New name for the "pg era"


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Im tired of people calling it the pg era here are my ideas sorry if this has been done
"superstars era"
"entertainment era"
if you can come up with more please post and share your thoughts
The Big Star Era.

It won't catch on, but eh. I like comparing today's wrestlers - oh, I mean 'entertainers' - to a certain thumb wrestler.
i'd say entertainment era, but it hasn't really been entertaining

The PG era works. Or the era that inducted Drew Carey into the WWE Hall of Fame. Perhaps even the era that poured salt in the wounds sacrificed by all of the guys in the attitude era.
It's been the PG Era for the last 3+ years, before that Ruthless Aggression. The problem is the WWE hasn't offered an alternative name. They provided Attitude, they provided the New Generation. without branding themselves the IWC took PG Era and ran with it.

If you look at the length of those eras, we are probably about to enter a new era. Unfortunately it'll probably be the Soap Opera Era.
Can you name an era during that era? or should you name it after because you don't know how the era will end. What I mean is, the attitude era is an era because it's over, but what if this "era" never ends? what if the wwe stays pg for the rest of it's existance? But I digress.

Maybe it should be called the Era of Cenation, or the Cenation era. Cenation embodies what the WWE is at the moment. Cenation represents the kids, which is the focus, it represents John Cena, the face of the company during this entire era, and it represents a Nation, which right now, embodies the entire WWE landscape, just like the US, some people hate the prez, some people love him, but ever time you look up at the political landscape, you see him, the same goes for Cena. Plus, he most likely has more Cenation shirts around the world than any other WWE shirt in history.

Cenation Era get's my vote.

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