Nathan Jones...

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J Fine

Dark Match Winner
Wasn't he supposed to debut for TNA months ago? Whatever happened with that? The guy pretty much fell off the face of the earth after it was announced that he had signed with TNA, and that was nearly 6 months ago. I don't think he needs 6 months to prepare for a debut, I mean he's been wrestling for years.

If and when he should debut, what will become of him? The man is a goddam behemoth and could tear his way through much of the roster very quickly, not to mention that he's got enough recognition and fame to pull of a spot in the main event (which isn't saying much because it is TNA). I could see him starting off as a monster heel doing the whole squash match thing, or becoming the enforcer for one of the stables, maybe even the MEM. I could see him teaming with another big dude and competing in the tag team division before or after that, and maybe even holding the world title once or twice.

What do you guys think? Will we ever see The Colossus of Boggo Road?
The last i heard about this was that Nathan Jones was suposed to debut at Genesis earlier in the year but because of some injury he suffered severe damage to his left arm which set him back a few months, anyway he should make his debut sometime at the end of the year.

IMO i think Nathan Jones should form a tag team with Matt Morgan they could easily be one of the most dominant tag teams that TNA has ever had, and both of them could be Enforcers of the MEM.
Jones could actually add quite a bit to the TNA roster since I don't think many wrestling fans would remember him even being in the WWE. His run was fairly short and it was during a time when there were several huge stars.

I dare say more people would recognize him from "Troy" (the Brad Pitt movie).

He's big, he can act mean, he's kind of ugly and he has a great Australian accent.

I'll be interested to see what he can do if / when he does make an appearance.
Nathan Jones was going to debut at Genesis but he was in a Hit and Run accident in Germany and he injured nerves in his arm which is the reason why he's not able to wrestle right now.
he had a great titantron enterance video promo in the wwe and he had the look. but his wrestling was worse than adam bomb's aka bryan clark. maybe hes gotten better.
I think TNA would be a good fit for Nathan. He can work with some world class talents to improve his in ring game and he doesn't need to travel as much which was one of his major gripes with the WWE.

TNA would get another monster wrestler to throw Abyss through a flaming table full of thumbtacks and catch Kurt Angle as he cuts a forward flip off the TNA ramp.

Nathan just needs to heal up from that car accident.
well, that's pretty much wwe's whole deal. you can be beautiful or really big, and still be a rock (i mean an actual rock) and they think they can turn you into a huge star. nathan was given 2 chances in wwe. he was to green during his first run, and his second where he was aligned with matt morgan, paul heyman, a-train, and brock lesnar, he didn't really do that much better. but i am sure once he debuts in tna, he's going to be a scary son of a bitch.
His initial run with the E left a lot to be desired. His second was better, a little, but I think a close call on a plane spooked him. Hopefully all that acting in fight movies done him some good, as he kind of sucked. But he has an awesome first name. :)
Wasn't he the undertaker's protege or something at first? I do remember seeing him wrestle and he made the Great Kahli look like Dean Melenko. He was terrible.
His whole prison angle was legit though. Nathan did 7 years in a supermax prison.
If the man had any real skill he'd be huge. He has a great look and doesn't have to talk. Just look mean and kick ass. Jones just has to get the kicking ass part right.
I was also under the impression that Nathan Jones was to debut in TNA at Genesis and if the injury reports are true, then I now know why he didn't. I don't know if TNA is still interested in him, but they're a fool if they're not. Jones is a very big, very strong, and very nasty individual who has a bright future in the wrestling business if handled properly and he's in the right situation and TNA is a very good fit. He didn't fit in with WWE mainly because of the travel but his time spent with the Undertaker will prove very valuable down the road. You can't teach size and with him being nearly 7 feet and weighing about 330, he's a valuable commodity. I agree with an earlier posting to team him with Matt Morgan to get his feet wet while he develops his skills. Can you imagine these two teaming up again? They would destroy the tag team division. Another possible storyline is to have him as another patient of Dr. Stevie who is either out to destroy Abyss OR aligns with Abyss against Stevie and Raven. Jones can be another dissatisfied customer or another one of Stevie's therapy failures who comes looking for revenge.
Nathan Jones is a bad ass but i honestly dont see him helping tna too much with ratings and what not he should prolly just stick to making movies.The one movie he did with tony jaa is freakin awesome,but when it actually comes down to the in ring wrestling ability i think he may be lacking in that department.Its too bad because the dudes got an awesome look for the biz.
I know Eddie Guerrero said in his book that N. Jones said "F*ck this place" and walked out of a show before it was over...I'd say that his bridges were burnt with the WWE. If he wants to stay with professional wrestling TNA is his only option in my opinion.
I hope he shows up. I just wish tna could buy that digiridoo music he used to come out to, man that was a wicked tune. He could easily be an enforcer for the MEM or he could even be a baby face, a la Sid when he occasionally was a face. he doesn't need to be technically sound, he's just a big dude who can be pretty scary and just has to knock people down and pick them up and throw them. have him be jeff jarrets secret weapon to regain control in tna, have him be the second citizen of the nation of violence. we're not talking rocket science, we're talking wrestling and if tna can't find a spot for nathan then there's something wrong here..
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