Natalya and Tamina: The new standards of WWE Divas wrestling


Gone but never forgotten.
First of all, I completely marked out when I found out that last night's match between the Uso's and the Hart Dynasty was going to be a six-person mixed tag match. I think we've all been eager to see Natalya get back in the saddle of women's WRESTLING, instead of her duties as the Dynasty's valet.

That being said, I believe we witnessed a TREMENDOUS step in the right direction with women's wrestling, once Natalya and Tamina faced off. Spot after spot was perfectly executed and I think we were all reminded of the days of Trish Stratus and Lita. We eagerly anticipated the squaring off of these two and they FAR from disappointed us.

I believe that the short encounter between these two (obviously) talented women wrestlers is going to severely raise the bar in the women's division. Soon enough, I feel that these two will blend with the rest of the women on the roster and dominate the division, thus bringing it closer to the direction that we all wish it would go.

Did anyone else enjoy their encounter last night? Where do you think this will lead? What does the future hold for these two?
I thought Natalya played her role very well. The Samoan lady, less so. It was an entertaining match, but I don't think either have enough to progress much further than they are now. Obviously they can both win women's titles, but for longevity you need a little more.

Natalya is a talented worker, but she's fairly colourless, don't y'all think? Beth Pheonix seems to have the market covered for dominating female so I don't see what role Natalya can play long term. She's not a great talker, she's not a looker, all she's got is her lineage.

The Samoan lady, I haven't seen much other than some stilted promos and a poorly performed Frog Splash.

I don't see wither reaching the same level as popular/talented females like Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Trish stratus & Lita.
Loved it, two women who are clearly very good at what they do. For the first time in a very long time I was watching WWE Women's wrestling and enjoying it for the right reasons :)rolleyes:).

Worryingly they are tied to their tag teams at the moment (which I don't have an issue with). Once you've got Melina and Beth back (get them both on Raw), with those two, all of a sudden womens wrestling will kick off again.

Reading some reports about the live house show in MSG on Saturday "this is boring" chants at the diva match. Maybe Vince is getting the picture.

Lets hope so.
First off, anything with Natalya makes me happy. ;)

Second off, I totally agree. I've never hated women's wrestling as much as some do, and I actually thought the fatal four way for the Diva's title was decent despite the ending. But the interactions between Natalya and Tamina in the six-man match blew me away. Both are obviously talented and actually really fun to watch. I believe that they could definitely headline RAW's women's division, with Beth Phoenix and Serena feuding on SD. Giving Natalya the pin in the the six-man also shows WWE's confidence in both women to work well.

Good match all around, with a particular stand-out by Natalya and Tamina. I am looking forward to the Dynasty/Uso's feud, and it should make for lots of good matches between the men AND the women.
I think Nattie could really be a big player in the women's division. She gets a good reaction and works as well as the guys. Plus she can make the weaker divas(Layla, Kelly, etc) look good at the same time. Nattie doesn't have to be a dominant female, nor does Tamina(who I'm not a fan of). They just have to be good.
First off, anything with Natalya makes me happy. ;)

Amen to that!

Anyway, I really did enjoy the whole six-person match. Sure, it wasn't a highlight of the evening or anything, nor the best wrestling match, but it wasn't the worst by any means. In actuality, the fact that the two women were added did add a little to the quality of the match overall.

I certainly get that Natalya and Tamina aren't Lita and Trish, but they are a step above the rest of the division. Most of the crowd take a bathroom break during a diva's match because they expect the same lackluster performance all the time. Hopefully, these two will give the division, and the fans, a breath of fresh-er air.

I also like that both diva's are associated with a tag team. Lita was brought into the light because of her association with the Hardy Boyz and Trish came up managing Test and Albert. At the very least, it gives both ladies more opportunity to be shown on TV or PPV, as both an active wrestler and a valet.

The only real problem I see here is they don't have a huge amount of variety to have solid diva's matches. Back in the days of Trish and Lita, there were also Molly Holly, Victoria, Jazz, Ivory, and later Mickie James to give depth to the division. While I do think that Natalya and Tamina could have some great matchups, I don't think they can rejuvenate a division by themselves. Sure, Beth Phoenix can be included as well, but the Women's/Diva's Smackdown/RAW split certainly isn't helping here.
I caught myself saying out loud, why aren't these 2 wrestling for a women's title? So obviously I agree. Tamina looked great last night. Any diva who goes off the top rope has got me interested.
I absolutely loved Natalya and Tamina last night, this is one of the greatest things that could happen to the divas division, while it has been going strong, the fact that we now have two multi generation wrestlers who has experience and good / great in-ring abilities (for a diva) can only help the division.

I liked the fact that they didn't degrade the awesomeness of the tag team match last night when they were in the ring, and it only shows promising things for them, I do think that this can bring the divas division much further and improve it with some freshness that we haven't seen in the division, or for that sake the whole WWE in a longer period of time.
Natayla is amazing, she knows how to wrestle and put on a great match. That samoan chick just sucks, she's sloppy and has no balance whatsoever. Big deal, she can jump off the top rope and totally miss, I can do that also, it doesn't take a wrestler to do that

natayla- future champion
samoan girl- stick to managing
I thought Natalya played her role very well. The Samoan lady, less so. It was an entertaining match, but I don't think either have enough to progress much further than they are now. Obviously they can both win women's titles, but for longevity you need a little more.

Natalya is a talented worker, but she's fairly colourless, don't y'all think? Beth Pheonix seems to have the market covered for dominating female so I don't see what role Natalya can play long term. She's not a great talker, she's not a looker, all she's got is her lineage.

The Samoan lady, I haven't seen much other than some stilted promos and a poorly performed Frog Splash.

I don't see wither reaching the same level as popular/talented females like Beth Phoenix, Mickie James, Trish stratus & Lita.

Colourless? She has a personality, a different one than that of the divas. She could easily be the top face or heel diva. She can use the whole Neidhart is her father or use the fact she can wrestle where others can't. You comment on Neidhart's talking and comparing it to the other divas? At least she gets on the mic! Just look at who the champions are, both are awful on the mic. As for not a looker, what does that matter she doesn't need the looks to get over unlike many of the divas

As for the comment about the frog splash, talk about stupidity. Did you never watch Jimmy Snuka? He never did a frog splash. What the 'Samoan lady' was trying to do with his finishing move (As mentioned by the commentary for those who don't have a clue). She clearly altered it because one assumes it would make a less damaging impact on herself to fall that way than falling face first.
Yes, yes, yes. I could not agree more. Last night was some of the best women's wrestling I've seen in the "E" since the Trish/Lita days. WWE better not screw up the rivalry they could have brewing here. Its an interesting feud. Second (I believe second) generation wrestlers facing off. Two families of wrestling royalty. I'd like to see both these ladies have title runs in the very near future. These two could single handedly bring women's wrestling out of the gutter. Love, love, love this thread. Finally something positive about the Women's/Diva's division.
I LOVED IT !!!! For those hating on Tamina : You need to be patient.

1) She has not had a complete match since being on television.

2) She has not had a build as a singles wrestler.

SO, comparing her limited exposure with Natalia isn't a fair comparison. Tamina is a great talent in the ring. Hopefully WWE sees that and uses them to make the division something better. With Beth and Melina possibly coming back you would have 3 real wrestlers on each show. Add Mc Cool and Gail , then you can have a great division.

I loved seeing two women that got the rub from the WWE. It is about time. I just would like to see Tamina Vs Nattie on Raw Tonight.
Worryingly they are tied to their tag teams at the moment (which I don't have an issue with). Once you've got Melina and Beth back (get them both on Raw), with those two, all of a sudden womens wrestling will kick off again.

First off, Melina sucks. She can come back 100 times and I will never care about her in the ring.

Natalya is the only reason to watch women's wrestling. If she gets more of an opportunity to dominate the current botchfest on Raw, she will easily be champion and a successful one. Beth is staying on Smackdown to feud with LayCool, who also suck. I hate women's wrestling in general, so I don't know why I bothered responding. I just wanted to make sure that people out there know that Melina is not a solution to anything.
if WWE is smart, they have Natyala become the next Diva's champion and beat Alicia Fox in about a month then have her fued with Tamina, or even have a triple threat where Natyala or Tamina win. Both of those divas are more impressive than Fox is in the ring. the problem with them is they arent in the spotlight like other divas are. Natyala and Tamina are managing Tag Teams, but wouldnt a Tag team look great with all 3 in title contention?? when the Hardys were with lita, i wanted all 3 memebers of Team Extreme as champions.
Colourless? She has a personality, a different one than that of the divas.

In what way is her personality different to that of Beth Phoenix?

She can use the whole Neidhart is her father or use the fact she can wrestle where others can't.

Having Jim Neidhart as her father makes her one of the second generation wrestlers with the crappiest father, surely!

Again, how is she a better wrestler than Beth Phoenix?

You comment on Neidhart's talking and comparing it to the other divas? At least she gets on the mic! Just look at who the champions are, both are awful on the mic.

Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix, Layla, Maryse, all Diva's that are allowed to talk, all Diva's that do it better.

As for not a looker, what does that matter she doesn't need the looks to get over unlike many of the divas

She's not going to stay over for a long period of time purely based on some very average mic skills and wrestling ability. There's more interest in a Kelly Kelly match than their is a Natalya one.

As for the comment about the frog splash, talk about stupidity. Did you never watch Jimmy Snuka? He never did a frog splash. What the 'Samoan lady' was trying to do with his finishing move (As mentioned by the commentary for those who don't have a clue). She clearly altered it because one assumes it would make a less damaging impact on herself to fall that way than falling face first.

So what you're saying is that she messed up the move? Great advert for female wrestling right there.

I concede that if it looks like a Frog Splash, intentional or not, then it's a Frog Splash.

Who the fuck is Jimmy Snuka?
A couple of days ago, I read this thread and was sure that D-Man was clearly nuts but after seeing them on Raw before the NXT attack, I very much agree with your comment. At Fatal 4 Way, I would be lying if I thought that their performance was anything like you said it was and would be further telling lies if I told you that I cared very much. However, I watched with a keen eye on Raw to see them perform and I must agree that they are definitely two of the best new Divas on Raw.

It could their lineage but I am definitely aware that they are the upper-echelon of what the Divas should be. I watched their match on Raw and like you said, nothing was botched and although I didn’t think it was the best Diva’s match I had ever seen, I can definitely see the potential for growth and for their matches not just to be the piss-breaks of the WWE. Having fathers of the calibre of Jimmy “Supperfly” Snuka and Him “The Anvil” Neidhart is a very good start to your wrestling training and both of these girls have a lot to offer the women’s division.

The thing that annoyed me was the Nexus interrupting the match. I felt as though Nattie could have done with seeing her debut match to a finish, win or lose, and the Nexus just ruined that. The fact of the matter is that I was actually enjoying seeing them wrestle and as long as that can continue, I will be very happy and optimistic about both their futures and the future of Diva’s competition.
Anyone with a samoan background is bound to be great in the ring(Tamina)
Anyone with Hart blood is also going to be great(Natalya)...

Did anyone else enjoy their encounter last night?
Loved every bit of it..i also like how they let them start the match of..the ending was good aswell..i mean they let the womens finish the match..the high flying tamina missing the big splash..and then natalya took over..i think it would have been better if she used the sharpshooter though...

Where do you think this will lead?
I think obviously the feud between these 2 divas will continue..I can't wait for their first title reign..and for them to exchange titles...the womens division hasn't really been about wrestling in recent years apart from those such as Beth, Maryse...but these 2 have added to the mix of great women wrestlers..and im excited to see what happens next..

What does the future hold for these two?
Multiple womens title reign...hopefully a long feud between the two the ol' Trish vs Lita...
I very much enjoyed Natalya and Tamina's match was very good, they did their parts, to help make the women's division get better, they come from wrestling families, have very good in ring work and can talk on the mic fairly well. When one of these two gets a women's title, it will boost the credibility of both women, and there's at least 3 or 4 other diva's that have the potential to be on the level of Natalya and Tamina.
I'm the same as D-man it's great to see a match with two Female 'wrestlers' for once. I've never seen Melina wrestle but Beth and her due to come back in time and Serena in time also it could be an exciting time for the women's championship.
I think WWE need to introduce the more hardcore Divas again. All of the Divas now besides Natalya and Tamina are just so boring. They get slapped across the face, scream and roll around the ring and the match is over within minutes.

Tamina and Natalya however are bringing back the GOOD WWE divas.

Can anybody remember back at Survivor Series 2002? We had a HARDCORE divas match for christ sake. Trish vs. Victoria. There were weapons everywhere. Don't get me wrong, the new divas are "hot" yeah. But nowhere near as GOOD in the ring as people like Lita, Trish, Stacy, Torrie, Dawn, Jazz, Victoria, Christy and Nidia.

They were all very very powerful divas. Nothing compared to the shizzle we have now.
Natalya and Tamina are both potential powerhouse divas and I think if given the right angle could become dominant ladies in the Diva's division/title area. Both ladies were raised in the industry and natalya has got some awesome moves I have seen. For those of you questioning their talent and asking WHO IS Jimmy Snuka or the Anvil is, learn your WWE history before you spout off. Mister Snuka is a very great legend, and has some very high points in his career. Same with Mister Neidhart. Both great men in their own times, now time for their daughters to shine!!! :)

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