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Natalya is the NEW WWE Divas Champion; Beth Phoenix Returns!!


Gone but never forgotten.
Last night at the Survivor Series, Natalya defeated both Layla El and Michelle McCool to capture her first WWE Divas title. She was having a very heartfelt celebration until Team Laycool decided to blindside her and continue a brutal attack... that is, until Beth Phoenix made her long-awaited return.

Beth's music hit, she came down to the ring and completely cleaned house. Afterwards, she and Natalya shed some tears, embraced, and posed with the titles in victory.

I am very pleased by this. It's nice to see someone win the Divas title (besides Laycool) that actually DESERVES the title and can put on decent matches as well as cut entertaining promos. Sure, she needs a little practice as the top female in the WWE, but she's already ahead of the game. And now, with Beth's return, it seems like the Divas division is getting a nice shot of adrenaline.

What do you think will come of the Divas title now? Will Laycool get another shot? How does Beth Phoenix's return come into the mix? Will she lobby for a title shot against Natalya?
I believe that it is inevitable that Beth and Natalya will do battle. First I see a tag team match against Lay Cool. Then a short run with Natalya vs. Tamina. Although I believe it will be Beth vs. Natalya at Wrestlemania if the WWE can take the Diva's Championship seriously that is. Don't forget about Melina, or even Gail Kim and Maryse for that matter. There are many possibilities (not endless), but WWE has to NOT drop the ball like it always seems to do.
I can't even lie I was marking out when the Manazon came back, I'm pretty sure she'll team with Natalya and be a team against Lay-Cool for the next bit (2 vs 2 would even the odds obviously)
Either that or she'll have some respectful face vs face matches with Natalya, setting up run-ins by Lay-Cool, so either way I'm willing to bet they'll all be feuding.
i love it...although i wish beth was the one to take the titles from laycool, but nattie vs beth should be at mania... beths return could of been bigger but she did get a nice response from the crowd....there hasnt been that much cheer for a diva in awhile
YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. I'm so glad that Nattie won the belt yesterday and finally ended the reign of Lay-Cool. Beth Phoenix returning is another really good thing that happened yesterday she could really help improve the women's division. I would like to see Beth Phoenix and Nattie feud over the belt because those matches would be pretty good by Divas standard.
I marked out like crazy when Beth returned last night. I've always been a big fan of hers, mainly due to the fact that we're from the same home town (Elmira, NY). Never met her, but you heard a lot about her being from that Area of the Twin Tiers (South NY, North PA).

I agree that at 'Mania it should be Beth vs Natti for the title, as long as the WWE works the whole thing right. Beth is a natural heel, IMO. Yes, have them tag against LayCool for a while, maybe even have a 4 way at the Royal Rumble between Beth, Natti, Layla, and McCool. Have a "Suspect" finish with Natti pinning Beth. That gives you Two or Three months to build up to a big match at 'Mania.

With Natti and Beth being really good in ring wrestlers, I could see them making a Submissions match, or something along the lines.

but yes, Beth Returning was HONESTLY the high point of SS for me.
This was the only outcome I hadn't accounted for. I was going to presume that if natalya won against both f laycool after losing to just one member before it would have been poor booking, although I do remember somethig similarly odd happeneing with the brothers of destruction against the 2 man power trip in 2001 at backlash and insurrection PPV's but thats quite a way from the point. My point is, had natalya won legit, I would have been dissapointed at the booking.

Then again if laycool had won again at a third successive PPV, it would have eliminated natalya from the title picture and we would have to have gone back to the drawing board. This way, beth phoenix looks strong, laycool still looks strong but thinking about it natalya looks kindof weak, I'm sure evryone will forget that but, she did lose twice to one member of laycool and could only win thebelt when she had interference. Its odd but nobody will remember it like that thankfully.

My biggest concern is about the future of laycool now. Do they stay together? If yes then will they generate so much heat if they dont hold the belt? Does it matter if they lose a little heat given beth may turn heel and there will overall be more heat in the divison as a net total? Should they split? What would happen to layla if they did? Basically laycool love them or hate them, and I hate them which just proves my next point, are the best thing in all of the WWE's womens wrestling, I don't want to see things work out badly for them after losng the belts.
I think WWE is banking on the idea of LayCool having enough steam to go after Natalya but not needing the title. I also think they are hoping to build towards a Natalya-Beth Phoenix match at WrestleMania. So, I think her return helps set up a connection as well as wastes a little more time before they meet up.
I am really happy that Natalya won the belt. I knew Beth was going to return last night weather it was involved in the match or after the match, Beth was going to return and she did and it was good to see her again. For Natalya, Beth and Laycool, this is what I would do..

From now until TLC, build up a tag match with Natalya/Beth vs Laycool.

From after TLC to the Royal Rumble, build up a fatal 4 way for the title, Natalya vs Michelle vs Beth vs Layla with Natalya retaining by pinning Beth.

After that, build up Natalya vs Beth for Wrestlemania but as we all know when it comes to the divas and Wrestlemania, the WWE wants to get all of the divas on the show.

I thought we would would have to wait until next year to see Natalya wear the Divas Championship. The match wasn't anything special, but seeing Natalya become emotional after the match was a great moment. Natalya can go in the ring, and she's been chasing the title for a long time, so it's nice to see her achieve her goal.

I'm very excited about Beth Phoenix's return. The Glamazon is one of my favorite Divas. She can be a great addition to the Divas Championship picture. I think we'll see a Fatal Four way match for the title very soon, and I expect to see Beth as the next champion some where down the line.

As far as Lay-Cool goes, I think they're on the verge of a breakup. But to tell you the truth, I think it's time for Lay-Cool to go away. This duo has had a good run, but Michelle and Layla have done all they can do as team. It's time to move on. I think a Fatal Four Way match for the Divas Championship will happen soon enough. Lay-Cool won't come away with the title. Michelle and Layla will begin to become frustrated with each other. I think Michelle will strike first. I hope she does, because she is way better at being a heel. Layla can be a likable character, so I think she would be better suited for the face roll.
I'm surprised by the move.

Don't get me wrong. Nattie can work and she's really passionate for the business that she's been around for her whole life. Winning the title was awesome for her.

My point. I'm surprised that WWE actually made a LOGICAL move on a title change last night. I haven't seen a GOOD title win like that in sometime and it was more satisfying for me as a fan versus when Randy won the WWE title at Night of Champions. I was also surprised when one of the Laycool members didn't get themselves intentionally disqualified OR double teamed in that match.

Good move WWE.
What do you think will come of the Divas title now?

Im very pleasantly surprised. Hopefully they will build slow to a Beth-Natalya feud, but I doubt it. LayCool seems to be on the edge of imploding, and while I see them getting a rematch, I see Natalya holding on to the belt for the time being. I think this is an awesome thing for the Divas division, as the title matches from here on out will(hopefully) be more about wrestling then about silly antics.

Will Laycool get another shot?

Yeah, and I imagine it could be as soon as tonight. By doing so, it can kill two birds with one stone. Natalya can defeat them again, eliminating them from the title picture. Secondly, it can lead to dissension and the hopeful split of LayCool. Their gimmick and antics have run their course, honestly.

How does Beth Phoenix's return come into the mix?

I was disapointed this happened last night. I really felt this should have been Natalya's "moment", but felt it was overshadowed by Beth's return in some way. I would have had LayCool beat Natalya down after losing their rematch, and then brought Beth back to make the save, as she did last night. But either way, it's good to see her back, because I think there will be more quality wrestling within the division.

Will she lobby for a title shot against Natalya?

I think so, and i believe she'll do it as a heel. I don't buy her as a face anymore then I did an Awesome Kong type. She seems much more comfortable as a dominant heel. I know the face turn was necessitated by the loss of faith in and eventual departure of Mickie James, but Beth just naturally comes across as a heel. I think they'll play up the "friends that trained together" that they did last night for awhile, but eventually, Beth will turn on her. I think she'll be the one who takes the title from her as well.
I couldn't be happier. In my opinion, Natalya is the most talented Diva and has been for some time. I was a bit underwhelmed with the quality of the match, but non-traditional matches (handicap, triple threat, etc.) are usually a bit more difficult to showcase wrestling without the "brawl" aspect. I'm glad the title was taken from LayCool in a handicap match though, as it legitimately dispels the whole "co-champion" thing and leaves nothing in question.

Beth's return, while great, was something I called as soon as LayCool jumped in for the beatdown. I can see Beth wanting a shot at the title sooner or later, which could possibly involve a heel turn. She plays the heel role very well, so that wouldn't be terribly disappointing. Beth and Nattie are the two elite Divas and both are capable of working excellent matches based on legitimate wrestling talent. I have to believe that a feud between them would produce some of the best Diva matches that we have seen in a long time.

Could this build toward a LayCool breakup? Hard to say. Like others have suggested, I'm guessing Beth gets involved in the Natalya vs. LayCool feud to even the odds. Depending on the outcome of the rematch and possible tag team angle, there could be dissension between Layla and Michelle. While they have been one of the best things going in women's wrestling, all good things must come to an end and I wouldn't mind a split as long as they did it right, probably involving a slow build like they've done with the Hart Dynasty (though that's a split I don't actually care for). Layla would be the obvious face turn if that happened.

Did anyone else notice the mechanical brace Beth was wearing on her injured knee? It makes me wonder if she's actually ready to go in the ring again or if she's just going to be making a few TV appearances for "saves" and mic time for another few weeks before having actual matches. This could actually work out well if they are slowly going to build a feud with her and Natalya and/or LayCool. One major problem we've seen lately with feuds is that there is rarely enough build to make the PPV matches (at least the initial one--the trend seems to be three PPV matches to end a feud) meaningful. While DiBiase/Bryan and Ziggler/Kaval were great matches last night, the tension was practically non-existent due to their last minute inclusion on the card. Give it time, let it unfold and make people care. Given many people's apathy toward Diva matches, I'd say it's even more important for matches and feuds in that division.
I'm SO effin happy!! FINALLY the divas belt has a little bit more prestige again!! No more of this terrible high school charade. People may say Lay-Cool was a genius move, but its a novelty and novelty wears off. Whatever happens with Beth and Natalya, its about damn time some DESERVING women get the appropriate spotlight instead of these eyecandy and mean-spirited people who preach the shortcuts. Now I know people say 'Its only an act' but look at how long this 'act' lasted, don't tell me you wouldn't be sick of acting like that? Even Lita didn't like being a heel for so long. Its about time to let REAL women, with REAL bodies, and REAL skills get their time in the spotlight. Even at the bar where I was at, you'd have thought it was the world heavyweight belt on the line, THAT's how tired of those little girls everyone was when Nattie got the belt. So hopefully there will be some good change coming soon.
I thought it was a great segment when Beth came back to help Natalya after she got her much deserved win. I think now the Divas Championship will FINALLY mean something. WWE made the right decision to put the belt on their best female WRESTLER. Natalya and Beth actually know how to wrestle and I cannot wait to see them potentially feud. I was so sick of LayCool. I don't mind McCool as much when she's alone but I could not stand LayCool as a team anymore, they were so annoying. I see Beth turning heel to feud with Natalya, that would be a much better route to go than letting Michelle or Layla get ANOTHER title shot. Have Beth win a triple threat number one contenders match or something. Then we would have the best divas feud in years to look forward to because both contenders in the feud would actually know what to do in the ring. Something like that NEVER happens in the divas division anymore. It's about time.
T My point is, had natalya won legit, I would have been dissapointed at the booking.

This way, beth phoenix looks strong, laycool still looks strong but thinking about it natalya looks kindof weak, I'm sure evryone will forget that but, she did lose twice to one member of laycool and could only win thebelt when she had interference. Its odd but nobody will remember it like that thankfully.
What are you talking about? Natalya DID win legit. Beth Phoenix didn't show up until after Natalya had already won the match.

It was LayCool who won all their matches dirty. They got their title by running interference.

My biggest concern is about the future of laycool now. Do they stay together? If yes then will they generate so much heat if they dont hold the belt? Does it matter if they lose a little heat given beth may turn heel and there will overall be more heat in the divison as a net total? Should they split? What would happen to layla if they did? Basically laycool love them or hate them, and I hate them which just proves my next point, are the best thing in all of the WWE's womens wrestling, I don't want to see things work out badly for them after losng the belts.
LayCool's "mean girl" was wearing thin. They were still drawing heat but I dunno if it was necessarily good heat.

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