New Single


crafts entire Worlds out of Words
Well, it's not the official single for Year of the Black Rainbow. But it's still a kickass new Coheed and Cambria song.

Oh yes. Oh yes.

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Between this, HBK/Taker, Edge/Jericho, Christian on my TV, and Kelly Kelly in booty shorts I'm going to be dehydrated for a very, very long time.
Woooo. Good men you are.

I can see people not liking Claudio's voice being different in this song. You know what? Fuck them. It's awesome.
Heard this song earlier for the first time. Love me some C & C. You have exquisite tastes my dear Razor.
I have never seen them live, Armbar.

C&C hate? Where? It better not be coming from those bitches that like Creed and Nickelback. I will choke some bitches.
I can understand someone not liking them. It's something you like or you don't. It's usually Claudio's voice. They should really listen to a couple songs though because he has awesome range, not just in his higher register. The musicianship is amazing, nevermind the comics and all that. The actual music is amazing. They write catchy ass melodies, funky ass bass, and shredding riffs and solos. What isn't to like really. Very few bands more epic than Coheed.
You know why it's like listening to a novel? It basically is. Prog rock does that.

Dewey was hating on C&C? I'll get him. Bitch don't even know.
I guarentee someone will come in here and say "Who cares how complicated they are.
Who cares about their novels. Just because it's complicated as fuck doesn't make it better!" They're totally right.

Some people don't want to listen to layered music. They like easy punk songs, generic rick songs, pop songs and so on. Sometimes people just want to listen to music and not follow some complicated ass story or try to decipher some 13 minute song. Sometimes it's fun to listen to simple songs. It's okay to do so.

The thing that makes Coheed really great is they can do both. They have straight forward catchy ass pop rock songs. They can also have long, layered odysseys of songs. Not many bands can do both, let alone do it well.
I guarentee someone will come in here and say "Who cares how complicated they are.
Who cares about their novels. Just because it's complicated as fuck doesn't make it better!" They're totally right.

Sure, I see.

Some people don't want to listen to layered music. They like easy punk songs, generic rick songs, pop songs and so on. Sometimes people just want to listen to music and not follow some complicated ass story or try to decipher some 13 minute song. Sometimes it's fun to listen to simple songs. It's okay to do so.

Not when those simple songs are Nickelback, Creed, or Lil Wayne.

The thing that makes Coheed really great is they can do both. They have straight forward catchy ass pop rock songs. They can also have long, layered odysseys of songs. Not many bands can do both, let alone do it well.

I always see it as Welcome Home vs. 2113 or Mother Superior. A band that can put that kind of work out is to be heralded.
Sure, I see.

Not when those simple songs are Nickelback, Creed, or Lil Wayne.

I always see it as Welcome Home vs. 2113 or Mother Superior. A band that can put that kind of work out is to be heralded.

Awful bands/rapper Razor, I agree with you. But there's nothing wrong with listening to simple music, it doesn't all have to be intricate and complicated. My favorite band ever is The Misfits, if your familiar all of there songs are simple as fuck. It's the whole feeling you get when you listen that matters.

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