NCAA Football 12


Excellence of Execution
I just finished a game in Dynasty (I'm O-Coordinator) and my QB just finished a 9 minute game (in which he only played the first half and one series in the second half) with a QB rating of 405.7, going 10-13 with 391 yards passing and 3 TD. Yes, that's nearly 40 yards per completion.

I just had to laugh.
What difficulty are you playing on? I'm usually rocking All American, and did you say a "series"? I thought that was baseball, lol.
What difficulty are you playing on?
Varsity, I think. Not difficult, but I don't play games for a challenge, I play to have fun.

I'm usually rocking All American, and did you say a "series"? I thought that was baseball, lol.
A series in football is the set of four downs you have to get a first down.
Nice, how does it play honestly? I have bought the game the last few years, but I am strapped for cash and I am wondering if it's worth it to buy the 12 version or just be happy with my 11.
Nice, how does it play honestly? I have bought the game the last few years, but I am strapped for cash and I am wondering if it's worth it to buy the 12 version or just be happy with my 11.

I hadn't bought the game since 06 or 07, I believe. When they started making recruiting such a time consuming process, I kind of got out of it. But this game is enjoyable. The recruiting is better than what I remember the older games having, and I enjoy playing.
I have this game on All-American and passing is so much more difficult then running. I usually have 8 minute quarters and if I don't have run/pass ratio of 60/40 I'm usually not doing too good.

Doesn't help that I started off with a shit school (Western Kentucky) and that I'm now on a team that's only B overall (Arizona St.). But my god some of these QB's throws are awful. I'll tap the button and he'll lead them 10 yards when I need him to throw it at them (which results in a pick 1/2 the time).

Very frustrating game. I'll either have to adopt the option soon (which owns if the QB has even decent speed + acceleration) or just start with a team that's good and be the HC (I'm the OC and my defense has allowed 27, 52, and 59 points to Troy, #2 Wisconsin, and UCLA respectively).

Oh well, it'll probably collect some dust once I get Madden.
Varsity, I think. Not difficult, but I don't play games for a challenge, I play to have fun.

A series in football is the set of four downs you have to get a first down.

Lol, I know. But In Football it's usually referee to as a drive, but I think I've heard series before too, not often though.

I have this game on All-American and passing is so much more difficult then running. I usually have 8 minute quarters and if I don't have run/pass ratio of 60/40 I'm usually not doing too good.

Doesn't help that I started off with a shit school (Western Kentucky) and that I'm now on a team that's only B overall (Arizona St.). But my god some of these QB's throws are awful. I'll tap the button and he'll lead them 10 yards when I need him to throw it at them (which results in a pick 1/2 the time).

Very frustrating game. I'll either have to adopt the option soon (which owns if the QB has even decent speed + acceleration) or just start with a team that's good and be the HC (I'm the OC and my defense has allowed 27, 52, and 59 points to Troy, #2 Wisconsin, and UCLA respectively).

Oh well, it'll probably collect some dust once I get Madden.

One thing I had trouble with is throwing the ball away. I'd usually wait as long as possible before throwing the ball away, and it usually ends up being right when I get hit. But I'm used to waling the ball more often then lobbing it, but now when I do that the QB has to get more of a pump and it ends up in a sack.

It's not biggie though, it's actually more realistic. I just have to get used to tapping X instead of holding it in whenever I have to get rid of it. And by get rid of it, I mean getting it to a receiver. I don't throw it away as often as I do take risks, although they have a different button to throw it away, I think it's R2. Madden's is R3. This is on PS3 by the way if you couldn't tell by the buttons.
I enjoy the NCAA games because of how fast paced it can be.

Dynasty is very fun, I enjoy the coaching aspect of it. I always thought Madden Head Coach could have been great if done well, unfortunately I didn't enjoy it... At all.
Lol, I know. But In Football it's usually referee to as a drive, but I think I've heard series before too, not often though.

A drive is a set of series on a single possession. So, if I run the ball three times and get a first down, that was a series. If I pass for 8 yards and run for 4 more and get a first down, that's another series. A drive and a series are not the same thing. A drive may consist of several series.

Make sense?
Lol, I know. But In Football it's usually referee to as a drive, but I think I've heard series before too, not often though.

A drive is a continuous set of offensive plays gaining substantial yardage and several first downs, usually leading to a scoring opportunity. a series is only one set of downs.
A drive is a set of series on a single possession. So, if I run the ball three times and get a first down, that was a series. If I pass for 8 yards and run for 4 more and get a first down, that's another series. A drive and a series are not the same thing. A drive may consist of several series.

Make sense?

Slyfox wins again. :suspic:
I know, but I didn't really want to talk about the game, just the fact I proved (because it just HAD to be done) that video games do not always reflect real life, but can still be enjoyable anyways.

Well yea, who the fuck says otherwise? Saying it reflects real life in any case is laughable, there are least 2 or 3 things in every game that happens that would NEVER fucking happen in real life
Well yea, who the fuck says otherwise? Saying it reflects real life in any case is laughable, there are least 2 or 3 things in every game that happens that would NEVER fucking happen in real life

Like me drilling multiple 50+ yard field goals. Or playing football in general.

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