New main eventers


Championship Contender
Who do you think should be or could be in the main event scene in the WWE.
This could mean people that were in the main event a couple years a go or someone that never was in that scene.
I still can't see guys like CM Punk or Jeff Hardy in the main event scene as odd as that sounds. I think as long as there are still older main eventers around, I don't think I'll ever be able to wrap my head around new guys taking their spot. That being said, Swagger seems to fit the bill, and I wouldn't be surprised to see him up there sooner than later. More than likely the next major star is going to be someone who has yet to debut and they give them the title right off the bat like they've done with other new guys in the past. Especially since they apparently don't believe there are many upper level stars around right now.
Kane is the first that comes to mind- i loved it when Kane was doing all these wierd and twisted things to get in peoples heads. I think they need to bring out Kane the monster again or as Michael Cole would say vintage Kane and give him a title run. Maybe give him Katie Burchill or a diva that is dark like a Dafney to help him turn back into that monster that doesnt take crap from anyone.

Secondly John Morrison, this guy is great on the mic and great in ring.

MVP-same as Morrison

Jericho-i do like the the jerishow and i know that he is a good heel, but i miss the days when he was a face and cutting off people by saying will you shut the hell up, that was funny to me and enterntaining. this current Jericho makes me want to change the channel. i like the face Jericho would be great in the main event scene. And i know you could argue that he is in the main event scene but whens the last time he has mainevented a ppv or gotten a title shot.

Miz- i think he could be great if he becomes more innovated with his moves he could be an maineventer

mike knoxs- he need work on being innovative too but i am beginning to love this professor of pain promo they have been doing, but i think he needs to do them live, which he may suck on a mic and thats why they have to tape them.

Anyway there is my thoughts
well since the main event is so dull now as far as raw goes the main event


well basically i believe that the new main event will be the likes of what the us title picture is right now add mvp... these guys are young and have very good people to learn off of
give them a few years and we will be cheering them like an austin or hbk (a little exaggeration there but oh well) these guys play off each other really weel too like i said in an earlier post i think that everyone in the attitude era was equally important because they all played off each other real well .. come on vince have faith in the youngins man.... live and let go man, live and let go. and its sad that kennedy is gone he couldve been wwes saving grace
actually as strange as this may sound, the ECW in my opinion is making main eventers.
Christian, Regal, and the one they call goldust(yeah, i said it). These guys make ecw more entertaining then raw(yeah, i said that to.). They also deserve to be in the main event not only because they are amazing but also because they are over with the crowd. Also possibly Shelton Benjiman if he gets over with the crowd. I would also like to see The main event old Hbk back in the main event, maybe even kane(if he gets back to his destructive roots). Most importantly the young guys need to be pushed. Thats people like mvp, matt hardy, jack swagger, and John Morrison. They would make the WWE so much better because they all are great workers.
I agree with Dman... I like ECW a lot more than RAW or Smackdown. I just wish it had a bit more talent in order to press the show to 2 hours. That said, I think the greatest potential for talent right now is Zack Ryder and his great performance in the main event against christian a couple weeks ago proved it... although it was a bit more Christian playing over the whole "I'm experienced and your young getting a huge opportunity in your short career which means I just destroy you"...
I have high hopes for Morrison, Miz, and Legacy, too... Matt Hardy is past his prime, Jack Swagger is the worse person in wrestling, MVP is entertaining but I can't get into him, and Shelton Benjamin doesn't have the personality to be a main eventer.
Morrison, Miz, Kofi, Swagger, Mr. Ziggles.

This same question is posed every few days and I keep saying the same thing, Today's midcard is tomorrows main event, all we can hope is that these young men take the ball and run with it.

Just my opinion
Carlito. He has a great character, he's great on the mic, and he's great in the ring. The Back Stabber is the best heel finisher I've ever seen. The ways he used it on Primo were awesome. The fact that noone ever mentions him proves that burying a character works. Not even smarks can counter-act it.
paul burchill!!! He is so under used in the company and he has the size to be a main eventer... he could do with some work on the mik, but hes wrestling abillities are seccond to non.
hands down its got to be trips. He has been in the business for a while now and still hasnt been given a chance at the top.

Some of these other wrestlers need to step back and let trips win the title for a change:lmao:
Obviously, the current midcard guys should rise up at some point. JoMo, Dolph, Swagger, Kofi, Miz, etc. Now, some of these guys are not WWE or WH Champion material, at least at the moment. But they're still on the rise, so I'll withhold judgment for a while (like, until Trips goes full-time backstage. Love the guy, but the ME isn't gonna change much while he's around).

Now, as far as former ME's that have fallen to the sands of time, or other talent that's been around long enough? Here's a list:
Kane (no, he doesn't need the mask. He just needs to absolutely destroy people)
Big Show (c'mon, dude's freaking HUGE. How does that not translate into total freakin' domination is beyond me)
Chris Jericho (I expect him back up at the top by the time Edge returns, so this is more a wait for it type deal)
Mark Henry (see: Big Show)

Also, most of the vets on ECW, in terms of talent, could ME on RAW or SmackDown! They, however, unlike some others who shall remain unnamed, realize their role as their careers start to wind down. Work with and help bring up new talent. Would it be fun to see them ME'ing on one of the Big Two? Hell yes it would. However, they are providing a necessary service to the wrestling business by helping the new guys.
no offense to the poster, but it seems like this thread is being done over and over, and the same things are said about the same superstars over and over. i mean yea, i couldnt agree more about swagger, mvp, dolph, morrison, miz, etc., but seriously...i wish it would just happen already. all of these guys have had more than enough time to get a good push but it just isnt happening. every now and then we get a tease with mvp jumping into orton's way or miz clashing heads with cena, but these are just sneak peaks, not main event pushes. just get these guys to the top already!!!

a name i saw someone post about that i dont see very often is Carlito. not to many guys are better than him on the mic. this guys got it all. push him too.
hands down its got to be trips. He has been in the business for a while now and still hasnt been given a chance at the top.

Some of these other wrestlers need to step back and let trips win the title for a change:lmao:

Wow trips is the one who hogs the spotlight!
How many times do we see triple h main eventing?? How many titles has he held??? Enough. Time for the young guys like Swagger, MVP, Miz, JoMo, Legacy, Tyson kidd, dolph ziggler, mike Knox etc.
I could see 2010
WWE Champ- John Cena I'm starting to love this guy again he is deff the leader of the new generation of wrestling
U.S Champion- Jack Swagger
Unified Champs- The Hart Dynasty
Heavyweight Champion- Chris Jericho I find him the leader of all heels
intercontinental- Christian if he gets drafted
womens- Gail Kim
divas- Beth Pheonix
I say put Goldust in a program with Kane where Goldy is a huge thorn in Kane's side for a few months, denying Kane victories and then taking the beatings from KAne and the opponent. (Goldust attacks Opponent, so Opponent wins by DQ.) Goldust could pop up when Kane is out of the ring, and make sure that KAne is counted out. When Goldust comes out for a run-in, cue Kane's old intro musics.

Goldust starts asking questions riffing on KAne catchphrases. "Does the fire still burn?" "Where is the Big Red Machine? All I see is a big, bald, bland, seven foot stack of FAILURE!!" Goldust is a freak, and so he understands the real Kane, the monster within. Goldust could come out in a mix of his and Kane's outfits.
Talk about Kane's ECW and IC and Tag title runs as bones thrown to him to keep him distracted--because they fear him. They fear the darkness in his soul. Start mixing in "You can defeat me, Kane, but you cannot defeat your destiny."

Kane's role should be to insist that he is really Glen Jacobs, that all of that stuff isn't real, it's just a costume, just a mask. "I am not a monster--I am Glen Jacobs, born in Knoxville Tennessee (or wherever.)"

Reference the crap that Creative has done to Kane--Lita's baby, the unmasking, Katie Vick. These things were all done by Kane's enemies to weaken him, to confuse him and turn him against his true self. Finally, after losing a big match (to Goldust as Glen Jacobs, or an IC title shot on PPV with no Goldust interference until after the match)
Goldust brings out the mask and Glen JAcobs, near tears, puts it on. Cue the pyro, chokeslam Goldust, and Goldust and old-school Kane go after the tag team titles.
I'd take John Morrison. Alot of people are saying that he's a spot monkey and is a bit cheesy on the mic, but wait and see once they give him a high profile feud. So Why not JoMo? I mean Jeff Hardy already won 3 World Titles and JoMo is better than him in every category (No offense to Hardy fans, I was also a fan)

Another dude would be William Regal. Too bad he screwed up big time when he got suspended. He already received massive heat from the crowd before his suspension.
An ECW Title won't hurt, but hopefully he would win at least 1 WWE World Title before he hangs up his boots...
We are impatient. We've seen the top guys, we want new top guys, and we want them all now. But if they happen all at once, that's a dangerous situation. That's what happened to WWF in the early 1990s--all of a sudden Hogan, Savage, Luger, Steamboat and even Nash and Hall were gone, and Bret Hart and HBK were suddenly moved up. That almost killed WWF. At the end of 2000, Hogan, Nash, Hall, Flair, Goldberg and Sting were suddenly out of the WCW title picture and mostly off TV, leaving Jarrett, Booker T and Scott Steiner to try to carry the ball. Didn't work out too well.

You have to mix the new main eventers with the established stars so that they start being perceived as equal. Legacy the team is equal to DX for now, but no one would expect Rhodes or Dibiase to beat HHH or HBK in singles matches.

Call for more tournaments for No. 1 contender spots. Tournaments allow main eventers and upper mid carders to meet without having to write a whole story. "These names came out of the hat" and "I want the title and you're in my way" aren't hard points to get across. Assume that everyone from Raw retains, so you call a No. 1 contenders' tournament with HHH, HBK, ORton, Rhodes, Dibiase, Mark Henry, MVP and Kofi Kingston. With DX, Legacy, and MVP-Henry aligned, there's plenty of room for interference and cross-feuding. Give Kingston a win or two and let Miz and Swagger compete for either a solo US title shot or a shot at the open title. Jericho and Show will still be stirring the pot, so a Legacy-Red Dawn-Jerishow triple threat tag match could happen easily.
Morrison, MVP, Kofi, Ziggler, Miz, Swagger and Burchill. Christian doesn't count here because we all know he is for sure going to be one in the next year and Regal is just too old be going into the main event scene. The young guys listed here all have a chance to become main event guys. The time is coming and I can see all but 2 of them actually getting a world championship.
John Morrison i find hes gonna be the next generations poster boy kinda like what HBK was in the 90s. Hes got the look good mic skills the chrisma to be a good main eventer. Hes got the IC title which is the WWE stepping stone to Main Event scene so within the next two years i think Morrison will be getting world title shots.

Chris Jericho: I know Jericho has been around for awhile but hes the high end mid card and needs to get back to the Main Event scene it was always fun having Jericho a ME and how he would get into your face it was good stuff to watch and he has had some classic matches aswell.
Most of the replies have pretty much nailed it with the likes of miz, jomo, ziggler, swagger, mvp, carlito.
But the man id most like to see in the main event in maybe 3-4 years time is, to quote the chairman of the board, "future world heavyweight champion, pure badass" Drew Macintyre.
Enough said.
Doesn't holding off a wrestler's big push while hinting at it for an extended period make you pop more when it finally happens **see CM punk wins ECW title**
The crowd poped HUGE for it cause he came juuust so close for a while.
Be patient young grasshoppa

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