New ROH Champion


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Saturday night Austin Aries beat Tyler Black and Jerry Lynn in a three way dance to become the first ever two time ROH World Heavyweight Champion. Just about all of us said that Lynn wouldn't last long with the title and he didn't. He held the title about 10 weeks and more or less was a transitional champion. Anyway, Aries was probably the only real choice for the belt as Black has slipped a bit and he was the only other option for the belt. I think it'll eventually be put on him after Aries has a long reign. Aries is the first ever two time world champion which I think is a good thing for the company. It allows for a bit of familiarity in a champion and it instantly gives him something to brag about as no one else has ever become champion twice. He's a young guy that can be seen as a face for the company, unlike Lynn who is likely in the twilight of his career. This is a good hting for ROH in my eyes.

So what do you ROH fans think? Good pick, or a blunder on ROH's part?
Ugh... I'm sure RVDGurl's ecstatic, but man... I was really hoping Danielson would be the first 2 time ROH Champion.

Nothing against Austin Aries, I could just never get into him. He's had a great match here and a great match there, but he was never consistent like Danielson, Samoa Joe, and CM Punk were. Most of his matches are pretty bland, in my opinion. And there's nothing now he can do as champion that will make the main event product better and more exciting. We've already seen him against pretty much everybody in the company, in nearly every type of match-up. There's nothing "fresh" about Aries to me, and I'm just not excited in the least bit of this guy being a long term champion.

But I don't know, maybe someone can convince me why this will work. But as of right now, I'm not a fan of the decision.
WHAT?! On Saturday Night's addition of HDNet - Ring of Honor? Seriously?! Fucking sweet!

Yes, this is a great thing. I'm sorry, but Bryan Danielson is going to go down in R.O.H history (if such a thing is out-there) for several things, but this didn't need to be one of them. This honor going to Aries works best for him, in the same way Chris Jericho winning the First-Ever Undisputed Championship worked best for him, as opposed to Steve Austin or The Rock.

Austin Aries is cocky, brash, and arrogant to beat hell. He's the perfect pick for a man who's the top heel in the Company. I'm sure his detractor's will claim his size hurts him, but I'll redirect anyone who questions his abilities or his gift to watch last week's Fatal Four way. He controlled more of the match than any of the three others involved. And he only just barely lost.

I can't believe how great this is, I recorded the show, but forgot to watch it. I'm gonna get on doing this A.S.A.P now that I know of this gem.
Wow just wow.

I think this truly is a great move by ROH as it gives Aries something to brag about similar to what Jericho brags about being the first Undisputed Champion. Aries is cocky, brash & arrogant as hell. I believe that soon enough if not already is he the top heel in ROH right now. I knew Lynn wouldn't last too much longer with the title, but I never expected Aries to be the one to get the belt off of him & watching that moment was a truly awesome move by ROH.
Austin Aries will probably drop it back to Nigel! I only saw one of Lynn's matches as ROH champ! If was a few years ago maybe he would have a better run, but I was hope it would have Danielson! His three way with Loki & Christopher Daniels was the first ROH match I ever saw & was sold!
I think Black is going to pick it up after Aries. Then again... Aries did build himself a fake version of Legacy so he might hold it for awhile.
Ugh... I'm sure RVDGurl's ecstatic, but man... I was really hoping Danielson would be the first 2 time ROH Champion.

You know I am!!! I'm a HUGE Aries fan. Danielson is the only guy in wrestling that I like to watch more than Austin Aries. I was kinda hoping Dragon would be the first 2 time champ, but he is going to be the first ROH triple crown winner- he'll win the tag titles with someone eventually.

But I don't know, maybe someone can convince me why this will work. But as of right now, I'm not a fan of the decision.

Ok.....I'll try to convince you. First let me start by saying- Aries is fucking awesome! He has been consistent since his start in ROH. He's a small guy with big intensity. He is nearly flawless in the ring as he brings quickness and great mat wrestling ability. But I have to say, that even though I was disgusted by his new look, the gimmick is better than he's ever been. He's doing the Austin Starr meets Austin Aries thing and it's unbelieveable. His promos are more crisp and his matches have been turned up a notch since his heel turn. If you haven't been paying attention to him because you're not normally a fan, give him another try. He really is on top of his game right now. :)
Austin Aries... looks like a porn star. It had to be said. I don't know, I don't actually watch Ring Of Honor. That could well be his gimmick. As gimmicks go, there could be worse. It's not half bad. If that's what he's going for, he's doing a damn good job.

That's what I thought as I looked at photos of Aries holding up his newly won title. Not "oh, yeah, he's a really talented wrestler." Not "it's been a long time coming." Not "that's a really good decision." Not "TNA really wasted him." No, I thought that he looked like a porn star.

Seriously, look at this shit:
Austin Aries... looks like a porn star. It had to be said. I don't know, I don't actually watch Ring Of Honor. That could well be his gimmick. As gimmicks go, there could be worse. It's not half bad. If that's what he's going for, he's doing a damn good job.

Yeah, he's got the flamboyant thing going that has people debating whether he looks like a porn star or sex offender. Tis a shame, because he was pretty hot before he cut off his hair and grew that obnoxious mustache. Observe that he hasn't always looked scary:


He's taken some aspects of the Austin Starr gimmick. He's doing a fantastic job with it. He is a great wrestler and this has been a long time coming.
I'm happy with the decision. There are always going to be people who say they wanted AmDrag to be the first two time champ, and while it would've been nice since he has been with ROH from the very beginning, it hasn't happened and I don't have a problem with that. Aries is one of the best workers in the world, and he was definitely in the right position to claim the title. Hopefully this reign lasts longer than his last, as I'd like to see him hold it for a full calendar year. It'd be a year of awesomeness, tbf.
I am a huge Austin Aries fan and when I heard the news on Saturday night I was almost incoherent with excitement. Finally, ROH has it's first 2-time World's Champion and it's a man who has been chasing the belt since he lost it back in 2005, this had to have been a sweet victory for Aries indeed. So where does he go from here? Knowing AA, he will probably want to defend it internationally in places like Germany and Japan, but he is also going to want to put it on the line against the top tier ROH talent and work toward having a successfull reign with pro wrestling true World's Championship. I have been a fan of ROH since 2004 and I can't say that I have ever been more excited for a World's Championship title holder than I am currently. Tommorrow night me and a few friends have private dinner reservations to celebrate and discuss this title win, it's something we do whenever something huge happens in the sport, this definatly accounts for big in my eyes. Way to go Aries!

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