Nash, Hall, And The Title Shot Can Work If:

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So with Kevin Nash holding a TTC shot and Scott Hall rumours floating around, the obvious scenario imo is a throwaway compared to the way I see things.

And it's so simple!

Jan 4 I would have Nash come out and mention the rumours regarding the Outsiders cashing in his shot and announce his partner as .... Eric Young.

Have Eric cut a promo on World Elite stating he was wrong and that only him and Nash are elite in TNA, the New Outsiders.

During the match, just as the EY is about to win have Hall attack Young and Nash is torn between the two.

This would lead to a game of one upsmanship to be the partner of Nash and lead to Hall and Nash both putting over Young.

Using old talent to creat new stars
Using old talent to creat new stars

this is where TNA is going to shoot itself in the foot. with hogan bringing all these has-beens, i think it will keep the younger talent down for awhile.

if hogan brings back the nasty boyz, i will probably turn TNA off for good.
Hall being involved at all is a recipe for disaster. He's fat, out of shape, and has a record of no-shows and showing up wasted. There's no way that he can be brought in, and do anything worth remembering, except maybe hurting someone he's working with.

Nash getting the tag title shot can only work if he teams up with EY, and gives him a push like he did with all his old running buddies.
Hall and Waltman both have histories of no shows. Does anyone remember this?

Hall is old, out of shape, wait , let me rephrase that. He's disgustingly out of shape. I'm glad TNA didn't give these two full contracts and are only paying them as they appear because they don't deserve a full time contract. Nash having the tag team title shot should be used to push EY and help get him over, more established. Nash doesn't need to bring back Hall or Waltman. Even if Waltman can still go , I have no desire to see him in the ring anymore.

You know who I would like to see return in the nWo was to come back though, Konnan. He's always been one of my favorites and it's a shame him and the TNA organization had such a horrible falling out when he left to get his surgery done, as I feel he could do well in the TnWo.
Scott Hall becoming involved in this is a disaster waiting to happen. Last I heard, Hall was extremely out of shape, has been battle problems with alcohol for a very long time and has a history of no shows. I think bringing in a lot of these older guys, if that's what's going to happen, is only going to hurt the young guys on the TNA roster.

The only way I can see this working is if Nash were to pick Eric Young for a partner. For the last while, Young is the only younger guy on the TNA roster that Nash has been seen having any sort of amicable relationship with. Young getting the title, thereby getting a rub and actually doing something other than carrying the Global title around as a prop makes sense. I personally don't have much interest in seeing Hall altogether, but I certainly have no interest at all in seeing him involved in any championship scene at this point.
Well last I heard Hall was doing way better, and if we remember his short return a few years ago increased ratings quite well.

Still I see the point of the has been opinion. I say just wait and see what happens. both are great minds for the business and both can do well to get these younger guys over.
hall maybe out of shape.. but he'd make a great manager for someone.. the guy has a great personality and can definitely work the mic like few others. i haven't followed tna since the beginning, but i have been watching the past few months. they have a lot of talent, but not a lot of that talent has mic skills. quite a few of them could use a good manager to help them get over. or they could even add hall to the commentary team and have him and taz both doing color.
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