New gimmicks


Pre-Show Stalwart
are there any new, original gimmicks that the wwe can come up with? many new gimmicks are modified gimmicks of older wreslers such as r truth (rapper) the great kahli ( Giant wrestler ), Santino marella, highlanders, kofi kingston (home land stereotype) countless wrestlers as "kings" and so on.

i dont no much about wwe history as i didnt have any wwe progamming available to me but the most original gimmick in recent memory is mr kennedys ring announcer gimmick but i could be wrong on that one.

try for a few minutes to think of an original credible gimmick, not easy huh
You bring up a great point, the anwser? It is defently easier said (by us) then actually doing it. I mean come on, they have to script (creative) almost 365 days a year, no joke. When you are managing dozens of wrestlers direction brand wise, it can be diffucult. Creative has hits and misses, but they learn from their mistakes. Winners: The Rock, SCSA, DX, Evolution....the list goes on and on. Mistakes: literal hundreds(to many to name). Plus, you have to figure in injuries and questionable behavior (Orton, the past). One of the best moves is ECW, get them over with the crowd, and draft them to RAW/Smackdown...On TV development (not OVW), let the fans make up their minds. WWE will come up with some great new gimmicks in the future, also making alot of's business. I'm happy we get to watch 3 WWE shows a week, count your blessings.....
I dont think you can just blame creative for lack of great gimmicks, i think some blame should be place on the wrestlers themselves. The wrestlers now seem to maybe rely on creative too much to develop their characters when they are the ones who should let themselves evolve.

3 of the biggest superstars in the last 10 years were saddled with lame gimmicks but the ywere given the freedom and creativity they blossomed into the biggest stars the company has arguably ever had. Steve Austin was stuck with the ringmaster gimmick, but slowly overtime he developed into a foul-mouthed anti-authority stoen cold steve austin. Hunter Hearst Hemsley started out as the greenwich snob but overtime when he added some of his own personality into it he became Triple H. Rocky Maivia was an overly smiley babyface but when the boos were coming from the rafters he became the cocky, arrogant Rock.

So yes, gimmicks get tired and reused but if the wrestler puts some work into his character and make it stand out instead of just sticking to the cookie cut mode you get a wrestler worth watching
Gimmicks get reused all the time, always have done...always will do.

Iron Shiek was taken from the Shiek
Hulk Hogan was taken from Superstar Billy Graham
Ric Flair was thetaken from "The Natue boy" Buddy Rogers
Look in TNA and you'll see Black Machismo taken from Mach Man Randy Savage

It's no big deal that they don't come up with original gimmicks, you can take an idea that has been used before, but adapt it to be your own and that is down to the superstar not creative. If the superstar can't adapt, then what's the point?
They don't even need to create too many brand new gimmicks. Sometimes they can just tweak an old one and it'll be better.

For instance, there's a guy in developmental, Sheamus O'Shaunessy (sp?). He's like Batista-sized. So far all we've heard from him is that he's going to possibly be coming to the main rosters guessed it....giant monster heel that attacks people.

Why? Why does every single big guy have to start off as a heel that destroys jobber faces? Why can't he start off as a face? How about have him start off as a face bodyguard for someone like Jamie Noble who is good on the mic and people like to watch him get his ass kicked? Its similar to previous "big guy starts as a bodyguard" gimmicks, but its different enough that it isn't watching the exact same thing play out the same as it has with the other big monster guys.

Scenario: Noble has a match against The Brian Kendrick. Noble gets a quick roll-up win. Ezekiel attacks Noble afterwards just for fun. Next week, Noble comes out and says Ezekiel's a jerk and he wants to challenge him to a match. Ezekiel beats the shit out of him. Next week, Noble has a rematch with Kendrick and wins by DQ because Kendrick and Ezekiel just jump him and beat him into the ground. Next week, there's a tag team match where Noble has to have a partner against Kendrick and Ezekiel. He says he's hired some protection (imagine that in his accent lol, pro-take-shun) and out comes Sheamus, this huge dude who can match up to Ezekiel's standards. You've still got Sheamus/Ezekiel and Sheamus/Kendrick to do. There's a slight gimmick twist that gives you a feud that goes on for about 6 weeks, helps give all the guys something to do, has some comedy in Noble's promos, introduces a new guy who gets a decent showing but doesn't upstage his opponents, and everyone walks out of the feud refreshed because Kendrick and Ezekiel seem more like heels, Noble's kept his comedic jobber persona, and this new guy is on an impressive role without having to dominate Local Wrestler #8.

Or hell, look at the security guards and bodyguards themselves that they use. They're usually developmental talent, right? Why doesn't someone ever come out to stop a beat down and then that security guard actually ends up going apeshit on the heel and starts their career with that gimmick idea? Heel comes out the next week and demands that that guy is fired for putting his hands on him. That guy comes out and says he was just doing his job and the heel is the one that was out of line. Heel says he'll kick his ass, guy says "you could try" or something along those lines, they fight each other. Next week, they have a true match and start their feud. It'd go over much better than just having some random wrestler show up and beat a few jobbers and then challenge a superstar, you know? And its not that complicated but its different enough that it'd be worth paying attention to - PLUS it already gives the guy some credibility, as he's working in a violent situation, so it'd make sense for him to have some training, as opposed to the typical "fan from the audience runs out, attacks someone, and then by next week they've gone from casual seat filler to professional wrestler" lol.
how about this idea for a big bodyguard. have a guy who's sensitive and cries and is the bodyguard for the tiny heel. The heel keeps losing matches and smacks the body guard around. but the bodyguard sticks with the tiny heel because he feels loyalty. we can even make the bodyguard bumbling. Then, after a year or so, the bodyguard finally snaps and beats up the heel, has a good feud with him, then with his freedom finds his skills much more developed and becomes a legit star.
or here's a more shocking gimmick that Vicne has probably never thought of: take a black guy, have him win matches and become a legit champion without thinking he's gold or a king of a country or a strong angry guy who looks like he wants to literally eat you. AKA: the black champion that we keep pondering about in other discussions.
or here's a more shocking gimmick that Vicne has probably never thought of: take a black guy, have him win matches and become a legit champion without thinking he's gold or a king of a country or a strong angry guy who looks like he wants to literally eat you. AKA: the black champion that we keep pondering about in other discussions.
Are you forgetting about Bobby Lashley?
How about no gimmicks, hire the best workers and have the best no nonsense matches that we want to see, Jerry lynn in ECW (old ecw) no gimmick just great action, Lance Storm, no bull&#@t just great wrestling, Bret hart( other than wearing pink) no gimmick just great wrestling. I hate gimmicks, just give me solid action.
Nothing in wrestling is original. The whole point of it being entertainment is to entertain (obviously), and evolve, without straying too far from what has always worked in the past. Everything is just a variation off of something else, whether it's character or move set. All of these "finishers" have been regular moves before they became these "devastating" moves. The problem comes when the move is simply how it always has been. The Tombstone is a variation off of a piledriver, but it isn't just a piledriver like Bret Hart had. The Batista Bomb has been the finishing moves of countless Japanese cruiserweights, it's nothing new. The move set, to me at least, matters much more than the gimmick. Lashley had the simple gimmick of being a muscle, but he had two more-or-less original moves (the hanging vertical suplex while gesturing to the crowd, and the Dominator). Then they gave him a spear, which not only is a standard move, but was also the signature of current superstars (Batista, Edge). Personally, I hate the gimmicks altogether, it makes it a literal circus. I'd much rather see characters like Kurt Angle and Lashley than guys like the Boogeyman or Kizzarney.
how about this idea for a big bodyguard. have a guy who's sensitive and cries and is the bodyguard for the tiny heel. The heel keeps losing matches and smacks the body guard around. but the bodyguard sticks with the tiny heel because he feels loyalty. we can even make the bodyguard bumbling. Then, after a year or so, the bodyguard finally snaps and beats up the heel, has a good feud with him, then with his freedom finds his skills much more developed and becomes a legit star.

That sounds like a bad movie plot.
i cant think of original ones lets try though.. crazy barber? check. irrate accountant? did that also. viking? shit. elvis? a plummer? a repo man? clown? a shock master? a zombie? yeah you're right...screw it to hell then. just keep all the old gimmicks coming back week in and week out and have randy orton rko them all....there would be enough rko's for 2 years straight.
How about no gimmicks, hire the best workers and have the best no nonsense matches that we want to see, Jerry lynn in ECW (old ecw) no gimmick just great action, Lance Storm, no bull&#@t just great wrestling, Bret hart( other than wearing pink) no gimmick just great wrestling. I hate gimmicks, just give me solid action.

Enter Mike Knox! He's virtually gimmickless
They've given Mike Knox a very basic gimmick lately...the bully gimmick where he beats on the smaller guys only to lose in the actual match. He lost to Mysterio, and I *think* bourne before he left ECW.
i think taker should change his gimck he's been doing the same thing for to long.(he takes to long walking down the ring)

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