw, like carlito & primo, bourne (have to turn primo and bourne, wont be too hard), chavo, and swagger. maybe even trade knox to raw for this one.

they could also do a face stable of the same thing, but christian with a different attitude. he can be tired of being disrespected by wwe but instead of complaining and doing heelish things, he could just make a "support group" of sorts to train together and better everyone. could add bourne, primo, maybe try to get carlito to join to give him a better attitude, santino could join to become a more serious wrestler (but still keep his funny persona in and out of the ring, just to be more credible and a legitimate threat in the ring).
If you REAAALLLLY want to reach, here's another stable. With a...."gangsta rap" gimmick.

Leader: John Cena
Members: Crime Tyme, Slam Master J, MVP, and possibly Jimmy Wang Yang (is he still teaming with SMJ?) That's really reaching, but it COULD work.

Side Note: Am I the only one that thinks it would be cool to have a sort of...Stable war between Raw and Smackdown!? A show rivalry, I think that could boost both shows....

Hmm...a gangsta rap stable. Something more like...

John Cena, Cryme Tyme, and R-Truth

Seems a bit more of a threat. Not to mention you get rid of the jobbers.

And I don't think they should have a show rivalry. At least not for now. We had one at Bragging Rights and it's overkill to have one now, especially if Bragging Rights stays then we'd have an automatic RAW/Smackdown fight every year.

But a stable I would love to see can only happen if Yoshi Tatsu becomes heel, Vladimir Koslov learns the errors of his ways and becomes a heel again, Ezekiel Jackson trades places with Kozlov and becomes face and Chavo Guerrero goes to ECW and becomes heel. That's right I'm talking about:

William Regal, Vladimir Kozlov, Yoshi Tatsu, and Chavo Guerrero-THE NEW WORLD ELITE!!! Wrestlers from all nations working together to destroy all that is American. Even Yoshi and Chavo take the roles of Kiyoshi and Homicide perfectly!

Or because I'm still on the topic of William Regal, how about this:

William Regal, Drew McIntyre, and Sheamus-The United Kingdom. Wrestlers representing the "greatest islands in the entire world" damning all that is un-UK. Or something like that. In my opinion, that would be a strong team, especially if Regal ever gets the ECW Championship. They would be a threat on all three brands.
Or because I'm still on the topic of William Regal, how about this:

William Regal, Drew McIntyre, and Sheamus-The United Kingdom. Wrestlers representing the "greatest islands in the entire world" damning all that is un-UK. Or something like that. In my opinion, that would be a strong team, especially if Regal ever gets the ECW Championship. They would be a threat on all three brands.

You have to enable Finlay back into that group. We can turn him heel and knock everybody out with the Shaleighly. I think that would make the group complete. A bunch of UK folks that love to brawl.
Great Khali and Jimmy Wang Yang: Both are Asian and could bring unique tag
team moves to the wwe

Cm Punk and Y2J: both are skilled and fast in ring. also both are cocky and could be a straightedge tag team

John Morrison and Hardy: Morrison could be the new Jeff for a while until he returns next year and morrison and matt ae good friends and would have great chemistry

R-Truth and Jesse: this is just random but I feel these guys could rap together and have good tag moves
To make stables or factions. My ideas are bringing in groups that are like older past WWE/WWF factions as well as new ones. These are the two i would like to bring in.

1. The Straight Edge Society

CM Punk (as leader), Luke Gallows and ROH guys or
CM Punk (as leader), Luke gallows, Chris Jericho and Dolph Ziggler as he is my favourite wrestler

as metioned before in someone elses post. The United Kingdom Stable but i changed the name to -

2. The Un-Americans
this could feature William Regal, Sheamus, Drew McIntyre and maybe Finlay as just UK wrestlers or Canadian Wrestlers like Edge and Christian, Gail Kim, Maryse and The Hart Dynasty
I love stables, and think that the WWE needs at least a couple (1 on each show maybe)

Love the Straight Edge Society group, and every week I think that they are going to bring back the people that he has saved. Maybe they are gathering them and waiting until a big re-reveal. The big one would be if the WWE could get Necro Butcher from ROH, since he has the pot leaf tattoo on his shoulder.

Also love the Hart Dynasty growing. Bret could "mentor" the younger guys, and tell Tyson to shave that dumb piece of hair off. He could also attract the bigger names, like Jericho. From then you could add just about anybody ala Brian Pilman from the old Foundation, because they would have the power and the shine.

Un-Americans could be good, but has already been done.

If Vince really wanted to push the envelope, he could have a "Black Power" group. They could all claim that they don't get a break, and they have to work extra hard and yadda yadda.
to expand on what someone earlier said cryme tyme and cena were almost a stable earlier when they were trashing jbls limo and so on. why not do something with that and make them heels. i agree r-truth would fit in well.

there could be the trio of finley sheamus and drew mcintyre.

i have always wanted to see carlito lead a group. how about carlito (leader) mike knox and charlie haas (tag team) and shelton benjamin (star) matt hardy (star) evan bourne (light weight)

this would help to clean up the mid card and give these guys some purpose. they could claim to be held down and over looked. none of them would pose a threat to anyone but together they would be able to demand some attention. i know that there is connection with most of them but it could work.
I don't understand why we're trying to rip off World Elite?.........Or really any other "Non-american" stable that has ever existed in the history of Wrestling (there has definitely been a lot) WWE needs more originiality
I'd defenitly like to see Punk's SES become a good group, or cult. Get him a few more members. 4 or 5 would be great. They could bring in 1 or 2 developmental guys they see having good futures like hopefully Danielson. Maybe throw in Mike Knox as another beasty bodyguard for Punk.

Also since they're all jobbers anyways, I'd like to see Jericho and The Hart Dynasty start teaming up regularly and become a stable of sorts.
i love the straight edge society idea, bringing in CM punk, chris jericho and the other ROH guys to form a stable oh of course gallows as well.

And bring in another stable to fued with them, basically an anti straight edge, guys who love to drink and light up a few.
They could be called Party Life

Leader: Jeff Hardy LOLL
members: RVD, Edge, HBK, Triple H but not as DX, and maybe rey mysterio.

Put them all together and whenever Straight edge society cut a promo, these guys come out with booze and pills threatening to drink some if the straight edge society dont shutup, then Punk will tell them please put it away, we can cure you blah blah blah, and they steal a bit from tna (James Storm) and break a bottle of beer on his head.

Ofcourse this wont work in WWE coz of the whole PG thing but imagine it in TNA, that would be awesome.

Another one could be like the prince justice brotherhood but better.

Have rey mysterio be the leader, bring in a few luchadors. Let them be called True spirit as in their masks represent everything they are, then have a few anti mask guys form and try to pull their masks off, like chris jericho and have a super 10 man elimination match with it being the stipulations are that the losers either must unmask or remove their hair.

it would be even better if WWE steal suicide from TNA, i know it sounds kind of stupid but think about it
OK I am going to date myself but one TAG TEAM I would like to see become a stable is an old WCW team known as DOOM it was Simmons and Reed but the new one as a stable I would create would have the following members: MVP, R-TRUTH, BENJAMIN, KOFI and Managed by Alicia or Jillian. with this group I would have them all act like they quit and then this group of masked wrestlers just start beating everybody down until the GM of which ever show they are on demands an explaination at which point have the girl come out and address the GM and they come out and face GM and she introduces DOOM and then they unmask to reveal who they are and shock the world

another faction I would like to see would be one I create for my kids on the SvR PS3 games we call it DAMAGE INC. members are: M HARDY, KNOX, C HAAS, JESSE, CHAVO and MARIA.

with the LEGACY team I was hoping alot more from them as far as creating a faction and they didn't. so let them disband and have TED reform MONEY INC with Brett and the Rotunda Boys from FCW.
I really hope the Straight Edge Society keeps expanding. CM Punk is my favorite wrestler & when he was paired up with Luke I was really happy cause I thought Festus (who I always liked as a wrestler) was a great wrestler who obviously lackingpersonality. That has changed since aligning him Punk. Serena brings a beauty and female presence to the SES she can represent them in the Divas division & serve as Valet. A guy I would love to see join Punk is Bryan Danielson. I could see a angle were Punk notices a drunk and wasted Danielson in the stands and wants to help his former friend. Punk aknowledges Daniels is his friend and pledges to save him, but we always see some type of recentment from Daniels towards Punk. I think it even opens the door to a possible fued later on and a Daniels face turn & push.

I know alot would like to see Kaval, but I really dont see a place for him in the SES. Kaval is already bald & his character is that of a warrior who takes wrestling very serious. Will see what the WWe has in store for Low-ki, but I just dont see him being in the SES.
I never really liked Punk but SES with Jericho and Gallows would be awsome. There will need to be another member true and I like the thought of Knox.

Legacy Dont break them up totally just have them get rid of Orton and bring back SIM and the Somoan also add Carlito. All second or third Generation.

The DOOM idea is good just come up with a different name.

As far as stables foe each show that is also a great Idea but have ECW attack the other shows for lack of respect.

Also I forgot Bring back Evolution with new members with HHH that is what made the Horsemen Legendary. The question is who should be on the new Evolution
Just about all of these stables would be interesting, and as we all know, even with the stables that may seem "thrown together", the WWE is always coming up with twists in storylines that could bring various characters together.

There is one stable I'd like to see (or at least thought possible at one time) although current story (and injured parties) would make it impossible for quite some time. The Court of Higher Smackdown (Batista {King}, Rey Mysterio {Chief Advisor}, John Cena {Captain of the Guard}, The Undertaker and Kane {Court Executioners})

The storyline would go that Batista would win the King of the Ring title and by this time, have already made another Face turn, he and Rey having patched things between them (possibly through a feud with a common enemy, maybe Edge or Orton.) Also, by this time, Cena has been moved from Raw to Smackdown. Also, this will be during a major "corruption in the management" story angle. Batista will perhaps make a save for Mysterio being attacked for voicing his concerns of such corruption and Batista announces the formation of his court which is there to take over the leadership of Smackdown by force. Eventually Cena steps up as Captain of the guard and later on 'Taker and Kane join the group when Batista basically begins "hiring" them for taking care of certain threats.

Meanwhile, Raw forms their own stable in response, a sort of "mafia" to combat the court. This would consist of Edge {The Don}, Orton {Chief Capo}, Chris Jericho {Consigleri or Councelor see The Godfather}, and Rhodes and Ted Jr. as Soldati or Soldiers.

These two would wage war across the WWE brands over the titles until Smackdown gets the upper hand and forces a "treaty" of sorts between wrestlers and management.

Another fun stable would be only for comedy purposes. Since Raw has most of the comedy jobbers, Santino would start a sort of mafia family reminiscent of the J.O.B. Squad. His would be called the Jobroni Family. It would consist of Santino, Carlito, Hornswoggle, and Chavo. I would have picked Jamie Noble as well, but given his current status, not likely. I would throw in Jillian Hall as Santino's "moll" though. This would just be a group that would specialize in slapstick matches at first, but who would then start to steal matches through distractions and "unconventional" methods. Yeah, I know all the wrestling purists will not like this idea due to the comedy aspect, but those of us who actually enjoy a good laugh I believe would enjoy a short run of this nutty stable.
I like the Straight Edge Society stable, def would work.

I'd like to see a team of The Miz (leader) Dolph Ziggler (midcard) and Baretta & Croft (tag) - all have the same kind of arrogant gimmick. All could do with 'back up' cos they're finding it difficult to get over by themselves...Miz is doing well by himself but being a leader of a stable could bring him on even further.

I like Big Zeke but can see him being lost in the shuffle if he isnt given the ECW championship so I'd like to see him in a stable as the hired muscle maybe with a heel Kofi as leader and MVP and maybe Vance Archer.

Looking through the rosters, i'd love to see a stable like the New Age Outlaws, they were jobbers doing nothing but when put together they became one of the most successful tag teams, so a stable with the likes of Chris Masters, Carlito, Evan Bourne, Charlie Haas, Hurricane could work.
Im surprised no one has mentioned a stable with Ryder, Barretta, Croft & Mendes . Ryder would be the leader with the other two marks in Barretta & Croft being his backups. Mendes the valet. I think the stable would really work since they are all huge marks.

Also while I love the Hart Dynasty I feel like they are missing a leader. I thought Jericho would make an excellent leader, but that did not happen. If the rumors of Teddy Hart signing with FCW again are true it would be awesome to see him as their leader, but the kid has messed it up so many times I dont see it happening. Hell even Hart as their manager would help them huge, but nothing has happened yet. The truth is the The Hart Dynasty need a leader and mouth piece and I think are being affected by it.
You have to enable Finlay back into that group. We can turn him heel and knock everybody out with the Shaleighly. I think that would make the group complete. A bunch of UK folks that love to brawl.

It would make the group complete but the thing is Sheamus and Finlay are from different parts of Ireland that legitimately hate each other. They'd probably be brawling with themselves rather than their opponents.
Let me put this in bold print. WWE DOES NOT NEED ANOTHER STABLE. Legacy is only a stable in the loosest sense of the word anyway. I know that DX, NWO, Evolution, and the Hart Foundation were great stables but there is no need for them at the moment. Generally they are put together to create interest in the product because the singles and tag team divisions are lacking, but as is right now the singles division at least is in good shape.

When they disband Legacy it should be a while before we see another stable if we do in the near to somewhat distant future. Right now there is no real sensible way to put another stable together. There is no inter-company war, no power struggle, no real alliances to unite into a stable, and no way to tie it into anything logically. Having a stable just to have a stable doesn't do anything for the company, nor does it really generate any interest in the setting we have in place right now.

Don't forget folks, WWE is not TNA. They do not need to create that kind of controversy in their company to get people watching. If you notice TNA always seems to have some kind of faction or stable. That is not the way the WWE does or needs to operate. They have solid enough wrestlers, and decent enough storylines to just present a straight up product. I think that just complicates a lot of stuff anyways because then you have to either create another faction or stable to stand up to the one you have already, or you have to find a way to pull other superstars into the story that would otherwise be contributing to something else. This can create a distorted perception of the depth of your roster, as you focus your resources on that angle.

Just go back and look at some of these suggestions for stables and so on. It's a bunch of illogical mixed up nonsense. If the WWE listened to any of that most of the roster would be tied up in some of these stupid stables. And, there is no real benefit of any of it as laid out. How are any of those stables actually going to make a difference, or improve the product? They won't. It's just acts as dead weight and as noted earlier a waste of resources and talent.

When it comes to stables, I think you have to keep the mentality that less is more, and quality over quantity. It is something to be done once in a great while as a big surprise for shock value, and when it is done you have to do it right or else it just hurts the whole show. If I were WWE I would let Legacy go their separate ways put Cody or Smack Down, keep Ted and Randy on Raw, and let them all do their own thing. After that, do not visit that avenue again for a long time.
WWE doesnt really need any additional stables right now but if they were going to then I guess I have a few ideas.

Urban Outlaws (or some other ghetto gang name): R-Truth, Cryme Tyme, Ezekial Jackson, Jam Master J: I agree with the idea of having a Gangster Rap stable but including John Cena in it would not make sense at all. The guy has moved on to bigger things and hasnt rapped in a long while. However R-Truth could benefit greatly from being the leader of a faction and teaming him up with Cryme Tyme, Ezekiel Jackson as the enforcer and adding the token white guy in Jam Master J, the five of them could be a big impact on Smackdown. However I would rather they be heel as badass gansters than thugs who play to fans. Have Truth grow tired of being held back and the faction emerge after he convinces Cryme Tyme to turn. Keep Jesse as the white guy trying to fit in and have them jump him on an episode of Smackdown and then the following weeks he comes out with them in Eminem style hoodies and not the lame "white guy trying to be black" costume.

The Parliament: Regal, McIntrye, Finley, Sheamus. A United Kingdom stable with Regal as the leader and mentor, Finley as the crazed older guy, and Sheamus/McIntrye as the upstarts. When I think of UK I think of soccer hooligans like Green Street Hooligans and a badass heel faction of guys who attack and fight everywhere would be really badass to see.

Yakuza: Jimmy Wang Yang, Funaki, Yoshi Tatsu, Gail Kim: If all of them were to drop their lame gimmicks right now and adopt attire that fits the Yakuza Japanese gang style and started attacking people they could really get over as a solid midcard cruiserweight faction of badasses. I know Yang had his previous faction with Tajiri and the other guy that was similiar to this and thats how I would push this faction as well.

Thats all I really could come up with that would essentially fit without seeming too crazy or stupid of an idea. Sure guys like random midcarders could faction as a young upcoming group simliar to WCWs Natural Born Thrillers or something of that effect but realistically it ain't gonna happen.
The Chain Gang: John Cena (leader) RTruth (midcard) Cryme Tyme (tag team)
this would be something fresh for Cena maybe move him to smackdown after the draft
and it would also be beneficial to help elevate the other 3 guys. eventually i would like to see RTruth have cryme tyme turn against Cena and have them feud (obvioulsy once Truth is ready to be in the main event picture)

CAnt think of a name: Regal (leader/manager) Paul Burchill/Dj Gabriel(tag team) Katie Lea(valet/wrestler) i see this as just a tag team for regal to help elevate burchill and gabriel since they were both buried on ECW just to give them a revival and to help katie lea in the women's divison

HARY DYNASTY- im really liking the idea of having Jericho join and be the leader of this group..first maybe having jericho and Bret have some sort of storyline go on where jericho learns to bow down to bret in order to be the best
I have a great idea for a WWE stable. If they have in their company guys like Jericho, Christian, Edge & Randy Orton who could play excellent heel characters, why don't they unite them into a stable? I know they have big egos and there will be many interests in the middle because they are all main-eventers, but a heel stable includes these guys will be AWESOME. I still thinking to a name for this potential group.

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