Natural Born Heels


It Only Gets Worse
Pretty simple idea. Are there any guys in all of professional wrestling that you feel should always be heel? Guys that have seemed or you think would seem awkward and out of place as anything other than a heel.

Dolph Ziggler
Yeah, I know, being a heel is kind of his shtick nowadays. It's that way for a reason though, he's good at it! Seeing Ziggler doing anything other than running around being arrogant and conceited just wouldn't make sense.

Austin Aries
Austin Aries is a conniving narcissist with an attitude. He's sarcastic and just a plain asshole. It would be laughable to see him playing to the crowd instead of insulting them.

The Miz
Whining, cheap shots, bragging... Miz can do it all (except for wrestle a match without botches, but that's another thread.) Point is, Miz is heel to the bone and it should stay that way. With Miz spiraling downward as it is, if he were to ever be turned face, that would be the last nail in his coffin.

Your turn.
I reckon Eric Bischoff.

Practically everyone has always hated him - throughout his WCW tenure as the evil nWo leader, his WWE stint, (I remember they would show a photo of him at the beginning of Raw and everyone would boo!), and through his rather terrible TNA run, which makes me hate him that little bit more for ruining, (among many others), a potential WWE competitor.

He played his bad guy role perfectly, screwing all the good guys over while in nWo and safeguarding the nWo members that grannies and fans wanted to hit. Brilliant.
Eric Bischoff
The guy above said it well. Bischoff has that cocky smile he puts on that just makes people hate him.

One of the most underrated mic workers. JBL drew massive heat. He's one of the rare guys that gets booed even when he makes a return.

Jeff Jarrett
He plays a great cowardly heel, and has no problem looking bad in order to get heat.

Sid Vicious
He was such an imposing figure and had a very intense, crazy heel promo style.

Rick Rude
No one pulled off the "I'm better than you" gimmick better than Rick Rude. He had the body and mustache of a Chip and Dale's dancer, and made all the men hate him. I don't think I ever saw him work as a face, and can't even really imagine it.

He was a huge, stiff monster who only screamed. A pretty scary guy, who was never an underdog and definitely not someone the audience could relate to.
I know it's been said before, but Randy Orton easily. He just doesn't have the likeability to be a face. Simply put, he's an easy guy to dislike. The cocky manner, the awful sleeves, the way his career generally only happened because of his lineage. If you saw this guy in a pub you'd think, 'he seems like a bit of a douche, I'll avoid'. For the life of me I cannot think what gets him over as a face other than with the female demographic.
Christian He just has a smarmy, weasily look about him. It makes him seem like he'd be willing to stab somebody in the back to get ahead or play the victim when he gets any due comeuppance.

Chris Jericho His material just always works better when he's a heel. Whether he's being a "conspiracy victim" or "best in the world" he just really seems to bring his A game as a heel.

Kane The guy looks like someone staright out of a 1980s slasher movie. Even the name "Kane" sounds like it too.

Abyss See Kane above, Turning him babyface just completely derailed him. They turned him into a total pansy.

Jake "The Snake" Roberts He was always at his best playing a cold cunning sociopath. Even when he was a face you were just waiting for the other shoe to drop.

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