New concept: I call Triple crown challenge.


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was just going through all the ideas of a new tag teams and how to make the tag teams better thread. I was thinking and this idea popped in my head. This concept has never been used and could be like a triple crown type challenge. 1st anyone wanting to be wwe or whc champ had to start in a tag team and win those titles first. then only when they win tag champ could vie for a chance to go for ic or us title. then could go for wwe or whc championship.

When tag champs won ic or us they would be stripped of tag and same way with ic if winning wwe or whc. but if say batista and cena win tag. they compete and winner gets ic or us title shot and if that person loses they have to go back to defend tag titles to give new team a chance to win and move on.

seems like could make interesting teams for a little while. guys wanting to form best teams regardless of alliances to have best chance to win tag titles.
I was just going through all the ideas of a new tag teams and how to make the tag teams better thread. I was thinking and this idea popped in my head. This concept has never been used and could be like a triple crown type challenge. 1st anyone wanting to be wwe or whc champ had to start in a tag team and win those titles first. then only when they win tag champ could vie for a chance to go for ic or us title. then could go for wwe or whc championship.

The issue with this is that the WWE doesnt govern challengers using this method, while intriging it wont help anyone get over due to the fact that the industry now is storyline driven and wont allow a method like this into play, the titles dont play that much of an important role anymore, getting characters over does, it establishes brand names, peeks interest and leads to title matches.

When tag champs won ic or us they would be stripped of tag and same way with ic if winning wwe or whc. but if say batista and cena win tag. they compete and winner gets ic or us title shot and if that person loses they have to go back to defend tag titles to give new team a chance to win and move on.

the problem with tag teams is that they become singles prospects and are split up, there is no such thing as a team anymore, wrestlers just want to move up to the top prize and it ends up making the tag team division worthless, because great teams end up getting split apart and only one of them usually has the sucess as a world champion, the other one usually sees his future endevours.
The problem is that the tag team division is supposed to made up of people who WANT to be tag team wrestlers. Your triple crown challenge idea basically says that tag team wrestling is an annoying thing that those who ultimately want to be a singles star has to do. It labels tag team wrestling as bad and not something that people would actually care to earn. Remember how the announcers always used to call the Rockers "tag team specialists?" The concept is that tag team wrestling is a completely different animal from singles wrestling and you need to train in a different way to be good at it. The worst thing to happen to tag titles is when two big name singles guys randomly get together and win them.

Also, since they're two different things tag team titles shouldn't be a stepping stone to singles titles. I can understand the U.S. and IC titles being stepping stones to the World and WWE titles though. That's technically what they're designed to be. No offense, but your idea would make the tag titles - which are already treated like garbage - even more laughable in my opinion.
Black [COLOR="royalblue" said:
Snow;1038332] Your triple crown challenge idea basically says that tag team wrestling is an annoying thing that those who ultimately want to be a singles star has to do. It labels tag team wrestling as bad and not something that people would actually care to earn. [/COLOR]


Also, since they're two different things tag team titles shouldn't be a stepping stone to singles titles.

Isn't that how a huge amount of the greates stars of all time get there start.
(Bret, Shawn)
Let Me Tell You, Your Idea Looks Good In The First Place, But Then When You Think About It, You Can See That You're Decreasing The Value Of The Tag Titles And Ic And Us Titles Even More Than They Already Are. Because You Will Then BE Making Those Belts Just A "must" Have And A Stepping Stone To A World Title, So The Only Title Which Will Look Good Is Going To Be The World Title And The Tag And Mid Card Titles Will Look Like "garbage"
no i really don't think this would decrease the value of either titles tag or mid card. It wouldn't be a permanent idea and something just to spice up things for a while, something different. Jus thought it could bring cool tag teams back for a while, kane and taker, edge and christian, batista and trips, stuff like that. Everyone would be gunning for tag titles and would be for awhile because i could see a lot of mid card guys winning there match against main eventers just to make them start over again and prolong success of tag situation.

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