Need some info guys

El Rev sXe

If you have ghosts...
Long time, no see guys...

Basically I'm asking you guys if you can give me an idea of this whole occupy movement. How it started it, who are the leaders or representatives of the movement? What are they asking? Their demands? How is the goverment taking it?

I'm sure I could google it, but I want to read YOUR version of the story. I'm not very informed, but I believe it is a completely legitimate movement.

Times are changing, if there's a big social movement in USA, something is happening, something must change. This is a world wide movement.

Rep will be given as a "THANK YOU"
Its about the 1% complaining about the 0.01%. as odd as that sounds it is about accurate. But it is a protest about corporate greed and its effects on the common people's lives. It is a protest about those that have caused the recession that the world is currently in. It is about the Speculators that work on guessing what is going to happen. It is about how the big money influences the issue of democracy through lobbying in whatever level it is.

That is a basic sum of it.

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