NBA Live 08

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SmackDown! is MY Show
Well it was announced that Washington Wizards all-star guard Gilbert Arenas will be on the cover this year.

Thats good for Gilbert all that has gone through to become a star in the league. though i cant wait for some of the new things they will add to the game as each year the one thing or two things they add make the game even better.
EW... I honestly cannot stand any sports game that EA produces. They tend to wear the game down with so many different controls... that it honestly takes away the fun of the game. I'm not dogging the people that play the game. But how can you take NBA Live to someones house and expect them to play against you, if they've never played it before. Because the controls are overwhelming just to do a slam dunk. I thought the whole mechanics of the game were just bad. The 2K series is entirely better. Nothing too tricky to figure out, great graphics, and just all around, damn good games. Plus, anyone can pick it up and play it without having to spend hours to figure out how to make Lebron dunk it... on 2K, you just run up to the basket, hold in boost, and hit the shoot button. On NBA Live... hold the left trigger button, wait for the slow motion sequence to start, tap Square when he reaches the peak and another slow motion cap starts... zzz...zzz...zzz....zzz
I think King James deserved the cover more than Arenas. He has done better, isn't injured, and is a bigger star so they would sell more games with LeBron on the cover.
But the two of the three top rising stars wade the other in competition you have to choose the more accomplished one hence Arenas
EW... I honestly cannot stand any sports game that EA produces. They tend to wear the game down with so many different controls... that it honestly takes away the fun of the game. I'm not dogging the people that play the game. But how can you take NBA Live to someones house and expect them to play against you, if they've never played it before. Because the controls are overwhelming just to do a slam dunk. I thought the whole mechanics of the game were just bad. The 2K series is entirely better. Nothing too tricky to figure out, great graphics, and just all around, damn good games. Plus, anyone can pick it up and play it without having to spend hours to figure out how to make Lebron dunk it... on 2K, you just run up to the basket, hold in boost, and hit the shoot button. On NBA Live... hold the left trigger button, wait for the slow motion sequence to start, tap Square when he reaches the peak and another slow motion cap starts... zzz...zzz...zzz....zzz

You're talking about the dunk contest which is actually pretty easy to do. It'll take you a couple of times and you've got it. In the actual game all you do is use whatever the left button is (square or X depending on what system). I remember ESPN college hoops a couple years back was the first game with slam dunk and it was terrible. Live's Slam Dunk contest is fine as and easy. Just practice.

And then for actual over all game play EA games in general are simple. Maybe it's because I've been playing EA games forever, but they are aall very easy no matter which sports title you are playing. They're pretty basic even after they add a new move/button every year.
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