New Admin duties


Excellence of Execution
To-Do List forum
Explain why the person won the spot (If KB, he was recommended by IC before he stepped down)
Explain what happens in spot (atomiconline)


All right, this is the moment the three of you have been waiting for over the last several months. However, since it has been such a long process, you won't mind reading just a little more right? And if I may make a suggestion, all those nerves you may currently have floating around in your stomach, swallow them. Because two of you will be disappointed, and it's better to not get your hopes up to begin with. Let go all hope, expect not to win and when you do read the name, it will be less disappointing if you're not the new Administrator.

First of all, allow me to blow smoke up your asses for just a moment and say that all three of you are excellent candidates, and all three of you could be an Administrator here some day. I think all three would be capable, if not now, then certainly down the road. And if I may blow smoke up my own ass for a moment, I think I usually have a pretty good eye for an ability to do various Staff jobs. And, of course, all three of you would agree because I chose you for the Administrator Applicants, right? :)

This was not an easy decision. I know this was a very long process, but I wanted it that way. Originally, I was going to just go by the Applications everyone submitted, but I decided I wanted a more involved process. I also thought about making it a short process once I had three candidates, but again, decided I wanted to do some tests. The long examination process was by design. I wanted to see which of you would continue to show dedication to the position, and which of you wouldn't. I wanted to see which of you would continue to go out on the forums and show dedication to the forum, and do the things I want you to do as an Administrator. The length of time itself was every bit as much a test of your interest as everything else you've done. I was constantly evaluating this entire time, I wasn't just being lazy, despite what I may have said in the Interview forum.

When we first started this process, my honest thoughts going in would be that Lee would get the spot. I have told a couple of different posters, a while back, that I always thought Lee would be a top candidate for the job. As the process went on, more and more, I saw D-Man as being the type of second Administrator I was looking for. He has done a good job creating discussion opportunities for posters, and as I've said, would probably be the best complement to me. And throughout most of the process, I've always considered Klunderbunker to be the most ready for the job, the guy who would best be able to step in and hit the ground running. At different times throughout this process, all three of you have been in the lead spot. As I said, this was not an easy decision for me, and while I know this is merely a wrestling forum, this is probably the most serious I have ever been when making a decision. I put quite a bit of thought into it, not just when on the forum, but when off of it as well.

There is one thing I wish to clarify, so everyone understands they did get a fair shake. I only picked on Klunderbunker's reply to his personal interview thread. There are a couple of reasons for this. The first is I felt as if he didn't do a very good job of satisfying the worries I had about him getting the spot. When I read Lee's response I felt as if there was really nothing to say in reply. I tried a couple of different times, but he pretty much answered in a way I felt was satisfactory. And as for D-Man, Lee actually did it for me, so I really didn't need to. I wasn't picking on you Klunderbunker for any reason other than to satisfy my worries, and I didn't ignore Lee and D-Man, I just felt as if things had been taken care of without my posting.

Okay, so I'm done talking, and I'll get to what you guys really want to know. Like I said earlier, remove all expectations of winning. While it's just a wrestling forum, I know what it's like to hope for the spot. Just let it go, take a deep breath, and when you are ready, you may open the Spoiler tag and continue reading.

The next WrestleZone Administrator is:


Klunderbunker, going into this process you had some good support. Most of the Staff thought you would be the next Administrator, IrishCanadian25 recommended you as the next Administrator, and you were one of the most senior moderators on Staff. That being said, I had you third on my list of next Administrators. However, as time went on, you proved yourself more than worthy of the position, you accepted the duties I asked you to do, you played an authority figure on the forums when I wasn't around; basically, you did all of the things I would expect out of an Administrator. That is not to say that either D-Man or Lee did a bad job, or anything close. I was very impressed with both guys' responses in the Interview forum, and the work they did on the open forums. I feel as if Lee was a little handicapped starting his new job when he did, but that happens, and it wasn't held against him.

In the end, I feel Klunderbunker was just the best man for the job, and that's not even taking into account IrishCanadian's recommendation, which I definitely took very seriously. I thank everyone for their time and patience, and future great work.
To rest of Staff:

I'll break news to rest of Staff, and explain why no one else knew anything about it secret meeting

I have been working on it the entire time
Point out all threads that have been made
Keep identity of other two participants secret

Ladies and Gentleman (well just Gentleman now, since we have no more females on Staff) we finally have a new Administrator. I would like to take the time now, before I announce who the new Administrator is, to tell you how I went about this decision.

First, I want to explain how the process worked. If you remember, soon after IC25 stepped down, the people interested in becoming the next Administrator submitted their application for the vacant spot. This is common knowledge. However, what isn't common knowledge, is what happened after that. Most of you turned in your application and assumed I was just taking a long time to decide, but this was not the case. In reality, not long after the conclusion of the application submitting process, I selected three candidates to move on to the next round of the process. The three candidates I selected were sworn to secrecy, and even now, are not allowed to mention anyone in the group, UNLESS they wish to out only themselves. I have no problem with someone outing his or her self.

Let me explain why there was secrecy. I picked three people I thought would be the best candidates for the job, based upon a number of reasons. However, I wanted those three to interact with the rest of the forums and NOT be treated any differently. I didn't want there to be help from anyone, or someone working against another, so that is the reason for the secrecy. I'm not saying anyone on Staff would necessarily do such conspiring, but things do have a tendency to get leaked out onto the open forums, and then things could have gotten complicated. So, this is the reason for the secrecy. I apologize to the rest of you now, for waiting all of this time, essentially for nothing, but I hope you can understand my thought process on this.

So, I chose my three to move to the next phase of the selection. I set up a secret forum which only they could see, and in that forum, the four of us discussed things about the forum, why or why not someone would be a good candidate, etc., all things to help me make a decision on the next Administrator. I can honestly say, and I've already told them this, it was not an easy process for me. I spent the entire time evaluating and thinking, even when not on the forums, which is unusual for me. The three I picked all had their unique advantages, which is why I picked them. I didn't decide based upon any kind of length of tenure on Staff, but rather who I thought would make the best candidates, which actually included a variety of things. The process did take a while, but it was an active process the entire time. There was roughly one new thread in the secret forum each week for the candidates to discuss. Each candidate actually spent some time as my #1 pick, no one was ever comfortably in the lead. Finally, however, I have made my decision, and it was the one person I DIDN'T think I would choose.

Staff of the WrestleZone Forums, please greet the next Administrator:

The next WrestleZone Forums Administrator is:


Include vBulletin manual link
IP Banning (and how to use it sparingly, and why)
Change User Profiles
Assign Usergroups
How to Mod and De-Mod (including de-mod to registered user)
Add Forum, and the options
How to set up own vbulletin board to test things
No new mods (secret: vB4)
How to log into to AdminCP login page (.htaccess)
Reverse Infractions
Delete Infractions
Delete personal Infractions (fringe benefit)
How the Avatars work (I plan on uploading more)
Power Moderators
How the forum actually works?? (not sure)
Name Change Request
Any Questions?

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