New M.E.M. Stable?

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The whole "we warned WWE this would happen" makes it seem to me like this isn't for the invitational.

There are so many ways he could be involved with TNA and it doesn't have to hurt other talent or push him above some of the younger guys. Just because he is big and is a former champion does not = ME push.

-What if he is brought in to be part of the new MEM ? Remember Scott Steiner said the MEM wasn't over. Perhaps Tomko is a part of that too or maybe not.

-He is the self claimed "Master and Ruler of the World" so perhaps he will go after the Global Championship.

-Like others mentioned perhaps he will be a bodyguard for someone on the roster

-Perhaps he will be part of a tag team with someone currently on the roster

-Perhaps there are 2 attackers or he will be the sole attacker in the end (just because he doesn't look the part from what we know about the attacker does not mean they will forget about that and change the direction)

Time will tell how they are going to go about this but I think he could help out if he is part of the actual roster and not just the invitational going forward. It will all depend on how they choose to book him and what angle to involve him in.

Now that is interesting. I didn't even think about it like that. He's a former world champion in both companies, and certainly has the "name" draw to keep something like the MEM running under new ownership, IMO if Steiner does in fact decide to stick around.

Question is, if that's the case, who else could/would be brought in in addition to Sid to fill out the stable roster again? I'm still not sold that Nash is out entirely either, considering he's just running a small program with Eric Young/Beer Money, Inc. right now, so he's still a viable option. What about DDP?
If they're going to make a new "Main Even Mafia", Steiner would obviously be the leader, and Sid wouldn't be a bad option to join. He'd be the big man with a long title history, who the fans at least respect, if not like.

They'd need a tag team, obviously, since they used Steiner and Booker as that team previously. Looking around the TNA roster, there's not much left. Maybe 3D? They're working with Rhino, basically in the same storyline, as old guys trying to keep their jobs while younger guys get "undeserved" pushes.

That would leave the New M.E.M. as Steiner, Sid, D-Von, Bubba, and Rhino.
I could possible see Nash returning to a new MEM. If they were to revamp it thought Steiner would have to be the logical choice as the leader with Team 3d, who you stated already, are involved basically in a MEM storyline anyways. Rhino and 3d are the ones continuing this whole thing and with the leadership of Steiner they could pull it off. They could then have Sid come in as the new Nash type guy and feud with Nash in a sort of you have been replaced storyline. It would turn Nash face finally and give Sid something more to do then the Lethal invitational.
The 3D involvement is plausible, considering the original MEM targeted them prior to their joining the "Frontline". They turned on MEM to support the younger stars, but considering their recent change of heart, I certainly could see them being added. Technically speaking, world tag team titles are world championship gold, no? Or was the premise of MEM to only have been a singles world champion? I doubt that very much, and I also doubt TNA would be much of a sticker even if that were the case.

Who else do you guys/gals think would/could potentially be brought in, if they were still seeking a name, or for example Nash didn't rejoin?
If they redo the angle, which I think is a bad idea anyway, then the people already mentioned are the only ones I can making any sense.

Sting would be an option, but considering how it played out the first time, it wouldn't make any sense. Same with Foley being against them. Jarrett is probably out for good, since Angle and Hogan are both there, so I doubt he'd come back. Don't forget he was also big opposition to the MEM when they started up.

Maybe they bring in more guys from the outside, but who wants to see a serious group of retired overweight guys?
If they redo the angle, which I think is a bad idea anyway, then the people already mentioned are the only ones I can making any sense.

Sting would be an option, but considering how it played out the first time, it wouldn't make any sense. Same with Foley being against them. Jarrett is probably out for good, since Angle and Hogan are both there, so I doubt he'd come back. Don't forget he was also big opposition to the MEM when they started up.

Maybe they bring in more guys from the outside, but who wants to see a serious group of retired overweight guys?

This is kind of what I was getting at, anyway. There isn't much on the active roster (in fact IMO there isn't anything at all) that would really "fit" in the new MEM, especially one with Sid and Steiner, except Matt Morgan, and he's in his own program right now as part of TNA's future. Way to early to turn him, IMO.

I'd simply presume that they'd go after free agents, and with the Hogan thing, it's plausible – especially considering him talking about bringing guys in with him. Flair, Nasty Boys, etc.

I'd certainly think DDP would be a viable option, all things considered.

What other wrestling free agents (who were former world champions) who aren't retired are even available?
The Nasty Boys? Oh god no...They're fat and overweight now. Well, they've always been. They were the beginning of the end of the tag division, way back in 1990. I don't want to see them anywhere, much less TNA. They need to stay retired, and keep doing appearances at supermarkets in Allentown.

Ric Flair would be cool to see, but he is getting old, and he did have a huge send-off. What did Vince ever do to him, for him to want to "override" that? I know it's his life, and his career, but he got a proper send off, and there's no reason to think he can do any better.

DDP would be a decent option, because we at least know he's in shape. I'd doubt his promo skills have fallen apart either, but what's happened with his workrate? Would he be able to work with the guys TNA has? They're all pretty good athletes, and he may just be too old to keep up.
hogan and nash will start up the new version but it would be more like a new version of the NWO then the MEM.steiner will obviously be there as he was apart of the original 3d and rhino are good chioices but what about the kliq maybe we see sean waltman could back and join up with them after nash did say the band was getting back like to see scott hall come back but dats unlikley with him being outta shape and everything sid comingin as the big man have a knockout in trish stratus lol prob tara or kong then the last one to join is GOLDBERG imagine that stable ripping through tna with bischoff being the mastermind of everything CONTROVERSY CREATES CA$H
What ever happened to Rick Steiner? Is a Steiner brothers reunion impossible?

I could see a new mafia w/ Sid kicking out Nash, bringing in Flair and Team 3d. Then Nash comes out w/ Hogan and starts a new faction w/ the Nastys (sure they suck, but in this angle it would set up a Nasty Boys vs. 3D program, which would be interesting). Maybe Hogan and Nash ally w/ Lashley to help him get over and continue his feud w/ Steiner, and Sting and Foley will be wild cards in the whole thing, likely siding w/ Hogan/Nash.

All things considered, is it completely impossible for a Scott Hall return. I know he pissed off a lot of people in TNA before, but with Hogan coming to town, and Nash already around, maybe they believe they can keep him in line for one last chance? Also, what is Sean "pac" Waltman's status?

I think having some of these guys in a faction feud could help appease the hardcore fans who are worried the younger guys will get drowned out. At some point maybe Angle leads a group of the younger guys who have earned his respect placing a third stable in the mix.

I think the key with stable warfare is not letting one faction get too large. I think that's what ruined the NWO for me. When they had the Bischoff the referees and 10 of the 12 biggest names in the company all in their group... having the splintered wolf pac temporarily balanced it out, but then that ended too. But the whole point is for some of these guys to show they learned from their past mistakes, and hopefully for us fans, they have.
Wow the poster before me is on the same page... Goldberg would be awesome, I'm interested to see if he's in any kind of shape anymore. He's on the upcoming season of "Celebrity Apprentice."

The most unlikely free agent of all would be the Warrior. And I doubt anybody really wants that, but I still wonder if TNA could do anything with him...

Also, I think DDP will come back and be involved within a year or two. And I do not think Austin will ever be in TNA, though I've heard he's actually in great shape, and a Austin/Hogan showdown would certainly draw an audience I would think.
i could definitly see them doing an NWO angle but not MEM angle anymore.

If they do this angle my guess is they would obviously have hogan and nash in it with hogan as the lead. Then stiener would join but i think first they would add scott hall to the mix to reenact the third person bash at the beach story line then add stiener.

I also think they would add jay lethal to the mix as the x division guy, and then maybe sting.

I do hope however they dont do the same thing they did with mem by giving them all the belts, but if they did it be hogan/sting tna champ, stiener as global, nash/hall tag, and lethal as x division.

As far as the knockouts would go in this faction i would either add odb or the bp, but i think the bp would make the most sense, but i could even argue for alissa flash
I, for one, would love to see the return of the Main Even Mafia. I feel like, as a fan, I got ripped off with the “ending” we got. The only thing I disagree with is having Superstars who never held a World Title in any promotion membership to this “exclusive” Stable. You would be taking away the “essence” of the Main Event Mafia. They are the Greatest Collection of World Champions and it should stay like that.

With that in mind, the new M. E. Mob should consist of Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Psycho Sid Vicious, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Mick Foley, Sting and Jeff Jarrett. Double J has to be in this incarnation in order for it to work. They need some kind of “Power” in order for this to work and Jeff is the only one…no…the Chosen One to do it. I’d also add Abyss, A. J. Styles, Samoa Joe, and Kurt Angle, but that’s just me. That's about 12 vs. 30. That's about even considering the Name Value to Work Ethic ratio (it should be one big name / lazy @$$ to two up and coming / hard working Star, just my opinion).

Imagine all the World Champions on one side, vs. all the Superstars who never held a World Championship (I know I left out the ECW World Title, but let’s all be real for a moment). This revamped M. E. Mob vs. Frontline story could work out better than the original.
No. Absolutely not. Too many factions in TNA right now. We have World Elite, Dr. Stevie/Raven/Daffney, and Rhyno, Neal, and Team 3D's new hardcore faction. Plus the impending arrival of Hogan, Sid, and Flair, which TNA will most likely make a faction out of. Nash and Young also apparently have some sort of agreement going on too. Plus Morgan, Hernandez, and D'Angelo. That's about 4 or 5 factions in TNA right now. If TNA ressurected the MEM, it would just show that they're too uncreative to write seperate storylines for the legends. I'm sure and would openly welcome a revamped MEM down the road. But for now, TNA needs to slow down on the factions.

Unless it's a Corporation-type faction with Jeff Jarrett as VKM....
Not sure on this really.

I loved the MEM when they started, a great blend of The Horsemen and the nWo.

Although the MEM haven't officially disbanded, I think maybe we should leave it there.

It would be like another Horsemen.

As much as I adore the Horsemen and would love another Horsemen run, it just wouldn't be the same.

Same with the MEM. Although it's only been one year, I think it may have already had it's day.

However if Hogan does become part of that mix then of course it would become an nWo group with Hogan, Nash and Steiner back together again.

Sid vicious could work. I have said he would be great as one of the guys to go against Lethal and I thought that would be all, but thinking again he could be quite good. Although with Nash as the MEM big man, it would make Sid seem a bit redundant.

DFP? He could work, though I was never really a fan of his anyway.

Scott Hall? He could work, but he would have to sort himself out and get back into shape. Then, he could be brilliant.

Having said all that, I would rather Hogan stayed as Hulk, and didn't go Hollywood, and I would rather that the guys had their own angles and storylines rather than do yet another nWo rehash.
hey everybody, do you guys think that Main event mafia should join back together?? I hadn't been watching latley, but in like 2 weeks, MEM was broken up??!! i didn't know what happened, but maybe after they lost the gold. Whatever, now kurt is facing desmond, booker is a nobody, scott is feuding with bobby, kevin is chasing eric, and well, that's pretty much it. I just wanna know, what do you think would happen if MEM reunited??
No, absolutely not. TNA is getting good, and giving rebirth to the Main Event Mafia would ruin alot of the work TNA's been doing to gain ratings. The Main Event Mafia was a great faction, and possibly the greatest faction TNA has ever seen. But it just wouldn't work. Kurt Angle as a face is refreshing to all of the fans (including me), and Desmond Wolfe is becoming a better heel every week. Kevin Nash is at his most entertaining since the nWo with all of these hints at a Hogan heel turn and his alliance with Eric Young. Steiner is...Steiner, never was a big fan of his, but he's a good heel who can help young talent. Booker T is gone. Samoa Joe is doing good as a solo superstar. I have a feeling Sting is going to do something big in the next few weeks, considering his absence. And Matt Morgan is a bonafide future main eventer.

TNA should not try to reunite the Main Event Mafia. I'd be much more satisfied if they put their efforts toward creating a Corporation-type faction with Hogan, Nash, and Young. One of WCW's main problems was reviving the nWo over and over. TNA doesn't need to suffer the same fate with the MEM. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
The MEM never should've gotten together in the first place in my view. When I think of the MEM, I see NWO-lite. They tried to come across as this ultra dominant heel stable that never interested me in the least. It's hard to be interested in a stable when half the wrestlers involved are so far past their prime that a competitive match is virtually out of the question.

Restarting the MEM, or even another stable with a similar MO to the Main Event Mafia, would undo any progress that TNA has really just now started to make. Unfortunately, I have a feeling that is exactly the kind of stable that Hulk Hogan is going to be part of when he finally debuts in TNA. Nash keeps saying that Hogan "won't be coming alone" and that does seem to hint that Hogan intends to form some kind of stable. If it's one filled with decrepit exsuperstar wrestlers that can barely put their gear on without help that intends to run roughshod over TNA's younger talent, I will most definitely be changing the channel and I might not change it back.

So no, the MEM is dead and buried and TNA doesn't need a similarly styled stable at this point.
Towards the end of the MEM it was all getting rather stale ,it was the same thing week after week. They could of gone out with a bang but with Booker leaving so quickly the MEM did just fall apart.It was a shame as a big fued between them could of really givern World Elite a nice push.

TNA missed a goldern opportunity to make wrestling history!
TNA is doing very good without the Mafia right now. Hogan's debut is looming, AJ is world champ, Amazing Red is doing a great job as X Division Champ, and the Knockouts are on top of their game as always. The last thing TNA needs is The Mafia taking up all the TV time, and holding all the championships.

Kurt Angle is having a very good feud with Desmond Wolfe, and Scott Steiner just came off having a pretty good feud of his own with Lashley, plus the man can still cut one hell of a heel promo. Kevin Nash's involvement of Hulk's plans when arrives storyline is very intriguing, and I can't wait to see how it unfolds. I'm also interested to see where his partnership with Eric Young is going.

All three members of the Mafia are doing fine on their own. There's no need to put them back together.
I think the MEM should be used as a story device for Stiener, but should not be back together. It is good entertainment for the man beyond his prime holding on. I stopped watching as much when the MEM came out, because I did not enjoy the Millionaires story line on wcw, so rehashing it on TNA bothered me, plus anytime Sharmell is on screen talking I feel the need to click away.
Main Event Mafia bored me from the start. It seemed rehashed to begin with, so just returning it in any capacity would be futile. All the former members are now entrenched in feuds which far exceed anything they managed whiled saddled in the group mentality anyway, so what purpose would it serve? Besides, TNA already has enough factions with World Elite, the former ECW (original) stars like Team 3D and Rhyno flirting with a friendship/alliance, etc. Adding a top-heavy group of potential main-eventers only skews the programming in a direction it has moved away from remarkably quickly.

TNA should be lauded for not grasping at those straws any longer. While they could have chosen to milk the break-up of MEM for months, they instead allowed it to simply disintegrate seamlessly and with little fanfare. While I *DO* think that more of a mention should have been made in those first few weeks when they simply fell apart after a year, that ship has sailed. Let it keep going . . . and don't flag it back around.

TNA is on the clearest, best path they've found in a while. I would prefer it not take steps backward in time and, instead, simply look to the future.
Rumor has it......that when Vince bought WcW...that the nWo trademark was owned by Eric Bischoff...Could you see the nWo in TNA...think about it...Bischoff new the Trademark was "Gold" and when the WWF brought the nWo in, Bischoff and Vince had an agreement, cause about 6 months after vince said "you will never here, the nWo them ever again" and then Eric bishoff shows up on the new GM....I really think that this rumor is true, and when Hogan says "Im here to shock the world" I really think it's the nWo coming back....
Rumor has it......that when Vince bought WcW...that the nWo trademark was owned by Eric Bischoff...Could you see the nWo in TNA...think about it...Bischoff new the Trademark was "Gold" and when the WWF brought the nWo in, Bischoff and Vince had an agreement, cause about 6 months after vince said "you will never here, the nWo them ever again" and then Eric bishoff shows up on the new GM....I really think that this rumor is true, and when Hogan says "Im here to shock the world" I really think it's the nWo coming back....

As much as that might excite some people, I pray it's not true. By the end of WCW, the NwO gimmick had more than run its course. It was stale beyond belief and more trouble than it was worth. I hope they don't decide to run it into the ground all over again. Then again, it's conceivable. Considering the Hulkamania Tour is hocking sub-par Hogan/Flair matches all over Australia at the moment, it's clear the Hulkster has no problem milking something that's long, LONG past its prime.

Trying to reconfigure whatever is left of the Main Event Mafia under the NwO guise would just make it even worse. The only NwO members the majority of people cared about were Hogan, Hall and Nash. Since we've already seen TNA try its damnedest to bring Hall back (and know where it got them), I can't believe they'd attempt it again. And Hogan/Nash/Steiner and a few of the TNA newbies trying to pull off that shit would just turn my stomach.

I pray TNA lets the Main Event Mafia stay dead and doesn't try to relive WCW's glory days any more than necessary. They've got a product which is doing really well, moving in the right direction. I'd hate for them to F it up by doing anything remotely that stupid.
Rumor has it......that when Vince bought WcW...that the nWo trademark was owned by Eric Bischoff...Could you see the nWo in TNA...think about it...Bischoff new the Trademark was "Gold" and when the WWF brought the nWo in, Bischoff and Vince had an agreement, cause about 6 months after vince said "you will never here, the nWo them ever again" and then Eric bishoff shows up on the new GM....I really think that this rumor is true, and when Hogan says "Im here to shock the world" I really think it's the nWo coming back....

dude that would be awesome have the NWO back but i am hoping they just don't over due it like in WCW with like 10 different fractions with the same letters like the Wolfpac, NWO 2000, LWO, BWO, i am just hoping for the NWO classic but i do only see one problem witht the NWO in TNA. We are missing an important member of the Outsider, thats right i am talking about The Bad Guy Scott Hall. I remember reading somewhere that he would never come back to TNA so how can a NWO return with him.
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