Mystery SES Member and Morrison


Pre-Show Stalwart
Every "big " wrestling star has that Marquee feud. It that almost career long feud, that is re-hashed over and over again , kinda like Austin and the Rock. There always is "that guy" for a wrestler, that big rival that is there at every twist and turn in their career and their work becomes almost intertwined because of the past storylines they are put in together. Cena Vs Orton, Rock Vs Austin, HBK vs Taker, all fueds that have been re-hashed on multiple occasions, and are one of if not the premire feud in that star's career.

I think these two can be that to each other, they already have quite a bit of history, and are both roughly the same age. Now if Its true that Joey Mercury is the "mystery " SES member then this REALLY livens up this feud.

I hope the WWE Uses this opportunity to

1. Flesh out John Morrison's character, and link it back to Johnny Nitro Officially, bring back the fact he was once apart of MNM with Mercury and Melina, don't pretend it didnt' happen.. HEll Say he changed his last name to seperate himself from Mercury due to Mercury's Drug problems, that he "abandoned" mercury or something. This is the PERFECT time to fill us in on why he is John Morrison..

2. Set's up a Huge personal feud between CM punk and John Morrison, the kind of feud that propel's two people to the top fast, and firmly entrench's them in the WWE main Event scene for years to come.. I think it's obvious both of these guys are only upper-midcarders because of lack of room at the top (CM punk is already considered a Main Eventer by most).. this could firmly put over both men for good.

3. It set's up future feuds between the two. If you intend on both of these guys to be apart of the future of where the company is headed its GREAT to have past history between the two.. It really sets up future feuds, past history can always be used to advance future storylines and create even better feuds int he future, provided they don't feud for a Year Straight like Orton/Cena/HHH Did..

we have seen CM punk Vs John Morrison multiple times, enough to know weather it is entertaining or not, and weather it's something you would personally like to see in the future.

Do you think Mercury "allegedly" showing up and helping the SES foreshadow's a future Morrison vs Punk Feud, and if so is it something you are excited to see as a wrestling fan?

Do you think a Morrison vs CM Punk feud can launch these two men into the ranks of the elite in the buisness? (understand CM Punk is a main eventer at the moment, but this question is asking do you think a Morrison vs Punk feud has to potential to be the start of the next great rivarly in the WWE)

EDIT: This topic was made before the Wrestlezone report came out stating it was Alex Riley, Prehaps I got a little to excited about this possible angle and posted it pre-maturely.
I love this idea. Mercury and Morrison have history with each other, as do Morrison and Punk. A deep and personal feud with both men could do wonders for both Morrison and every member of the Straight Edge Society. Punk and Morrison always have excellent matches with each other, and there is so much WWE can draw on. If they let Morrison, Mercury, and Punk all acknowledge their history with each other we could see something special.

In fact, I think that this is what WWE could be going for. They obviously have wanted Morrison to make the jump to the main event, and if CM Punk came along they would have two more new main eventers to fill out and add variety to the scene.
Except that it wasn't Mercury that was revealed as the attacker. Mercury..just isn't all that entertaining anyways.

Back to the point though, another Morrison/Punk feud might be pretty interesting, especially since R-Truth would be tied into it as well, whom already had feuded with Punk. Punk vs Morrison matches have always been entertaining, though I would say Punk is definitely NOT a main eventer at the moment.
I personally thought it looked like Christopher Daniels when the hood came off... Would kinda work since he had the same type angle in TNA...
I think a Morrison/ Punk feud would be sweet. They had some really good matches in ECW and on Smackdown. I think as of so far nether one has got the better of the other. The two hold multiple victories over one another.

It would work really well if in fact Mercury is the masked SES member. As you said, John could say that he changed his name to distance himself from Mercury and his demons. Punk being the “benevolent savior” the he is, was the only man that did not turn his back on the lost soul Mercury. Setting up a good feud that could go off and on through all three superstars careers.

I also think it would be awesome if at some point in time Morrison joins the SES . At some point I think they will turn the SES into a face faction by cutting out the evil pastor/ colt leader stuff. IMO, Punk is one funny guy and could defiantly play a face. I could just see a SES face faction with Punk, Morrison, Mercury, Gallows, and Serena. It kind of reminds me of The Click or the old DX.

All four men have proven to be good heels so it could also be the SES heel faction. Pretty much keeping it the way it is now. Punk would be the leader/main event and mouth pice. Morrison and Mercury could hold the tag tittles and go after the mid card tittles. Gallows will be the enforcer of the group. Non of this will probably ever happen but it would be cool. Maybe I should just by Smackdown vs raw 2010 and make it happen... lol


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